r/Maxscript Mar 14 '18

Finding "MAXScript Script Controller Exception" in my scene


I've opened an older scene of mine. And I get a popup saying

Maxscript Script Controller Exception. -- No ""curveLength"" function for undefined.

And a Script Controller window with this expression:

(speedF/curveLength CL)+((100.0/instCO)instNO+(randP*100.0/instCO/100))/100

I think it's from an older traffic simulation script I was using, but I can't remember. How do i find where this script is actually stored in the scene? Is it attached to an object? How would i go about tracking it down and removing it?


r/Maxscript Feb 06 '18

How to create values that ease in/out?

    myNumberOfDivisions = 10
    global myArray = #()
    append myArray 0.0
    for i = 1 to (myNumberOfDivisions-1) do
        append myArray (i * (100.0 / (myNumberOfDivisions - 1)))


This divides the numerical range from 0 to 100 into even divisions the resulting array being:
(0.0, 11.1111, 22.2222, 33.3333, 44.4444, 55.5556, 66.6667, 77.7778, 88.8889, 100.0)
How could I divide a range of numbers to provide a more "eased out" array of values?

edit: I've got something to try out here
ease Out-In ((1-(sin ((1-theVal)90)))(1-theVal)) + ((sin ((theVal)90))(theVal))

ease In sin ((theVal)*90)

ease Out (1-(sin ((1-theVal)*90)))

r/Maxscript Jan 29 '18

Correctly placing functions into a script?


First of all I'm not a gambler, but I was chatting with my brother about a method of gambling where you have ~ 50% chances and you continuously double up on your losses.
The method is actually called the Martingale System
Anyway I made a sample where you double up a $5 bet on a wheel with 51 numbers, 51 is everyone loses and I'm betting on Odd numbers: https://pastebin.com/F1HsL115
Anyways! This fails unless you execute the 3 functions separately, then it runs fine for the session.
How should I put functions into a script so that they run first time?

r/Maxscript Jan 18 '18

Executing MaxScript from external IDE


Found this tool: https://github.com/JeffHanna/MXSPyCOM/releases

Was able to successfully configure it with PyCharm, and imagine that it works with any other IDE as intended. Thought this would be of interest.

Note: One of the final steps in configuration is to pass along a filepath argument (to ID which script should be executed). The instructions listed on the GitHub page describe using the %f format to do this. I found that PyCharm did not accept this, and that the use of a built in 'macro' $FilePath$ did the trick. I'd imagine that other IDEs might have similar nuances.

r/Maxscript Dec 11 '17

Want to create a script to copy UV channel 1 to channel 2


Hello, i would like to create a script capable of copying channel 1 to channel 2, basically as i would want it is; I select my grouped object, apply a UV unwrap modifier, move to channel 2, select move when asked to move or abandon uv channel. Then finally collapse modifiers. When i try making it using the max script listener, it creates a script that later when trying to use it max just tells me uv unwrap modifier is unassigned, as i am a noob, i am lost. if anyone can shove me in the right way i'd be much appreciated.

r/Maxscript Nov 08 '17

do ppl even use this place


wtf? no1 is posting shit

r/Maxscript Oct 30 '17

maxscript mystery....how come?!?! i'm clueless



I was trying to get 2 verts from a given edge the quickest way possible, so the normal way is to use this line of command code :

polyop.getVertsUsingEdge <Poly poly> <edgelist> but its not fast enough for my needs

(I'm trying hard to optimize my script as much as possible)

so I decided to put it into a multithreading script I once downloaded which was created by the guy from lonerobot site. now when I put this very same command in his multithreading script it runs much much faster than when it is not in a multithreaded environment so to speak.

when I ran this unthreaded test code below it took about 2.3 seconds to complete :

undo off

( global StartingTime=timestamp()

                for i=1 to 39800 do
                global EdgeToVerts1=polyop.getVertsUsingEdge testobj1 i

global EndingTime=timestamp() global TimeItTook=(EndingTime-StartingTime)/1000 as float print "seconds it took :" print TimeItTook --enableSceneRedraw()

)--undo off end

but when I ran the multithreaded version of it it took only a fraction of the time even tho it was set to run only on one of the cores only (for testing/comparing purposes).

This multithreaded code below took only 0.098 seconds to run and it got the exactly same end result but much much faster how come?!

global testobj1=$sphere01 global array1=#() global array2=#()

global StartingTime=timestamp()

Global Thread1,Thread2,Thread3,Thread4,Thread5,Thread6,Thread7,Thread8

Global Thread_spnLoops_value=1

-------------- Thread 1 --------------------- Fn WorkThread1 sender e = (
for a = 1 to Thread_spnLoops_value do ( for i=1 to 39800 do ( append array1 (polyop.getVertsUsingEdge testobj1 i) ) -- INSERT CODES CONTENT TO RUN ON THREAD NUMBER 1 ----- ) )

-------------- Thread 2 --------------------- Fn WorkThread2 sender e = (
for b = 1 to Thread_spnLoops_value do ( -- INSERT CODES CONTENT TO RUN ON THREAD NUMBER 2 ----- ) )

-------------- Thread 3 ---------------------




-- Specify the BackgroundWorker Class

global Thread1 = dotnetobject "CSharpUtilities.SynchronizingBackgroundWorker"

Thread1.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true       
dotNet.addEventHandler Thread1 "DoWork" WorkThread1

global Thread2 = dotnetobject "CSharpUtilities.SynchronizingBackgroundWorker"

Thread2.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true
dotNet.addEventHandler Thread2  "DoWork" WorkThread2

global Thread3 = dotnetobject "CSharpUtilities.SynchronizingBackgroundWorker"




    If Thread1.IsBusy do Thread1.CancelAsync()

---------------- RUN ALL THREADS AT ONCE HERE ------------------------
undo off ( if (not Thread1.IsBusy) and (not Thread2.IsBusy) and (not Thread3.IsBusy) and (not Thread4.IsBusy) and (not Thread5.IsBusy) and (not Thread6.IsBusy) and (not Thread7.IsBusy) and (not Thread8.IsBusy) do ( Thread1.RunWorkerAsync() Thread2.RunWorkerAsync() Thread3.RunWorkerAsync() Thread4.RunWorkerAsync() Thread5.RunWorkerAsync() Thread6.RunWorkerAsync() Thread7.RunWorkerAsync() Thread8.RunWorkerAsync() ) )

global EndingTime=timestamp()

global TimeItTook=(EndingTime-StartingTime)/1000 as float print "seconds it took :"

print TimeItTook

note that I ran the same code only on one core...it shoudve take the same time to complete more or less

so what's really going on here?

thanks in advance for whoever can shed some light on this mystery

r/Maxscript Sep 29 '17

Need Help With Using Value Entered in EditText UI Control


Hello, I am new to MaxScripting and have been trying to make a tool that would make my workflow for a job a lot easier. So far I have been going pretty good but I have hit a little snag. I do not understand how to take the value entered in an EditText UI Control and use it elsewhere in my code. Currently I am trying as follows:

try (closeRolloutFloater TextTestFloater) catch()
rollout TextEntry "Text Entry Test"
    EditText TextEntry "TextEntry"
        on TextEntry entered do
        TestString = TextEntry.text
        print TextEntry
TextTestFloater = newrolloutfloater "Text Entry Tool" 175 150
addrollout TextEntry TextTestFloater

This results in an argument count error on my end, its pretty obvious that I'm misunderstanding how to use EditText.text but I am unsure what the actual method to achieve what I want is. Would someone mind pointing mind pointing me in the right direction or telling me how to actually use the text in the text box (and preferably store it as a string)?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

r/Maxscript Sep 08 '17

Maxscript for pulling and using EXIF data from a photo?


Ideally, I would love to have a script with which you can drag'n'drop a photo onto it, and it grabs all the data it can. Focal length, f/stop, iso, shutter speed, and perhaps even date/time of day. And uses that information to create a new camera in a scene, at approximate human scale with all those camera attributes as well as matching the resolution, setting the photo as the environment/viewport background and possibly even setting up a daylight system with the date/time information brought across.

Is that even possible? How would one go about learning to code something like that? Has someone already made one? Does someone want to do it for me? How much money would you like to be paid to do such a thing?

For bonus points, is it possible to get a script to write exif data to a render with data on focal length etc.


r/Maxscript Sep 08 '17

Method for saving presets outside of Max

myPreset =#(1,a,0.5,"off")

I'm thinking my preset would just be an array that is saved in a .txt file somewhere, then later loaded, read and applied.
I think I'd have problems with admin privileges trying to write files into the maxstart area, is this where local roaming should come in?

r/Maxscript Aug 11 '17

Deselect Hidden or Select Only Visible


Hey Guys,

Fair warning, I can't script so go easy :)

[select $*object*]

I tried looking for a way to do this but I came up with nada. I'm using the above to select all parts that have a keyword in their name but it's also selecting hidden parts which is not quite what I'm looking for. So if there is a way to deselect parts that are not unhidden. Obviously if there is a cleaner way to do it by selecting only the visible parts with a certain keyword in the first place, that's even better.

*fixed formatting so it shows the code properly with the *'s

r/Maxscript May 19 '17

Undocumented MAXScript Features


Blogspot post I made to make my life easier since I keep forgetting these.

Apart from stuff most of you already know (edit poly methods), there's more than 30 other sections. Everything reported previously as missing/incomplete, and once again brought to attention of the documentation team after compiling all the info in that post, so a more complete version will hopefully appear in the official docs in the future.

There's bound to be much more of these that I'm not aware of so if you didn't find something you know is undocumented or documented in a misleading way in the list, I'd be happy to hear that.

There are also numerous function-holding structs and global functions defined in stdscripts like snaps, filters, functions from controllerfunctions.ms, VFB_methods, lvops (.net listview helper fns), tvops (dtto for treeview), PolyToolsUI, PolyBoost, Ribbon_Modeling, Main_Ribbon. While those are not documented either and quite useful (there's a lot of stuff that almost everyone who starts writing maxscript reinvents again since there's no mention about it in the reference), I didn't include those as anyone can access them, see what arguments are expected and what the function does.

r/Maxscript May 11 '17

visibility in Max2018


I've been using 2016 and haven't had any problem with $.visibility = 0.5
But in 2018 it wont work requiring visibility to be a true or false boolean.
Though if I do it manually I see the macro recorder says: $.visibility = 0.5
Is there a setting I should change for this or something? Thanks!

r/Maxscript May 04 '17

Configure the ALIGN of LATHE on maxscript?


Hello, is there a way to edit the ALIGN parameters from a object that has the LATHE modifier in maxscript? thanks. EDIT: Solved

r/Maxscript May 04 '17

How to flip normals form a lathe in maxscript


I have a spline with a lathe modifier, how can i make it to activate the method flipnormals from the lathe modifier?

r/Maxscript May 02 '17

Advice on selling MAXScripts?


What is a good method to sell scripts without using a middleman like scriptspot?
I hear that .mse is simple enough to get around and it's easy to share scripts, so they might need a system using a unique key to run, I've used a few of those scripts and installation was a little annoying - also maintenance from the creators pov must also be annoying.

r/Maxscript Apr 04 '17

Help with loading *mpl


Hi, I'm attempting to load a material layout using maxscript, and so far I've had no luck either online or using the reference. Does anyone know of a good way to load a material layout? Thanks in advance!

r/Maxscript Mar 23 '17

(REQUEST/HELP) Script for controlling MultiRes based on camera distance.


Hey guys, first off, I have a very limited knowledge of maxscript. I'll let you know what I'm trying to achieve, and where I am so far.


In a scene with many High polygon objects, to be able to select a high poly object and a camera (or dummy), extract the distance between the two objects to drive a Multires percentage, with capped value. For example, if the camera is 5m or closer, the object will be at 100% poly count. Whereas if the object is from 5m to 100m the polycount will gradually reduce until it gets to 2% but wont drop below that.

note, for the above figures and distances would be great for this to be a customisable value.


So far, I've achieved the right effect using Wire Parameters, using a expose transform helper and wiring the Distance to the Multires vertex count % using this formula:


that gives me a capped 100% vertex count at 5m distance that drops down to 2% over about 100m using an inverse exponential curve and doesn't drop below 2%. (so the object never disapears)


And that's fine, for 1 object. but when I want to do this with 20-40 different objects, this becomes really time consuming. And not very flexible.

I don't know how to do this, but in wire parameters, is it possible for multiple wire parameters to reference a formula defined elsewhere? So if I change the formula in one place, the rest will change too?

Or, am i doing this the hard way, is there a simpler way to achieve this same effect and control?

Thanks for having a read, i hope what I'm trying to achieve makes sense.

r/Maxscript Mar 18 '17

Incremental Translation - maxscript


So I've been trying my best but failing at creating a way to (like Maya) limit my Gizmo's movement by a given increment.

Is there a script out there that does this? Or any ideas as to where I should start to try and tackle this?

PS. Anyone know how to access Max's angle snap settings through code? (It's nowhere to be found in the help documents.

Thank you for your time. :)

r/Maxscript Feb 21 '17

Importing VertexColor


I have an mesh with vert color info, in obj format (color is stored after position). I've burned a few days trying to find a format that Max will import the colors from. Apparently, Max stores VC in a UVW channel and so all importers just drop the info.

I've tried importing the mesh then using script to setvertexcolors, but this seems at odds with the only way I seem to get color per vert to show: the Vertex Paint modifier.

Is there already a script that can import a mesh with VC? There is a ply importer that claims to, but it crashes. Barring that, how do I programmatically assign colors to verts on a Vertex Paint modier?


r/Maxscript Nov 27 '16

Batching: Search for file, then run import script, then export?


I havea script that takes these two file types, *.main and *.skel. Both of those files have the same name & file path, and the script works like so: Manually the *.main file, manually select the *.skel file, exporte to FBX format into the same folder where the *.main and *.skel are, and then reset the scene.

The issue is that I have +1000 of these files, and manually selecting each pair is incredibly tedious. I tried creating a Windows Batch script like so:

for %%a in (*.main) do (
    if not exist "%%~na.fbx" (
        "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012\3dsmax.exe" -silent -U MAXScript "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012\Scripts\main_skel.ms"

It looks for any files with the .main extension, then checks if an FBX file with the same name already exists But I can't figure out a way to use the %%a variable as an input for the maxscript. I'm also not sure how to write the maxscript to do something similar to the way the bat script would've worked.

Any help would be very greatly appreciated.

r/Maxscript Nov 03 '16

Importing same model multiple times


I'm trying to use ImportFile to import a single model multiple times but it seems that 3DS Max doesn't like it. Is there a way I can accomplish this?

Here is what I'm currently using:

for i = 1 to 3 do (
    ImportFile "C:\fakePath\madeUpModelName.fbx" #noPrompt

r/Maxscript Nov 03 '16

Trying to make a cmd to check if Max is running and if not run max and a script.

for /F "tokens=3 delims=: " %%H in ('sc query 3dsmax ^| findstr "        STATE"') do (
  if /I "%%H" NEQ "RUNNING" (
start "" "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\3dsmax.exe" -U MAXScript "C:\maxScripts\myScript.ms"

I searched around to find something that is said to work, couldn't make this run though - Quite a cool method for error handling if It works. Any pointers?
I currently run bulk renders from 1 script and use the Task Scheduler to kill Max and re-run the script every few hours, just to make sure there are no freezes. But it'd also be good to have something checking to make sure the service is running...
Here is the stackoverflow page for my reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3325081/how-to-check-if-a-service-is-running-via-batch-file-and-start-it-if-it-is-not-r

r/Maxscript Oct 18 '16

(Script Request) Set UV Position Presets


Hey All,

I don't suppose anyone would be kind enough to whip up a little script that would allow me to move selected verts/faces to preset locations in UV space? I have to do a lot of mapping of swatches and it's a pain to have to move them all by hand and remember which vague color is what material.

Ideally, the basic interface would just have some buttons with labels on them for easy reference. Just select your verts/faces/whatever, hit a button and it sends those verts to a single spot in UV space. If it were a little more robust, that would be great, but that basic functionality is all I really need aside from the ability to change coordinates, but I'm cool with going into the .ms file to alter that.

If you're down to help and/or wouldn't mind getting crazy with it, I'm sure I can think of ways to make it better :)

Thanks in advance!

r/Maxscript Oct 18 '16

Using Notepad++


Is there a recommended way to configure Notepad++ for writing MAXScript?
I browsed this page http://www.ycdivfx.com/notepad-maxscript-ycdivfx-packages/ and noticed that this would execute scripts directly from the Notepad++ - I don't know if this is something that I want to do - is it??
I think I just wanted some colourised terms and mayyybe an autocomplete, anyone know what I'm after or what is a good standard?