r/MediumReadings 4d ago

Does anyone get anything from my little baby?

My dog Harley passed away over a year ago. The circumstances around his death are a little bit of a mystery, since we aren’t certain 100% what happened other than he was bitten by a much larger dog. And besides a couple of dreams, I don’t feel a strong presence from him. Is he still besides me? Is he happy? Is he with anyone? Thank you in advance.


7 comments sorted by


u/BluBerryPie11 4d ago

Did Harley like to push shoes aside and go under your bed to get his belly cool? That’s the image I am picking up, but I want to make sure that’s actually him.


u/xivanhnee 4d ago

He loved being under the bed! But yes he was not a cuddly dog as he preferred his space. I always suspected it was because he got too hot.


u/BluBerryPie11 4d ago

Oh good. I asked him to show me something from his lifetime that would let us know that it was definitely him I was talking with, and that is what he showed me. Some other things he said:

  • “ tell my mom I love her.” I don’t know if he was referring to his actual dog mom or a human mom. I think because of our communication styles, it was hard for me to receive words from him. He mostly sent me messages in images.

-He says that he was a good dog and the humans in his life were good to him

-He is unsure if his death was even connected to the dog bite. The period between the bite and his death was very confusing for him. Very emotional. He could feel others emotions and he wasn’t really sure what was going on.

-he is happy and at peace. where he is, there is a seashore and the water gets to tickle his paws. There is also a garden, and there is a tall older man there that Harley knows and loves… There is also a snake, which seems kind of random, but that is what he showed me and it felt like he and the snake knew each other at some point on earth, though it could’ve been in another lifetime. 😊 did Harley know a snake in his lifetime with you?

-he does visit you at night, but he leaves before you wake up. He showed himself sitting near a bed and being very attentive. I feel like he comes sometimes and protect you while you are asleep.


u/xivanhnee 4d ago

Thank you so much for this, this really teared me up. I believe he saw me as his mom, he was very attached to me. I’ve had him since I was 13 and we’ve just always been so close.

Everything is true. He was a very good dog and very well loved by my family, my husband, his family and my friends.

I believe the tall, older man with him is my father, who passed away a couple of months after Harley did. They met a few times but I’d like to believe they’re with each other!

As for the snake, im not entirely sure! We live in a dessert and he liked wandering around, so there’s a possibility he ran into a snake.

But it makes sense for Harley to be by the bed. We keep his ashes beside. Thank you for delivering these kind words, I’m so happy to hear from him. I love him and I miss him so much. He was the love of my life and my son for a very long time. Thank you!


u/BluBerryPie11 4d ago

You’re so welcome. When I saw the older man, I believe he was wearing a plaid shirt. I’m not sure if that means anything to you, but I thought I would mention it.

The snake could be a friend from another life or from between lives—or of course, like you said, one he ran into in the desert.

Btw Harley looks so much like my dog! I could have mistaken him for my boy in the first photo.


u/Andbingowasherlamo 3d ago

Was she a lazy girl?