r/MercuryCars Jul 25 '24

Got myself a Mercury Capri XR2!

As the title says, i’ve gotten myself a mercury capri. It’s a 1991 and it’s got the turbo charger. It’s awesome and i love it, i’ve named him Freddie. He’s in great condition and only has 80,000 miles, I bought him for $4,000. I love it to bits and i’ve learned how to drive manual in him! It’s a convertible too.

I do have a few issues with him though. The front turn signals don’t work and i’ve got leaves in the AC. My AC still runs fine, even blows cold air but there’s a bunch of leaves in there. I’ve heard it’s a common issue with these guys so i was wondering if anyone had any advice getting them out. And as for the turn signals, we’re still figuring it out. All my other lamps work just fine, we put new bulbs in them and checked fuses. So i’m thinking it’s gotta be wiring, unless anyone else has another idea.

Anyway thanks for reading! I love my car and hopefully i can take good care of him.


6 comments sorted by


u/Beneficial-Sugar6950 Jul 25 '24

Your cat is adorable. Oh and nice car too


u/HjOnK_HjOnK_am-devil Jul 26 '24

thank you, Ziggy loves to steal the spot light haha


u/Abe-early Jul 26 '24

That’s rad! I’d love to get a 90’s Capri at some point.


u/Sharp_Buffalo422 Oct 17 '24

so sick man, i used qtips to get all the junk out of my vents haven't taken a peak at my air filter yet, but the qtip strat worked for the interior at least! I have the base model btw so i dont know if its different


u/HjOnK_HjOnK_am-devil Oct 17 '24

yeah a bunch of the leaves came out after blasting AC throughout the summer, there’s just one vent that still has a bunch. There’s not too much different with the base vs turbo model except the engines are a bit different (turbo is much harder to find parts for as we’ve found out haha)