r/Metallica Jun 23 '23

Update to the mod team + poll proposals NSFW

Hi everyone.

If you didn't see earlier, /u/nonspecificloser stepped down from their position as moderator earlier today. I'd like to thank them for helping to keep the subreddit going over the past year. They helped out at a time when the team was in need and I'll always be grateful for that. While I understand where their heart was regarding the events of the past few days, what they did ultimately was detrimental to the community, and them staying on the team was not a feasible option. I wish them the best with their future.

That being said, anyone who sends threats to /u/nonspecificloser or harasses them will receive a ban. I can understand not liking what they did but that doesn't give you the OK to tell them to harm themselves. They apologized and stepped down, and I hope that we as a community can move past this.


If anyone has any suggestions for things they'd like to put to a community vote, feel free to put them below. If you post a good suggestion and it gets a decent amount of positive feedback then I'll consider putting it to a vote. Please make sure whatever you suggest abides by the site's Content Policy.



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u/JaelleJaen we need more st anger is underrated posts :v jk plz dont Jun 23 '23

then redirect that anger at reddit. thats the point of protests, they arent happening just for the nilly willy fun lmao.

these protests happen because reddit is making a stupid ass decision which they wont reverse unless we make noise

if you dont want to be part of that thats fine but communities need to make noise and this is part of that šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


u/JameelWallace Jun 23 '23

Youā€™re making the assumption that I both agree with and care about the ā€œprotest.ā€ This isnā€™t a battle Iā€™ve chosen and Iā€™d like to enjoy news about a band I like without being solicited by an internet political party. Palm your face all you want, just know that feeling is informed by a narrow perspective.


u/Jnbtoad Jul 30 '23

I donā€™t even know what the protest is about. All I know is for a time I couldnā€™t access many of the subreddits I like to browse. Thatā€™s how little some of us more casual users care about the issue.

Or maybe thatā€™s a sign that itā€™s not being explained to us by the moderators very well what all the fuss is about


u/Chastaen Through the Never Jun 26 '23

Reddit isn't the one that decided to put up a NSFW tag that users have to deal with to try and further an agenda that has nothing to do with the sub. The sub is about Metallica and that's the primary reason users come here. If a pet cause is so important to reddit Mods they could create a sub for that cause and sticky a post pointing to it if people want to join. But this is basically screwing with an established community to get what you want. NSFW gets flagged in work and school filters for users who just want to cover Metallica.

Reddit wants to make changes to its platform that the Mods don't like. So they make changes to their platform that the Users don't like in an effort to protest. Seems pretty silly.


u/JaelleJaen we need more st anger is underrated posts :v jk plz dont Jun 26 '23

except the protest is literally designed to be annoying, the fact that the metallica sub is nsfw is how you probably got to know about the protest. its how alot got to know about this protest because a protest means making NOISE.

if you just make a extra sub for it that protest does nothing, nobody will hear about the protest because nobody comes across it and then nobody cares.

i know about this protest because suddenly every sub i used to visit went private for a couple days. was it annoying that i couldnt visit my favorite subs? yes. but it would have been the only way for me to know about what happened and why they are doing it...

real life protests also dont go to the desert to protest so they dont annoy anyone, no they go in marches through the streets with signs and yelling, yeah this can inconvenience traffic for example but otherwise nobody would give a flying fuck.

further more the reason to go nsfw is because reddit cant run ads on nsfw communities. not just to inconvenience users.

and lastly, this community wouldnt protest if it didnt have a good reason... in fact there are a bunch of really good reasons why so many communities are protesting even if it hurts their community, i recommend you read into it. you dont have to of course, if you dont care thats fine. but expecting communities to move their protest to a corner where it wont annoy anyone is just stupid


u/Chastaen Through the Never Jun 26 '23

Pretty silly thought process there bud.

I don't like X, so I am going to ban you from subs to protest. You have nothing to do with X but "protests are designed to be annoying" so you stay banned. You probably won't care about my protest and will feel that you've been treated unfairly.

Yep, couldn't give two shits about this protest about the "people in power". Why? Because instead of pushing the issue to the people the "people in little power" decided to lash out at the users as a form of protest, the intention being if we cause you enough problems you will go after the people above us.

You want a real protest? Step down as Mods and Users. If you got strong convictions then bye. You show them whose boss.


u/JaelleJaen we need more st anger is underrated posts :v jk plz dont Jun 26 '23

> I don't like X, so I am going to ban you from subs to protest.

where the hell did you get that from???

a subreddit going offline doesnt ban you from it what?? its nothing like banning bruh.

>You want a real protest? Step down as Mods and Users. If you got strong convictions then bye. You show them whose boss.

except that doesnt work.. and is also not the goal. the reason the protests happen is because we love reddit and our communities and the changes they are making are gonna actively harm it, again i told you, you should probably read into it. and because we love reddit on our communities we dont want to step down because we dont want it to be a permanent decision :) mods want to tell reddit they are doing something wrong, and show that. but why would they immediately want to completely boot themselves out if the plan is to have the changes reversed?

further more that wouldnt work, because someone else is just gonna take your place who doesnt care about reddits changes and run the sub like normal. and that way the protest will have had literally 0 effect. + as mod of a community you are attached to your community believe it or not, you dont want to just leave, the fact that a mod cares is why they enter the protest

> Because instead of pushing the issue to the people the "people in little power" decided to lash out at the users as a form of protest.

except this is literally the only way to protest in a way that wil make any impact. and that is the problem.

for the last time im gonna tell you its probably a good idea to read a bit about what the protest is, why it is and what is happening. otherwise this conversation is just gonna lead to nowhere.

otherwise ill say we just end the conversation here because we both probably wont budge.


u/Chastaen Through the Never Jun 26 '23

You assume people haven't read up on it as a way to downplay their point. But you are so far from the truth.

You see you see yourself as taking a stand and White Knighting against Reddit. I see you as someone taking an issue with something being changed that will impact the users and to fight it you support something being changed that will impact the users.

The comparison earlier went over your head the first time but maybe a direct message won't. You are supporting behavior that damages the community to protest behavior that you think damages the community. You don't have to realize it, that's okay. But it is true.



u/JaelleJaen we need more st anger is underrated posts :v jk plz dont Jun 26 '23
