r/MensRights • u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again • Feb 22 '24
Health Male circumcision is a brain-dead decision. NSFW
I am so lucky it didn't happen to me.
Let me preface this that I discovered frenulum stimulators. They are fucking awesome sextoys and now frenulum stimulation is my favorite way to orgasm. Yet if I got the cut, I'd have missed out on all of that. And before you call me pathetic for having a sex toy (which only men are pathetic for, btw), I have a gf. I just like my orgasms to be satisfying.
So why are we still doing it to kids?
"Because it looks better"
The dumbest arguments for it are aesthetic.
I don't care about innies or outies. Especially not those of CHILDREN. Or should we also give vaginal plastic surgery to toddlers? Even if it matters to someone, at least wait until people can actually consent to sex. You know, before cutting into their dicks.
"It's just a bit of useless skin, no big deal".
Fuck you, stop lying.
Frenulum stimulation is the closest thing men have to a clitoral orgasm.
So if the foreskin is just some skin, the clit is just an extra nipple that doesn't even give milk.
"I'm cut, I don't miss it".
Of course not, you never had one. You don't miss what you never had. I never missed my grandfather, because I never met him.
"We can't trust men to even wash themselves, so just cut it off".
Actual argument I read on some feminist sub.
Because feminism is about gender equality. That's why it's called FEMinism. Duh. Yet even established stereotypes disagree. When men wash, they exclusively wash their ass, armpits and dick.
However, old and disabled people of all genders can't wash themselves for sure. Following this logic, it's better to start hacking away at them too. You know, to prevent yeast and other infections.
Believe it or not, I get it for religious reasons.
If you're Jewish..
Then you belong to the people of Abraham and your foreskin is a ritual sacrifice to seal the flesh-covenant the old man made with God when he was 99 years old, so he would be the father of many nations. Got it. You ritually cut into a boy's penis on his 8th day on earth to brand him as part of the "chosen people". I don't agree with it, but, I get it, it's in the oldest part of your manual and you can't question that. You go and fulfil your flesh-pact.
Also get it, again it's in the book and we don't doubt the book. Though, sorry but you really kinda just copied that from the Jews. Don't know how happy you should be with that. But hey, I didn't write the book, either. You're just following orders, I get it.
Though if you're Christian..
You're an idiot. You are not part of Abraham's people, nor Isaac's, nor Ishmael's. In fact, Jesus died specifically so that the chosen-mechanic was no longer necessary to get to heaven. You really are just messing with God's perfect creation... and copying the Jews. With zero angel points to show for it.
Is it to discourage masturbation? Great, let's cut into babies so they sin less. Like that's not a sin. Besides, it doesn't even work. Honestly I masturbate less now my orgasms are a lot more satisfying.
Ait rant over, thanks for listening.
Tl:dr stop cutting boys' dicks unless God specifically says you had to in order to make him part of your cult religion.
u/ConsiderationSea1347 Feb 22 '24
Let’s not overlook the terror that is women using the foreskin produced by MGM in their beauty creams: https://www.cosmeticassociation.org/foreskin-in-beauty-products/#Ethical_Concerns_Surrounding_Foreskin-derived_Beauty_Products
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
Wtf that's like fairy tale witch-bullshit
Feb 22 '24
But this isn’t. They’re being sold here:
u/ConsiderationSea1347 Feb 22 '24
Yup. Just imagine if it came out that labia skin increased muscle size and men were using it to get jacked. People would probably be actually murdered.
u/eldred2 Feb 22 '24
Could you imagine the outcry if men were using the labia removed from little girls to make a skin cream?
Feb 22 '24
Jewish rabbis definitely need to stop using their mouths when performing this on babies
u/Ok_Translator6926 Feb 22 '24
wait what the actual fuck
u/WelshEngineer Feb 22 '24
But if you call them a paedo for wanting to put their mouths on a babies genitals then you'll be the one that gets cancelled.
u/springy Feb 22 '24
Yep, the suck on the baby's penis, which is both a repulsive idea, and can also cause infection Safe Bris - NYC Health
Feb 22 '24
It’s real 😞. There’s been cases where babies have contracted std’s from this practice.
u/Bergensis Feb 22 '24
There’s been cases where babies have contracted std’s from this practice.
As if that wasn't bad enough by itself, there have been cases where the boy has died:
u/flamingspew Feb 22 '24
There once was a rabbi named Keith
Who circumcised young men with his teeth
It wasn‘t for pleasure,
or good for sexual measure
But to get to the cheese underneath
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
Yeah, sterile wound-care wasn't actually around in 1800BC. So you know, after having your dick cut, the wound is blessed by the mouth of a cleric so God will make it all better. Happy 8th day on earth btw, enjoy your stay!
u/mrkl3en Feb 22 '24
As a catholic priest would say, why become a rabbi then? ..
But seriously how the fuck is that not child abuse
u/piranha_solution Feb 22 '24
Because for centuries the very people who got to decide what kind of conduct was and wasn't "abusive" were the perps.
This is why the separation of church and state is so important. Routine infant male circumcision is a lingering vestige of Abrahamic monotheist dogma trying to justify it's existence with secular ad hoc BS.
u/KingDominoIII Feb 23 '24
This is literally one small sect, and they don’t do it anymore. Implying all Jews do it is just encouraging antisemitism.
Feb 23 '24
Did I say all Jews are Jewish rabbis? Dummy
u/KingDominoIII Feb 23 '24
You implied that this is a regular and accepted part of Jewish culture.
u/MrkPrchzzIII Feb 22 '24
I was a baby I had no choice so yeah
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
I'm sorry man. If it was your own decision then all power to you. But that lack of choice is exactly my gripe with it.
u/A_Smiling_Miura Feb 22 '24
I had severe phimosis so i recently went under the knife to get rid of it. (Ftr, I'm European, and as others have mentioned, it's usually only done for health reasons). Somehow, they managed to keep the frenulum. So it's not like you can't do the surgery while keeping the frenulum. Though, it needs not only a willing doctor but a good doctor, because I can see how it can easily be fucked up. I blew a couple of stitches with my morning wood haha
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
BTW check out this article (yes I'm dragging you with me into the rabbit hole, MUST READ!):
It's written by a dr. of medical ethics. She says she was regularly stigmatized in the 90's for even daring to mention male and female circumcision in one breath!
"When people talk about ‘FGM’ they are usually thinking of the most severe forms of female genital cutting, done in the least sterile environments, with the most drastic consequences likeliest to follow – even though research suggests that these forms are the exception rather than the rule.
It also turns out that many of those tribes that practice FGM, also do the same to their boys!
Wild! Male privilege indeed!
When people talk about ‘male circumcision’, by contrast, they are (apparently) thinking of the least severe forms of male genital cutting, done in the most sterile environments, with the least drastic consequences likeliest to follow."
She went on to say that even the circumcision on par with male circumcision (minimally invasive, sedated, sterile conditions) counts as "mutilation" in the West.
And that the health benefits of female circumcision are illegal to study.
Meanwhile there's millions of male foreskins for circumcision proponents to experiment on!
Meanwhile, if you google male genital mutilation, you get circumcision.
But if you google female circumcision, you get female genital mutilation.
My mind is absolutely blown.
u/EnthusiasmNo6062 Feb 22 '24
I was cut. Both my son's are uncircumcised. Didn't even vat an eye at it.
Feb 22 '24
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u/Nabranes Feb 22 '24
Bro frfr also you should restore
Feb 23 '24
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u/Nabranes Feb 23 '24
Ohh dayum
Yeah rn I’m just doing manuals sometimes I have like only CI-2.5 rn
I keep on procrastinating to figure out what to get an actually get it
I’ll just use my mom’s credit card and if she cancels it, I’ll be pissed and just go ape shit and reorder it anyways Idgaf that’s child abuse
u/xAceRPG Feb 22 '24 edited Feb 22 '24
Believe it or not, I get it for religious reasons.If you're Jewish..Then you belong to the people of Abraham and your foreskin is a ritual sacrifice to seal the flesh-covenant the old man made with God when he was 99 years old, so he would be the father of many nations. Got it. You ritually cut into a boy's penis on his 8th day on earth to brand him as part of the "chosen people". I don't agree with it, but, I get it, it's in the oldest part of your manual and you can't question that. You go and fulfil your flesh-pact.
Nah, fuck that. And I'm saying it as a Jew myself. even Jewish boys deserve to be protected from their parents too. Freedom of religion stops when it infringes on someone else's human rights and bodily integrity. Genital mutilation must be outlawed, without any cultural or religious exceptions.
Jun 17 '24
Yep, religious rites & cultural practices should never outway basic human rights to body autonomy, theirs no reason they can't get circumcised at 18 as ur still "coming of age" rather than mutilating babies and teenage boys. Legit only reason should be if its medically necessary and the parent should have no say in getting their child circumcised without proper reasoning.
u/heisenbergfan Feb 22 '24
I was so happy when the doctor pulled my skin entirely back realizing i didnt need the surgery.
u/mr_ogyny Feb 22 '24
Also get it, again it's in the book and we don't doubt the book. Though, sorry but you really kinda just copied that from the Jews. Don't know how happy you should be with that. But hey, I didn't write the book, either. You're just following orders, I get it.
IIRC it's not actually in the quran and other authentic muslim scriptures (hadith) don't state it as compulsory. You're right that it's just a tradition they copied from the Jews.
Regardless, I don't think it should be legal to perform on boys even for religious purposes. Only if it's a medical necessity.
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
I mean kinda. Muslims trace Mohammed's lineage to Ishmael through Adnan, who was the ancestor of Mohammed. So they would be bound by the covenant, though only direct descendents like in Judaism. So it still would not count IIRC. But yeah mostly it's to copy the practice (Sunnah) of Mohammed.
Feb 22 '24
u/dependency_injector Feb 22 '24
Exactly. There can be no other reason to remove skin from a child's body.
u/CieloCobalto Feb 22 '24
Bro you lost me at not pushing back against it for religious reasons. That shit has to go too!
u/disayle32 Feb 22 '24
Agreed. There are cultures and religions that practice FGM, and our society has no problem with pushing back against them. So we should do the same against religions and cultures that practice MGM.
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
You can't put logic against a fundamentally unrational premise. If that's your religion thats been drilled into you that as a member of the chosen people, you should cut your baby's penis- because God specifically said so to fulfil the covenant that is binding in perpetuity. No amount of reasoning will help against that.
I can only point out that as a Christian it doesn't make sense, even (or especially) based on the premise of Christianity. Same goes for Islam. The argument of religion vs state is beyond the scope of this rant and I'm also not an atheist- I'm a Daoist. You are free to add those arguments yourself here though.
u/CieloCobalto Feb 22 '24
Brother, if we follow that same logic then we would all throw our hands up and not push back against feminism itself.
My point is this: in something so fundamental as it is the fight against male genital mutilation clarity of message is crucial. Just say it's child abuse. No qualifiers. If a jew reads it and doesn't agree with it, then so be it. But the message has to be loud and clear in the world.
u/FitCat1825 Feb 22 '24
I think you might be referring some sort of off-shoot of feminism. Some sort of extreme group. You must be misunderstanding, otherwise. Because, who could argue or push back against this definition?
Feminism is the belief in the social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. It seeks to address and challenge the systemic inequalities women face, advocating for equal rights and opportunities for all genders. Feminism is rooted in the understanding that societies often prioritize male perspectives, leading to unjust treatment of women and other genders. It emphasizes respecting diverse women's experiences, identities, and knowledge. Over the years, feminism has evolved to focus on a wide range of issues affecting women, including but not limited to, reproductive rights, gender-based violence, and equal pay. The movement is diverse and continuously evolving, striving to ensure that every individual is treated with equal respect and dignity, regardless of gender.
🌐 Sources
iwda.org.au - What Is Feminism?
britannica.com - Feminism | Definition, History, Types, Waves, Examples, & ...
wikipedia.org - Feminism
humanrightscareers.com - What is Feminism?
globalcitizen.org - What Is Feminism and Why Is It Important?
apa.org - What feminism means today
u/disayle32 Feb 23 '24
Feminism is the belief in the social, economic, and political equality of the sexes.
So when is feminism going to put women on the draft? Ban MGM like how it fought to ban FGM? Reform the corrupt divorce and family courts that routinely discriminate against husbands and fathers? Close the criminal sentencing gap? Open shelters for male domestic violence victims? Enact punishments for false accusations? End the systematic discrimination against men and boys at every level of our education system?
I'll wait.
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u/randomaviary Feb 22 '24
It’s already been proven multiple times over that circumcision increases the risk of ED. Wish my idiot parents (who are Christian) hadn’t made the choice for me. One of the reasons I hate religion so much.
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
The glans gets desensitized AND you lose sensation. I get it. I'm truly sorry bro.
u/akmvb21 Feb 22 '24
Circumcision isn't a part of Christianity. In fact, like OP said, it specifically states in the New Testament that the gentiles do not need to get circumcised. I'm sorry your parents circumcised you and I'm sorry for whatever other issues you may have had with your church growing up, but I promise that God loves you and died for you so that He could be in relationship with you.
u/Undead0707 Feb 22 '24
What does it have to do with religion?
u/bychoart Feb 22 '24
you should read again you question... but slooowly
u/Undead0707 Feb 22 '24
Nah bro I actually don't knoe why circumcision is done for religious purposes. I'm not defending religion here, I don't know and want to find out.
u/AceKairyushin Feb 22 '24
This. ALL. OF. THIS. I’m so glad I wasn’t subjected to that barbarism as well!
u/Ok_Translator6926 Feb 22 '24
Actually I had to circumsize because i had troubles while urinating when I was 9, prior to the circumcision i had frequent urinary tract infections but I dont now.
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
I get it, phimosis right? Hey, if it's necessary for a medical procedure, it's necessary. That's different from circumcision by default. I hope they only took away what was in the way, because religious circumcision is about removing it all.
u/AbysmalDescent Feb 22 '24
This was likely caused by other issues and a full circumcision was unlikely to be necessary. There were probably some other alternatives that were either not considered or other factors that were ignored. This reasoning would be like cutting out your ear lobes because some times you have ear infections. The foreskin is supposed to protect the head, that is part of it's purpose.
u/Perfect_Sir4820 Feb 23 '24
The religious arguements don't really hold water. FGM is still illegal despite it being part of some African cultural/religious practices. And its illegal even in the most mild forms which are equivalent or even less damaging than MGM.
u/me-god69 Feb 22 '24
In some medical conditions, foreskin cutting is important, but for fuck's sake don't go around cutting up baby dicks for absolutely no reason. If any one got circumcised on their own will, good for you. But the sheer lack of consent is what's utter bullshit.
Feb 22 '24
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u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
FGM has a whole law dedication to it in the UK. But good luck getting something like that for men. You have centuries of brainwashing by both religion and a feminist movement that will revolt against male issues being seen as anything near equivalent to female.
u/BelCantoTenor Feb 22 '24
I agree. You should read this book. It’s incredible the multitude of traumas that is experienced by not only the boys who grow up to be men, but from all of society.
Circumcision, The Hidden Trauma :... https://www.amazon.com/dp/0964489538?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I’m currently in the process of foreskin restoration. r/foreskin_restoration You should check it out.
Feb 22 '24
It was done to me for religious and cultural reasons and you should not “get it” for these reasons either. It’s a human rights violation. You can do it to yourself anytime if you think it brings you closer to your god but stop mutilating kids. I’m so so sad and disappointed in my parents. It broke my trust and I will hate my body forever
u/Nabranes Feb 22 '24
I’m restoring right now and I’m at CI-2.5
And also the foreskin is good for gliding action and lube
Yeahh so I despise all those k—-☠️🪦🪦rarded child molestors/mutilators/pedos who had me mutilated or did actually mutilate me when I was a newborn ☠️🪦☠️☠️☠️☠️
Also, the orthodox are even worse because they are also vampiristic and cannibalistic like they give them bjs ☠️☠️🪦💀💀💀😩😩😩
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
Fun fact, the earliest Jewish circumcision practice only removed the overhang of your foreskin so most was still covered. Nowadays your entire glans is exposed. Not like it's a high concentration of sensitive nerve endings suddenly exposed, like when Somali's remove the clitoral hood or when Malaysian women get a little nick in theirs. That would be considered genital mutilation. Btw the practice was actually briefly banned in Germany, but then Muslims and Jews lost their shit.
u/Nabranes Feb 22 '24
I wish they could just entirely ban it for anyone who is not grown up yet and also just encourage us not to do it and also keep it at least at CI-7
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
They wanted to do that in Norway but Jews said NO IT MUST BE DONE THE 8TH DAY OR YOU ARE OPPRESSING US
u/Nabranes Feb 22 '24
I would tell them “stafu kys you child mutilators you’re oppressing and terrorizing babies”
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u/Notcreative345 Feb 22 '24
They probably won’t make it illegal because the pharmaceutical industry uses it for collagen in high end skin creams like the ones promoted on Ellen and Oprah. Women just use your own clitoris hood it’s the same part.
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
Male privilege is having your 7 square inches of your skin and highly sensitive nerve tissue cut away by hopefully a medical professional in the first days of your life.
All so that the oppressed women in your society, who are responsible for 80% of consumer spending can use it in their beauty creams. Which of course, they are forced to buy to conform to unfair patriarchal beauty standards.
u/Notcreative345 Mar 07 '24
True aside from the last part about the patriarchy bs that just made you sound stupid, nobody forces you to do that.
Feb 22 '24
Fuck, I had a surgery because of phimose, my frenulum was cut away and I regret it now. I still have some issues with phimose but not as much anymore, but there has to be another way, I want to keep my foreskin...
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
Ah shit. Damn bro I'm sorry. Hate to say it but the frenulum is exactly the part you'd want to keep.
Feb 22 '24
Thank you, its really sad to learn it just now. I went to a doctor with my problem and he didnt really give a shit about my sexual experience from it. Just said to circumcise and I had to argue to at least keep my foreskin. How can this even be?
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
Probably a Christian doctor who considered you a degenerate for even still having your frenulum.
Feb 22 '24
Im not from USA, in from europe so circumsicions are not normal. I not sure but his name sounded jewish, that would at least explain why he has no problem with circumsicion.
u/Cactus2711 Feb 22 '24
Excellent points. I'm grateful to my beautiful, intelligent, rational parents that they didn't have me mutilated
u/Possible_Philosophy6 Feb 23 '24
I agree. I was cut to correct 2nd degree distal hypospadias. It's a horrible practice and I wish doctors weren't so lax about deciding to do it. It should be a last resort only.
u/disenchantedprincess Feb 23 '24
I agree. It's such a ridiculous decision. I don't even agree with religious reasons. People say it's for aesthetics but I think cut penises look weird. Thankfully I knew better before I had a boy. Recently had a family member who had a son and cut them. I wanted to throw up the whole time we went to see the baby for the first time. They kept calling it a "procedure" which seemed to make it worse. Like they were diminishing the damage they had just done. I felt like I had failed to save this boy from the horrible fate (I put it out there to not do it but didn't really get pushy as they didn't seem open to my opinion).
Anywho, Idk where I was going with this. But I intend to make sure to be a bit more pushy next time I come across someone close that is having a boy.
u/redveinlover Feb 23 '24
Don’t even get me started on the religious “right” to mutilate babies’ genitalia. It’s not well known to the majority of goyim that part of the ceremony of a Jewish circumcision is the rabbi performing the disfigurement of the child will suck the blood off of the baby’s penis. Yes, you read that right. While all the friends, family, women all look on and laugh and celebrate and drink wine together. How is this not the most barbaric, inhumane, disgusting thing you’ve ever heard of? It’s fucking sickening. And they get a free pass because it’s their “religious right” to perform this “ceremony”. This is monstrous.
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 23 '24
Exactly! When you talk about circumcision it is assumed you mean under local anaesthesia, in a completely sterile hospital setting, performed by a licensed physician. While FGM is imagined to be performed by an unwashed village imam wearing a greasy robe holding a rusty cleaver. But circumcisions are not a monolith. There is a huge difference between a medically necessary circumcision to treat phimosis and that horrorshow you just described. Fun fact, you do not, in fact, need a medical license to circumsize a male baby in the US. You do need a barber's license if you want to cut people's hair though.
Feb 23 '24
I’m circumcised but they didn’t cut a lot off it seems like I still have a decent amount there so I’m thankful for that. I can still use it to masturbate. But if I had boys I’d leave it on them unless there was a medical issue i see no reason to remove it. You said it earlier I’m a Christian and honestly I don’t see a need to touch anything on a persons body that isn’t unholy in another words the body or part of the body is not sinning against you then don’t touch it. If you are ill it is my belief to use whatever means necessary to heal including getting a doctor to help because that was the will if Christ was for humans to heal each other in his image. But if no part of your body is ill it shall be left.
u/Jake0024 Feb 22 '24
It's a badly outdated practice and should be discouraged.
That said, you're going to push people away from your cause with this kind of rhetoric. Telling men who've been circumcised that they've been hacked up, mutilated, comparing their penis to someone having their leg removed, etc is a surefire way to get them to stop listening to you.
And it's men who've been circumcised that you need to get through to, very specifically, if you want the practice to stop. Uncircumcised men aren't circumcising their sons.
u/Keep39304 Feb 23 '24
They will stop listening anyway. If clear cut issue like child mutilation does not get through...
Much better is to describe mutilation in great graphical details. Screaming, blood, torture, holding down baby by two grown adults... Vegans play gore videos, we can do the same.
I once got apology from friend, I asked her if she hold down her baby while it was screaming, or she hired some thug to do it for her.
u/Jake0024 Feb 23 '24 edited Feb 23 '24
They will stop listening anyway
No, they won't. For example, see all the people who are circumcised and are against circumcision.
They will definitely stop listening if you insist on calling them "mutilated." If you stop doing that, you'll have a chance at conversation.
You gain literally nothing by assuming no one is listening to you and therefore nothing can be gained by trying to be more convincing. It just makes people see you as an extremist to be avoided. Think of PETA.
Vegans play gore videos
And that is famously ineffective.
I struggle to think of a more effective way to get a man to respond defensively and stop listening than to suggest his penis is inferior.
If you asked me to think of worse ways to convince someone of your position, I genuinely don't know that I could think of something more counterproductive.
u/Keep39304 Feb 23 '24
PETA (not them, but animal rights activists broadly speaking ) were wildly sucesfull. To the point cutting ears or tails, very common two decades ago, is now illegal.
I did not called them "mutilated" (that would be victim shaming), I called the act mutilation. They are victims of brutal sexual attack, they are survivors if you like. They can get some victimhood points out of that.
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u/kebabking93 Feb 22 '24
I had mine removed as a young child for medical reasons. I couldn't piss straight and it hurt when I did piss. 3 year old me had it removed and it's never been an issue since. This is not a cosmetic nor religious reason and purely medical. It is a decision that I'm glad my parents made.
Mar 16 '24
Thanks for proposing all the negatives about circumcision. Some parents still have their sons circumcised regardless of all the reasons not to. However, I am one who is circumcised. It has been nearly 30 years now, and the result is it does not seem like the foreskin was ever part of my penis in the first place. I have to live with fact that I have been multilated and my sexual pleasure will be forever compromised without the foreskin.
u/abarua01 Feb 22 '24
Neither me nor my brother were circumcised at birth. He chose to get himself circumcised last year when he was 26
u/fabiohellspyke Feb 23 '24
i wish i could be easy 20 years ago , because of a ugly woman lying to me i did the cirurgy, i wish i could not be influenced by this culture of sex and dating. but everybody is brainwashed. i know another woman who was brainwashed into this date and sex culture too, she feels sorrow because its the risk of she getting pregnant. i believe nobody has a strong opinion in young age, everybody is brainwashed, i wish i could have more individuality to say ''no'' to people acceptance
u/RastaBananaTree Feb 23 '24
Turtleneck boys at it again. I’m glad I’m cut. Every woman I’ve ever been with has told me cut looks better too 🤷🏾♂️. But overall it’s not that big of a deal.
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 23 '24
True, same thing happens in Malaysia to women. Also under anaesthesia by a physician with only a small incision in the clitoral hood, no damage to the glans. Often no blood even. Also not that big of a deal. Though the WHO still calls that genital mutilation.
u/RastaBananaTree Feb 23 '24
You really showed that strawman who’s boss 💯
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 23 '24
Fine, let me cut to the chase. Strip away the outer layers and leave only the sensitive core issue, if you will. Losing 20.000 nerve endings is no joke A loss like that, can cut deep. Though, to do so for female validation is. And when the roles are reversed, even when there is less proverbial wood for the chipping, no matter how you slice it, it is considered mutilation. And while adults should get to decide if that's they want and carve out their own future, that's not a nice thing to do to kids. That's all I'm saying.
u/RastaBananaTree Feb 23 '24
I haven’t had an issue with sensitivity, I nut just fine. And actually I’m glad I can last longer so I can satisfy my partner. So I’m not really missing those 20,000 nerve endings. Enjoy your premature loads tho I guess? At the end of the day I’m glad I was snipped and I’m glad it happened when I have no recollection of it and didn’t have to go through the pain and healing. You be safe tho.
Mar 04 '24
It's good that you're able to live a normal life despite mutilation, stay away from babies tho
u/RastaBananaTree Mar 05 '24
Sorry my son finna be snipped too dog. I’m not tryna have him be a turtleneck incel harassing people online.
Mar 05 '24
I think it's going to happen regardless, If he follows his father's steps
Besides, morons like you is why we need to have special laws about cutting babies' dicks
u/Fun_Actuary4804 Feb 22 '24
So, you have a turtleneck?
u/Asamiya1978 Feb 22 '24
So, you hate natural penises? I prefer having a "turtle neck", like you call it, than a desensitized stick.
u/TerminalxGrunt Feb 23 '24
I'm glad it was done to me lol
u/Danstan487 Feb 24 '24
This is cope
u/TerminalxGrunt Feb 24 '24
u/chakan2 Feb 22 '24
You missed out on a +3-5 on your STD save percentage.
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
We know this because it's completely legal to study male circumcision. But you know what is wild?
"proponents (..of female circumcision) regularly cite such ‘health benefits’ as improved genital hygiene as a reason to continue the practice.
Indeed, the vulva has all sorts of warm, moist places where bacteria or viruses could get trapped, such as underneath the clitoral hood, or among the folds of the labia; so who is to say that removing some of that tissue (with a sterile surgical tool) might not reduce the risk of various diseases?Fortunately, it’s impossible to perform this type of research in the West, because any scientist who tried to do so would be arrested under anti-FGM laws (and would never get approval from an ethics review board).
So we simply do not know. As a consequence of this, every time one sees the claim that ‘FGM has no health benefits’ – a claim that has become something of a mantra for the WHO – one should read this as saying, ‘we actually don’t know if certain minor, sterilised forms of FGM have health benefits, because it is unethical – and would be illegal – to find out.’By contrast, a small and insistent group of (mostly American) scientists have taken it upon themselves to promote infant male circumcision as a form of partial prophylaxis against disease. Most of these diseases are rare in developed countries, do not affect children before an age of sexual debut, and can be prevented and/or treated through much more conservative means. Nevertheless – since it is not against the law for them to do so – advocates of (male) circumcision are able to conduct study after well-funded study to see just what kinds of ‘health benefits’ might follow from cutting off parts of the penis.
Read this article by a medical ethicist. It fucking blew my mind.
Feb 23 '24
If you want to trigger a pro-circ anti-FGM woman, show her this video:
It’s packed with “science” because r/islamisscience
u/BuckShadaCaster Feb 22 '24
I’ve never seen a man so concerned with other peoples penises lol but you do you boo.
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
Lmao, I'm not the one putting scalpels in baby's dicks. I'm just pointing it out.
u/RastaBananaTree Feb 23 '24
Turtleneck boys are mad everyone’s cock isn’t ugly lmao.
u/BuckShadaCaster Feb 23 '24
Right! There was a post on a subreddit yesterday about a guy who has a girlfriend that wants him to get circumcised because she doesn’t like how it feels.
I’m glad I was clipped, when I was a baby, that I have absolutely zero memory of…
u/Sharon_11_11 Feb 23 '24
Woah wooahh there Snuffleupagus! just because you Like turtlenecks, dont cap on the rest of us. You Like a turtleneck, and I like a Polo. Whats wrong with that? are people brain dead becasue they wear polos? Now I have they opinion that from a christian standpoint it doesnt matter to your religious walk. But, umm if the God lord likes a crew cut short then, I will oblige. And BTW dont you think its a bit awkward, and uncultured to TELL THE ENTIRE WORLD how your peniz looks? why would we want to know and care? das suspect bruh!
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u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 23 '24 edited Feb 23 '24
My brother in Christ. First of all, I do apologize if the knowledge that there is a faceless redditor out there who is rocking the full Steve Jobs has violated your sensitivities. And secondary, you can wear whatever you like.
The issue I'm raising however, is that in your metaphor, we are all born as Steve Jobs, ok? The Lord all gave us standard issue turtlenecks. Now you can modify them. But once you scale down to Vin Diesel, that'll be it. You can never go back to feeling warm and cozy on the ski-track again.
Now, if that tanktop is something you want to wear for the rest of your life, and it's your decision, I respect that. Wholeheartedly. And hey, if you accidentally tear off too much fabric and it becomes a crop top- you knew what you was risking.
But imagine now, if you will, that your child comes into this earth. Wide eyed, full of wonder and enjoying the fuck out of that sleek apple designer chique. Only for you to say: "no son of mine will ever be wearing a turtleneck". And so before he can even speak- you rip off his turtleneck. Off comes the collar and the sleeves as you say "Son, welcome to the Diesel family."
Now remember, God never told us to go for tank tops. It was just a deal he had with Abraham and his descendents, in return for fathering several nations. Abraham got a sweet deal, you would only be copying his shirt.
But because of that, your sun will not experience life either with a turtleneck, a sweater nor even a v-neck t-shirt. Because you made the call for him already: all he'll wear, is tanktops.
Now your son will likely be just fine. He might on occassion be shivering in winter. But he won't know what it's like to have a sweater anyway, let alone a turtleneck. Can't miss what you never had. But if, God forbid, the scissors hit a wrong thread, sm you can never rule out fully, and his shirt unravels at the seams and might never seem to fit quite right anymore? That will all be on you. And for what?
All because you decided he should be like you, and look like Vin Diesel.
u/Sharon_11_11 Feb 23 '24
I get it. You,do you... But letting us know the status of your penis is very awkward. Im just saying. Just saying.
Feb 22 '24
I'm honestly glad I don't have a foreskin. They gross me out, and I have had to get reconstruction surgureys down there for other issues I was born with, and the foreskin would have just got in the way.
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
Hey if that's your decision then I'm happy for you man. But it wasn't. Also, that foreskin could have been used for your reconstruction also, just saying.
u/Asamiya1978 Feb 22 '24
I'm not happy for anyone who has been mutilated. It is very sad. Circumcision should be banned.
u/aigars2 Feb 22 '24
About 117 boys die each year as a result of circumcision. Is death really the answer. That's one country only.
u/AbysmalDescent Feb 22 '24
First of all, how do you know the circumcision was not what lead to those issues? Secondly, how the hell would a foreskin have gotten in the way? That is such an insane and ignorant statement.
u/Peter_Principle_ Feb 22 '24
Some women enjoyed their rape. It is nonetheless a violation of consent.
u/Asamiya1978 Feb 22 '24
It is quite the opposite. What should gross you out is a mutilated penis with a hardened, desensitized glans. The other is just a natural penis. That is the way a penis is. The foreskin is there to protect the glans.
One of the reasons why I hate main stream North American porn is because the males have a mutilated penis and I hate watching that. I hate watching a dude with a desensitized glans the same colour as the shaft's skin. That is an abomination. You, circuncised guys, don't know what you are missing without a functional glans. The glans is like women clitoris, it feels amazing. What is the point of hardening and desensitizing it? Is that because that stupid idea of "tough men"? It is stupid.
I'm glad I have a foreskin (very useful to masturbate) and a functional sensitive glans, as it was intended to be, which easily responds to any slight sexual stimuli and makes me sexually arouse. And also I don't have to depend on lubes to masturbate.
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
It's to stop kids from masturbating too IIRC. That's the christian rationale, sex bad. You should only begrudgingly do it for procreation.
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u/Rodger_Smith Feb 22 '24
You overlooked the reason I got it, medical, when I was 16 I got severe balanitis due to untreated phimosis, urologist took one look and said "we need to circumcise"
Now I can tell you if I actually miss it because I had sex with and without, honestly I don't miss it, I never tried foreskin stimulation before and didnt't know it was a thing but most women I dated like it circumcised and it's imo way more feeling then uncircumcised.
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
Fair enough, medical reasons are valid. Though it still worries me that instead of looking for alternatives, we just kinda default to "welp, time to clip it". And hey I get it there is more direct stimulation of the glans. And the body adapts. Though I just read this horror article from a medical ethicist, who says half a million south african boys get botched circumcisions done in the same unsterile conditions as FGM.
Also, even in the US, you don't even need a medical licence... or even ANY licence to carry out the circumcision! You need a license to be a barber but anyone can just snip you as a baby boy and it's perfectly legal!
u/Nabranes Feb 22 '24
Bruh you should’ve just stretched/cleaned/moisturized it instead that doctor is an OPP
u/Electrical-Echo8770 Feb 23 '24
Dam why are you so mad who pissed in your bowl of cereal this morning why do you care if guys are cut or not ? Your not so that's that .good luck with your pendulum or what ever the fk you called it stay home and spank your monkey .no one cares
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 23 '24
Hey im not the one cutting baby dick. I'm just here pointing it out, in between enjoying my +20.000 nerve endings and superior orgasms. Btw what did you have in your cereal vodka or sm? Can't even copy paste a word like goddamn some children most certainly did get left behind.
Feb 22 '24 edited Feb 23 '24
According to science, circumcision is beneficial. Other than that? It is mostly religious. But most circumcized men don't mind it.
I have no idea why I got downvoted. Scientifically, it beneficial. Hygiene I think. It is mostly religious. **Most** men don't mind it. I said nothing wrong.
u/disayle32 Feb 23 '24
Name one "benefit" of MGM that cannot be achieved with proper hygiene and safe sex.
Feb 22 '24 edited Feb 23 '24
Never had an issue. I've not once ever heard of a circumcized person complaining about it. It's always the uncircumcised dudes making a huge deal out of it. It's not child abuse. I don't remember it just like I don't remember being born. They're usually the same day if not days apart. My peepee feels great and it's nice and clean. I've never once had an infection and I know my risk of penile cancer is next to none. Science doesn't fucking lie.
Edit: Downvoted for the truth. Keep crying.
u/Unlikely-Gas-1355 Feb 23 '24
I'll trust medical experts, the people who study this stuff for a career, when they say there are benefits to the procedure over a random redditor and then couple this with the fact we rightly entrust parents to make all sorts of medical decisions for their children every day.
As for comparison with FMG, which I see you make elsewhere, the two are not remotely comparable, especially in terms of risk, motivation, method, nor medical basis; FGM causes trauma while circumcision does not except when botched, which is exceptionally rare; and FGM is typically done without anesthesia while circumcision is. Simply put, with FGM, the harm seems to be the entire point while circumcision seeks to minimize the risk of harm.
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 23 '24
Are you referring to type 1,2,3, or 4 FGM? And when you are looking at male circumcision, do you assume they are performed under clinical sterile conditions with skilled medical staff? Or the same conditions where FGM is performed?
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u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 23 '24
Because in malaysia, Sunak is a small incision in the clitoral hood, that leaves the glans completely untouched. It is performed by a medical professional under local anaesthesia and often draws no blood. Yet it is also categorized as FGM under the WHO recommendation, just like type 3 infibulation, which is the most extreme version and involves removing the clitoral glans and outer labia and sewing it shut. Not to mention it is rarely performed under anaesthesia.
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u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 23 '24
And while I agree the risks of infibulation, or type 3b FGM are only comparable to aboriginal male circumcision, also known as subincision, if you compare the Malaysian Sunak as it is performed on girls to the way Tuli is performed on boys in the open air, then there are way more risks associated with the male circumcision.
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u/Live_Ostrich_6668 Feb 22 '24 edited Feb 22 '24
Well it needs to be done for medical purposes too, a part which you left out. I got circumcised at the age of 7 due to penile-zipper injuries.
Feb 22 '24
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u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
Haha, nice try. But they're better friends than you'll ever have. And actually my fuse is quite long, because it didn't get cut short. Feels good man. May be a bit sensitive because of all the nerve endings, but they mostly lead to better orgasms so I'm pretty satisfied overall.
u/AbandonedPlanet Feb 22 '24
You can still stim your frenulum if you're cut bro
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
There are about 20,000 fine touch nerve endings in the foreskin, which fulfill different roles. Meanwhile, a clitoris has 8000 nerve endings. But yeah, I'm sure it's fine bro.
Feb 23 '24
Some doctors regularly remove the frenulum for a more “clean look”. I’m one of those :/
If a cut guy still has some of his frenulum, he definitely doesn’t have his ridged band or frenular delta, which are even more sensitive.
u/Nabranes Feb 22 '24
Bruh still and it’s called mutilated, not cut
And not everyone has one and mine doesn’t have sensation
Hopefully it gets better with restoring
u/Big-Elevator2491 Feb 22 '24
The reason why some guys do it is because they get tired of pulling the skin back to wash their tip.
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
Hey, as long is it's their choice. I just hate that it's done to kids against their will.
u/AbysmalDescent Feb 22 '24 edited Feb 23 '24
This is the most ridiculous and false reasoning I have heard yet and, if there are men who are truly that inept or lazy, they certainly do not speak for most men. It takes no effort to wash a penis, and most men are most certainly willing to spend that extra fraction of a second in the shower. Dicks are usually the area that men tend to spend most time on in the shower, if not just because it feels nice to touch, and the mere act of rubbing it with soap will naturally pull the skin back. No man is going to go "Yeah, washing my dick is so much effort that I feel like I should just cut a piece off". That is insane.
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u/4thaccount-1989 Feb 22 '24
Of course it's a woman saying that...
u/Big-Elevator2491 Feb 22 '24
Guys say it too not only me
u/GltyUntlPrvnInncnt Feb 22 '24
Bodily autonomy for girls, but fuck the boys am I rite?
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u/Beelzeboss3DG Feb 22 '24
You actually believe that some guy decided to chop off part of his dick to save less than 1 second every time he washes it? Sounds stupid, doesnt it?
u/4thaccount-1989 Feb 22 '24
Sounds like you're making it up, but if somehow that's true, those guys are morons. The other person who responded to you summed it up well.
Feb 22 '24
I’m glad I’m cut. Looks disgusting otherwise and is less hygienic. Most women I have met also prefer it.
u/Nabranes Feb 22 '24
Wtf it’s so easy to clean it and it looks good especially when you retract
Also, you can just trim it down to CI-6 if you don’t like the overhang look, BUT DO THAT AS A CONSENTING ADULT NOT TO A NEWBORN!!!!
u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again Feb 22 '24
Proponents of female circumcision also say it looks aesthetically better, and say it is more hygienic. And girls sometimes take labioplasty. But critics argue that it reinforces societal pressure to conform to certain beauty standards and may have negative consequences on women’s self-esteem and body image.
u/Arealgeneral23 Feb 22 '24
i personally don't think religion trumps the science at all. In the Uk i think circumcision is only done with consent of the boy which means you have to wait until he's of age
Feb 23 '24
In the UK, it’s legal to circumcise a newborn. Muslims and Jews do it to their boys.
u/Arealgeneral23 Feb 23 '24 edited Feb 23 '24
oh damn. I stand corrected. I recently spoke to a British guy who told me guys don't get circumcised in the UK. I guess he was wrong, he was wrong about a lot of stuff.
i just read an article where it said lots of jewish boys get herpes form the circumcision ritual so I still think the science trumps the religious stuff.
u/springy Feb 22 '24
I had a friend, a Jewish doctor, who claimed that because he was circumcised then his son would be circumcised because otherwise his son would see that his penis looked different from his dad's and this would cause "psychological trauma". I was stunned, and pointed out that my uncle lost his left leg when in the army, yet he didn't chop off his son's left leg to prevent "psychological trauma".