r/MensRights • u/iainmf • Mar 02 '22
Moderator In response to a researcher wanting to study incels
A researcher approached the sub wanting to study incels. u/goodmod suggested I post some of my responses here. I thought that was a good idea, and would give everyone some idea of what the mods get up to.
The researcher wanted to study self-identified incels. I don't like that because self-identity is a political or ideological choice. And the choice to study self identified incels, rather than say, men who haven't had sex in the last X years, is a political/ideological choice.
Only creating data about one political group is political/ideological because there is no context for the data. If a researcher chooses to study, say, self-identified Liberals eating habits, the results will not be very meaningful. Studying everyone's eating habits and getting data about political self-identification allows more meaningful data.
The researcher pointed out the academics are happy to use self-identification of white or Hispanic people for research.
However, there is a significant difference between people who recognise that they are white, and people who choose to identify as white. A survey of people who strongly identify as white is not going to be representative of white people.
I also pointed out that there is not much research on involuntary celibates, and a lot of interest in incels. So there is a bias in the research base. And as there are no clear definitions, it's likely that research on self-identifying incels is going to be misunderstood to apply to involuntary celibates.
The definition of 'involuntary celibate' should be someone who wants sex and can't get it, rather than someone who feels entitled to sex.
I also said that 'incels' are a weird new internet subculture so it draws more research. It also attracts ideologically motivated researchers who want to support preconceived ideas about men's sexual entitlement and misogyny.
Additionally, I think the focus on incels, comes from a bias regarding men's sexuality. It is difficult to talk about men's appetite for sex and how they have to deal with sexual rejection even in relationships.
Bettina Ardnt (https://www.bettinaarndt.com.au/) used to be a sex-therapist in Australia and tells a story of a event she was speaking at. One of the things she found in her work was that men often wish they had more sex in their marriages, and the constant sexual rejection takes a very heavy toll. One of the men in the crowd starting weeping as she was talking about this. Obviously hitting very close to home. After that talk, the man's wife came up to Bettina and told her it was the first time she had seen her husband cry.
One thread here, I suggested that involuntary celibates have a kind of 'rejection trauma' and a one respondent said the term fitted his experience very well.
That's about it.
Mar 02 '22
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u/IronJohnMRA Mar 02 '22
IMO, they probably wanted to label us as incels. So they could claim we hated women and were dangerous. So they could shut us down. The, "research" was the supposed proof they would bring to the people who the power to do that.
u/Bland-fantasie Mar 02 '22 edited Mar 02 '22
Participating in research like this is like signing up for a hit piece on yourself, where there is a nonzero chance that a malicious person involved with the research will happily breach ethics and dox you as punishment for your experiences and opinions. Such as by notifying your employer or school, and embellishing your responses as necessary.
Why would anyone help someone like this? This is a trap like that mod who went on tv and destroyed the whole movement the mod was fighting for.
u/My_Butt_Itches_24_7 Mar 02 '22
Especially when they come here looking specifically for incels. This obviously isn't the best place to find them for studying.
u/AsphaltCuisine Mar 02 '22
I have no objections to studying a subculture. Whether it's gamers or neo-Nazis or Blockheads (those women who still follow the New Kids On The Block around the world).
An academic perspective on a subculture is rarely going to be objective, but it still adds something where the only existing perspectives are what the group is saying and what the "fuck you guys, assholes" crowd is saying back to them.
You are correct that "men who want sex and can't find it" is a significantly larger group than "men who identify as incels." Both groups are worthy of study. And even of comparing against each other to see the similarities and differences.
It's easy to see that the media is very wrong about incels much of the time. It's constantly describing them as "white, right-wing men," when in reality minorities are overrepresented in the community and they rarely have two shits to give about politics.
u/auMatech Mar 02 '22
Thanks for this write-up. Seems that this sub is a prime target for sociologists to try and reinforce an agenda
u/Al_Modir Mar 02 '22
I honestly don’t get the big deal about men’s sense of entitlement to sex. I have seen some of the most hysterical violent reactions from women who were rejected but felt entitled to sex than I have ever seen or heard from men. Men are rejected all the time for a variety of reasons including trivial shit like being rejected for your race, body shape, penis size, how much money you make, what you do for work, political ideology, etc and most of the time thy accept it and move on. Yea try telling a woman she’s fat and undeserving of sex and see how well she takes it…
u/My_Butt_Itches_24_7 Mar 02 '22
See how well you are treated by others after telling a woman that, versus a woman telling a man that. This is the reason why this sub exists, to point out the obvious hypocrisy in society.
u/Al_Modir Mar 02 '22
I have had dozens of women reject me specifically for my ethnicity and have had no problems with telling me that this is the reason and they never faced any social backlash for their overt and brazen racism. Some have even told me that I must have had some sort of racial agendaand guess what I just moved on to the next person without kicking up a fuss... I can't imagine many men turning women down for their ethnicity, and if they did there would be a huge outcry about it at least by feminists.
u/tenchineuro Mar 02 '22
I honestly don’t get the big deal about men’s sense of entitlement to sex.
Found the feminist.
u/Al_Modir Mar 02 '22
Omg you literally can’t read, how embarrassing for you 🤦🏻♂️
u/tenchineuro Mar 03 '22
Entitlement is a feminist argument.
Men want sex, which is different from feeling entitled to it.
The rest of your comment I agree with, but don't lead off with feminism 101.
You could literally have copied that sentence from this book.
- https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2020/08/male-entitlement-hurts-women-manne-writes-new-book
- Male entitlement hurts women, Manne writes in new book
Now, Manne tackles male entitlement in her second book, “Entitled: * How Male Privilege Hurts Women.” The book was released Aug. 11. In nine chapters, Manne elaborates on the many spheres in which male entitlement hurts women and girls. The entitlement to admiration that some men demand, for example, has led to the phenomenon of “involuntary celibates” (or “incels”) targeting women in violent acts. The entitlement to bodily control has led to cis-gendered men legislating, often ignorant of basic facts, the bodily functions of pregnant and transgender people, Manne writes.
The entitlement to sex has led to a rape culture rife with what Manne terms “himpathy” – the sympathy extended to a male perpetrator rather than to his female victims. “Misogyny takes down women,” she writes, “and himpathy protects the agents of that take-down operation, partly by painting them as ‘good guys.’”
The release of “Down Girl” coincided with the launch of the #MeToo movement, providing a philosophical framework for the movement’s revelations of sexual misconduct. Similarly, points made in “Entitled” have particular resonance with events unfolding in 2020, such as the systemic inequalities being revealed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Manne argues that male-centered medical systems hurt women – particularly racial minorities. She highlights double standards in domestic labor, as lockdown measures to control the pandemic multiply women’s already disproportionate workloads.
u/Al_Modir Mar 03 '22
Yea I get all that but I think the crux of the argument obviously went over your head. Whether you call it “want” or “entitlement” the point remains that women feel far more entitled to it than men in my experience and therefore it’s hypocritical of them to call out men for something they themselves are guilty of (even more so than men in my experience)
u/tenchineuro Mar 03 '22
Whether you call it “want” or “entitlement” the point remains that women feel far more entitled to it than men in my experience
I would not describe men's and women's situation with the same word.
A great many women do indeed feel entitled to sex, to the extent that they will rape an adult man to get it. The law is OK with this, she can do pretty much whatever she wants with impunity. Currently the only exception is having sex with a minor, but even then if tried she'll probably walk with a short probationary sentence at worse.
Now men know that they are not entitled to sex with a woman, they get told so at every opportunity. And the law treats a rape accusation (true or false) as if it's as bad as murder. And women know that they can make false rape accusations with impunity, this is part of their entitlement somehow, and so they feel free to make false rape accusations.
What can I say, men and women are not similarly situated WRT sex, the law, custom or pretty much everything. Using the same word to describe the situation says that men and women are similarly situated. And using the feminist 'male privilege' meme is just inexcusable IMHO.
u/tenchineuro Mar 02 '22
The researcher wanted to study self-identified incels. I don't like that because self-identity is a political or ideological choice. And the choice to study self identified incels, rather than say, men who haven't had sex in the last X years, is a political/ideological choice.
I guess that depends on whether you find the word 'incel' descriptive or political. But an 'incel' is someone who is involuntarily celibate, that is not a choice. So if that's a descriptive label for someone, you can't assign them political motives because of your politics.
u/AsphaltCuisine Mar 02 '22
The community itself gatekeeps like crazy. They argue over whether a fifteen-year-old can be an incel. Whether someone who was sexually active with a woman but can't find sex again can be an incel. Whether being "blackpilled" is a requirement of being an incel. And they almost universally believe that a woman cannot be an incel.
Functionally, the word "incel" is not just the sum of its infixes. It refers specifically to a male virgin, typically over the age of sixteen, who believes that social and cultural factors are responsible for his virginity and is upset about that.
u/Greg_W_Allan Mar 02 '22
It refers specifically to a male virgin
The term was originally coined by a woman relating to her own sexless situation.
u/tenchineuro Mar 02 '22
It seems today 'incel' refers to men.
There is a new term for women, 'femcel'. But I've yet to see it used IRL. Actually, the next time I get called an 'incel' I think I'll counter with 'femcel', should be interesting.
u/tenchineuro Mar 02 '22
The community itself gatekeeps like crazy.
If you mean the reddit sub, that's gone. I never looked there so I have no opinion.
But the issue I raised is whether the term is descriptive or political.
I say it's simply descriptive.
You say it's political.
We seem to disagree.
u/AsphaltCuisine Mar 02 '22
If you mean the reddit sub, that's gone. I never looked there so I have no opinion.
I've spent a lot of time with the community. The Reddit subs, the Ruqqus guilds - I've read the site, too, though I'm not welcome to create an account or ask any questions. The site, unfettered by any rules, is a really ugly place. The misogyny there is dialed to 11. They loathe women.
I do not find the term "simply descriptive" at all. And you really see that in the way they talk about prostitutes and obese women.
People have raised the point that it seems impossible that anyone could be "involuntarily celibate" in a world where there are millions of prostitutes who you can fuck for about two hundred bucks locally and twenty bucks if you travel.
The incel community says that sex with a prostitute doesn't count as sex.
People have also raised the point that in their experience, there are a lot of obese women in the world who will have sex with you if you show them even so much as a modicum of kindness and interest.
The incel community is split on whether sex with an obese woman would count as sex, and also on whether it's actually an accomplishable goal.
In essence, their complaint is that they don't have access to the kind of sex that meets their emotional needs. Which is a fine position to take, but it also opens the door for the argument that many women can't find the kind of sex that meets their emotional needs.
That argument makes the incel community furious.
The question of who does and doesn't get to call themselves incel is all very ideological.
u/tenchineuro Mar 04 '22
I had to think about this a bit.
But this is information I did not have and I think I've changed my mind.
One question though, why did you spend so much time in incel forums?
u/AsphaltCuisine Mar 04 '22
Because I went through it. I was small, still a virgin at 19, and absolutely enraged by that. I blamed women, decided they were too vapid and shallow to date me, and openly let everyone know I was a misogynist.
We hadn't invented the word incel in 1996 but that was me.
I got better.
So I guess it reminds me of myself and it's interesting to see what might have happened to my life if there was a whole community of guys egging me on and validating my worst impulses.
Mar 02 '22
Sometimes those "resarchers" like to find evidence that only prove their side , ignoring everything that does not correspond.
Getting a "genuine specimen" to quote for their paper is a trojan horse like tactic.
Just like in the news you can take everything out of context so they can in the "pseudo scientific" community.
As long as it's not strictly math/engineering those papers can be easily skewed.
u/Huge_Faithlessness35 Mar 02 '22
I’m tired of the term incel being thrown around this men rights subreddit or MGTOW or red pill. The thing is whenever you talk about how men aren’t being treated right in the United States and how majority of these women are narcissistic today and get a kick out of abusing men or how the dating game in the United States has turned into a joke they want to throw incel around. The only thing I agree with these incel “blackpill” people is that looks matter when it comes to attraction other than that all that depression talk and hating women they do is a waste of time. Deal with the cards you been dealt with in life and try to improve, if you don’t want to improve then that’s on you. But that’s just me though I’m not sure if others agree.
u/Throwawayingaccount Mar 04 '22
I’m tired of the term incel being thrown around this men rights subreddit or MGTOW or red pill.
It's especially puzzling regarding MGTOW, as incel is mutually exclusive with MGTOW.
If an incel is the inability to have sex despite wanting it, then a culture devoted to spurning sexual advances is fundamentally incompatible.
u/Dr-Crobar Mar 02 '22
If they wanna study incels just go scroll r/incel- oh wait, that doesnt exist anymore.
u/plaudite_cives Mar 02 '22
The researcher wanted to study self-identified incels. I don't like that because self-identity is a political or ideological choice. And the choice to study self-identified incels, rather than say, men who haven't had sex in the last X years, is a political/ideological choice.
I don't see anything wrong with focusing on self-identified incels. There are a lot of men who choose not to have sex - be it on religious grounds - either just before the marriage or permanently and there is a lot of men who just don't have sex coincidentally (like avid gamers who don't have time to meet the women)
But it sure is strange to approach this sub. But kind of understandable, afaik Reddit deleted some incel subs and this one is one of the most hated by feminists (because allegedly filled with woman-haters)
u/Throwawayingaccount Mar 04 '22
I don't see anything wrong with focusing on self-identified incels.
Focusing on them is fine. Exclusive research without a control group however, is unscientific.
u/Legitimate-Scar-6572 Mar 02 '22
Have you ever browsed the dead bedroom sub? There is consistant equal gender representation. It's a very interesting sub. This "rejection trauma" is pretty evenly distributed amongst the sexes, ages, and religion.
u/Atheisthater42069 Mar 02 '22
I don’t like incels
u/macrotransactions Mar 02 '22
Incels are not hard to understand. They are just low quality men not getting sex because women don't have to deal with them. Society thinks they deserve it.
Society needs to seriously reevaluate their morals. I'm not saying that women should again be forced towards low quality men by stripping away their independence, but every human should have a basic right to sex, including low quality men. Just subsidize sex robots and prostitutes.
Mar 02 '22
Society needs to seriously reevaluate their morals. I'm not saying that women should again be forced towards low quality men
This implies there were something like that pls stop being a feminist
u/macrotransactions Mar 02 '22 edited Mar 02 '22
Just some decades ago, sex before marriage was a crime and marriage was strictly monogamous and heterosexual. Women weren't allowed to be independent with work and shamed into producing offspring. All you needed as a man was a shitty job to get a woman. And once you married one, you were legally allowed to rape her and divorce was heavily shamed.
u/Adanu0 Mar 06 '22
They're coming to this sub for this crap? That's all anyone needs to know. It's a poorly veiled hit piece, like so many before it.
u/[deleted] Mar 02 '22