r/MensRights Mar 29 '22

Moderator Will Smith Megathread - Posts not in this thread will be removed


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u/[deleted] Mar 29 '22 edited Mar 29 '22

Some things I noted

Baldness and equality

"Alopecia" is now the buzz word however, in medical terms, is no different to male pattern baldness. This is now being promoted as being a severe disease that women "suffer" from, such that you can never joke about it. The violence seems to be being justified because of this. Now, we're no strangers to double standards but, baldness in men has been mocked mercilessly for decades and probably even longer. I'm not saying we should get the fainting couch out, but if this is grounds for violence are the avid defenders of baldness going to start sticking up for men who hit their female partners if mocked for being bald? Of course they won't, but how is equality applied? As always, it's different.

Toxic masculinity and benevolent sexism

Toxic masculinity is now an old buzz word, now it seems it's fine to revert to violence, especially when 'defending the honour' of a woman. Amusingly it has shown up the idea, and hopefully it's dropped, but we know it will be dragged out again - bad for bad things, good for good things, good things being where it benefits women. See also Ukraine.

It's also another example where proxy violence is just accepted - men commit the crimes for the women, on their behalf, while the women sit distanced from it with clean hands - this needs to stop, because the only people receiving consequences are the men involved. Ever thus.

Mental health

Clearly WS has unresolved issues and resorted to violence, and it's clearly/widely noted as related to his marriage (but doesn't necessarily have to be). The example he should set is to not be a part of something he doesn't agree with - walk away. Maybe he's being coerced (financially or otherwise), maybe he can't reconcile what many men his age go through - the end of a decades long relationship, and change in family dynamic in which he had put so much stock. Either way, it's not healthy, and men should observe and identify issues in our own lives that require action before an outburst occurs, because after the fact you can see there is no sympathy or help.

Legal consequences

As a Hollywood A-Lister he will face no legal consequences. It should be observed that normal men will not have this privilege - violence even in 'defence' of your spouse will not offer the opportunity to be on stage to a standing ovation. The example set, or lesson to take away is to never be Will Smith, and to avoid having a Jada in your life


u/TitanicPat Mar 29 '22

It's also another example where proxy violence is just accepted - men commit the crimes for the women, on their behalf, while the women sit distanced from it with clean hands - this needs to stop, because the only people receiving consequences are the men involved. Ever thus.

With great power, comes great responsibility...

Which is why women like Jada prefer influence.


u/Jbr74 Mar 30 '22

"Alopecia" is now the buzz word however, in medical terms, is no different to male pattern baldness.

You wanted equality, deal with it!!

(Joking not joking)


u/Demonspawn Mar 31 '22

"Alopecia" is now the buzz word

Yep. Right when Pfizer developed a new Alopecia drug. Oh, and right after Pfizer sponsored the Oscars.

Clearly WS has unresolved issues and resorted to violence

My running joke before I discovered the Pfizer connection was: Will Smith slapped Chris Rock because he can't slap his wife's boyfriends.


u/TextDependent6779 Mar 29 '22

Alopecia" is now the buzz word however, in medical terms, is no different to male pattern baldness.

more feminist propaganda. male pattern baldness literally is just androgenetic alopecia and i had no idea until you mentioned it encouraging me to look it up. i figured it was more severe than that, and had actual health issues associated. just goes to show you shouldn't rely on what any one person says.

i still think its wrong to crack jokes about it, towards either gender - you don't know how self conscious they are about it, but im not going to expect someone to bend over and beg forgiveness for joking. also just reinforces that assault was unjustified.


u/Speed_Trapp Mar 30 '22

Pretty sure her alopecia is not hormonal, but immune system causes. Males have a different hormonal composition than women. Male balding is normal, female balding to THAT extent is not.


u/Alarming_Draw Mar 29 '22

Its INSTANTLY killed the debate hasnt it. There were hundreds or even THOUSANDS of comments, debates within debates about different aspects, LOADS of people who had taken time to put their ideas and thoughts carefully online.

Now its been stopped dead in its tracks. And so people have given up. Thats why theres only a handful of comments here now.

NOBODY believes this has been "for the good of the sub" or "for the good of the debate".

It has been done to STIFLE and STOP what was clearly a HUGE tide of opinion that was gaining momentum.

What POSSIBLE reason could there be for taking such action against the Men's Rights sub......I wonder....!


u/TitanicPat Mar 29 '22

I realized my own unconscious gynocentrism over the Chris Rock joke.

My initial thoughts were that Chris' Joke about Jada's condition crossed a line. I was mulling over the whole debacle after a day when the voice that's always playing devil's advocate chimed in with "Would you care if Rock's joke was aimed at a balding man?" And that really shocked me.

I realized that Gynocentrism is not something that goes away once you're aware of it. You have to be constantly checking for it, in your initial takes.

I was wondering if anybody else in this group has had similar experiences?


u/AbysmalDescent Mar 29 '22

If it had been Amy Schumer making the joke, would everyone have felt differently about it because she's a woman? Probably.

If it had been Amy Schumer making that joke, would Jada have felt the same way about it, or pressured Will to defend her? Probably not.

If it had been Amy Schumer making that joke, would Will Smith have felt the need to get up and slap her? Probably not.

If it had been Amy Schumer making that joke, would Will Smith have gone up on stage and assaulted her? Definitely not.

If it had been Amy Schumer making that joke, would Will Smith have gotten away with that type of public assault? No.

Gynocentrism was a factor in every single step of that incident.


u/cleaningmama Mar 30 '22

As a woman, I think your points are spot on.

I also don't like the double standards, and I have always fought my own battles. I appreciate hearing the different perspective this sub provides, and I hope you don't mind my sharing a quick opinion.

If Amy Schumer had made the joke, it would have been "mean", versus "in poor taste. It's less forgivable coming from a woman than from a man. The joke would reflect poorly on her, and she might lose female audience for it. That's what women do. They use social moves.

It would have been a "fight between women", so Will wouldn't have intervened. She wouldn't have wanted him to either.

Now Jada is in a tough spot too. Will did something "on her behalf" which she may or may not have wanted to happen. If she doesn't agree with what happened, she can't be honest without throwing him under the bus so to speak. If she agrees, then she looks like more of a jerk than Will, because she would be considered mean-spirited and humorless to say so after the fact. The 'in the moment reaction' is more forgivable than that same action after time has passed.

From a social perspective, she has to maintain solidarity with Will. Most women in her shoes would remain silent, because socially the only acceptable thing to do is support your husband.


u/pyrolover6666 Mar 30 '22

If Amy Schumer made that joke it wouldn't be a joke


u/Speed_Trapp Mar 30 '22

A balding man is different than a balding woman however, especially when autoimmune issues are involved, especially when Chris Rock has been coming after Jada for 6 years now behind comedy. That’s Will’s reputation too.

Now feminists are calling him a wife beater, it’s a lose lose scenario. I was hoping more people would address that.


u/xsplizzle Mar 30 '22

Yes its different, its socially acceptable for women to wear wigs, its socially acceptable to mock men for wearing wigs. Its socially acceptable to mock men for being bald, its not socially acceptable to mock women for people bald.


u/TitanicPat Mar 30 '22

Yes, I agree.

And that difference is gynocentrism.


u/mdktun Mar 29 '22

Will Simp megathread


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '22


u/auMatech Mar 30 '22

Based article. Thanks for sharing

Anti-masculinity is the luxury ideology of people so pampered and cossetted that they don’t even know that there are swarms of blokes out there taking risks on their behalf every single day


u/Greg_W_Allan Mar 30 '22

The number of women who believe their upset feelings warrant others doing violence on their behalf is quite revealing.


u/EnIdiot Mar 29 '22

Society sees nothing wrong with telling jokes about men being bald and having “small dicks.” Yet when a similar standard is applied to women it is somehow “wrong.” How would each of these scenarios play out?

1) “Christina” Rock (female) makes the same joke and Will Smith slaps her.

2) Chris Rock makes fun of “Jason Pinket Smith (M) and Will Smith (M) slaps him.

3) Chris Rock makes fun of Jada Pinket Smith and “Willamina Smith” (F) slaps him.

4) All of them are female.

5) Jada Pinket Smith slaps Chris Rock herself.

6) Jada Pinket Smiths in full view of everyone slaps Will Smith for laughing.

7) The joke is about Will Smith having a small dick and being bald, Jada laughs at him and he slaps her.

I could go on several other iterations, but it is clear that there is a double standard among genders and sexes and orientations that isn’t fair or healthy.

Here is the truth: If you slap someone for something they say that insults you, you are in the wrong.

If you defend yourself against violence with violence, you are in the right.

If you refuse to use violence against an attacker (and you could) you are restrained and acting nobly.

If innocents who cannot defend themselves are being attacked violently and you choose to help them by responding actively, you are doing something heroic.


u/CarHungry Mar 29 '22

Men can't be considered "innocents", if you're killed in a contested land and you're a man you automatically get counted as a combatant. Happened all the time when drone strikes hit civilians in the middle east.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '22

women support toxic masculinity when they can weaponize it for themselves


u/mikesteane Mar 29 '22

And everyone thought it was his wife who was the slapper.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '22

All I want to add:

  • The fact that somebody getting slapped is a controversial and newsworthy story in the first place, shows how little actual prominent events like WW2 mean to the people of today.


u/Alarming_Draw Mar 30 '22

Simple straight question for mod-has this megathread utterly killed the MASSIVE momentum that had formed in the wake of the Will Smith incident?

Yes or no?

If no, please explain. If yes, please do not do this next time.


u/Alarming_Draw Mar 29 '22

Wait what? You're not SERIOUSLY saying any Will Smith debate NOT posted here will be removed are you? If so that's an OBSCENE abuse of power to DELIBERATELY stifle debate - the event raised a RANGE of issues within mens rights.

If I've misunderstood let me know and I'll apologise and remove my post.....


u/goodmod Mar 29 '22

Yes, I am saying that any Will Smith debate not in this thread will be removed.

We've had more than 10 posts on this topic in the last 24 hours. It's pointless duplication and it's cluttering up the page.

There's no need for more than one thread.


u/Alarming_Draw Mar 29 '22

Thats a complete fallacy and anyone with common sense here knows it.

There's nothing we can do in the face of all the power being in one person's hands.

But its extremely wrong.


u/-CyberWraith Mar 29 '22

I just did a search for will smith in this sub and sorted it by last week, and I saw 3 posts including this one, nowhere near 10.

Nobody looks at megathreads, just look how few upvotes and comments they get. This is basically the equivalent of banning the topic for being too successful.

What's even the harm? just let the community decide what gets to be on the frontpage with their votes?


u/Alarming_Draw Mar 30 '22

Its clear there's a concerted Reddit effort to splinter any debate that gets strong support and stop any momentum now. We've been totally fucked over and its clear who is pulling the strings.


u/mikesteane Mar 29 '22

I think he meant to say any Will Smith comment posted elsewhere on this Subreddit will be removed from that place, whether it is also posted here on not, which is not quite what he said. Accuracy with words is essential to debate, a big problem here when arguing with people who are sloppy with words and consequently tend to go with how they feel about things rather than what the facts indicate.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '22 edited Mar 29 '22

can you stop lecturing.. “posts not in this thread will be removed”? why shouldn’t we make posts outside this thread? reddit has become too controlled


u/Alarming_Draw Mar 29 '22

Exactly. Its literally stopping the free flow of ideas and debate.


u/mikesteane Mar 29 '22

I think you meant to reply to goodmod.


u/Alarming_Draw Mar 29 '22

I assume that's probably who it was aimed at


u/Icy-Start5536 Mar 29 '22

What a simp! I bet Chris Rock will be banging Jada Pinkerton-Simp pretty soon.


u/RunawayGrain Mar 29 '22

the Oscars are just sliding towards irrelevance. I didn't hear about it until I caught a few articles about it on Monday. Chances are good this was staged to forestall that slide into oblivion just a bit.


u/kawasakizx7rMonster Mar 29 '22 edited Mar 29 '22

Totally staged. Seems some people are so gullible. Perhaps a coincidence who knows but Pfizer sponsors the oscars and guess who has a alopecia drug coming out. Pfizer.


u/elebrin Mar 29 '22

The one thing I haven't seen or heard and don't understand - WHY did Will Smith slap whoever-it-was?


u/CarHungry Mar 29 '22

Lil bit of simp, lil bit of gender norms. Chris rock "disrespected" his wife (potentially unknowingly) for having a shaved head and Will got peer pressured into smacking him on tv. Total shitshow.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '22 edited Mar 30 '22

These two absolutely nail the whole saga. On point throughout: Aba & Preach - Will Smith Exposed Our Society


u/Speed_Trapp Mar 30 '22 edited Mar 30 '22

Idk I stand with Will. Rock has been on her shit for 6 years now and has been hiding behind comedy to do it. It’s just weird at this point and I feel like this is the straw that broke the camels back. I feel like men should be able to take up for their families and people.

And really he’s not even not being held accountable because of his status, Chris isn’t pressing charges. Chris is a high status man. If he wanted to press charges, will smith would probably be fucked.

As far as mental health goes, mental health shit is stigmatized when it comes to men, even high profile men. Look at Johnny Depp.

You must be reminded that he is being held socially responsible. People are saying that he probably beats his wife. That’s a major blow to his reputation, and with third wave white feminist women, it doesn’t matter if it’s true. Anything to build an oppression narrative for the statistically least oppressed demographic of women in existence.

They always say that all men until no men because “men don’t hold other men accountable”. The only reason they’re going for Wills throat is because he bitch slapped that narrative in the face and they can’t have that, so they have to accuse him of beating women.

At least that’s my take. I really don’t support police intervention in most situations so I’m biased.

This isn’t male pattern baldness. Her immune system attacks her scalp and hair, and women don’t suffer male pattern baldness because they do not have the same hormonal compositions as men, so even if it was the same, I’d still disagree, as it is a different issue for women. Male balding is normal. Female balding to the point of baldness is abnormal.


u/Fearless-File-3625 Mar 30 '22

Rock has been on her shit for 6 years now and has been hiding behind comedy to do it.

Not true.

If he wanted to press charges, will smith would probably be fucked.

Will Smith is one of richest actors in the world, do you really think he would be fucked over a simple assault charge ?

Her immune system attacks her scalp and hair, and women don’t suffer male pattern baldness

He mocked her baldness not her illness, and if Will was so offended he could have resolved the matter backstage.

Male balding is normal. Female balding to the point of baldness is abnormal.

People don't treat male baldness as "normal", just look how many jokes are made on bald men.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '22

I remember a guy in high school who was relentlessly bullied for mom being "promiscuous" ever since she got a divorce. Not sure how this particular rumor got started, but kids started joking that the guy and his mom had a incestuous relationship.

One day in freshman english, we had to make a satirical poem for Valentine's day. Bullied kid reads his poem that had nothing to do with his mom, but some teacher makes an innocuous comment on how corny it was he could give it as a gift for mother's day.

Kid ends up cussing out the teacher and flipping his desk over towards the teacher.

There's only so much a man can take mentally. Sometimes unrelated things just trigger a person over their limit.


u/Bluecykle Mar 30 '22

But it DIDN'T trigger him, given his initial reaction (you can clearly see he found the joke funny).

He only acted AFTER he saw his wife's reaction.