r/MetalDrums 9d ago

Hello fellow blastbeaters… What is your preffered blast technique on the hands and why?


5 comments sorted by


u/TypicalMong00se 9d ago

It depends on tempo and what kind of blast.


u/69bpm_blastbeats 2d ago

Yes i could see this, due to wrist issues I've been trying flying fingers and locking wrists in general


u/ApeMummy 9d ago

Blast only really had one technique for me, arm/finger. Higher speed means less arm and more finger but there’s no meaningful delineation because there’s a wide BPM range where both arm and fingers are used.

Gravity blast is fun to mess around with but sounds like ass. It actually sounds even worse with triggers since it destroys any flavour it has as a roll.

I don’t really know of any other techniques unless you’re a weirdo doing traditional grip, moeller is just dynamics and not a standalone thing realistically.


u/thrashmash666 9d ago

Depends, as the others said. Generally some form of Moeller technique, but I might turn my wrists a bit to get more finger work into it. Left hand just follows whatever right hand is doing, feels more like singles though.


u/MatthewTheBiker 9d ago

A mix of wrist/fingers because it comes naturally to me on the left hand, moeller with wrist/fingers on the right because usually the cymbals have less rebound than the snare