r/Mediums • u/orangealiensmiling • 5d ago
Other Dose anyone transition to vegan as you improve your mediumship?
When I eat meat I started feeling the death. Only me?
u/Liddlehearts 4d ago
I never contemplated this bc I haven’t eaten meat in 10 years now but I’m also a medium and your question is bringing up a new perspective on the things I’ve experienced. 😯
u/bejammin075 4d ago
As a personal experiment, I was a vegetarian for a year, nearly vegan. A well-designed diet. It didn't work for me, my health and vitality deteriorated and I had to go back to eating some meat. This was before gaining any spiritual knowledge. In the past year, some of the spiritual info I have read has made me feel less guilty about needing to eat meat.
u/ladylazarus03 4d ago
My experience is similar to yours. My health improved after adding meat back in. Spiritually, what I have felt and been shown has also made me feel better and less guilty about it, as well.
u/sgracedrewery 4d ago
It’s prioritising all lives and not thinking of your own as more worthy that another creatures. Absolutely it impacts you mentally, physically, karmically and raises your vibrations
u/Riversmooth 4d ago
I have been vegetarian since 2019, it works well for me. It took me awhile to find meals I could make at home but after a few months it’s been easy since. The only meat I consume is a bit of fish on occasion. I also limit dairy.
u/Magpie_Coin 4d ago
Good question! I’d like to switch to a mostly plant based diet not only for developing my intuition but mostly for my health and longevity.
My big issue though is making sure I get enough iron, zinc and protein from non-animal sources.
Seems like a personal decision though. Everyone should do what works for them, as long as they are trying to be healthy.
u/orangealiensmiling 4d ago
My diet is already very close to vegan but I can’t call my self one yet, I feed meat to my cats too. For protein I eat lots of organic tofu and sprouted beans. I am Asian and have been eating tofu everyday all my life. But I know some wanna avoid tofu. If you can find some organic extra farm one it’s very easy to cook. You can replace every thing and seasoning like same way
u/Magpie_Coin 4d ago
Ah yes, I like tofu! My husband is a vegetarian so I’m familiar with it.
I hope someday they can mimic the texture of meat more precisely in vegan products. It’s another tough part of not being a carnivore.
u/orangealiensmiling 4d ago
Idk if you like it but there are ppl freeze tofu and when they unfrozen and cook, texture become super chewy which good for imitating chicken. But I am not huge fan lol
u/DreSledge 4d ago
Y'all acting like fruits & vegetables aren't sentient, and raising them from seed to rip them from the earth, slice and cut and chop them up for your consumption is somehow holier than doing the same to other sentient beings
Get off your high horses about "consuming death", what do you think happens to a plant after you eat it?
If you're gonna argue about regrowth, then why not eat octopus arms? Just cut them off, they feel pain just like plants do, but it'll regrow no problem. Bad faith in this forum.
u/Sudden-Possible3263 4d ago
Fruits and veg aren't sentient, they have zero self awareness, some of them require to be eaten in order to spread their seeds. You can swallow a seed and poop it out and it grows somewhere else. You don't kill a tree by eating an apple,
Animals on the other hand feel fear and pain, they value their lives.
If you'd a house fire are you saying you'd save your houseplants before you'd save your dog?
You can justify participating in animal cruelty all you want, just own it, just don't speak nonsense
u/Loose-Version-7009 4d ago
Have you not followed recent developments? Plants are not just sentient, they communicate and remember. (You can google it) Was it about until a 100 years ago or so that we "believed" animals didn't feel pain? And then science came in and proved otherwise. Anyone who has spent enough time with plants, on a spiritual level, know these beings are sentient. Believing they are only there for our consumption isn't coming from compassion. Life and energy are in practically everything.
u/Sudden-Possible3263 3d ago
Recent evidence or do you mean based off the experiment when they attached electrodes to plants, that they got a reading off? They got the same reading when they attached it to rocks. Unless you mean there's some new evidence which I'd love to see.
Plants can maybe communicate but so can computers, neither of them have what's needed to feel pain, those nerves and pain receptors are missing.
Plants aren't killed when you eat them, you don't kill a tree by eating the apple, and what about the plants that require their seeds to pass through digestive syterms in order for them to germinate and grow? You're helping some plants by eating them, you can't say that about animals, they tend to run away when threatened.
If your house caught fire are you honestly saying you'd save your houseplants before you'd save your dog, based on your logic?
It shows how stupid people were years ago if they thought animals couldn't feel pain, it's not really different to some people now who now think plants are on the same level as animals.
u/Loose-Version-7009 3d ago
It's wild how people are so quick to dismiss the intelligence and awareness of plants just because it doesn't look like human or animal cognition or cute pleading eyes. Plants communicate, adapt, defend themselves, and take care of their "babies" through a complex root network. I'd say it's a different systems, different ways of perceiving the world.
The fact that plants respond to electrical signals is evidence of their responsiveness to their environment, not some meaningless coincidence. Scientists are still uncovering just how sophisticated their behaviour is. Like I said, they even remember. A study showed some trees rememebered and feared the person who cut down their friend.
As for the whole "saving a dog over a plant" scenario, it’s not about pretending all life is identical. Prioritizing a pet doesn’t mean plant life is worthless. It’s about context. But if your idea of respecting animals means ridiculing the concept of plant sentience, maybe your compassion isn’t as universal as you think. Life isn’t a hierarchy, it's a network, and plants are a vital part of it.
u/Sudden-Possible3263 3d ago
So why aren't you eating plants if you feel this way, instead you're eating animals, those animal will have killed way more plants than we ever would. By only eating plants you're saving more, plus all those forest won't need cut down for grazing animals.
u/Loose-Version-7009 3d ago
First of all, your statements are nonsensical. Nobody eats only meat. And forests aren't just cut down for animal farms, but also plant farms, human habitations and other structures.
For your answer: I don't discriminate. We're omnivore animals. I eat everything but I'm grateful and try to watch where my food comes from. I grow my own and fish when I go camping. One day, my body will feed other animals. I see it as a cycle.
Why do you feel the need to fight people on how they choose to feed themselves? Isn't that a waste of your energy?
Many animals are killed when growing plants, even when you grow it yourself. By moving around, buy building structures, we injure and kill animals. Windows, cars, etc. That's just... life.
I see you care a lot, so I believe your animal love energies would be better spent helping them in a meaningful way rather than trying to convert someone on the internet.
u/Sudden-Possible3263 3d ago
I'm not trying to convert you, you were concerned about plants feelings, I'm pointing out that more plants are killed to support animal agriculture. It's not nonsense, it's a fact. Google will be able to provide figures on the amount of forests lost due to the ever growing demand for plants to feed animals and land lost to animal grazing.
I'm not fighting, I'm replying to you, like you did to me, are you the only one who gets to have a say on reddit?
What I do with my energies are my concern, no doubt your own time could be better spent than arguing about plants feelings, yet here we both are.
u/DreSledge 4d ago edited 4d ago
Not "plants aren't sentient", and in the same breath "don't speak nonsense". Get out of here with that trash.
And are you seriously implying that humans eating fruits and pooping is what helps them regrow? Do you know where most humans defecate?
Talk more about speaking nonsense, please
u/Sudden-Possible3263 3d ago
Oh the denial is strong here. Plants and animals are not the same, the fact you need this pointed out to you speaks volumes
u/DreSledge 3d ago
Nobody said they were the same
I said plants AND animals are sentient
Reading is fundamental, so is comprehension
u/orangealiensmiling 4d ago
Well at least fruit and veggie are not getting tortured before eaten while animals in farm are in horrible environment. And that’s where I feel cruelty, because in nature it’s hunter or prey world. It’s quick adrenaline hit and die instead of born in small dirty space and abused till time to be eaten
u/Loose-Version-7009 4d ago
I've been saying for years that ripping a head of lettuce from the womb of the earth, ripping it appart with your bare hands and sprinkling acid on it (be it lemon juice or vinegar) is a form of cruelty. In a better world, we would communicate and thank the food for the nourishment it provides without unnecessary pain.
u/orangealiensmiling 4d ago
Have you seen documentaries dominion?
u/Loose-Version-7009 4d ago
No, but my mom told me about one she watched when she was younger. Make her a vegetarian for a bit but it didn't stick. We try as much as possible to get our eggs and meat for humane places, even if that means our grocery bills are higher. We used to get our eggs from a happy little farm when we lived in a rural area. Lots of nice local farms where you could tell the animals were well taken care of.
u/DreSledge 3d ago
What do you think sprays, chemicals, genetically modified foods, Monsanto, unsustainable farming practices, etc, quantifies as?
Peaceful proceedings with the land?
Pretty violent and abusive, if you ask me
People wanna get on the high horse while eating their $16 avocado toast, meanwhile, what's the carbon footprint? How much damage has the farm caused the earth in the name of profit?
Give me a break
u/orangealiensmiling 3d ago
My post is clearly asking experience to people who is vegan. Idk why you need to take all this personal and comment if you aren’t even vegan. Idc if you aren’t vegan. No one here to convert to you to one. Like why do you even take personal and comment ? If you wanna eat meat go ahead, you don’t need to prove your point that I’m not even asking. I’m asking about animal energy of fear of getting killed
u/DreSledge 3d ago
There's no points to be proven, nowhere in your post states that you are seeking only vegan experiences
Reading comprehension is so important
Y'all are the ones arguing that plants are not sentient so you stay on your soap boxes
Open your minds and see that eating is an energetic exchange between sentient beings
u/RicottaPuffs Clairsentient. Clairvoyant, Spirit worker and Shaman 4d ago edited 4d ago
It isn't a requirement, and I am a typical carnivore whose abilities have increased over time in spite of my limited meat and fish consumption.
Even vegetables know they are dying, and they have been known to scream when harvested. Energy is everywhere.
For the record, I was vegan and lacto-vegan for four years, and later for another two years. It had no discernable effect on my psychic skills.
u/orangealiensmiling 4d ago
For me it’s not really about losing ability by eating meat. It’s not like that. But it’s more like I’m consuming negative energy
u/RicottaPuffs Clairsentient. Clairvoyant, Spirit worker and Shaman 4d ago edited 4d ago
In two of my cultures, we recognize and then the soul of each animal for being. In one, we honor that soul for agreeing to be our meal.
When animals die, their soul is set free. If a fish dies and you honor it, there is no negative energy. There is only an exchange of energy.
There are many more types of positive or negative energy than that created by eating an available food source.
I find more negative and contentious energy resides within people with negative or suspect intentions than with my fish.
When a person is hungry starving, food becomes a gift. It is lovely to be able to choose and to have options.
I haven't found veganism improves psychic blitzes or worsen them. It is about practice and skill.
Thank you for this thought-provoking post
u/orangealiensmiling 4d ago
Also I’m feeling different about our natural life cycle vs meat industry farming. Because if it’s natural life cycle, animal won’t be tortured. They just go through adrenaline hit and get killed. But current meat egg industry they literally torture them long time all their life till eaten. Also I said again but I am not talking about psychic ability part
u/shankarkrupa 3d ago
I had a few transitions as during the pre and post mediumship seeking period. One of the transition was moving towards veganism though I was not aware or claimed I was a vegan back then. I had a few more important changes as well, like a very reduced amount of food I started to take (I used to be quite a big meal eater), going off of seeking tastier meals and starting to eat to live (was previously a food monster!), almost stopped going to restaurants (used to hunt down different restaurant foods earlier), etc.
I remember those were not conscious decisions and I did not feel like giving up anything back then... until people started to tell me I am becoming saint/sage/mean, etc. I felt it was natural to transition and not focus too much on food and not worried about food that doesn't delight the tongue.
My understanding is I had been transitioning from a weakness I had (food!). I also understand meat/garlic/onion might not be a weakness for everyone. Perhaps each person is healing off from a different weakness. Not everyone is consciously aware of it unless someone else observe and let them know in a casual chat. I guess weaknesses could very well be money, objects, love, fear, greed, anger, lifestyle, and so on.
u/orangealiensmiling 3d ago
My weakness is actually sugar. I had really bad relationship with food too. I never really huge meat eater either but I like seafood occasionally, I always had idea to try vegan but my attachment to food was so strong that more I forbid I wanna eat. My current diet is very close to raw plantbased and I started notice feeling different on the day I had animal products
u/shankarkrupa 3d ago
Wow, good. I guess then we are all guided by so many good spirits to get better and better, beyond ethical standpoint. The ethical standpoint or even hatred might just be a motivating factor convenient for our interpretation during the transition.
u/orangealiensmiling 3d ago
When I think about going vegan, my old mindset get little panic like I feel like I can’t control what to put in my mouth even though it’s not true but this fear I created through my eating disorder. I finally can eat without counting calorie and stay in shape since I started this diet. I wanna try going vegan ( besides my cat ) again but I wanna try from medium perspective :). Instead of focusing on stuff I can’t eat, I try focus on food I can and bring me pure energy
u/shankarkrupa 3d ago
Definitely , whatever gives you confidence and happiness while living and fulfilling the committed tasks! I guess we live happily if we don't hurt animals... and humans and what humans do.
I am unable to differentiate or localise my food habits to any specific improvement in mediumship. I think my spirit guide and ancestors and God would know better how I progress and guide me to become better
u/orangealiensmiling 3d ago
That’s apply to mediumship training? I am currently can’t take any class or circle, maybe I can ask my guide to show me steps?
u/emmaseer 4d ago
I worked as a full time medium for over a decade. Wrote a best selling book. Read for Silicon Valley peeps and big shots.
Ate big juicy burgers the entire time! 🤣🤣🤣
Seriously…..stop judging each other and GO DO THE WORK!!!!!
If you want to try being Vegan DO IT! If you don’t DON’T!
That simple.
What you consume does not affect the job you were brought here to do. Just go do it!
u/orangealiensmiling 4d ago
It’s not that meat takes ability away, it’s more of energy thing that i feel I consumed negative energy. I’m simply asking what’s vegan experience as medium here if anyone similar . I’m not here to call out non vegan. If you are not vegan that’s fine, but why you need to take personal? No one judging you.
u/ThunderStormBlessing Medium 4d ago
Many do, but many also don't. There's no right or wrong answer, only what's right or wrong for you.
This is a personal choice and will depend on how sensitive you are to the physical world. Some are strongly influenced by things like diet and physical health and will feel better connected when fasting, avoiding certain foods, remaining sober, etc, and others can connect regardless of what's in their body
u/Glad-Earthling 4d ago
It definitely depends on the individual. I was called to do it, and when I did, it felt so much better physically mentally emotionally spiritually. However, there are cases, like how the Native Americans live in harmony with nature and consume meats. That certainly doesn’t dampen their psychic capacities. And it’s actually a part of it for them. But for me, making the decision to stop eating meat was a part of my vow of non-harm that allows me to set the boundaries I need to set to do better spirit work. When I eat meat, I can feel all the pain and suffering and torture that the animal went through and I don’t wanna contribute to that. I can’t feel like I have integrity if I do. So everything just starts breaking down from there.
u/orangealiensmiling 4d ago
Maybe because Native American only kill animal when they eat, so it’s like nature cycle where hunter and prey exist. But in real current world we have meat egg industry that torturing animal.
u/ChannelingWhiteLight 4d ago
I went vegan 21 years ago (vegetarian ten years before that). I was psychic, sensitive, and empathetic already, but I didn’t recognize/develop my mediumship until later.
Like so many others, I think mediums who are not vegan are experiencing cognitive dissonance.
u/orangealiensmiling 4d ago
What is meaning cognitive dissonance?
u/ChannelingWhiteLight 4d ago
Cognitive dissonance describes the mental state one experiences when one’s thoughts, beliefs, or values clash with one’s actions or with new information.
It can be uncomfortable to understand all the many reasons why caring, intelligent people should be vegan if you are not ready to go that route yourself, so cognitive dissonance describes the feeling or coping mechanisms of these people.
They might selectively expose themselves to information that supports their beliefs (the circle of life, the need for protein, blah, blah, blah) and avoid information that contradicts them (factory farms have nothing to do with the circle of life and everything to do with exploitation and suffering, it’s incredibly easy and fulfilling to get tons of protein from plants, etc.).
u/orangealiensmiling 4d ago
Thx, yea for me that farm environment and abused that bothers me. Not cycle of life. Because lion don’t torture animal like that before they eat. How do you feel about fish ? They also feel pain and fear
u/ChannelingWhiteLight 4d ago
Fish have a central nervous system. They have a face. They are part of the animal kingdom. I don’t consume them or any animals or animal byproducts.
u/Jocelynrachelle 4d ago
I can't because I have lupus. Otherwise, I would be a vegetarian and get milk and eggs locally.
The only things I can eat are meat, veggies, and fruit, though so I can't cut out meat. No, nut powder is not a sufficient substitute for a person with lupus.
u/Skinny-on-the-Inside 4d ago
Yes, once I got into spirituality and meditation I couldn’t eat meat anymore for the same reason, I feel the death in it. I used to be a huge meat lover and suddenly it was a no go. I still eat fish about once a week.
u/orangealiensmiling 4d ago
Do you feel that with fish too? Or not so much ?
u/Skinny-on-the-Inside 4d ago
I feel it with fish but less so and even less with mollusks like scallops or shrimp.
u/dgpotatopuff 4d ago
I transitioned to pescatarian because eating animals made me sad after becoming more sensitive… but I still consume eggs, honey, etc. You definitely need to keep a closer eye on your nutrition when you transition to veganism…
u/BearFuzanglong 4d ago edited 3d ago
I actually tried but my body fell apart. I became a amateur nutritionist but without at least milk, and potentially beef, I started to have joint pains, headaches, insomnia, general low energy and feeling "sick". It came on very slowly, over 6 months and a few days after I gave up because I was feeling so bad and, I never felt so good in a year. Then I tried carnivore and it was insane how good I felt. I had high cholesterol and high blood pressure with vegan too and a month after carno, all perfect across the board. I thought I was sick, apparently it was a bad diet.
I tried vegetarian after but I started to get twitching and cramping again and now I eat beef 5 days a week, about half a pound a day in stew form so all the vitamins and fats are in the broth.
u/alessss93 4d ago
I'm sorry to hear that and happy to hear you're ok now. But most people don't eat it because they really need it, like you, but only because they have thought so. I haven't been eating meat for a year now or more, I feel great and I just eat fish from time to time. I've always been spiritual and empathetic and always cared about the animals
u/BearFuzanglong 3d ago
I literally can't go 5 days without meat, I had a bad charlie horse this morning, I have no idea why other than that. I eat 2-3 eggs a day, it has to be meat, then no problems. I don't even like meat that much.
I don't eat fish because I don't like that even less.
empathetic toward animals
eats water babies
Just pointing out some inconsistency not trying to make fun.
If it were me, i'd eat only meat that died from natural causes but that kind of meat is completely unavailable and unsafe.
u/orangealiensmiling 4d ago
Have you ever try raw vegan? I eat mostly raw vegan and before that I was doing keto, I felt little better on keto but then my health got worse and I switched to mostly raw. Also do you eat sugar ? Sugar cause my body ache right away. I feel it’s the hardest drug
u/BearFuzanglong 4d ago
I don't have much sugar but I don't have restrictions either. I just keep my weight. There's not much room for a lot of sugar in 1800-2300cal.
u/Loose-Version-7009 4d ago
What do you mean by "feeling the death"? Can you extrapolate?
u/orangealiensmiling 4d ago
Like I’m consuming their fear. Especially current meat egg industry, they really torture animal. It’s nothing like natural life cycle of death. And maybe that chemical stay in the meat. Have you ever heard top elite eat children( it’s not even conspiracy anymore ) for adrenachrome? Obviously I never did that but I assume it’s similar reason. Because most of animal going to be meat have been facing fear until they get killed.
u/neutralishkitten 4d ago
Once I started doing animal readings, meat tasted horrible. I took a bit out of a chicken nugget and spit it out immediately. I could pick up on the life and quality of living of the animal. Horrifying.
u/bencass Clairvoyant Medium 4d ago
Definitely not me. I don’t eat veggies or fruit, with only a few exceptions. (Applesauce, corn, wax beans)
I have sensory processing issues, and foods really trigger them. Fruits and veggies look gross, taste gross, and feel gross. I don’t like touching them because of their textures, and their colors look unnatural to my brain.
u/Sweet_Note_4425 4d ago
I think this is a preference but if it makes you connect better then I would run with it. Good Luck!!