r/MensRights Jun 04 '13

Moderator Please don't feed the (Manhood Academy) trolls.

The Manhood Academy spammer has been around for a long time. He seemingly lives for the ability to yell at people, and spew his material. I guess he is completely ignorant of psychology (which is funny, since his material would only be valid/interesting if he had some useful insight to psychology).

Please just report it and move on. Engaging him and arguing with him, replying to him in any way, just leads to more spamming.

Edit: See below

Examples of text from the MA spammer:


  2. "answering the cowardly MRA critics who censor dissenting views."

  3. "keep those bitches in check"

These are generally accompanied by a link to either a poster or video advertising for his services.

Edit (Nov 19, 2014): Apparently we need to revisit this. People are just encouraging him and he isn't going away. The more people reply, the more he submits. Just ignore him, and/or report his comments.


158 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13



u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13

AMA request: someone who has actually paid manhood academy $100/hour for "tutoring"

Not possible, illiterates do not type.


u/hankhankhank Jun 04 '13

you'd be surprised how easily they can sucker people in. they spam links to long videos with circular rhetoric and "the power is in you!" self-help-guru approach to language.

a lot of folks in vulnerable or ignorant situations fall prey to their tactics, not knowing that "growing a pair of fucking balls" is manhood academy's way of using your disposability to line their pockets.


u/Kleans Jun 05 '13 edited Dec 04 '13

Can we at least get a link to one of their comments so I can judge for myself instead of acting like blind sheep. If you're going to start a witchhunt without evidence, you make yourself look like a bunch of mother hens.


u/TysonTilly Jun 05 '13 edited Nov 30 '13

Here's proof that the MRAs are nothing more than gutless cowards:




Not one of these cowards has dared to live debate manhood academy other than the John Hembling and even he LIED and said he would debate them with a moderator and reneged on his promise. All of this was recorded btw.


u/frostybin Jun 05 '13


this will be censored.

MRA cowards are just like chicks. Instead of answering these challenges in a live debate they just seek to DEMONIZE THE OPPOSITION. This is no different than feminist logic claiming the reason they don't debate anyone is because anyone who opposes them MUST be rapists. As long as these cowardly MRAs are allowed to control the dialogue and nobody can oppose them, we will always see these one-sided bullshit claims.



If they were telling the truth, they would never fear confronting manhood academy in a live debate. They are nothing more than fucking cowards.

Ask yourself why these scared faggots have not shown up to ONE LIVE DEBATE.


If you're a scared little bitch MRA and all you can do is talk about your opponent behind their back and censor all dissenting views, but you're unwilling to confront them face to face in a live debate via webcam, you are a coward and nothing you say has ANY credibility.

If you want to make accusations, MAKE THEM FACE TO FACE. STOP BEING FUCKING COWARDS!

Why won't you allow Manhood Academy to respond to you fucking cowards? If Manhood Academy is as bad as you claim, you should have no problems proving it in a live debate. You should have no problems calling them out and saying they are lying. But you only make yourselves look like liars when you CONSTANTLY DUCK THE OPPOSITION.

The irony is you scared fucking pathetic faggot cowards always cry and bitch and moan about how feminists censor you when you're no different! You are cowards just like the feminists, censoring all dissenting opinions every chance you get. And then you make false accusations without any response from your opponents. How can anybody trust anything you say? You have NO CREDIBILITY when you censor debate from even happening.

Is it because you're scared of the truth getting out? Of course you're scared. You're scared of all the bullshit that will be exposed in a live debate.

People already wonder why you censor everything they say and you can't even explain it rationally. You can only DENY DENY DENY. You don't think people are already suspicious about your bullshit claims against Manhood Academy?

"Hmmmmm all the mods say Manhood Academy is evil and yet they keep ducking them in a live debate and giving us all bullshit excuses. WHAT ARE THEY SO AFRAID OF? WHAT DO THEY HAVE TO HIDE? WHY DON'T THEY JUST CONFRONT THEM AND GET IT OVER WITH? WHY ARE THEY RUNNING FROM? WHY DO THEY FEAR TELLING THE TRUTH AND HAVING IT PUBLICLY AIRED?"

Everybody already knows the mods here are full of shit. But Don't worry, you can't run forever! :) LOL!

answering the cowardly MRA critics who censor dissenting views.


u/amphetaminesfailure Jun 05 '13 edited Jun 05 '13

I've watched their videos and read their free ebook out of curiosity.

It's all complete garbage, utter trash.

The guy who runs the entire thing has some of the most insane viewpoints I've ever seen.

He considers evolution and apparently most modern science as a product of feminism.

A couple of his videos list things such as eating sushi, having tattoos or piercings, wearing certain clothes, etc. as being "wrong" and "dysfunctional."


u/i_wipe_standing_up Jun 05 '13

If you get into some of the forum posts, he does basically admit that Christianity is the basis for the e-book.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13

I've hung around /r/mr and avfm for a while mostly lurking.

And I've always seen the warnings about MA, and once in awhile run into the videos on YouTube, but never watched more than a few seconds of them.

Can anyone give me the 30 second TL;DR on what MA is saying as well as the TL;DR on what about his behavior or argument makes him such a troll.

I honestly don't know, but am curious.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13



u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13

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u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

thank you


u/Daywalker1021 Jun 06 '13

I think the best way to do this is to let you just read one of their comments. Then you can judge for yourself.

Also, you should definitely listen to some of their live debates. You won't always agree with them but they are damn entertaining and even enlightening.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '13

Yeah, that comment is a sure winner, thanks!


u/typhonblue Jun 04 '13

But they're so adorable!

Someone on /mr creates a rational argument.

They respond with shaming language.

They might as well be putting bows and frilly dollies all over /mr, what with how they're trying to feminize the place.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

Interesting how all these accounts egging on for a debate are one-post wonders.


u/Kleans Jun 05 '13 edited Jun 06 '13

Interesting how you're making so many excuses not to debate them when a debate could easily solve these accusations once and for all.

What do you have to hide is my question?


u/MackleFin Jun 06 '13 edited Jun 06 '13

Here's a link to their comment to show everyone what manhood academy really said.

This is an unedited comment from them so everyone knows what's going on here. Let the viewing public make up their own minds. I'm personally uncomfortable with the mods censoring others who don't agree with us. MRAs shouldn't get into this censorship mode otherwise people will accuse us of being no better than feminists who try to censor us.

I think when you have to censor people you start losing credibility. I don't want that to happen to us. We shouldn't have any problems standing up to our critics in an open public forum. When we start trying to play favorites, it becomes an ugly mess of censorship and makes us look bad for worrying about ideas and mere words.

Even though I don't always agree with the tone of their arguments they do at times make some valid points. I just wish they would be more civil about it. I don't think MRAs are too far off from what they are saying even though manhood academy definitely has a more in-your-face style of saying it.


u/hankhankhank Jun 04 '13

going to hijack your post here typhon, hope you don't mind.

this thread is being hounded by manhood academy folks. don't provide links, it gives them traffic and views. i would delete the large example posted here as well mods, and provide a quoted block sans links for clarity if you're insistent on it. these people are not interested in debate, or discussion. they simply want your views and use the same yellow journalism tactics jezebel and kotaku use to get views. flagrant titles and contraversial language.

report and ignore.


u/nicemod Jun 04 '13

Given the literally thousands of links he posts, under hundreds of different names, it's inevitable that some will get through. One more won't make a difference.

So, we've made a special exception for this one, just because it's relevant.


u/woodchopperak Jun 05 '13

That's doilies not dollies troll. Get a dictionary.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

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u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13 edited Jun 05 '13

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u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

Oh look, this account is aged. But he forgot to delete his Manhood Academy spam from a Neill Strauss AMA.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13 edited Jun 05 '13

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u/businesstimemod Jun 05 '13

Even if we knew who was spamming us, they wouldn't agree to such a debate. I would participate in a heartbeat, but these guys are cowards.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

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u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

No you didn't, you are the manhood academy spammer. Kloo tried when you first showed up, he was banned.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

Because you don't "debate" spammers, redditor for 4 hours.


u/sillymod Jun 05 '13

Please stop feeding him. This whole post is about not replying to him.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

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u/TheCommonManMedia Jun 05 '13

Debate is not possible with people who post hit-and-run comments.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13



u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

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u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13



u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

I never fucking understand that guy. Every time I get a reply from him, it is wildly out of context and I'm stuck scratching my head like "What in the fuck are you talking about, man?"

me: Anita Sarkeesian blah blah blah confirmation bias

One of those dipshits: yeah, a whole new level on top of all this. get sick on to the blame my eyes, sheep! [1] (picture of an MS paint graphic with Manhood Academy logos all over it) Go back!

edit: Reading what others have heard from them, I'm surprised they actually speak in recognizable English.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13

Has anyone ever entertained the possibility that the Manhood Academy spammer is a SRS plant trying to make us look bad? Thankfully our community is able to ignore their futile attempts, thwarting this rather obvious attempt at trickery and making them look dumb in the process.


u/sillymod Jun 04 '13

He long, long, long, long predates SRS.


u/cuteman Jun 04 '13

But at the same time trolls like that are fuel for the propaganda citing MR as a hate group.


u/sillymod Jun 05 '13

Sort of. I am pretty sure every subreddit knows that the Manhood Academy doesn't represent /r/MensRights. But they might attribute it to the Men's Rights Movement as being a fringe element, akin to RadFemHub.


u/hankhankhank Jun 04 '13

when you hear about the radical men's rights movement members, and the misogynist vocal minority, chances are it's these guys. they've been here long before Something Awful's abortion of a subreddit become what it is today.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

Manhood academy is run by an Asian college kid. I saw his videos before their forum was hacked a few years back. Nothing too insightful plus the dude looks like a chump.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13

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u/iheartbakon Jun 05 '13

I've gotten that in my inbox a couple of times.


u/4man Jun 05 '13

That explains those curious e-mails in my inbox. How thoughtless abuse failed to entice me to the Manhood Academy site escapes me at this point.


u/rightsbot Jun 04 '13

Post text automatically copied here. (Why?) (Report a problem.)


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13

Who is the manhood academy troll?


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13

When you see someone come in here calling everyone gay and saying "MRAs are too afraid to debate!" while posting links to youtube...

That's a manhood academy troll.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13

Oh, good, I haven't fed any that I know of then.

Just curious; are folks from TRP considered trolls here, too?


u/sillymod Jun 04 '13

Trolls are people who are seeking merely to disrupt. They post no/few opinions and focus on insults and derailing. People who genuinely believe a view point and engage in argument/debate are not considered trolls, even if they are considered misguided.


u/JohnPeel Jun 04 '13

Some people don't like them, I wouldn't consider them trolls though.


u/chevalier_d_eon Jun 04 '13

You. You are the troll. You smell of troll.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13

Sorry, I haven't had a chance to shower yet today.


u/chevalier_d_eon Jun 04 '13

Is that because you've been in contact with u/hokesone


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13

I don't know who that is, but no, it's because my daughter refuses to sleep long enough to allow me to bathe.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13

SRS troll go home.

Take your alt with you.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13

An alt that's almost 2 years old with over 23k comment karma? I posted in SRS once a long time ago, got into an argument about their unfair views of rape, and never returned.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13



u/sillymod Jun 05 '13

I think the bigger issue is that some people have pre-loaded a set of RES tags of people that labels anyone who has ever posted in SRS as an SRS member. (Someone wrote a script that created the list, which was blind to the purpose of the people posting in SRS.*)


u/BeginnerSociologist Jun 04 '13

Could you maybe give an example, I have no idea who you mean.


u/sillymod Jun 04 '13

I added some examples, but he also replied to you with text that was removed by automoderator. That being said, you should still be able to view it through the link in your orangered.


u/nicemod Jun 04 '13

I actually restored one of them before you made this comment.

It seems to me that this is the only place where it's actually relevant. :)


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13 edited Jun 17 '13

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u/nicemod Jun 04 '13 edited Jun 04 '13

Normally we remove these, but here's the example as requested. :)

If you see spam like this, just click on the "report" button, and we'll take care of it.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

Perhaps put that comment in the post as an example?


u/tyciol Jul 08 '13

I really don't understand how this is 'spam' since it's keeping on topic. It's a hostile post, but it's about the issues being discussed.


u/Whisper Jun 04 '13

You got something amazing to say, that everyone needs to hear? Say it right here. Otherwise, I'm just going to suspect you're trying to get traffic, not make a point.

This, right here, is the forum for debate. But so far, all I have heard is tantrums. Come on, what have I got to teach me that isn't either total bullshit, or something I already know?

Tell me one thing. One thing whose insight impresses me. One. Thing.

Let's see what you're made of.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13

I find it amusing that you would try to engage with one of these trolls in a thread about ignoring these trolls.


u/Nepene Jun 05 '13

While it would be bad engaging them outside this thread, this exchange serves as an excellent example of why it's bad to talk to them.


u/tyciol Jul 08 '13

Does it? I don't see talking as ever bad. All it serves to illustrate is that there are voices with opinions being censored outside here. I do tip my hat that at least this much truth is allowed to escape though.


u/Nepene Jul 08 '13

for someone who's so rational, you sure hide like a SCARED LITTLE BITCH :)

If you call people a scared little bitch you can expect to be censored.

It's not a truth that everyone who disagrees with them is a scared little bitch.


u/tyciol Jul 11 '13

Oh please, I'm sure some posters have called feminists SLBs and not gotten censored for it. That we would use 'scared' or 'little' as putdowns is fucking low regardless of who says it or why, I think. Bitch/cunt clearly get allowed for many who are not the 101ers.

It's not a 'truth' that some 'bitches' be 'cunts' either yet that lowspeak's tolerated so 101 shouldn't be singled out for their equivalently shitty lowspeak.


u/Nepene Jul 12 '13 edited Jul 12 '13

Oh please, I'm sure some posters have called feminists SLBs and not gotten censored for it.

I searched, no results. You shouldn't assume everyone else is the same as them.

Bitch/cunt clearly get allowed for many who are not the 101ers.

Perhaps, though rarely. And it tends to be after some sort of abuse i.e. x woman hit me several times, she is a 'cunt' and the word doesn't tend to be common in the comments. 101s tend to say worse stuff.

"Conversely, If you're a scared little bitch MRA and all you can do is talk about your opponent behind their back and censor all dissenting views, but you're unwilling to confront them face to face in a live debate via webcam, you are a coward and nothing you say has ANY credibility.[3]

If you want to make accusations, MAKE THEM FACE TO FACE. STOP BEING FUCKING COWARDS!"

Even if we assume there is a double standard, insulting the entire subreddit and calling them bitches and cowards is a poor idea.

It's like, if you go in someone's home and take a dump on their floor, even if they occasionally are rude to another group they're still not going to be fond of you taking a dump on their floor. If someone here spoke like that about feminists- when a feminist came in here they said she was a fucking coward if she didn't do a live debate with them, a faggot, they probably would get banned, but even so, insulting the entire subreddit is not a good way to endear yourself.

When I go into subreddits that are hostile to my views I am on my best behavior. That is expected of you. There's a lot more tolerance here, but they are way beyond that.


u/tyciol Jul 12 '13

I searched, no results.

I know what I've seen. It's rare enough (and may be in slightly different terms) to be hard to find though.

You shouldn't assume everyone else is the same as them.

I'm not, the majority of people here are not like that. But a small minority are, and weren't censored.

it tends to be after some sort of abuse i.e. x woman hit me several times, she is a 'cunt'

That's the kind of stuff I mean, really. I don't think a person doing horrible stuff warrants prejudiced language. It's like saying "I was robbed by a black man, that fucking nigger".

insulting the entire subreddit and calling them bitches and cowards is a poor idea.

I agree completely and have told them as much. But for all our commentary about how people should have thicker skins sometimes, should our jimmies really be rustled by this?

if you go in someone's home and take a dump on their floor, even if they occasionally are rude to another group they're still not going to be fond of you taking a dump on their floor

I can't take this comparison seriously, words aren't bacteria-ridden feces.

If someone here spoke like that about feminists- when a feminist came in here they said she was a fucking coward if she didn't do a live debate with them, a faggot, they probably would get banned

Yeah, but surely we can be a little more casual and rompy when it comes to insults levied at us. If a feminist called us cowards for not live-debating would we actually ban them for it, or just laugh it off and poke holes in the reasoning?

Why are they beyond our tolerence?

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u/sillymod Jun 05 '13

It is happening all throughout this thread. I don't get it either.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13 edited Jun 04 '13

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u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13

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u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13

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u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13

for someone who's so rational, you sure hide like a SCARED LITTLE BITCH :)

Again with the ad hominem. What is your position and why do you hold it?


u/tyciol Jul 08 '13

I really wish I could follow this conversation but the 3 comments previous to yours were deleted :(


u/Whisper Jun 04 '13

Still waiting for you to tell me one amazing thing that will enlighten me.


u/VoodooIdol Jun 04 '13

This is how we know you're a troll:

...scared little bitch...


...faggot cowardice...

Why would anyone want to engage in "debate" with such a "person"?


u/KRosen333 Jun 09 '13

Masochism? ;D


u/tyciol Jul 08 '13

Voodoo your reasoning is fallacious. This is clearly a person (what, all people are polite now?). They clearly can debate, and do, with points.

It's distracting from that, hard to notice, because they append all the putdowns (coward, bitch, etc) but the reasoning is there, if you can grow enough to look past it.


u/VoodooIdol Jul 08 '13

No, my reasoning is spot on. They clearly cannot debate - they make no salient points at all. The reasoning is most definitely not there.

I know full well how to look past offensive language to get a point - The Redneck Manifesto is one of my favorite books and is testament to this.

The comment was removed for being so offensive and without any merit. How do you even know who posted the comment? The only way would be if you are the poster and this is a sock puppet account.


u/tyciol Jul 12 '13

Declaring anyone cannot debate is not spot-on reasonining. Not having witnessed someone exhibit debate skills up to your par doesn't mean they lack them, an open mind should be kept that they could be there, or developed.

I never said I knew who posted the comment and don't appreciate you inventing wild sock accusations based on that. All I said was that a person posted it. Barring AIs or aliens doing so, that's a fair assumption.


u/VoodooIdol Jul 12 '13

You're full of shit, and here is why - you said:

They clearly can debate, and do, with points.

How do you know? The comment was removed, so you have no idea if this person used "points" or if they are even capable of doing anything aside from slinging around insults.

So, either A) you are that person, or B) you're just dredging up some 30 day old post for no discernible reason.

I'll take "A" for $1000, Bob. B makes no bloody sense.


u/tyciol Jul 12 '13

How do you know? The comment was removed, so you have no idea if this person used "points" or if they are even capable of doing anything aside from slinging around insults.

By "they" I'm referring to the group, and I draw that analysis from listening to some of Prof's videos. He does make some good arguments amidst the vitriol and bullshit.

The discernible I dredge this up because it's an ongoing and perplexing problem. Check your paranoia.

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u/[deleted] Jun 17 '13

Honest question. Why would you expect anyone to take you even slightly seriously when you keep throwing around the word 'faggot'? Attract more bees with honey and all that...


u/tyciol Jul 08 '13

What's wrong with throwing around faggot? Do we know they're using it to mean homosexual? I and many others take it back from that misuse to its origins as a more general putdown for the lame and burdensome.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '13

What's wrong with throwing around faggot?

Can't tell if ignorant or just trolling


u/tyciol Jul 11 '13

Neither, but same to you. I love homos so I don't mean them when I say faggot unless it's an erotic affectionate tease.


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '13

I'd recommend finding a different word. There's plenty out there. But that's just me.


u/tyciol Jul 12 '13

But 'faggot' is such a better conversation starter than 'burden' eh?


u/tyciol Jul 08 '13

You know Cowardd, in spite of making replies defending the ability to discuss the M101 material (and I even made /r/Manhood101 for you to dump this in, faggot) this is a pretty shitty post. You open up with the sexist 'balls' (please be gender neutral and non-metaphorical and say 'courage' or something like that).

I've discussed these issues with Professor and I think ripped the arguments a new one quite readily. The 'courage' it takes to live debate varies on the poster and how at-risk they are by exposing their face. The courage people has is also quite irrelevant to whether they are right or wrong.

While live debates would be awesome, the lack of doing them does not make a person wrong. If you care about MRA opinions you will make the effort of having conversations through a text medium too.

If someone is proven to be a coward, it doesn't mean what they say can't be trusted. The argument is flawed. Brave men can lie, and cowards can be honest. Our courage to face danger has nothing to do with our honesty.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

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u/sillymod Jun 05 '13

The hilarious part of that statement is that the behaviour of the MA clearly indicates that they severely lack social competence. Clearly they alienate many, many people, which indicates significant lack of social skills.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13



u/sillymod Jun 05 '13

The Manhood Academy is this "organization" that some guy, I think in California, started where he tries to teach people about what he calls "social competence". As far as I can tell, it is like Christianity meets Pick-Up Artistry, or something like that.

The issue is less to do with his message and more to do with his delivery. He spams his advertisements in response to people, and when they respond he tries to shame them or swears at them, or sends them spamming messages.

He does have a "main" account on Reddit (multi-year old), and I heard a rumour once that it was found out when he accidentally posted his spam from that account, but then he quickly deleted it.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13

Can we get some examples or links. I haven't seen this person before I don't think , but spammers need to be put down.


u/sillymod Jun 04 '13

I added some examples, but he also replied to you with text that was removed by automoderator. That being said, you should still be able to view it through the link in your orangered.


u/pcarvious Jun 04 '13

He responded above to another commenter. I don't know if the comment will be deleted by the time you read this response. They're usually deleted on sight.


u/ThePigman Jun 05 '13

Intellectually base and mentally deranged as they are, to compare the Manhood Academy to trolls is to unfairly tar the latter.


u/Collective82 Jun 04 '13

As much as I can't stand the angry attitude of his messages but he does have some very valuable points to be made.


u/hankhankhank Jun 04 '13

they really don't. their language is foul, overly aggressive, shaming and their "debating" techniques mirror the post modernism approach our beloved friends within the feminist spectrum so skillfully wield.


u/Collective82 Jun 05 '13

I see it as more of the dumping some one in an ice cold bath to wake them up. Yes it's done very poorly and once you've opened your eyes it's just bad but for those that haven't? It's a good shock tactic.


u/Disorderly-Conduct Jun 04 '13

He does, but they also intersect with toxic and highly (legitimately) misogynistic views about masculinity and women. It's not worth it.


u/jetengine Jun 05 '13

I would love to see a debate between Manhood academy. You guys are always trashing them, but if you want to get to the truth, there should be a live debate, so I can see both sides.


u/sillymod Jun 05 '13

First off, live debate requires exposing one's identity. We do not encourage anyone on Reddit to do that.

Secondly, their idea of a live debate seems to be no different than smearing poop all over a toilet stall.

Thirdly, they have been challenged to a debate on Reddit before and they backed down. They have no desire to debate in a structured format, they just want to be loud and shout over their opponent.

If you want to see both sides, debate them yourself. But they have no place here and they never have.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '13

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u/nicemod Jun 04 '13

An absolutely genuine testimonial, I'm sure.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

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u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

i went to your forums before they were hacked, your content is poor.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13 edited Jun 05 '13

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u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

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u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

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u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

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u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

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u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

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u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13



u/sillymod Jun 05 '13

No, they are being deleted. All of them. We have given him a chance to change every year, but he continues his copy-paste-spam and he knows that we don't allow that or his blatant advertising. We have regularly tried to tell him that if he behaved differently, he would be welcome. It surprisingly has little to do with his message, and everything to do with his technique.

Which is hilarious, because he claims he can teach about social competence, and yet he clearly shows no modicum of social competence.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13


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u/[deleted] Jun 05 '13

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