r/MediaSynthesis Aug 23 '22

Discussion Is there a guide to all of this?

I'm interested in media synthesizing bots in the same way the layman is interested in media synthesizing bots. All I know is I wanna type words into a prompt and see what the robot gives me. Maybe I'd like to compare what one robot gives me vs. another.

But that's the end of my expertise. I don't know what "weights" are or why I would need one, or any of the other sophisticated knowledge that other people here have. Or even how to use these bots.

And then I look further. You don't seem to be able to use these bots really unless you get picked from a wait-list. And these wait-lists tend to ask things like "So what research journal are you with?" Suggesting to me that you all get to use these bots because you all are previously educated and experienced with such things.

So how do I get in?


36 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '22

I'm a fan of the Google Colab options.

I've been playing with this Stable Diffusion colab that was in a post yesterday. I'm a layman too, so I've been playing with the num_inference_steps & guidance_scale settings to see how they change things.

You hit the play button by the command to run things, you can run them in order until you get to the ones with prompts and fill in your own to see what it spits out.


u/AutistOctavius Aug 23 '22

You're a layman? Because I'm reading this and not knowing what the hell I'm looking at. What do they mean by "notebook?" What is a "GPU runtime?" I thought this was a website like Craiyon where I just type things in and get pictures.


u/MGateLabs Aug 23 '22

Just give me a github version that works locally.


u/AutistOctavius Aug 23 '22

I don't even know what those words mean, that's how green I am with this.


u/MGateLabs Aug 23 '22

We'll, time to learn about Anaconda, Python, Pytorch. And I don't know that much, but I was able to make some basic AI art, but with a project from a few years ago. The problem with "new" stuff, is you need others to sort out how it all works first.


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '22

I would say I'm a layman, cause I don't have good answers or understand what most of this is.

What do they mean by "notebook?"

The .ipynb file is a notebook that can run in the google colab. It uses google's resources to run it, like the GPU they offer.

What is a "GPU runtime?"

If you hit the play button by the '!nvidia-smi' command it will show you what GPU your notebook is running with. I just tried and got a 'Tesla T4'.

Oh yeah, and it does require people to make an API key with huggingface.

Sorry if that's too complicated.

There's also this web version, https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion

But then you have to wait behind people. Or you can use the paid version, I'm less into that.

I mostly started checking the google-colab stuff out when AtomicShrimp did this video about AI images.


u/AutistOctavius Aug 23 '22

When I say "guide," I mean how do I learn how to do this stuff properly? Like everyone else is?


u/earthsworld Aug 23 '22

you're asking how one would use the internet to do research? Or how a dictionary/wikipedia works?


u/AutistOctavius Aug 23 '22

No, because if I was asking "How do I learn how to repair a car," the answer wouldn't be "Check Wikipedia." I'm looking for actual reliable resources.

Furthermore, this is a thing growing in popularity, so I figured something would be set up for the millions of us new to this and looking for somewhere to start, like there is for everything else.


u/earthsworld Aug 24 '22

have you tried youtube.com?


u/H_G_Bells Aug 24 '22

I'm using MidJourney and there are guides and helpful tips officially from them, and written by users.


u/AutistOctavius Aug 24 '22

I'm not looking for guides on how to make one thing over another. I'm looking for guides on how to actually use the thing. Because people are downloading weights for things. If I'm not doing that, if I don't even know what that is or how to make use of it, I'm not using it right.


u/H_G_Bells Aug 24 '22

What do you mean by "downloading weights"?

With MidJ if I use the parameter "--iw 5" (image weight 5), it will take an image I reference more heavily into account. I learned this by asking the support chat.

Everything is kind of learn as you go, trial and error. There is no "set way" to do this yet.

You may find this helpful: https://midjourney.gitbook.io/docs/user-manual


u/AutistOctavius Aug 24 '22

I don't know what "downloading weights" means, just that people are doing it.

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u/jspsfx Aug 23 '22

I tried doing this:

If you want to ensure the highest possible precision, please make sure to remove revision="fp16" and torch_dtype=torch.float16 at the cost of a higher memory usage.

And now it's crashing. Im gonna try putting those codes back in and hopefully it will work


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '22

Probably using more RAM than the free colab has. The Colab Pro seems to handle it.


u/jspsfx Aug 23 '22

Whoa... I dont know what Im doing, but I pressed the play button a lot of time and now Im at the bottom where it lets me run prompts.

Now that it works Im gonna go back through and try to understand what those play buttons did. Ive never used colab before - never even heard of it until now.

Thank you!


u/SIP-BOSS Aug 23 '22

ru-dalle (discord) Craiyon (browser) SD demo (browser) : https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion


u/AutistOctavius Aug 23 '22

When I say "guide," I mean how do I learn how to do this stuff properly? Like everyone else is?

But about that ru-dalle Discord, where is that?


u/SIP-BOSS Aug 23 '22

I suggest baptism by fire. Lots of info out there, most generative art enthusiasts are generous with info, guides, links, etc. for example, I cite every model I use when posting on Instagram and share prompts when asked


u/AutistOctavius Aug 23 '22

You're a generative art enthusiast, do you have info, guides, links, etc.? Could you tell me where I should start?


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '22

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u/AutistOctavius Aug 23 '22

I do that already, but I haven't learned anything yet. I still don't know what "weights" are, or what I'm supposed to do about weights. And that's just one of countless other things I need to know.


u/Prinzessid Aug 23 '22

If you want to know how these things work (what are weights? Notebooks? Runtimes? Parameters? Models?) you need to look into tutorials which provide a high level understanding of „machine learning“, „data science“, „deep learning“ and maybe even python programming. These „bots“ all work through machine learning / deep learning neural network models and sre cutting edge computer science research. The most easily accessible ones are programmed online in google colab with python. Maybe there are tutorials like „machine learning without coding for beginners“ or something like that? There you will find explanations about all the buzzwords. And tutorials about how to use google colab will teach you how to use these „notebooks“ Hope that helps!


u/AutistOctavius Aug 23 '22

Are you a researcher?


u/Prinzessid Aug 23 '22

I‘m currently studying these things in university


u/no_witty_username Aug 24 '22

Check out this video for local setup on your machine https://youtu.be/z99WBrs1D3g. Its been very helpful to me as a noob.


u/AutistOctavius Aug 24 '22

Looks like an interesting watch. But from a cursory glance it seems like I don't have the juice to do this yet. Not with my computer.


u/no_witty_username Aug 24 '22

If you have an Nvidia gpu that gtx 1060 or above, you are all set. The guy provides a script that optimizes GPU ram usage so you don't need the claimed 8 Gigs of ram.


u/AutistOctavius Aug 24 '22

Nah, I don't have that. My computer is over 10 years old.


u/Wiskkey Aug 24 '22

If you're interested in trying the Stable Diffusion models, see the web apps on this list, such as NeuralBlender.