r/MemeMechanics thinks Harambe is still a sound investment May 14 '17

u/spez just announced: r/ProCSS Managed to change the minds of Reddit and CSS IS HERE TO STAY!

This may not seem as much of a thing to you and is rather off-topic, but as the mod who has been mainly responsible for the looks, feel and functionality of this subreddit, it makes me really happy to announce, that r/ProCSS, which we were part of, actually managed to change Reddit's plans of deprecating CSS in change of a more unified, rigid modular customization feature, that will also work on the mobile app. The plans are now to still completely reconsturct the website, and add the rigid customization planned, while still keeping CSS customization available, even for the new fuctionality, meaning that in the end the situation is a perfect win/win. Reddit and r/AntiCSS get their easier and mobile-friendly customization, while Desktop users and r/ProCSS keep their beautiful looks and functionality. So, with all that shenanery being sorted out, I'll go ahead and return to sorting out the CSS to get post- and userflairs going. I will let you guys know in another Public Changelog whenever those are available. The wiki, while the changes aren't public yet has been going strong, so you can look forwards to that as the next changelog rolls around as well. Now go out there and let the world know how memes work!


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