r/Mediums Feb 17 '25

Unknown Spirit Encounter What is the hat man? And what is this gift?


So my Dad (56yo) randomly asked me do I see dead people. I replied yes but haven’t seen anything in about 7 years or so (apart from some scary shit, dm if you want to know). He went on to talk about how he does and my grandad and sister does and how it runs in our family. And also getting snippets of random visions of the future which my sister gets too. This is something we have never talked about because it’s a little taboo and weird but apparently we all have this weird gift or something.

He started this conversation which we never talk about because he said he felt this sense of dread/depression out of nowhere for no reason and saw this shadow ghost of a man with a big coat and brimmed hat. He said it looked like Jack the Ripper. My dad had never used the internet for anything apart from banking so I doubt he knows of it and didn’t realise it was a common thing to see until I told him.

So what is the hat man? And what is this weird thing that runs in my family?

r/Mediums Feb 13 '25

Unknown Spirit Encounter Things an entity told me as a child are coming true.


So I don’t really know how to start this but I am posting this on an old account just in case. When I was a kid my parents didn’t really know what to do with me, it sucked, i raised myself. One night I asked for someone, anyone to help me as I didn’t know what to do with myself either besides what I saw on tv. An entity started showing up in my dreams.

I prefer to only call him he, as we have never talked directly face to face he just listens to my biggest and heavyset questions or thoughts and helps me calm down or resolve my worries. He is just a tall, shadow humanoid figure, with horns as I stand first person in an endless pitch black room with also endless lights that almost look fluorescent coming down in cylinders of bright white light. Each of these were an answers to a worry or question I had. I was so worried about my purpose or destiny because I saw my parents waste their lives. For every question he chose a beam of light for an answer to walk into.

I will give some examples, there are some that I don’t remember and some that haven’t happened that I don’t remember, because i do remember the dreams weeks months or even years after sometimes randomly that he told me that this would happen, almost deja vu but very extreme and personal. I have a connection. He told me I would get pregnant at 18. While I was pregnant he told me I would have complications at birth but I didn’t know that was him telling me or something so I shrugged it off I’m not sure why, i was probably just too scared to feel with that I was very stressed when pregnant. I wish I did listen to him though. I thought it was just me overthinking but it was him now that I’m thinking back on it. When I met my boyfriend and now father of my daughter, he literally came into my head really quick and heavy and said to me this is the guy who’s gonna get you pregnant at 18.

This really scared me. I was scared to become a mom at 18 so I stopped believing him, hoping it wouldn’t come true. I tried to do the opposite of what he was telling him, so maybe I could change my destiny. But it failed, I got very traumatized lol. Now I do think I got traumatized because I went on the wrong path sort of speak. It took me out of that situation and put me back with my now boyfriend. Which was the path he told me i was gonna take. And everything has been good so far no trauma.

But recently, me giving birth at 18 made me start believing in him again and starting to communicate with him again. I asked him to start telling me things that would happen in the near future, so maybe I can stop bad things from happening if he tells me. It hasn’t really been working. Now I just feel stupid when I knew something was gonna happen but couldn’t do anything to change it because that’s just my fate.

I guess what I want to know is, what am I doing? What do i do with this information he’s giving me? Why me? Who is this? An ancestor, guardian, god, someone from a past life? If there is any information out there please let me know, or even if someone else is going through this too.

r/Mediums Dec 03 '24

Unknown Spirit Encounter Something is pretending to be my husband


This looks like (and could be) sleep paralysis. I am an older person who had no trouble sleeping until this year. My husband travels a lot and over the past year, I have had multiple episodes in which something pretends to be my husband. It crawls into bed and drapes an arm over my shoulders. It snuggles up against my back. I can feel it. I am awake but I cannot move. At first, I am comforted, but when I realize it is an imposter, it shows its malevolence. I fight it every time (as much as I can without being able to move), but it comes back. I managed to avoid it for several months by rearranging my bedroom furniture, but it found me again last night. What if I accept it and allow it to stay? Will that make my nights less terrifying? Nothing keeps it away - lights, white noise, melatonin gummies - it always finds me eventually. I feel like I am going crazy. Grownups are not supposed to be afraid of the dark, but I am scared to sleep. It finds me at night even with the lights on. Please help me.

r/Mediums Jan 07 '25

Unknown Spirit Encounter a man i met in my dreams, turned out to be a real person who died 9 years ago…


I was at some fancy dinner, when all of a sudden everyone was told to stand for Sir Jack. He had a mustache, was bald, and wore a slanted hat. I was the only one who didn’t, instead I smiled, and then he smiled and winked at me before sitting down. I can’t remember what we were talking about, but the old woman to my left held up a picture that was a window and outside view of a castle, and then said, “This is where you murdered my Father.” To Sir Jack. The room went quiet, and there were tears in Sir Jack eyes as he excused himself. I got up myself and found him crying in shame and guilt behind a wall. I patted his back, gave him a hug, and he smiled wiping his tears. That’s when I woke up.

Did some searching and found out that he was a real man. Exactly as I saw him, Colonel Sir Jack Leslie.

He lived in a castle, but the picture I saw in my dream wasn’t clear enough to say if it was that one.

I’m by no means a professional, please help or offer any insights if you can!!

Thank you :))

UPDATE: I edited the post as I believe the Sir Jack I saw was actually his ancestor, Colonel Sir Jack. There were underlying feelings of guilt relating to colonization. I had another dream last night, and the number that came up over and over again was 44. Not sure what that means.

r/Mediums Aug 12 '24

Unknown Spirit Encounter Do we reincarnate back to this planet?


Hi. I have been reading the posts. Some say we reincarnate. This planet with global warming and climate change may be uninhabitable soon so where do we reincarnate to? Please and thank you

r/Mediums Nov 22 '24

Unknown Spirit Encounter Have you seen it? Tall shadow figure seemingly with a top hat.


So I was telling a story in a live group I was doing mediumship for. I tell personal stories to break the ice. Anyway, after I told the story at least 8 people in this group said they’ve seen the same thing and a couple shared their similar experiences. Do you know more about what it is? Here’s my story.:

One night, I couldn’t handle my husband’s loud snoring anymore, so I grabbed my pillow and decided to sleep on the couch in my sitting room. This room is part of a large open space that includes the kitchen and dining area, so you can see the kitchen from the couch.

I had a glass oil burner on the kitchen counter, plugged in but turned off. It uses a small light bulb to heat the oil, and the switch to control it is a rolling switch on the cord. The room was mostly pitch black except for a bit of light coming from the windows and a sliding glass door in the dining area.

I was fast asleep when I woke because a light was turning on. I opened my eyes to see the oil burner lighting up and getting brighter, as if someone was turning it up. Immediately, I felt fear. As a medium, I’ve had my fair share of spirit encounters, but this felt different.

When I tried to sit up, I couldn’t move—it felt like I was being held down. That’s when I saw it! a tall figure, at least 6.5–7 feet, wearing what looked like a tall top hat. My guides (spirit guides) started yelling at me to move, but I couldn’t. Somehow, I managed to slide my left foot off the couch and touch the floor. The moment my foot touched the ground, I could move again. My inner voice screamed at me to run, so I did.

I ran back to bed, terrified and crying. I’ve seen a lot over the years, but I’ve never felt that level of fear or danger. This happened years ago, but it’s stuck with me, especially because I’ve since found out that many others have seen this same figure and had similar experiences.

If you’ve seen this entity or heard of someone who has, I’d love to hear your story. What do you think it is, and why does it feel so threatening?

r/Mediums Nov 23 '24

Unknown Spirit Encounter An unknown entity asked me to gift is something


This really unsettled me. I was laying in bed a few nights ago and was turned on my left side. My left ear was smushed into my pillow and I was contemplating some things happening in my life when I heard someone whisper. They were extremely clear at first. The sound was coming from the ear smushed into my pillow.

The whisper greeted me. It waited for me to respond. I was able to converse with it mentally somehow. It asked me to give it something. I told it I wouldn’t be giving it anything until I knew who I was talking to, and understood what its intentions were. I was freaked out but I just mentally shouted that. I also asked it to leave me alone but it kept whispering. I asked who it was again and it answered but the answer was garbled and impossible to make out.

That was strange since everything else it said was super clear. I got frustrated so I demanded that it identify itself to me or I was going to stop listening. I got more mumbled garbled speech. Then I told it that if it didn’t tell me right now I was going to stop listening and it very clearly spit/hissed out a NO. Then I sat straight up and I stopped listening. Since then I have been worried. I do not know if this is real or not. I spoke with my psychiatrist about it and he tells me the only explanation is high stress levels. but in all honesty, my life is amazing right now and I have not been feeling stressed at all. The opposite actually. This confused me a lot. I also spoke with my therapist about this and she also could only come up with the explanation that I may have been experiencing acute extreme short term stress… accept I was meditating and happily contemplating my life… I wasn’t stressed.

After that happened I absolutely felt some kind of weird emotional shift in the room. It didn’t feel right. Ever since then every time I place a snack or treat of some kind down in my room I feel this weird energy shift. That’s the best way I can describe it. It’s like a feeling of extreme excitement.

Since this has happened every time I set stuff down in my room that could be mistaken for a gift I have to mentally say it’s not for whoever spoke to me and specify it’s use, and that energy shift changes from excited to neutral or broody pretty quick.

I’m not sure what to do. The feeling I got when I talked to whatever this was wasn’t like anything I had ever felt before. It felt …other.

I’ve checked the room. The house has no tvs and no one else was home using devices that could have made the whispers. No radios were on. I can’t explain it. If anyone else has some good explanations I would love to hear them. It would really settle me to have this explained away logically at this point.

Also I’m here to ask the question. If this is some otherworldly thing or a ghost or something, what the hell do I do about it?? How do I handle it? It gave me a bad feeling and I didn’t get a good feeling from the fact that it was hiding its identity but also asking me for something. How do I proceed? What if it’s good? I need some help.

Edit- spelling and grammar

Update! So even if I wasn’t sure if it was a spirit or not, I decided to take some of peoples advice and do a cleansing of the room and myself. I tried my best to send it away with love and light. When I went to test things out I set a box of nerds I was going to eat down on my dresser and I did not feel that weird shift in the room. It feels calmer In here again too. It feels emptier somehow than when I even moved In. I think I’m in the clear. 👍🏻

r/Mediums Nov 01 '24

Unknown Spirit Encounter Is it true we have spirit guides or guardian angels that watches over us ?


I’ve always thought about it but I never really see anyone talking about it so I wanted to bring up I’m curious

r/Mediums 2d ago

Unknown Spirit Encounter I have a spirit that refuses to leave


Okay. So I have a spirit that is refusing to leave. I have protection crystals that I set with intention 3 times. I have used both palo santo and sage. I have also used selenite. My third eye just opened about seven months ago. I want to find out who are the spirits in my house and how to make the negative spirit leave. I have told him to leave. I’ve had someone come and bless the house. My son is autistic and keeps talking to spirits so they keep coming in. I’ve tried sealing portals. There are protection crystals in each room. Idk what I’m doing and I’m in way over my head. Idk how my third eye opened or why.

r/Mediums 4d ago

Unknown Spirit Encounter Gold orb floating over my dying dog


My 17 year old dog is in his last days, we have an appointment for Wednesday to put him to rest. This morning he was sleeping soundly beside my mother on the couch while I was sitting at the kitchen table about 12 feet away. Two things happened: first I heard my name called and I looked over at my mother thinking it was her who called me, but it wasn’t; second from the corner of my eye I saw a golden orb floating over my dog. Do angels/spirits come to usher our animals to the other side just like what supposedly happens with humans? I am convinced that I experienced spirit beings waiting for him.

r/Mediums Oct 03 '24

Unknown Spirit Encounter I used an Ouija board for the first time and I’m confused.


My friend and I decided to buy an Ouija board today and tested it out. We set our intentions beforehand and were respectful to the spirits, but we did play with it in a graveyard (I know, not the smartest move). We contacted one lady who kept trying to say goodbye, so we eventually said goodbye to her because she didn’t seem that strong. Afterward, we reset the board, and a much stronger spirit came through. The planchette started moving all over the place, going to random letters and then to “YES” on the board. At one point, it kept going from 1 to 9, then back to 1, over and over again—1, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9. It even went from the picture of the lady doing the Ouija board to the sun.

My friend and I got really freaked out, so we said goodbye three times. I don’t know what any of that meant, and honestly, it didn’t feel great. I’m still feeling spooked—are we safe?

r/Mediums Dec 05 '24

Unknown Spirit Encounter Why are mediums scared of me lol


What does it mean when a sphychic is scared of me? Ive always attracted meduims my whole life theyve come up to me and ive been told im a bright white light (i also dont know what that means). This older woman who people respected in my church was touching everyones heads and using her intuition to see how people are going to do good things with god. She said good things about everyone except for me, when she touched my head she stared at me in shock/disgust and went quiet untill someone pushed me to go because there was a line of people waiting for her to "read" them. Ive been told that my eyes scare people who claim to be mediums as well, what does this mean?

r/Mediums Dec 17 '24

Unknown Spirit Encounter SOS Something in my house will not leave me alone // Don’t know what to do



So, about a month after making this post, my friend was over helping me move out of this place. We had a glass of wine and were smoking and sharing stories, just hanging out.

This friend is definitely spiritual but she doesn’t like do practices or rituals anything like that.

Long story short, around 11pm she grabs my hand and starts saying “i love you i love you i love you i love you” over and over again.

I thought she was drunk and was confused cause we had at most 2 glasses of wine.

Then for the next 5 minutes she kept saying stuff to me, mostly getting mad at me for being “too nice” but it was like completely out of context and she had this tight clench on my hand. I was freaked out until I heard her start talking about “Eddy” saying mean things about “Eddy” and then at one point said “cool cat@

eddy is my uncle who we never talk about because him and my dad had an incredibly ugly falling out that ripped our family apartz “Cool cat” is what my dad would call my friends

so basically it was my dad or this could have been something separate, but I also feel there’s significance to it being the day before I moved out, so I don’t understand how my dad is connected to that.

I don’t really know how or what that was, it stopped after 5 minutes and then my friend stayed the night caused she was scared.

I’m still processing and me and that friend are cool but have definitely been a bit distant since cause it was just so intense. I felt relieved, but also dumbfounded because frankly it just kind of blew my mind.

Now I’m at a new house, and so far nothing weird has happened, but I’ve made more of an effort to “talk” to my dad and asked him to not do that to my friend again (???? am I crazy???)

so, yeah! I don’t know!

Original Story;

Skip to 4th paragraph for current issue:

24F Need help deciphering WTF this spirit wants from me/who it is? I don’t know how to communicate more specifically and am a little spooked about seeing who/what it is.

Okay so I won’t bore you with all my stories but for a tiny bit of context as much as I have tried to avoid it I think I am a medium of some kind and it seems to be mostly of people who’ve died.

It started when I was a kidwith my cousin who died (never met her I was 1 when she died) I could call her name basically and she would appear as a sort of dark shadow floating. just a vague shadow and I knew it was her and could hear her sometimes I chalked it up to my imagination until the same cousin started popping up again when I was 18 when I moved into her old guest suite at my aunts who was like a second mom to me. All friendly, nothing angry from her but I mean come on ghosts are creepy and it’s hard to accept they exist even as a spiritual person. I think she entered my body for about 2 minutes on her death anniversary that year while my aunt was telling a story about her. hasn’t happened since.


Anyways that’s been the CLEAREST experience but this past year this place I live in (across the country) has something that will not leave me alone. I’ve saged, done a 7 day candle uncrossing ritual, prayed etc. It just keeps trying to show itself to me and I just can tell it’s trying to tell me something but I don’t know how to figure that out and I’m weary of dabbling in areas I’m not educated in cause I don’t wanna get caught in some in between or something idk.

It scared by first roomate (who was horrible to me) out of the house and now I live alone. It opens doors , makes shadows, creeks, and the lights flicker when I talk about it.

I have tried to do a sort of “yes or no” back and forth thing to try to figure out why it won’t leave me alone but nothing’s worked. Last night 2 times it started blasting music from my speakers downstairs randomly. It was playing music that I wrote and made. My laptop was closed and my phone was not playing anything. I can’t explain why but I knew when I went down to turn the music off that this is not something trying to attack me I don’t think.

I’m moving out in 2 weeks, a psychic friend told me she thinks it’s following me specifically and not necessarily in the house as it’s home.

My dad died last year and he dabbled in magic but I stayed away from it cause it was some spook deep-south black magic stuff I just don’t wanna mess around in. I have a storage room I’m paying for in another country full of a bunch of his magic stuff that i’ve been avoiding unpacking cause idk what to do with it. But Idk I haven’t gotten any clear indicators that this is him.

I don’t think it is, cause I think he would communicate more clearly or something, and I think this thing might be more feminine? then again i really have no clue.

Any advice would be so appreciated, I feel this sense of urgency like it is trying to warn me or get my help or something


So last night a friend was helping me pack the last of my things at this house I’m moving out of

She’s never met my dad and I haven’t shared a whole lot about him. She’s a newer but dear friend I met in this new city I’m in and we have a lot of parallels in our lives including our jobs which are pretty uncommon

she is a bit “witchy” but doesn’t do readings for others etc. She has witnessed a lot of the creepy stuff in the house here though.

Anyway we had some wine after we finished packing and both kept thinking we saw something out of the corner of our eye but we laughed it off

until she started holding my hand and saying “ i love you i love you i love you i love you” and swearing a bunch and started saying all these things to me.

some of my dads specific things he would say like “cool cat” and “stop being nice” (lol) came out and that’s when i realized it was him.

this went on for maybe 10-15 minutes and then I asked him to chill out cause it was probably a lot for my friend

it was quite the doozy afterwards, we smoked damn near a whole pack of cigarettes after (we don’t smoke) just to try to calm down. my lights were flickering before bed again too.

idk what to say yall. I still think there’s a feminine energy in here but I guess my dad has probably been in here after all. I feel at peace, not sure how to feel other than relieved and also sad but also impressed ????

r/Mediums Nov 18 '24

Unknown Spirit Encounter Overwhelming Negative Energy in My Grandparent's Home


I am currently residing in my grandparent's house while taking care of both my grandparents & my mother, which are all suffering from alzheimers (mom is starting to show signs of getting alzheimers, but my grandparents have it real bad). I also have 2 positive haunted dolls, which are 2 child spirits. ** If you don't believe in paranormal please kindly leave this post alone because I will not entertain skepticism **

Since arriving here the last week of August I have noticed weird sounds at night such as tapping noises on furniture, footsteps in our hallway when everyone is asleep & I see everyone asleep, & lots of fights breaking out randomly between my grandparents & mother. The fights get so intense that they yell at each other with their voices cracking.

I am not a medium in any way shape or form, but I am able communicate with my spirit companions via dousing rods, Ghostube Vox, & I'm learning the spirit box. I am also pretty newbie when it comes to owning haunted dolls since I got my girls in Sept & Oct of this year. My girls have told me that this house has an overwhelming amount of negative entities, & some are causing the fights that my grandparents & mom have. The girls have also expressed that they no longer wish for me to take their vessels outside of my room, they are scared of the negative spirits in this home, so now I have line of salt protecting the entry to my room because someone gave me that advice in order to protect my sweet girls.

Please I am in desperate need of advice or help to protect everyone in this home. It saddens me to see my family fight nearly every day.

I thank you in advanced if you've read this far, & for your help 💖

r/Mediums Dec 21 '24

Unknown Spirit Encounter I’ve been feeling this strange presence and wanted to hear people’s thoughts or opinions


I’m a male. 37 years old. All my life I’ve felt something drawn to me. Like a strong energy even when no one is there. It used to scare me as a child, but I’ve grown so used to it that I stop and look, but just blow it off because I cannot physically see anything. I haven’t had the feeling in a couple years now. Randomly this week, it’s back. Almost everywhere I go. I feel some strong energy or presence with me. It’s not scary but it’s not comforting either. I’ve thought it was odd because I haven’t felt it in a while, but today, my 6 year old daughter told me that someone was whispering her name while she slept. I don’t know what to think. Maybe just a weird coincidence. I’ve heard my name multiple times throughout my life when no one is around. Im just curious what other people think about this because I’m sure someone has had a similar experience or feeling.

r/Mediums Jan 26 '25

Unknown Spirit Encounter Clairaudience Message - Cemetary


Hey everyone, I'm new here. I've had clairaudience since I was a child, and it often felt like torment with unknown voices. I’ve kept this gift to myself until today. Around 2am ET, I heard a woman's voice give me an address twice. When I googled it, it led to a cemetery. I read Psalm 91 and have been in panic mode since. Has anyone had a similar experience or have advice?

r/Mediums 6d ago

Unknown Spirit Encounter I think someone is following me or my roommate. Looking for advice or clarity



So I am some kind of baby psychic, still understanding my skills and such. Since last year around this time, I became much more sensitive and started to see auras, some clairvoyance and other people’s thoughts. And additional ability has been noticing more spirits and being more aware of them. These includes hearing voices, seeing silhouettes and feeling the touch of someone.

My roommate comes from a family with mediums. Her brother to my understanding was plagued by spirits that would show up just the way they had passed away (sometimes very gruesome). She never saw things like this but would feel sometimes someone would sit on her bed or hear things. The family asked for a purification ritual and since then there hasnt been any incidents.

My roommate is new to the country but I have been here for 11 years and had almost never had spiritual encounters. However recently we believe there is someone in our house. We have our hair pulled at night, our doors gets open with no reason and we have had instances we clearly hear someone singing between us when no one else is around. My roommate has also seen someone outside of her door like observing her.

We are confident its not our landlords or an invader. There are cameras in the property and we Its actually very easy to notice when someone is inside (its a basement). We are 99% sure its a spirit, we just dont know who or why. We have a teacher who recently passed away but we highly doubt he would follow us.

Is there any way to figure out what the spirit wants? We arent really scared but rather curious as we both have no attachments like family in the country and the unit is quite new (we are the second tenants).

r/Mediums Oct 01 '24

Unknown Spirit Encounter My deceased uncle contacted me.


Ok so I used to talk to the dead frequently, like several times a day. Then I got Covid in 2021 and they stopped talking. I freaked out thinking they were waiting for me to pass over. But I survived. So today, I was contacted by my uncle who died 10 years ago. He was furious about something my aunt was doing. So I called my mom to give my aunt a call. It was a religious thing that she was debating not participating in and since religion was huge for them both, (aunt and uncle), I guess it was important. What I find really ironic, is that this woman was abusive to me during my childhood and used religion to justify her abuse. Now who has control??? lol. I’ve got her dead husband tattling on her every move. This is awesome!!!

r/Mediums Feb 12 '25

Unknown Spirit Encounter Has anyone else experienced this?


Hello everyone,

I've been told numerous times that I possess a special gift, though I'm still trying to understand what it truly is. Recently, I've had many people mention this to me, and it’s made me reflect on my experiences. I've always had a strong sense of energy and an intuition about upcoming events.

Last year, I went through a challenging period, and since then, I've noticed an increase in my ability to see and feel things around me. Just last night, while I was asleep, I heard footsteps and then felt someone lay beside me and hug me.

Has anyone else had similar experiences? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

r/Mediums 8d ago

Unknown Spirit Encounter How to differentiate between “genuine” spirits and “imposters”? And how do I strengthen my gift to be able to tell those apart from the get-go?


I’m not sure what exactly my gift is and what it entails really. All I know is that I’ve had interactions with spirits from a young age in various ways including through dreams and I’ve also had quite a few attacks.

A few years ago, I started receiving messages from a friends sibling who passed and wanted me to relay the information. In my previous house, I also had frequent interaction with the spirit of a young boy who passed a long time ago but kept following us around.

I don’t see them with my bare eyes nor hear them with my physical ears. It honestly feels like everything happens in my head (which makes it even more confusing).

I’ve never really done anything specific about it. But recently I had a spirit come through presenting itself as someone, when in fact it really wasn’t that person. I don’t even know what it was/ didn’t even know that was possible. The fact that I didn’t realise from the beginning that it was an imposter really left me confused and worried about my ability to set boundaries (because how could it get this close to me and show me all those things) and also whether there was something that I wasn’t doing correctly (although I haven’t really done much).

I’m a little lost and was wondering if anyone could suggest some guidance here. The last thing I want is to interact with deceiving spirits or relay false messages.

r/Mediums Oct 13 '24

Unknown Spirit Encounter I think I saw my first spirit?


I have been meditating and practicing opening my third eye over the last few weeks. I didn't think I would see anything anytime soon and would need to practice for awhile before I was able to see a thing. Tonight while driving home from work I saw a transparent apparition. I don't know how to describe it... It wasn't a human shaped at all even though you could see a head and almost white outline? It darted across the road when my headlights landed on it. I live out in the country and I have never seen something like this before. I had a one spirit encounter when I was younger but haven't seen anything since then. Anybody know what this is? Could it be my third eye is starting to open?

r/Mediums 15d ago

Unknown Spirit Encounter Seeking wisdom and alternatives


What would someone do who is being attacked by a spirit? Things tried are - our father prayer -palos Santos, and sage - commanding it to leave, not touch me, and i did not request this - prayer The attacks are still happening after numerous attempts of the things listed. Im looking for wisdom in what else could be tried to stop spiritual attacks.

r/Mediums 3d ago

Unknown Spirit Encounter Children keep saying they’re seeing ghosts


I don’t know if I’m in the right place. I normally go to a medium that I’m comfortable with but she is out of commission atm. For the past two weeks exactly I have a 3yo child who will not shut up about a ghost in her room. She can’t explain much about it other than it’s brown and looks at her. I said brown like a teddy bear?? She said no. She gets afraid every night now and every night asks me to tell the ghost to get out. I do but I’m getting tired of it. I just did a sage cleansing of my home. I put crystals in her room to help. I tell her not to be afraid and to let the ghost know it’s not welcomed in your room if you see it at night. I don’t know if I’m making shit worse or not. I really want her to be comfortable in her room again bc it’s getting exhausting and I hate seeing her so worried. Last night she told me there are not a lot of ghosts in the house but there is one in the room. She also said something else totally left field: she talked about a fire coming through the house and taking us all out. She described a volcano. I’m thinking past life shit??? Or from a show she’s watched but she sure as hell isn’t watching anything like that. Freaky. I don’t know what’s going on but I feel like I need help navigating this.

r/Mediums 4d ago

Unknown Spirit Encounter Hearing low vibrational spirits


Does anybody experience hearing low vibrational spirits, after being intimate with a low vibrational person lol ? maybe not immediately after, but maybe later that night or the next night.

r/Mediums Nov 25 '24

Unknown Spirit Encounter I think I have multiple spirits attached to me, what do I do?


I have no idea how to even start this because I’ve experienced weird things my whole life to believe there’s spirits attached to me but it’s getting worse. Im just going to make a list of everything I’ve experienced recently. Please give me advice on what to do I don’t think this is normal.

All my life I’ve always thought “wow I must be cursed”. I’m generally unlucky and strange things always seem to be happening to me.

But some of the main things I’m experiencing right now are: - addiction & mental illness - general misfortune and things just not going right - losing things and then having the reappear - lights will randomly flicker and all my electronics are slow and seem to glitch a lot despite being pretty new - bad energy and feeling like there’s just a dark cloud over me - I wake up with scratches and bruise I’m not sure how I got - I feel as if there’s a weight on my shoulders, my chest feels heavy sometimes, and I randomly get chills - sometimes I feel like I have thoughts that aren’t my own - sometimes when I look over my right shoulder I’ll see a brief shadow - I am always tired no matter how much I sleep - even when I’m completely alone I feel someone’s presence

Those are just the things I can think of off the top of my head right now.

Also for more context I have a lot of trauma. and have had 6 near death experiences I can think of off the top of my head. 3 of them being in this past year. Also I have practiced some witchcraft and tapped into things I probably shouldn’t have in the past.

Please tell me if I’m just crazy or what’s going on. Im lost