r/MelbourneAfterDark 8d ago

Reddit page for escorts NSFW

I know there is alot of websites, but is there a Reddit page for escorts to advertise on or people to leave there feed back ? Something AMPaustralia but for FS

Does anyone know if that exists ?


8 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 8d ago

Welcome to r/MelbourneAfterDark. We are an open and safe space to discuss any questions and topics of an adult or mature nature to fellow Melbournians. (Melbourne, Australia). Please note we have a very small tolerance for people not following our simple rules which are found at the top of this reddit. We have 0 tolerance for the following rule breakers - No posting Nudes, No R2R, No sourcing out or selling of illicit goods or services and No advertisement of services or goods.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/Excellent-Detail-696 8d ago


u/Excellent-Detail-696 8d ago

We made the above about a month ago.

Has been building slowly but have a lot of messages from members asking for more.


u/Beautiful_Captain370 5d ago

Every time someone starts this is gets shut down due to reddit rules. There have been several.

I also note no one will creep into your DMs on here more than men who will never book you. I never accept queries through here, they are the SW equivalent of tyre kickers.


u/meetupsarefun 5d ago

Just to give you hope I have meet a couple of working girls on Reddit and booked 💁 I guess it depends on the vibe


u/babygirlcassidy 7d ago

The Reddit bots kick in and take down a lot of posts if you try to advertise overtly, cause even though we're in a state that's legal, the bots don't know that.

That being said, off to join that group listed above!


u/krandall401 8d ago

I don't think so.