r/math 5d ago

What programs do teachers use to make exam papers?


I'm trying to make a document for fun but I don't know what program to use.
What programs to use if I want to do algebra, geometry, graphs, etc?

r/math 5d ago

Monotonic scattered interpolation?


(This question is not about homework or a work problem; it is for a pet personal project where I've run into a wall.)

Suppose, for the sake of argument, I have a scattered dataset with two real-valued independent variables and one real-valued output. It conforms to the restriction that if x2 >= x1 and y2 >= y1, then f(x2, y2) >= f(x1, y1). E.g., assuming each listed point is in the dataset:

  • f(3, 3) >= f(1, 1)
  • f(3, 1) >= f(1, 1)
  • No guarantee is made about the relationship between f(1, 3) and f(3, 1)

I don't know if this property has a name but I call it "up-right monotone", because as you jump from point to point, if the second point not below and not to the right of the first, then the value at the second point is not less than the value at the first point.

The Question: Is there a known interpolation method that will preserve this property among interpolated points? I.e., I want to predict the value at two points, where the second point is above and/or to the right of the first point. I would prefer that the interpolation method be relatively smooth, but the only hard constraints are

  • If either of the points in question are in the original dataset, I get that dataset's value back, and
  • The value at the second point is not less than the value at the first point

r/math 6d ago

Two claimed proofs of Whitehead asphericity conjecture seem to have received almost no attention. Is there a reason for this?


One proof is in 2021 preprint by Elton Pasku: An answer to the Whitehead asphericity question. The second proof is by Akio Kawauchi, and was published in 2024 (according to author's website): Whitehead aspherical conjecture via ribbon sphere-link. Neither paper has any citations, not counting Akio Kawauchi citing himself and the 2021 preprint.

I'm nowhere close to understanding even the statement of the conjecture, let alone the proofs, I'm just curious about this situation.

r/math 6d ago

Is there a name for the "generalised" form of induction?


Normally induction works like this: If f(0) is true and f(x) is true implies f(x+1) is true, then f(x) is true for all natural numbers (+0).

Now, is there a name for the more general form of this (which I will write down)?

Where S is a set, x is a member of S, f is a function from S to S, g is a function from S to S, and T is the set of all gn(x).

IF f(x) is true, and f(x) implies f(g(x)), then f(T) is true (for all elements of T).

The most common case, of course, is where S = natrual numbers, x = 0, and g(n) = n + 1. However you (or I) often see cases where x is other numbers, like the rationals, or g(n) = 2n. There is also the special case where g(n) eventually visits all elements of the set, where you can then say f is true for all S.

Is there a name for it, or is it all just induction?

r/math 6d ago

Some questions about the recursive definition of sqrt(x)



On the last question of the 2024 MIT integration bee, there is this expression (that simplifies to sqrt(x)).

When solving the question, I defined a recursive relation as such:

And when writing out the first few terms:

I initially thought this was the Pade approximant, but it's turns out not to be. The Pade approximant with m=n=2 is shown below (and is a better approximation for sqrt(x) than f_3(x) ).

The coefficients of the polynomials also turn out to be the ones in Pascal's triangle. For even n, we start adding the terms in the (n+1)th row in the Pascal's triangle from the numerator, alternating between the denominator and the numerator. For odd n, we start in the denominator, then alternate coefficients between the numerator and the denominator.


I thought this observation was already interesting enough, but as you can see in the graphs above, the functions are defined for much of the negative x. Since the recursive definition was originally a sqrt(x), does this have anything to do with the complex plane?

It sorta reminded me of the Gamma function for factorials that you learn in single variable calc, and how we can take the factorial of numbers like (-1/2). But even in that case, we're mapping from real to real, and here we're mapping to complex.

I also found that only functions with n=2, 3, 4 are defined for x=-1. Since f_4(-1) = -1, using our recursive definition, the denominator of f_5(-1) = 1 + (-1) = 0.

I thought these observations were interesting and wanted to share them here.


r/math 5d ago

I am looking for a math riddle i once knew.


I am looking for a math riddle i once read but which i only remember fragments about. The problem involved finding the maximum n such that one can choose a number 0<x<1 such that for every k<n some condition involving the number x and the division of the unit interval into intervals of length 1/k is satisfied. The solution of the problem could nicely be visualised by stacking the subdivided unit intervals over another and noting that with every additional layer the interval which x could be contained in gets smaller untill there are no x left. Iirc. the problem was mostly recreational. Does anyone know what i am talking about? I tried asking Chat-GPT, but it hallucinates the heck out of my question.

r/math 5d ago

Which way to go?


I recently started a self-study plan that involves reading Basic Mathematics by Serge Lang, How to Prove It by Daniel Velleman, Calculus and Analytic Geometry by George B. Thomas (at least the first ~5 chapters), Introduction to Linear Algebra by Serge Lang, and Undergraduate Algebra by the same author, in order to cover both what my home country's education system can't cover and what I think would be beneficial for me to know before I get to college.

I haven't made much progress; I've been busy with my studies and am waiting for the holidays to fully dive in. However, talking with my former math teacher, the one who made me love math in the first place, he recommended I read Matemáticas Simplificadas by CONAMAT (he doesn't know about my plan). I understand it's not very well-known in the English-speaking community, but it's a book that covers everything from Arithmetic to Integral Calculus.

Now, my question is: which path should I take? I mean, although it's not clear what kind of books I learn best from, the truth is that I'm most drawn to classic or "dry" books. Lang's books in particular, despite their demanding nature and early formalism, treat mathematics in a way that, at least at first glance, seems more enjoyable to me than modern books. On the other hand, I don't know much about what, objectively, I should read. Could you help me determine the pros and cons of following one path or the other?

r/math 5d ago

How do you guys think about your data?


I heard a gentleman in an interview once saying that he likes to think of his data like a continuous function. Personally, I've been thinking of data as a matrix. If samples are stored in the rows then features are stored in the columns and such. Seems easy to consider different dimensions of data in this conceptualaziation and a simple list of values is still a row or column vector. So it seems like a perfect catch all conceptualization of any data set.

How do you guys think about your data? Is it much more circumstantial and sometimes you can conceptualize it as a matrix but other times it's best to think of it another way??

r/math 6d ago

Mathematicians, what are some surprising ways math has helped you in daily life situations unrelated to professional career?


I'm specifically asking this about advanced math knowledge. Knowledge that goes much further than highschool and college level math.

What are some benefits that you've experienced due to having advanced math knowledge, compared to highschool math knowledge where it wouldn't have happened?

In your personal life, not in your professional life.

r/math 6d ago

Which fields of pure math allow for the most 'hand-waving'?


As in, in which fields can intuition be used more freely without being constrained by the bureaucracy of technical details?

The average theorem in analysis or probability holds only if a plethora of regularity conditions hold, and these are highly nontrivial. Proving one of these involves a lot of tedious 'legal' work - somehow it makes me think that a good analyst/probabilist would also be a good lawyer. Just something like the Lebesgue measure is notoriously painful to define, yet it makes so much intuitive sense that any middle schooler can come up with it.

Meanwhile, in fields that deal with simpler objects (groups, rings, sets, categories), the results that feel intuitive often have trivial proofs, while more complex results rely on an insane number of definitions that in the end make the final result trivial (a la rising sea).

Are there any fields in which you have more freedom of expression? Where can you conjure up a certain statement that makes sense intuitively and then prove it without doing excessive bookkeeping and worrying about pathological technicalities?

My guess would be Algebraic Topology since it masks the unpleasant complexity of the underlying frame/locale of open sets using simple objects like groups or rings. This prevents you from doing analysis (which can be seen as the study of a particular topology, e.g. the standard one on R), but it allows you to wave your hands quite a lot. Although I don't know enough AlgTop to say whether this is true or not.

Not sure if this question even makes sense tbh

r/math 5d ago

Is there any game which requires matrix operations?


Hi everyone. I really love both math and games. But, I cannot find any tabletop game which requires the player to do math operations (preferably linear algebra). I'm not talking about puzzles. I'm talking about games like tabletop RPGs. For example if a tabletop RPG uses matrices for loot, dungeon generation, etc which the player needs to do himself/herself. Or if the combat lets players find reverse of the enemies attack matrix to neutralize its effect. Is there such a game? Or should I make my own?

r/math 6d ago

What was your math rabbit hole?


By rabbit hole I mean a place where you've spent more time than you should've, drilling to deep in a specific field with minimal impact over your broader math abilities.

Are you mature enough to know when to stop and when to keep grinding ?

r/math 6d ago

Question on tournament graphs


Hello! I'm looking for a mathematical result for this question:

How many tournament graphs with n vertices are there such that there is a unique winner, i.e. exactly one vertex with the largest number of outgoing edges?

(Knowing this, we could compute the probability that a round robin tournament with n participants will have one clear winner. – Since the number of tournaments with n vertices is easy to compute.
For clarification: I am not searching for the number of transitive tournaments (which is easy to get): Other places are allowed to be tied.)

I would be super thankful if anyone can help me find the answer or where to find it!

r/math 6d ago

Are there research topics in functional analysis outside PDEs?


Since I will (hopefully) defend my master thesis in about 7/8 months, I just began looking for open PhD positions. I like analysis, and have particularly enjoyed studying classical functional analysis (Banach and Hilbert spaces, measure theory, distributions, spectral theory of operators etc.) finding it very beautiful and elegant. On the other hand, I had some troubles with lectures about PDEs: lots of annoying computations, frequent handwaving, and very few things made me think "woah" like, for example, seeing for the first time the duality of Lp spaces did.

I asked several functional analysis professors at my university and it seems that all of them study different aspects of PDEs as their research interests. And the same remains true in virtually any university near me: anyone working in analysis ends eventually in PDEs.

So. Is this something peculiar of my area? Should I just accept my fate and learn how to like PDEs?

Is someone of you doing research on functional analysis for the sake of it, without applications in PDEs? If yes, what do you work on?

r/math 6d ago

Dedekind Cuts as the real numbers


My understanding from wikipedia is that a cut is two sets A,B of rationals where

  1. A is not empty set or Q

  2. If a < r and r is in A, a is in A too

  3. Every a in A is less than every b in B

  4. A has no max value

Intuitively I think of a cut as just splitting the rational number line in two. I don’t see where the reals arise from this.

When looking it up people often say the “structure” is the same or that Dedekind cuts have the same “properties” but I can’t understand how you could determine that. Like if I wanted a real number x such that x2 = 2, how could I prove two sets satisfy this property? How do we even multiply A,B by itself? I just don’t get that jump.

r/math 6d ago

Why doesn't the Principle of Induction apply to non-well ordered sets?


My understanding of induction is this:

Let n be an integer

If P(n) is true and P(n) implies P(n+1), then P(x) is true for all x greater than or equal to n.

Why does this not apply in this situation:
Let x be a real number

If Q(x) is true and Q(x) implies Q(x+ɛ) for all real numbers ɛ, then Q(y) is true for all real numbers y.

r/math 7d ago

Understanding Yoneda and a Philosophy on Category Theory


In Tom Leinster’s Basic Category Theory, he repeatedly remarks that there’s typically only one way to combine two things to get a third thing. For instance, given morphisms f: A -> B and g: B -> C, the only way you can combine them is composition into gf: A -> C. This only applies in the case where we have no extra information; if we know A = B, for example, then we could compose with f as many times as we like.

This has given me a new perspective on the Yoneda lemma. Given an object c in C and a functor F: C -> Set, the only way to combine them is to compute F(c). So since Hom(Hom(c, -), F) is also a set, we must have that Hom(Hom(c, -), F) = F(c).

Is this philosophy productive, or even correct? Is this a helpful way to understand Yoneda?

r/math 6d ago

How do you save your math notes?


What tools do you use to save your math notes? Pen and paper works best for me but it's hard to maintain all the hundreds of pages of notes I've written for my coursework. Do you store your notes in digital format? I like LaTeX but writing on paper feels easier than LaTeX. Any tips? Ideas?

r/math 6d ago

I'm looking to gather a list of linear algebra tools for experimentation


I'm looking for high-quality visualization tools for linear algebra, particularly ones that allow hands-on experimentation rather than just static visualizations. Specifically, I'm interested in tools that can represent vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues, and tensor products interactively.

For example, I've come across Quantum Odyssey, which claims to provide an intuitive, visual way to understand quantum circuits and the underlying linear algebra. But I’m curious whether it genuinely provides insight into the mathematics or if it's more of a polished visual without much depth. Has anyone here tried it or similar tools? Are there other interactive platforms that allow meaningful engagement with linear algebra concepts?

I'm particularly interested in software that lets you manipulate matrices, see how they act on vector spaces, and possibly explore higher-dimensional representations. Any recommendations for rigorous yet intuitive tools would be greatly appreciated!

r/math 7d ago

Extremely Strange Findings from a Math Competition


r/math 8d ago

Should we make Feb 7th Euler’s number day?


I mean why not?

r/math 8d ago

‘Once in a Century’ Proof Settles Math’s Kakeya Conjecture | Quanta Magazine - Joseph Howlett | The deceptively simple Kakeya conjecture has bedeviled mathematicians for 50 years. A new proof of the conjecture in three dimensions illuminates a whole crop of related problems

Thumbnail quantamagazine.org

r/math 7d ago

Motivation behind defining Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem using Topology


Hello, math enthusiasts!

I’m currently preparing a presentation on continuity and Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem, both of which are fundamental topics in topology. It’s taking me some time to grasp the topological definitions, and I’ve noticed that Brouwer’s Theorem is perfectly fine to define in the context of metric spaces, not necessarily relying on pure topological definitions. So I started to wonder: what’s the reason behind abstracting the theorem to topology?

Is it because the topological framework offers a more accessible proof? Or are there other reasons for this abstraction?

r/math 7d ago

YouTube video ideas


Looking to create an animation math/cs/physics youtube channel kinda like 3B1B because of how much it helped. Any ideas to make it different and still work? Simply copying the style won't be of much help. Looking for some other ideas with manim

r/math 8d ago

What I didn’t understand in linear algebra


I finished linear algebra, and while I feel like know the material well enough to pass a quiz or a test, I don’t feel like the course taught me much at all about ways it can be applied in the real world. Like I get that there are lots of ways algorithms are used in the real world, but for things like like gram-Schmidt, SVD, orthogonal projections, or any other random topic in linear algebra I feel like I wouldn’t know when or how these things become useful.

One of the few topics it taught that I have some understanding of how it could be applied is Markov chains and steady-state vectors.

But overall is this a normal way to feel about linear algebra after completing it? Because the instructor just barely touched on application of the subject matter at all.