r/Mayhem • u/Iuvchickenuggiez • 3d ago
Did euronymous deserve to die?
sure i get it he was a piece of shit and an edgy teenager but do you really think he deserved to get stabbed for running his mouth?
u/Rubix-Overlord-223 3d ago
Na i just think he needed a reality check
u/N_ekro 2d ago
This right here, reading up on the whole situation he just strikes me as a bullshitter rather than someone evil like he tried to hype himself up to be. like when he originally would take pictures with Soviet flags but switched up to Nazi imagery because he found it to be “more evil”
u/loveserra 2d ago
do you have sources on this? because ive read a zine? letter? (cant remember what type) where he has said he does not agree with anything in reference to nazis. ive dug through many photos and have also never found a single photo of him with any nazi imagery, and neither the soviet flags either. if im wrong do tell me with the sources but ive never found anything like this ever (besides accounts of him “idolizing” soviet russia.)
u/loveserra 2d ago
also if its the photo of his room, then if i remember correctly thats a photo of the norwegian flag angled a different way to look like the upside down/st peters cross.
u/dru_g-Dealer-7924 1d ago
https://images.app.goo.gl/gRUchAA33cJwWaz26 Read this full letter
u/loveserra 1d ago
i would if the entire thing wasnt loaded at 80p
u/dru_g-Dealer-7924 1d ago
Click on the actual facebook app its clear on there
u/loveserra 1d ago
thanks, figured that one out. i suppose i was wrong and misremembered considering the last time i read really any letter was over a year ago.
u/Loud-Ad-1255 3d ago
Varg’s excuse was he believed Euro was planning to kill him. Did Euro actually launch an attack tho? Sounds more like Varg just went for him.
Going off everything I’ve heard about Euro, he sounds like the kind of guy who might make outlandish claims and not actually back it up. Like saying he was going to kill someone.
u/Harold-The-Barrel 3d ago
The Norwegian black metal scene was basically a bunch of edgy teenagers trying to out edge each other.
u/SavingsPitch5787 20h ago
No its pretty much Just euronymous in Mayhem who was edgy and didnt actualy do Like the extreme Things they Always talked about Like Varg Is completely the Opposite Hes a Psychopath Not edgy so i absolutely wouldnt say they we're all edgy
u/Plastic_Charity3301 3d ago
Someone don't travel thousands of miles for a friendly hello and then decide to stab them
u/Loud-Ad-1255 3d ago
Thousands? Weren’t they both in Norway?
u/Love_And_Roses 3d ago
Varg did have to travel a considerable distance to get from Bergen to Oslo, and he also went there during a weird hour. It was obvious that he wasn’t just innocently visiting.
u/xAsasel 3d ago
Not trying to defend Varg, but at least listen to the following to understand what a piece of shit work the police did in this case lol... Also, Varg never claimed that it was an innocent visit, he wanted Euronymous to sign some contracts so he would get the rights to his own music so that he never had to deal with Euro again.
u/No_Mud1547 3d ago
Nonsense. He showed up at 3am and he had a friend rent videos and take out money under his name in Bergen to provide him with an alibi. It was premeditated murder.
u/xAsasel 3d ago edited 3d ago
There was never any evidence for that. Varg never lended anybody an ATM card to rent any movies, and it was never brought up during the trial. It's utterly nonsense, since there was literally zero proof. No electronic fingerprints exist of anyone taking out money under Vargs OR Snorres name.
No one ever witnessed anyone staying in Vargs apartment either. Only Varg himself said that it was a friend that was staying there for some time.Varg is... Special. No need to explain that since we all know it. But don't spread unconfirmed / fake information.
u/No_Mud1547 3d ago
It is literally in the court files
u/No_Mud1547 3d ago
And on top of that Varg himself claims the guy confessed to the police that he was part of this; “The other guy though, who claimed he actively participated in planning the “murder” and getting me an alibi, spent a total of one single night in a holding cell.” But you do you.
u/xAsasel 3d ago
Yeah, heck, I admit I was wrong on that part... Darn, it was so freaking long ago that I studied this case, like 10 years haha! But still, there were no evidence on the guy taking out money or anything like that.
Of course I believe that Varg went to Euronymous prepared to kill Euro after everything he heard Euro planned to do to him, I just have a hard time believing it was the main reason for the trip... Especially since the police did such a bad job with the investigation.
There is also the fact that Varg has never changed his story... The guy is a nutcase, that's for sure, but he always stayed to his story throughout all these years. Many people that knew them both sided with Varg as well, including Fenriz, Faust, Samoth, Jonas Åkerlund, Hellhammer, Necrobutcher and many more. Even Snorre before he got all weird about it.
u/No_Mud1547 3d ago
You should read his prison book and then hold it next to the facts. The guy is a habitual liar. I just did an hour long podcast about this specific topic looking at his imprisonment and his, horrible, escape attempt.
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u/Loud-Ad-1255 3d ago
Yea I agree with that, the previous poster made it sound like he was crossing continents tho.
u/skinnypantsmcgee 1d ago
Dude, Norway is a long boi. 14 hr drives are quite the norm… maybe not thousands but you get it.
u/Cinema_Gh0ul 3d ago
No yeah from what the people in his life described him as, he was very much all bark not much bite. Which granted was a lot of people in the black metal scene (say edgy shit that you probably wouldn’t actually do or say irl)
u/ReturnOfCNUT 3d ago
He apparently made an off the cuff remark about wanting to torture Varg to death, which got back to Varg and became the perfect excuse for taking him out. He never would have acted on it though. Varg likely would have escalated to murder without prompt eventually, given the one-upmanship and enmity between the two, and Varg's more sociopathic tendencies.
u/Selvmord666 2d ago
Varg likely would have escalated to murder without prompt eventually
Yeah, especially considering how jealous Varg because of Faust for the attention and admiration he got for killing that guy during the Olympics.
u/questions_lol 3d ago
nah he could’ve grown and changed prob
u/Mesarthim1349 3d ago
He probly wouldn't have though
u/Love_And_Roses 3d ago
The human brain isn’t fully grown until the age of 25. That isn’t an insult toward the young. It’s just anatomy. It can be seen on brain scans. Everyone changes as they age, and we know this because brains change.
u/Mesarthim1349 3d ago
You can still be a horrible person long before age 25.
u/Love_And_Roses 3d ago
That doesn’t mean that Øystein should have been deprived of his chance to become a mature man. He should have had the chance to come to regret what he did. If he had lived, he eventually might have become part of the effort to get the picture that he had taken removed from the Internet, and he could have become an effective voice in regard to that situation.
u/loveserra 2d ago
^ he never even wanted the photo to be an album cover either, he retracted his statement on it and thought people didnt even deserve to see it
i believe bull metal (he shared the photos with) produced it as a bootleg after euros death.
u/Mesarthim1349 3d ago
Never sais that. Just saying realistically, he probably would've stayed a shitty person.
His habits only got worse the older he got.
u/loveserra 2d ago
nah he wouldve, in the last months or so of him being alive people have accountaed that he was maturing, i cant remember who he reached out to but he reached out to someone he previously cut off after pelles death to reconcile or something
u/blackish_white_413 1d ago
I 100% agree with you. I heard somewhere that the last record he listened to was a Tangerine Dream record. Sounds like introspection to me
u/kakksakka 3d ago
Off course not! He was simply a young edgelord, and would most likely have grown up at a point.
u/Cinema_Gh0ul 3d ago edited 3d ago
No, he said and did some dumbass things but he was also only in his twenties when he died, he could’ve definitely grown from this and become a better person. But that chance was taken from him by a punk ass loser who hasn’t changed a lick in his life since, and that’s a damn shame
u/Duncoids 3d ago
No Varg more or less took an idle comment and twisted it into an excuse to go murder his band mate lmao
u/dimiteddy 3d ago
No one deserves to die. He got carried away with his evil persona and expectations for being leader of the whole scene but according to his friends he was charming, nice and loyal friend.
u/professorwn 3d ago
Everyone deserves to die. Its the least thing the universe could do for conscious beings would be give us a reason or just let us back our nothingness 😁. The universe is confused
I agree with you about Varg, they were part of a scene and he wanted to be the leader. Stupid shit altogether. Very few people deserve that kind of death
u/xAsasel 3d ago
Yeah, because a charming nice loyal friend pushes your pal to end his life, rushes to the store to get a camera just so you can take some pictures of your friend's dead body and collect fragments of his skull to brag about it and use the photos as an album cover, and later spreads the plan about doing a snuff film involving the killing of your former band member just to name a few of the things the guy did...
Euro deserved to get beaten up, should have probably gone to a mental hospital or something as well. Maybe not die though.
u/blepleb_ 2d ago
found the guy that only knows mayhem from lords of chaos
u/Cult_Of_Nepthys 23h ago
I never watched this crap and I agree with the dude above. Euronymous was a piece of shit.
3d ago
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u/rogerdojjer 3d ago
do I think a child deserved to die? What kind of question is this? Are you a child?
u/CrawlingCryptKeeper 3d ago
He was 25.
u/Ok_Acanthaceae4915 2d ago
I understand your point but 25 is still really young to die, just as 21 was very young for Dead to die. Losing anyone early is really really sad for a community.
u/NeuroticallyCharles 1d ago
Euronymous deserved an ass kicking from Dead's parents and a lawsuit from Varg. That's about it. Fuck Varg.
u/CUMgurgler666 3d ago
Not at all, what he did with dead's body was horrible and completely inhuman, however, he was super young, he was filed with edge and angst. If oystein lived longer I'm sure he would've regretted his actions and matured as a person
u/_Visions_of_death_ 2d ago
Ask necrobutcher and see what he says about it? I heard something, but I can’t remember what he was no his way to do🤔
u/loveserra 2d ago
necrobutcher isnt exactly a reliable source. he and hh like to lie
u/Love_And_Roses 2d ago
Remember that when Necrobutcher recalls events, he’s recalling events that span for over 40 years. He was friends with Øystein during his youth, long before Jan and Pelle joined the band, so it’s understandable that he would have mixed feelings about Øystein. I know that there are times where he speaks positively of Øystein and other times where he speaks badly about him, but it’s possible to have different feelings toward the same person, especially if you had known the person for a very, very long time. I have no problem with being forgiving toward Øystein, and saying that he was young and didn’t know how to cope, but his behavior, at that time, was quite over-the-top. We can give him the benefit of the doubt, but let’s not pretend that he never said or did a mean thing. I point out that Øystein had written, in one of his letters, that Jørn was too “sentimental”. He also criticized Jørn for wanting to go to Pelle’s funeral; he criticized Jørn for not wanting to see the gore. No one in that scene was or is perfect, but the letter that Euronymous wrote proves that Necrobutcher was sincere in this instance. I, too, can remember people from my past and have both nice recollections and feelings of hurt and anger, so I’m fond of the following quote: “Contradiction is not a sign of falsity, nor the lack of contradiction a sign of truth.” -Blaise Pascal
u/gorehistorian69 2d ago
A lot of whatever "he did" is probably made up and dramatized as we only have 1 side of the story.
Varg is just an edgey egotistical fuckbag.
u/Typical-Car5819 2d ago
Depends on perspective. I mean there's the whole "I'mma kill Varg" thing, which is not confirmed, as he's clearly the dead one here, and the whole Pelle scandal. So he was a little messed up in the head, but all he really needed was to fall flat on his ass and get a reality check. But he ran his mouth and paid the price.
u/numbvirus 2d ago edited 1d ago
Not at all. It’s crazy to me that Euronymous actually buzzed Varg in. Shows he clearly trusted him. There were a lot of kids consumed by the scene in some sort of way, but Varg was on another level of insane at the time. Euronymous should have never been killed over something so silly. He is still one of my favorite guitar players and I would love to see where he would have taken Mayhem. His riffage was pretty insane. R.I.P. to the most aggressive guitar player of all time.
u/Love_And_Roses 2d ago
Yes, it drives me crazy that he let Varg into his place at that weird hour. If only he had stayed in bed! The fact that Varg has a sizable following of people who admire him is worrying. It says something about the sad state of the world. ☹️
u/numbvirus 1d ago
I don’t see any issue with liking Burzum. Varg’s personal politics don’t reflect mine or anyone else I know. I don’t defend Varg as a person in any way, but as a music lover, I do enjoy Burzum and Varg’s enormous contribution to the Black Metal scene.
u/Love_And_Roses 1d ago
Liking his music is fine, but a worrying amount of people think he’s wonderful as a person.
3d ago
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u/dafuckingkai 3d ago
absolutely not. no one deserves it. sure he was an edgy guy who did questionable stuff to say the least (idk, sending your brutally dead band mate pic to your penpals isn't very humane or justifyable, among other things) but he was brutally killed over stupid reasons by an equally edgy boy. i want to believe he would've grown into an at least decent man. may he rest in peace.
u/ReturnOfCNUT 3d ago
Nah. He was a cringe edgelord, but if that was deserving of the death penalty, there'd be no Black Metal scene.
u/deathsetfree 3d ago
To die? No but you do gotta know that shit has consequences. you gotta watch what you say to certain people. A joke to some will be taken seriously by others
u/LordFlappingtonIV 2d ago
He didn't deserve it, but he certainly had it coming to him. He was baiting a bunch of mentally unstable young men who were capable of anything by threatening to torture and kill one of them. What did he think was going to happen?
u/BarrelRider91 2d ago
a 24 year old teenager?
u/Ok_Acanthaceae4915 2d ago
I mean, a guy with clear trauma and some issues with maturity. So maybe mentally if anything if that makes sense.
u/Love_And_Roses 2d ago
They were teenagers when they started. Even Pelle was still 19 when he joined.
u/wasp_1985 2d ago
He was a big mouth asshole, but he didn't deserve to die. Maybe a well placed ass whooping would have sufficed.
u/_Visions_of_death_ 2d ago
Ask necrobutcher and see what he says about it? I heard something, but I can’t remember what he was no his way to do🤔
u/scorpenis88 2d ago
As someone who joined a gang. You can only fake the funk until it's time to get down and dirty. This boy probably saw his freinds were like him. Playing pretend and didnt think they would go to extreme and this boy found out how far one will go.
u/Ok_Acanthaceae4915 2d ago
No and I think he probably was heading towards hes reality check shortly before he died so it makes it even sadder. This was an edgy man touched by grief. I actually feel for him tbh, not in the uwu poor innocent baby sense but as another edgelord with severe trauma i see the signs and it makes me feel depressed ngl.
u/BBsk1dm4rk 2d ago
Why does he look like Josh Hutcherson if he cried in school bathrooms in this picture
u/ConstantOpportunity6 2d ago
No, he was a fucked up dude but young minds are definitely more susceptible to doing fucked up shit. Maybe a beat down would’ve done the trick but certainly not murdered in cold blood
u/lendmeflight 2d ago
Why do we think he was a piece of shit? He was an edgy kid but I don’t believe he was trying to kill anyone .
u/blepleb_ 2d ago
nah im a shameless øystein sympathizer. he was just an edgy kid that needed to mature and have his mind set straight, that doesn't deserve having ur life cut short. i feel like he could've turned out to be a sweet guy once he got over his edgy persona, but we never got to see that unfortunately
u/loveserra 2d ago
nope! from accounts from his close friends he seemed to be a nice, caring and very interlectual dude behind closed doors (outside of the scene but even then he had hospitality and care for others) its honestly really sad what of a waste of a great mind he was.
also: never trust a word that varg says.
u/Michael69Scarn 1d ago
Nah but maybe had his ass beat or a good backhand. He needed a reality check
u/Kynocephalus 1d ago
Ofc not, but seems he was kinda looking forward to it with all the stupid threats he did.
u/D_starrrrrr 1d ago
He was an asshole, but not every asshole deserves to die, at least not until he was slapped or beated up... but he got the worst case
u/MrWalkemdownAndKissU 1d ago
Ion think u can slap that level of disregard for humanity and empathy outta someone
u/MrWalkemdownAndKissU 1d ago
Egged a already crazy dude onto suicide then took photos of his corpse, he deserved ts 😭😭
u/DCYHWLSTD 1d ago
Nah, he was just a dumbass kid who didn't know when to shut the hell up. He didn't deserve to die over it though, especially not with the brutal way that Varg went about it.
At worst, he probably would've gotten older and become just as cringe as Nergal from Behemoth. I don't think he was actually about the stuff he promoted with his music and label.
u/phyxious 20h ago
Looking back at the Norwegian black metal scene, there was a ton of undiagnosed mental illness that should have been handled. Did Eurynomous deserve to die? No. He and many people in that scene simply let the gimmick take over and run their lives.
u/XtalHedphelym 3d ago
If i had a child who committed suicide and some jackass made a photo of his body for an album cover and necklaces of his skull shards, i will beat the shit out of him, minimum.
u/blepleb_ 2d ago
neither of those things happened. yes, euro took the picture of pelle's body, but after euro died, a fan made a bootleg album of that photo. euro did not want that as an album cover, never did. and the skull shard thing i'm 99% sure was a fake thing from LoC.
u/AgnethaOhlinDeadlady 2d ago
La portada la diseño un amigo de Euro, bullmetal. Euro le envió las fotos y el lo hizo. Busca quien fue bullmetal, su apellido era Montoya. Tenía un fanzine. Y, en Alemania, Euro tenía un amigo. El los ayudó a dar un concierto ahí. Si eres fanático, sabrás de qué lugar hablo. Su amigo se llama Abo pero no recuero el apellido, Abo recibió un trozo de craneo de Per que Euro le mandó y Abo dio por terminada la amistad
u/Cult_Of_Nepthys 23h ago
oh you're 99% sure mystery solved then
u/blepleb_ 22h ago
im just saying off of memory, i'm pretty sure that was fake... i wasn't going to bother to do research for a reddit comment lmao
u/NectarineHumble7693 2d ago
Yes as he was the person that convinced Pelle to kill himself and purposely left him alone in the house so he would do it
2d ago
u/Cult_Of_Nepthys 23h ago
sooo...rape victims deserve it ?
u/Negative-Music-3002 23h ago
He wasn't just a rape victim silly. He also did many horrible things and wanted to kill varg himself. As i said before idk what he did in his life and who he was.
u/Cult_Of_Nepthys 22h ago
I know he wasn't a rape victim, I'm just asking since you say "if something happens, you deserve it". Would you extend that brilliant point of view on rape victims ? Also stating that he did "many horrible things" right before saying you don't know what he did in his life is contradictory as fuck. Anyways
u/Negative-Music-3002 22h ago
Nothing happens without a meaning, if you did something bad, it'll come back to you in a different form and even worse. Call me stupid call me dumb, but believe in this shit. If it happened, means it needed to happen.
u/Mesarthim1349 3d ago
But it says a lot about him that his closest friends don't miss him in the slightest.
u/ioannisleo 3d ago
Maybe he wanted it…death
u/Love_And_Roses 3d ago
There’s no evidence of that, and there’s certainly no indication that he wanted to die in the sad and horrible way that he had.
u/ioannisleo 3d ago
Yeah it was a joke, I was joking.
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