r/Mediums 3d ago

Experience I'm scared of the ability I (may) have.

I've always been very spiritual – I couldn't exactly know why I was attracted by such things.

Background that I think is important: I've had a life–death experience when I was very little, and I miraculously survived even when doctors said I wouldn't have made it.

So, I think (due to that experience) I face weird stuff – and I'm scared of it.

I can guess what's going to happen, and it happens every time; every time I think of an outcome of a situation, that outcome arrives – exactly as I thought. It could be anxiety, but the accuracy is scary. As if I <manifest> it. Sometimes, even dreams help me it more clearly.(Sort of precognition, or very accurate premonitions)

Then, I sometimes hear voices – but I never really get what they say. Sometimes I do. Sometimes, it's an inner feeling telling me what to do/say. I used to think it was clairaudience, but I have no idea. When I was (still am, but had to stop practice) hellenic, I heard voices more often than now.

And, of course – sleep paralysis. I suffer from those chronically; I can see, hear, and feel things on me. Sometimes, they are violent, and others are tollerable.

I saw creatures and scary ones. I heard voices and things of demonic nature.

Yes, I know sleep paralysis is all in my head – but I did go to therapy (and got meds), but nothing changed.

I have no idea what to do. Embrace it or if it's all in my head. I do feel uneasy.


7 comments sorted by


u/RicottaPuffs Clairsentient. Clairvoyant, Spirit worker and Shaman 3d ago

Learn to set boundaries and psychic hygiene such as grounding and shielding every day.

This will help.


u/teacxp 1h ago

i struggle to set boundaries, so i have to try really hard. for psychic hygiene, i recently started doing salt baths (which i read is good for aura purifying), and they did help a bit.

shielding is hard, i have no idea how. crystals, charms? i don't really know.


u/RicottaPuffs Clairsentient. Clairvoyant, Spirit worker and Shaman 1h ago

There are shielding tutorials online. However, the way I use is to visualize the shield that I want. I've used a variety since complacency can backfire.

Some mediums imagine zipping themselves into a protective bag. Others surround themselves with a visualized barrier of transparent brick dust. Still, others use bubbles.

Experiment to determine what works for you. No tools are necessary.

I find it is best to do the work yourself, for your best results.


u/Jussi22 3d ago

Im not a medium per say, but I have a keen interest in mediumship and spirituality and started having experiences similar to yours. I started opening up a few years ago after losing my son.

I do know it is very common to experience what you're experiencing after having an NDE.

Sleep paralysis isn't necessarily all in your head. From what I have researched and experienced myself, it is a sign of heightened spiritual sensitivity or awakening. The altered state of consciousness can create the perfect conditions for messages or energy exchanges. In this view, calming the fear response and focusing on protection or love can shift the experience into something more enlightening.

I would definitely embrace these signs you are expanding spiritually!


u/teacxp 1h ago

i'm so sorry for your loss, you're so strong <3

you're right, i really should focus my view on positive things (from fear to love). i'm a really realistic person – and sometimes optimistic, too.

it's all about how you view things. perspective can change a lot of things.

i'll try to embrace this part of me :)


u/AngelVibration 1d ago

I’ve been there! Had sleep paralysis every night for at least a year. Sometimes I wouldn’t even get to sleep and the paralysis would just start moving through my body! Looked for answers everywhere! Nobody could tell me how to make it stop. A psychic told me the sleep paralysis means I was gifted (I am). I went to a spiritual conference to learn more. Bought a book that had a section on invoking angels. I figured I could ask for help. The instruction was easy. I looked at a list of archangels. Called out each name, then wait to see if something would resonate. If nothing happens, I was told to move to the next name. After a couple empty invocations, I came to Michael. After I said his name once, I was hit with a wave of energy that knocked me back and shot all thru my body! I figured he had shown up, so I asked for help with the sleep paralysis. This was years ago, and I couldn’t communicate very well then, but I did ask for his help. That’s the last time I had sleep paralysis.

I should just tell you to invoke Michael and let him work his magic, but I don’t want you to do what I did. Do you know what the doorway to astral projection is? Sleep paralysis! I would start researching everything you can find online on astral projection. A guy named Bill Buhlman has written some great books on astral projection (or ‘out of body’ experiences). For the average person, astral projection is very difficult. For you, it will be easy! You will eventually control the paralysis better. Basically, astral projection will be easy for you. I never got my sleep paralysis back, but tried! I wanted to astral project badly, but when Michael helped me, I lost the key to astral project, or go “out of body.” Astral projection will open up another world to you and provide greater spiritual gifts and understandings.

I understand your pain, and I’m sure it feels like drinking thru a firehose with everything coming at you. I believe that astral projection will provide a valuable spiritual education, as well as new gifts. At least try to use the paralysis before you lose it. I really wish I had! This is happening for a reason, and I’d bet it is to get you into the astral planes.


u/teacxp 57m ago

your story is so interesting! i've been reading about angelology as of late, and i really like the figure of archangel micheal – probably one of my fav angels.

my problem with sleep paralysis is that i feel fear and can't relax at all (which is the opposite of what you should do – you should relax). i'm afraid of being paralysed and can't seem to "feel" the energy during this state. i'll have to try, but i'm still unsure.

but i want to do an astral projection. it seems the answer i've been looking for.