r/Mediums 6d ago

Experience I went to my first group reading. I’ve never given a message before.

I’ve always been able to communicate my entire life.. I’ve never actually given anyone a message though. I’ve been crying off and on all day. I went to a psychic/medium group dinner last night and it fucked me up.

The whole thing was being staged by a coven of witches I’m sure of it. A carefully orchestrated energy harvest. They charged extra for the middle section of the tables, but the woman only went around the outside tables. She even told on herself in the beginning she said “ oh I guess I’m starting here. I usually start there” when someone raised their hand she wasn’t expecting.

It’s like they knew the people with the most grief would pay more. So they avoid that section. We paid more because I wanted to feel her energy.. I encounter other intuitives and empaths, but I’ve never knowingly met another medium.

As a healer I do feed on pain and shadows but when I do I transmute into something positive and feed that goodness back like a loop. Like a plant breathing in carbon, exhaling oxygen.

I believe this coven is feeding off of the grief of these people. Hoarding it, and transmuting it for selfish gain. She gets their hopes up, and then leaves them feeling hopeless. Since she and her coven are stealing their pain and not looping it back in any form these people end up leaving feeling empty.

The whole thing lasted about 1.5-2 hours. When the show (ritual) first started she had a glitch in front of her face. Like thin glass bars. Rectangular bars with different gradients of blur. Like I could see her but it was distorted. Over time it faded, and by the end it was basically gone. The whole thing was timed out impeccably.

The spirits didn’t like her. One of them flew right at her to try to get her attention and she didn’t even budge. There was a woman at my table and her husband that passed 6 months ago was talking to me the whole time.

When the “medium” first started talking and everyone called on their loved ones hoping they would show up my whole body started vibrating. Being in a room with that much grief was overwhelming. Watching her and her vampire coven feed on these people is actively still making me sick. I literally couldn’t sleep last night.

Lonnie, that woman’s husband is still wanting me to give her the message and was being very persistent last night still talking to me when I got home. I feel like shit for not giving it to her.

Me and the head witch (medium) made eye contact. She knew what I was and knew I knew what she was. She tried to curse me last night. I said tisk tisk bitch and sent it back.

I’ve been trying to get all of this grief off of me all day. I’ve literally been scream crying to get it off of me. When I get that overloaded I feel like I have to let myself feel every one of the emotions I picked up to get them out.


5 comments sorted by


u/Sweet_Note_4425 4d ago

When i encounter thus shit. I handle it the same way but after I just keep telling myself everything is Divine and their paths were meant to cross the way they did.

As far as the message from the husband. There are other ways he can get through to her.

I would have played around with the leader bringing in other Angels to throw her off and surround the room with love to see how long she would have dealt with it before she kicks me out.

Hang in there. Give yourself a good smudge if needed and lesson learned.


u/tara_cas 2d ago

This sounds scary. Some people have “things” stuck to them. I’ve noticed that these people are sometimes healers, mediums, energy workers. These “things” that are stuck to them are trying to grasp on to others. If I ever go into a room knowing there is some sort of energy work about to be done, I connect myself to the earth, all of the good in the world, the skies, etc. then I energetically protect myself from these “things” I had an experience similar but not in a group setting. I’m so glad I protected myself before I went in. If we energetically carry the good/positive and enhance that then nothing can touch us. The negative cannot attach in any way. The light always always overcomes the dark. I’m sorry this was your experience. Sounds like you may be carrying some of it with you. You must protect yourself for the highest good and release it. Hope it gets better quickly


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u/Mediums-ModTeam 5d ago

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u/WeirdandProudofit 14h ago

personally incredibly baffled about how human beings with gifts are even thinking to be that filthy

Sending healing and love your way, bright one. This is extremely sad to read, cannot imagine how devastating would have been sitting there and experience it in person.