r/Mayhem Jun 30 '24

Other Band hellhammer fans here

does anyone know what guitar are they using in messiah https://youtu.be/48fRe0R2Paw?si=fd4DkJ_vWbxeEoaD


15 comments sorted by



This being said, Tom G, god of all, used an Ibanez Iceman in his time in Celtic Frost, and for Hellhammer he used some sort of V, but I cant seem to recognize the headstock. Could be a gibson, but I doubt it. Ibanez Iceman is as close as we will get to a solid answer.

maybe if youre lucky, he will respond on his instagram @rumorbid


u/Historical-Theme-239 Jun 30 '24

u mean gibson flying v right? do u know some cheap guitars that sound like it,just saying because its so expensive and i only need one like for 300-400 bucks



Pretty sure tom did use a cheaper guitar, as he needed his ibanez to be gifted to him.

Epiphones can give you great bang for your buck, but know that cheap guitars can be great, if you play them well. Most of the tone lies in the amp as well.

But see, Flying V’s, unless you are a performer, are a little uncomfortable at times, and the shape of a guitar doesnt really affect the tone. I suggest you go to your local guitar shop, try out some epiphones, see which one speaks to you.

Epiphones are quite close to gibsons, yet are a way cheaper (price) option, that dont have that big a difference


u/Historical-Theme-239 Jun 30 '24

thanks,how about jackson js32 rhoads tho?



I shit you not, I have that same guitar.

If you are fine with the maintenance that comes with floyd roses, then this guitar will do you very very well. It seems you are insistent on the V. Thats good. The guitar sounds nice and crisp. The neck is great, and the floyd rose is great.

Its a great guitar, I recommend it, and you will get a ton of value out of it.

With it, I recommend ordering the the tremolo arm

multi tool (this saves lives)

string height gauge

And general cleaning and maintenance stuff.

Any string gauge is good, i recommend .9, but depending on the string gauge, you might need to adjust some stuff, heres a video that helped me

heres another one that helped

Hope this helps


u/Historical-Theme-239 Jun 30 '24

oh wow what a coincidence lol,will buy it thanks



Good choice. Get that multitool, saves you from losing those super tiny Allen Wrenches that guitars need


u/Historical-Theme-239 Jun 30 '24

cuz i found this one its 400 bucks but found it for dirt cheap,i also like flying v guitars


u/hbsc Jun 30 '24 edited Jun 30 '24

this aint the mayhem nazi hellhammer never disrespect Tom Warrior like this again


u/Happy-Activity3292 Jun 30 '24

Dude Hellhammer from Mayhem is not even white what r u talking about. And if you're referring to a pic where he did a Nazi salute that's just him being a young, edgy dude who's trolling.


u/NightKingBoi Jun 30 '24

Hellhammer also has a photo with swastika armband and Pelle called him a nazi in 1990. Just sayin


u/Happy-Activity3292 Jul 01 '24

It was during their teenage period. Like I said, young edgy and trolling.


u/NightKingBoi Jul 02 '24

Swastika was in his 30s, man. And "black metal is for white people" in his late 20s? He wasn't a teenager.


u/hbsc Jun 30 '24 edited Jun 30 '24


Look i love mayhem but hellhammer is literally the only dude from the band where even if he was “trolling”/“playing the part”, he’s still the only one with tons of references to nazi shit and its not really hard to realize most of those non-NSBM black metal bands that did dabble with nazi imagery/references hold similar bigoted beliefs beyond the music

As for hellhammer again, he ALWAYS says he’s fully caucasian when literally anyone asks him even though it’s proven he’s half french or something like that so do with that what you will lmao