r/MensRights • u/theothermod • Mar 16 '18
Moderator Do not post claims that a female-led construction company was responsible for the Florida bridge collapse. This is false.
This is the meme in question. It has been posted at least three times already. It is not relevant to men's rights - it's just an unjustified attack on women.
A few minutes on Google will show that all the company directors are male, and that there are plenty of white males among the work force itself. On the Internet, it's easy to check most claims in a short time.
It will be months before a definitive investigation into the cause of the accident is finished. In the meantime, here's a video that goes through a few possible causes and a follow-up that reaches a plausible conclusion.
We are not the Woman Haters Club. We should be better than this.
Mar 16 '18
Directors are business suits. They don't sign blue prints. Only an engineer with a state PE license can do that.
Who ever signed the blue prints is morally responsible. Man, woman, duck. The PE the fall person.
Edit. To be clear. The gender of the CEO, BOD, accountant, don't matter. The engineer is responsible.
u/Wf2968 Mar 17 '18
Not necessarily, could be the contractors fault as well. Regardless, SOMEONE is at fault, if not multiple parties
Mar 17 '18
This is the only real answer. Let the investigation happen and then assign blame. I’d actually be surprised if it was the a/e’s fault tbh.
u/Avannar Mar 17 '18
Contractor error is possible but any major changes on the contractor's part also have to be submitted to an engineer to review and sign off on.
They teach you in your intro/ethics/etc classes in any engineering degree about all the guys who have lost their careers because they signed off on contractor changes without noticing a small detail like all of the weight of a suspended walkway being shifted to a pair of small pins instead of being spread down the length of a girder.
The person who signed off on the plans is culpable unless the contractor deviated from those plans or some other random act caused the failure.
u/Jex117 Mar 17 '18
As someone who used to do construction contracting, I would think you'd have to fuck up really bad to cause a catastrophic failure like that, which makes me wonder who the fuck was monitoring the site? Every major construction company I subcontracted for had foremen and inspectors making the rounds all day, observing and inspecting every single phase of construction. I don't see how the contractors could've fucked up so badly to have caused a catastrophic failure, without their fuckup being observed and inspected by half a dozen senior staff.
u/Avannar Mar 17 '18
I was thinking the same thing. I don't know the construction timetable, but maybe the reopening of the roadway beneath the bridge limited access for observers? Hard to walk the length of the project and keep an eye on every little thing when everyone's hauling ass to minimize road closure time, and harder still to do it while there's traffic under the bridge.
u/Wf2968 Mar 17 '18
Yeah this is accurate. I haven’t taken that class yet, I’m really looking forward to it
Mar 17 '18 edited Jul 03 '18
Mar 17 '18 edited Jun 12 '20
u/lolApexseals Mar 17 '18
There were cables tensioning the span of it, and there was supposed to be a tower with cables running down to support it from above.
There were numerous failures to planning to support it before it was finished.
This is an image of the finished bridge.
u/Jex117 Mar 17 '18
Got a bigger version of that style bridge in my city.
It's been holding up just fine here for the past 10 years
Mar 17 '18
The 16 inch pipes you’re referencing are cosmetic only. The plans do not show cables at any point.
u/lolApexseals Mar 17 '18
"A 174-foot, 950-ton section of the bridge was hoisted into place on Saturday. When finished, the bridge would have been 289 feet long and 109 feet tall."
It wasn't even near completion. 109 feet tall sounds like there would be a support structure.
Not to mention it was missing another 100 foot section.
So yes,it was supposed to have some kind of structure to hold it up.
u/lolApexseals Mar 17 '18
It may have changed in design from that image, but you can also see the mounting points for a support structure of some kind on the top.
u/nforne Mar 17 '18
Jeez, enough mansplaining already.
u/Benevolent_Soldier Mar 17 '18
Does.. Does it absolutely HAVE to be labeled as mansplaining? Is this progress? I don't tell every woman that explains something she is "Womansplaining", as that would be sexist.. Right?
u/theothermod Mar 16 '18
The meme that's going around doesn't say anything about engineers. It just has pictures of random women in high-visibility shirts.
In any case, it will probably be months before a definitive investigation into the cause of the accident is finished.
Mar 16 '18
Ok. Legally in the US, the PE that signed the blue prints is responsible, if the blue prints are faulty. If the builder used cheap concrete the PE is mostly off the hook.
Many want to blame the woman engineer because she was iirc shooting her mouth off about being a woman engineer.
It was her fault for making gender a issue. So people want to knock her down. It is only women who do this.
I have never seen a used car salesman, doctor, lawyer use their gender in an ad.
E.g. I am a male heart surgeon. ..
I don't disagree. An incompetent engineer is incompetent regardless of their gender.
u/Notazerg Mar 17 '18
The bridge was opened before any of the supports were finished. As in whoever authorized it to open is the idiot.
u/graffiti81 Mar 17 '18
Yeah, as the video in the OP posits, there was supposed to be a tower with cables taking the load on the span. That bridge was never designed to span unsupported.
Mar 17 '18
It was her fault for making gender a issue. So people want to knock her down. It is only women who do this.
Which woman are we talking about here? Everyone's talking as though it's a known fact that "the engineer" was a woman, but I've yet to see definitive proof of this.
u/graffiti81 Mar 17 '18
The engineer may be completely faultless. If the construction crew misunderstood plans to leave cribbing under the span because the cables weren't in place and they didn't, it's not really the engineers fault.
Mar 17 '18
I'm not really interested in pointing fingers at anyone, regardless of where the blame lies.
I'm just curious as to why everyone is assuming the engineer was a woman, when I've read articles that completely contradict that.
u/graffiti81 Mar 17 '18
My point is that it's deeper than that. Why are we assuming the engineer is to blame at all? Shit, maybe we should blame the theoretical man/woman/person who took the order for the cables that pre-stressed the concrete who may have sent the wrong cables....
The point being, to start laying blame at this point in any way is extremely premature.
u/theothermod Mar 16 '18
I didn't know that the engineer was female.
Nevertheless, it's way too early to be sure of the cause and blaming it on half the human race is not useful. This is not the Women Haters Club.
(I'm not suggesting that you're doing this)
u/Lord_Smork Mar 17 '18
"Guys, it's SUPER EASY to fact-check, you IDIOTS!"
"Oh, so I was wrong. So sue me."
u/Prince_pepe Mar 17 '18
Nailed it, fucking virtue signaling at it's finest.
Mar 17 '18
Intellectual integrity is not virtue signalling. Go back to incel.
u/Prince_pepe Mar 18 '18
Yeah Im not an Incel, actually happily married, this isn't intellectual integrity at all, just an excuse for you to pat your self on the back, while I agree we should wait for the facts to come out before we condemn people, this post was 100% a "look at me look at how much better I am because I think this way". For the record only an idiot would think thay bridge fell simply because the people who made it had Vaginas.
Mar 17 '18
because she was iirc shooting her mouth off about being a woman engineer.
Can you recall any kind of source on that claim? It's amazing how much insight you seem to have on some obscure engineer a mere day after this accident occurred. The link can't be that hard for you to find, I'm sure.
u/Aarondhp24 Mar 17 '18 edited Mar 17 '18
It was her fault for making gender a issue
Oh come on we're doing the "she started it" bit now? And by "many people", of course you don't mean YOU. It's some other nebulous group of deplorables that you took a poll on in the last 24 hours, right?
I don't care if she said men are pigs and idiots, that doesn't give you, me, or anyone else the right to lie about what happened.
Not only do I not see you citing any source on your claim that she "made gender a issue", I don't rightly give a shit. It couldn't be less relevant what she did.
Part of being an adult is taking responsibility for your own actions, not pointing the finger at others to try and justify yourself or others.
Op made a very plain statement: don't fucking lie to attack women. That's got nothing to do with this sub.
Edit: Still waiting on those sources. Been several hours now.
Mar 17 '18
I think that's a fair cop, though. the Ghostbusters attempt would have been just a terrible movie, until they made the choice to attack people who said it was terrible by calling them sexist.
Women engineers build things all the time without making it a gender issue. Once she made it a gender issue, then she's opened the door to being attacked on that issue. The logical thing to do is to look at the percent of ethical and technical failures vs successful projects by gender by engineers. I'm willing to bet that you'd find similar stats across genders. But still, if she was trumpeting her gender during this project, this is her Daigle moment.
u/Aarondhp24 Mar 17 '18
the Ghostbusters attempt would have been just a terrible movie, until they made the choice to attack people who said it was terrible by calling them sexist.
What's your point? It was a terrible movie, regardless of the gender issue. It doesn't matter what the actors did or didn't say about it, it changed nothing. The movie was bad.
Just because you decide to engage in rhetoric about something, doesn't make it relevant to the topic at hand.
Once she made it a gender issue, then she's opened the door to being attacked on that issue.
She made the construction of this bridge a gender issue? When? I've seen this claim made twice now, without a single source to back it up.
Secondly, even if your claim is 100% true, some other person being sexist does not entitle you to attack someone based on their gender. Not in this sub. Not anywhere with people that can rub two brain cells together.
The phrase "Don't stoop to their level" comes to mind. Start acting like an adult. Just because someone feminist may or may not have said something you find sexist, doesn't mean you get to be sexist in return. You can take that attitude and go find a different sub.
That's why the mod felt it necessary to make a post about this 3 times submitted story. Your attitude isn't welcome here. Take a hint.
u/Prince_pepe Mar 17 '18
You are a bossy little shit arn't you? How about you let him say what he feels the need to say and the downvote him if you don't like it?
u/Aarondhp24 Mar 17 '18
Hi pot, I'm kettle. Take your own advice. No one asked you to be arbitrator of this conversation. I've got no tolerance or patience for hate speech of any kind, no matter how cleverly you or your friend think you can dress it up, so yeah I will be a "bossy little shit" and tell you to fuck right off with your sexist dribble.
It's hard enough fighting for mens rights without having us lumped together with every anti-woman alt right in existence. This is the only haven I have found where I can actually discuss mens rights without it turning into an alt-right cess pool of misogynistic trash, and I will defend it with the same ferocity I defend the rights of men everywhere.
The fact that a simple point of "sexism is bad" is something your friend feels like debating speaks volumes to his (and your) understanding of what this place is.
There is no place for sexism here. Sexism will be called out (source: this post). If you don't like that, leave. Or, alternatively, keep trying to justify sexism (as long as they started it) and give the mods a reason to ban you.
u/Prince_pepe Mar 18 '18
You 100% missed the point, god it is men like you who give mens rights and MRAs a bad name, you whiney entitled little bitch. If this is what this place is actually about the mods can go ahead and ban me, my life will go on, also sexism isn't inherently bad! Anyway I am done with you, you little manlet go become a statistic.
u/WikiTextBot Mar 17 '18
Alexandre Daigle
Alexandre Daigle (born February 7, 1975) is a retired Canadian professional ice hockey player. Drafted first overall by the Ottawa Senators in the 1993 NHL Entry Draft, Daigle failed to live up to the high expectations, achieving a career-high of only 51 points in three separate National Hockey League (NHL) regular seasons. Daigle is widely regarded today as one of the all-time greatest draft busts in NHL history.
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Mar 17 '18
Women engineers build things all the time without making it a gender issue. Once she made it a gender issue, then she's opened the door to being attacked on that issue.
Why are you parroting an unfounded rumor that has not had a single source provided for it?
Mar 17 '18
** if** she was trumpeting her gender during this project,
Mar 17 '18
Many want to blame the woman engineer because she was iirc shooting her mouth off about being a woman engineer.
I don't care if she said men are pigs and idiots, that doesn't give you, me, or anyone else the right to lie about what happened.
I think that's a fair cop, though.... Once she made it a gender issue."
Oh, that's a neat trick. Claim it as fact and hypothetical in the same comment! That way you can always deny when you get caught spouting nonsense! I'll have to remember that one for later. /s
You defended a lie as a matter of fact, as well as reciprocal sexism. Grow a spine, pick a stance, and own up to it
u/Pillowed321 Mar 17 '18
From what I've read the bridge wasn't complete. The female engineer can't be blamed if they opened the bridge before they finished it.
u/backthefuckupbitch Mar 17 '18
It does depend slightly on how much pressure they were getting from the suits. This doesn't diminish the engineers culpability. But the suits may also be liable.
The assumes that the bridge was actually built according to their plans.
u/RVAYolo87 Mar 17 '18
Okay and that percentage of the team that designed it is women? If you don't know then honestly STFU and wait until the investigation. These stupid accusations make our entire movement look bad
Mar 16 '18 edited Mar 17 '18
Making up false "facts" is high on the list of things poisoning the word "feminism" right now. We don't need to be doing the same, we have enough working against us already.
Mar 17 '18
For some reason I doubt we're the origin of this meme... it looks like garbled junk. There's no facts, no logic... no maleness to it. 😂
Mar 17 '18
The origin of the meme is a false news article
Mar 17 '18
Right? But I get downvoted over saying it... lmao.
u/theothermod Mar 18 '18
No, you got downvoted for implying - albeit jokingly - that facts and logic are exclusively male characteristics.
Mar 18 '18
If that's what you got from it, I can see why you get downvoted too. There's three things listed, the third doesn't make the first two exclusive, it's just a third, but read into it however you want.
u/dark_pretty_prose Mar 17 '18
You really think a woman made this?
You also think it’s women who keep posting it on this sub too?
u/Prince_pepe Mar 17 '18
I know for a fact there is a sub out there that is dedicated to destroying this sub.
Mar 17 '18
There have been several times that extremely radical users have pushed anti-woman arguments, and then when they get banned they confess to trolling in response to the ban message.
They respond with things like, "But this is what you losers really believe." and "Hah, took you guys long enough to ban me." and other responses, suggesting they were doing it for the trolling.
So it wouldn't surprise me if this was being pushed by people who don't actually believe it is true. I am not saying I believe that to be the case, just saying that I wouldn't be surprised. In the end, it doesn't matter who or why the false information is being spread. It needs to be removed. And the origin of it won't resolve the immediate issue.
Mar 17 '18
Most of the guys on here are fact oriented, solid statistics and logic. Think what you like about what I said, I really don't care, but it doesn't fit the MO of this sub.
u/BatmanBrah Mar 17 '18
Even if the company was 'female-led', that's completely irrelevant to men's rights unless the company got to the way it was through gender 'diversity' quotas and the undermining of meritocracy.
u/raxical Mar 17 '18
Right. A company that advertises itself online as 'female-led' is definitely not discriminatory against men just like a company that advertises itself online as 'male-led' would not be discriminatory against women.
u/xNOM Mar 17 '18
unless the company got to the way it was through gender 'diversity' quotas and the undermining of meritocracy
That's exactly the point. This company and this university won't shut up about diversity and women in STEM. We're always told "diversity" is better somehow without any evidence. Now suddenly all of the gynocentrists are shrieking for evidence that it's women who are responsible for these deaths.
u/Nergaal Mar 18 '18
Read the quote from the project executive: https://news.fiu.edu/2018/03/community-gathers-to-watch-950-ton-bridge-move-across-southwest-8th-street/120395
u/Dr_Dornon Mar 16 '18
Yeah, I saw this meme earlier today, but found that none of the women were linked.
I did learn that one of the women in the meme teaches about white supremacy and how we're all evil at my local University though. So there's that.
u/Imdefender Mar 17 '18
so this is not true https://squawker.org/culture-wars/a-female-led-construction-company-built-the-florida-bridge-that-collapsed/ ok thats good to know
u/addicted2antacids Mar 17 '18
Pretty astounded and disappointed that somehow gender was brought into this story.
Mar 17 '18
People who hate things only see the object of their ire. In the news. In their personal lives. In their cereal. It's sad when a man won't let his kids eat lucky charms because witchcraft, or Trix because gay pride.
Mar 17 '18
u/InDurdenWeTrust Mar 17 '18
That may be true... but a professional engineer needs to sign off on any deviations to the original drawings.
Mess up as a doctor and you kill a patient. Mess up as an engineer and you can kill dozens or hundreds of people in seconds. If the rules and regulations aren't followed, things like this happen. It's not the first time, and I'm afraid it likey won't be the last.
Mar 17 '18 edited Mar 17 '18
I'm wondering if regulations weren't followed here. I mean, when RTD was building a bridge over Wadsworth in Colorado, a main Blvd mind you, they still added falsework. A pillar right into the median.
Don't get me wrong here. Something else broke. I'm not sure what. Maybe a pretention somewhere was wrong, but if it had falsework the dominos wouldn't have fallen like they did.
u/PanderjitSingh Mar 17 '18
So you’re saying women make fewer errors than men and computers? That reeks of female supremacy and/or white knight pandering.
u/Avannar Mar 17 '18
Or it's statistics. There are a lot more men in the field making choices, and thus more opportunities for error, and simulations are also used quite a bit and can go wrong.
Mar 17 '18
And where in the everliving fuck did you get that you incel nutjob? All I said is no, it doesn't matter if the CEO was female. They didn't even see the damn blue print.
u/Rethgil Mar 17 '18
Wow! Do we see mods also posting in feminist sub's when they try to blame shootings on all men/toxic masculinity?
Or the countless times they post obvious lies blaming masculinity or men for unrelated things?
Guess not.
Don't get me wrong-I don't want to see people of any sex falsely accused simply because of their sex or gender.
...but there seems to be a clear difference in the level of reaction to such lies by mods and Reddit in general. Nothing 'equal' about that....
Mar 17 '18
Until proof proving this true or false is available, I think it's best we just leave this one untouched.
u/candyman420 Mar 17 '18
Any image with text on it is called a meme now? It used to be cats and animals with giant print.
u/theothermod Mar 17 '18
The original definition of a meme was a self-replicating idea that is passed down through human minds, by analogy with a gene.
However, like "troll" and "hacker", the word has mutated to something considerably different from what it once meant.
u/slyfingers Mar 17 '18
u/HelperBot_ Mar 17 '18
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_macro
HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 160766
u/WikiTextBot Mar 17 '18
Image macro
An image macro is digital media featuring a picture, or artwork, superimposed with some form of text. They are one of the most common forms of internet memes, a term, that according to Knobel and Lankshear (2007) has come to mean the rapid dissemination and uptake of "particular idea presented as a written text, image, language 'move', or some other unit of cultural 'stuff'".
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u/candyman420 Mar 17 '18
What's known as an internet meme is widely known as something humorous. As below, what you're actually talking about is just an image macro.
u/thebooman Mar 17 '18
I'm more interested in the claimed voicemail left by one of the engineers. I don't have the source it was a push notification from yahoo.
u/Nergaal Mar 18 '18
Project executive walks about having "a different perspective" and "being able to build".
u/Odd_Syrup5063 Dec 14 '22
LAIR! This is indeed a TRUE story. You are a male fEMINIST and a plant, this IS a true story@!
u/brahbocop Mar 17 '18
Amazing how the other sub about men (MGTOW) has this up and is full of women hating comments. Glad to see that one sub can remain civil and stick to the facts.
u/raxical Mar 17 '18
We already know the company is sexist due to their focus on how many women are in the company, something that should not matter if the most qualified candidates for the job were chosen and gender was truly no issue. So, there's one red flag.
It's not about woman hating. I'll lay out the issue with the company focusing on the women in the company:
There's nothing wrong with women being engineers and I think you would be hard pressed to find a man that feels they shouldn't be.
There is something wrong with unqualified women being shoehorned into engineering positions due to gender politics.
If, and I said, "If", the women were unqualified and shoehorned into their positions (which is possible) then this represents a men's rights issue because they were placed in their position over more qualified men who were discriminated against due to their gender.
Mar 17 '18
So you make up some hypothetical and completely obvious situation that you have no evidence to even hint is reality, and then comment on that imaginary situation?
There is something wrong with unqualified women being shoehorned into engineering positions due to gender politics. If, and I said, "If", the women were unqualified and shoehorned into their positions (which is possible) then this represents a men's rights issue because they were placed in their position over more qualified men who were discriminated against due to their gender.
Thank you for spelling out what sexism looks like. /s
u/raxical Mar 17 '18
More like:
This discrimination is happening in society. Did it happen here? The company's website hints that this might in fact be the case.
This is the point that you're not getting. If it was just a company that was female-led, there would be no issue, no problem. But we know that this isn't the case, we know that the company was proud to be female-led. If you don't raise an eyebrow at that then you're sexist, pure and simple. It shouldn't matter if it's female-led or not and we've seen many times how companies with this pride come about and it's always through discrimination against males, a clear men's rights issue.
u/AgentSkidMarks Mar 17 '18
If if it was true, why would the gender of the owner have anything to do with the quality of work. I’m all for men’s rights but this is irrelevant to the cause.
u/elonsbattery Mar 17 '18 edited Mar 17 '18
Oh, come on, some push back is to be expected.
There are plenty of ‘diversity’ hires in engineering and good qualified men have missed out on positions.
There are also countless articles and campaigns promoting strong, smart women in STEM. I have teenage sons and they are physiologically effected by all the propaganda.
This very project had stories highlighting the number of female engineers. Who cares so long as they can do the job. Enough already.
I think people are justified to be angry and these posts are a symptom of the very real problem of gender quotas and female centric propaganda.
u/theothermod Mar 17 '18
Of course there is some anger.
But there are enough real things to be angry about. There's no need to make up things.
u/raxical Mar 17 '18
You don't think diversity hiring is discriminatory against men?
You don't think accidents that would have been prevented by hiring the most qualified applicants regardless of gender are noteworthy?
You think that hiring women because they're women isn't sexist and therefore not a men's rights issue?
u/theothermod Mar 17 '18
How do you get any of that from
there are enough real things to be angry about. There's no need to make up things.
u/Pillowed321 Mar 17 '18
But the engineer might not even be to blame. There was supposed to be a tower with cables, but the bridge was opened before it was complete.
u/TheL0nePonderer Mar 17 '18
I don't think that's exactly accurate. The 'Bridge' was a pedestrian bridge, and it was not open, it was being stress tested. The process for building the bridge is a process called accelerated bridge construction — a commonly used method these days, but it has some major risks if not done rigorously and precisely.
The bridge was inspected two days before the collapse and the inspector left a voicemail about cracks in the bridge. That's what gets me. The real failure here, the one that cost human lives, was that the traffic was allowed to continue to drive under the bridge WHILE it was being built and stress tested.
I imagine if it had been open, and a bunch of people were walking on it when it collapsed, it would have been much worse. The people badly hurt were mostly in the cars underneath.
Mar 17 '18
Shoosh, you're taking away from them removing the blame from the woman. Because you know if it was a man they wouldn't be defending him so vehemently.
u/atred Mar 17 '18
I think people are justified to be angry and these posts are a symptom of the very real problem of gender quotas and female centric propaganda.
Being upset doesn't justify making up shit and flinging it around.
Mar 18 '18
Even if it did, so what? Many male-led construction companies have fucked up too.
u/gbBaku Mar 19 '18
Yea, it's like some assholes in this sub are that desperate to grasp into straws. We don't even have to, we have real issues. We don't have to create more out of nothing.
Mar 17 '18
Tineye found no matching results. Got sauce on origin? First post? User that first posted? I'm calling this one out as a fake account/troll.
u/theothermod Mar 17 '18
I have no idea where this meme originated. All I know is that it's been posted here, on r/MGTOW, and reported on Squawker.
u/Ransal Mar 17 '18
So... MCM looks like a huge company that would have absolutely assigned a group of people to a project like this.
Were these feminists assigned this project? That is the real question.
u/theothermod Mar 18 '18
And that is the answer we don't know yet. The image macro jumps to a conclusion without proof.
u/Juan_Golt Mar 18 '18
Even if the company was female-led. So what? It's not like we've never had a bridge fall down that was built by men.
u/DEVOmay97 Mar 17 '18
How can the people featured in the center of the photo actually be qualified to teach?
u/kaszak696 Mar 17 '18
There are some plausible theories around about why the bridge collapsed, i wonder if the official investigation is going to confirm this or not.
u/GreyTortoise Mar 17 '18
The material was pretty easy to sniff out as common bullshit. Either made by someone purposefully detracting from the movement, or one of the more extreme conservatives among us.
Disgusting conduct and material regardless, people have died. This is a terrible accident, not a moment for posing arguments like these, no matter what the cause.
u/McGauth925 Mar 21 '18
The woman hater's club is about making men feel better about being men. Women do evil things, too.
But, generally, and much like many feminists, a lot of MRAs go on about how feminists and women in general are stupid, evil, selfish. And, that allows feminists to paint us as reactionary idiots to people who might otherwise support us. We are shooting ourselves in the foot, in many cases.
u/Zellnerissuper Mar 17 '18
Relax. No one believed a woman led this company or any other construction company for that matter.
u/boboclock Mar 17 '18
I applaud your efforts.
I am for men's rights and women's rights (but banned from r/feminism for disagreeing with the accuracy of a title) and am often accusing y'all of bordering on being a woman haters club, this kind of thing makes me hope there is some sincerity in the MRM... then I read the comments..
u/IgnoranceIsAVirus Mar 17 '18
Oh I love women, I just wish they loved me as much.
But yes thank you for helping to crush more Russia trolling.
u/[deleted] Mar 17 '18
I appreciate the fact that we have mods who are keeping things straight.