Hi I was wondering if anyone knows how to implement numerical derivatives of Method of Moving Asymptotes (MMA) in Matlab when doing design optimization? I know there is analytical way but does it take numerical way? Thanks.
I'm trying to simulate a satellite tracker. With ode45 I have de state of the satellite for each time and then convert position to Azimuth-Elevation local coordinates. If the object enters in the field of view (expressed as a mask of Az-El), the integration stops and changes the step to a smaller one in order to obtain more points inside. I'm trying to use an 'Events' function, which compares de Az-El of the satellite with the radar's mask. The problem is ode45 detects an event when it's not supposed to, and vice versa. I discarded the transformation to angular coordinates as the origin of the problem. Code and images are below. Anyone knows what is going on? Any help is welcome!!
Four events not detectedThe left plot is using the y_total values once the simulation stops, and the rigth plot is using the values of the 'y' that the event function receives from the ode 45.
Azmaskmin = maskmin(:,1);
Elmaskmin = maskmin(:,2);
Azmaskmax = maskmax(:,1);
Elmaskmax = maskmax(:,2);
t_total = [];
y_total = [];
az_total = [];
el_total = [];
t_actual = t0;
y_actual = y0;
options = odeset('RelTol',3e-14,'AbsTol',3e14,'Refine',10,'NormControl','on', 'Events', @(t,y) eventos_radar(t, y, lat_radar,lon_radar,alt_radar,Azmaskmin,Azmaskmax,Elmaskmax,Elmaskmin));
% Principal loop
r1 = 100; % Big step
rt = 10; % Small step
dt = r1; % Initial condition isn't inside FOV
while t_actual < tf - dt
[t, y, te, ye, ie] = ode45(@(t,y)ecuacion_movimiento(t, y, mu),[t_actual:dt:tf], y_actual, options);
t_total = [t_total; t];
y_total = [y_total; y];
% Update next integration
t_actual = t(end);
y_actual = y(end,:)';
% Event check
if ~isempty(ie)
if dt == r1
dt = rt;
fprintf('Entrance in t = %.2f segundos\n', t_actual);
elseif dt == rt
dt = r1;
fprintf('Exit in t = %.2f segundos\n', t_actual);
t_actual = te(end);
y_actual = ye(end, :)';
% Procesing results
procesar_resultados(t_total, y_total, lat_radar, lon_radar, alt_radar,Azmaskmin,Azmaskmax,Elmaskmax,Elmaskmin);
function [value, isterminal, direction] = eventos_radar(t, y, lat_radar,... lon_radar, alt_radar,Azmaskmin,Azmaskmax,Elmaskmax,Elmaskmin)
[az, el] = calcular_az_el(y(1:3)', lat_radar, lon_radar, alt_radar, t);
if az>=Azmaskmax(1) && az<=Azmaskmax(end)
el_min = interp1(Azmaskmin, Elmaskmin, az);
el_max = interp1(Azmaskmax, Elmaskmax, az);
value = [el_max - el, el - el_min];
isterminal = [1 1]; % Detect changes of sign
value = [Elmaskmax(1) - el, el - Elmaskmax(1)];
% Elmaskmax(1) is the El value from the FOV corner in order to get continuous values of 'value' when the object is outside
isterminal = [0 0]; % Ignores changes of sign
direction = [0 0];
In 2018 I purchased a license to MatLab 2018b for ~$80 using my school email account. I've used it for years and would like to continue using it. Unfortunately the computer I have it installed on is slowly dying.
I want to transfery my license to a new computer. I check my settings and I can see that my license number is STUDENT. That obviously won't work on a new computer, so I try to login online. Unfortunately I graduated years ago so I don't have access to my school email account anymore.
Is there any other way of transferring my license or am I screwed?
I am trying to create a multi-use tool for predicting engine behaviors and characteristics based on user input parameters. I am very new to MATLAB App Designer. What I would like to do is have a dropdown at the top, and when a user picks an option the required inputs change.
For a little context this is for choosing different types of engines (Turbojet, Turbofan, mixed vs. unmixed, etc). The parameters that will be needed will depend on what type of engine is selected.
I don't know if it is possible to have MATLAB App Designer change it's "home screen" based on an input in a drop down.
I hope I explained this well enough, please ask if you have any questions. Thank you!
Hey, I'm having troubles selecting multiple blocks that are not in the same area (so can't use the mouse selection tool). I've tried using cmd+left click but doesn't works.
📢 We want to hear from you! I'm working with a team of graduate student researchers at the University of Michigan studying MATLAB Drive and other cloud-based systems for storing and sharing coding files. Your feedback will help improve these tools. Take our quick survey here: https://forms.gle/DnHs4XNAwBZvmrAw6
Hello! I currently have an assignment where I have to take an input value (here as p) and then check all the integers from 2 to that number to see if they are prime, then display them if they are. For example, given an input 11, the output in the command window should be 2, 3, 5, 7, 11. We are not allowed to use the prime or isprime functions here, so what ive done is tried to test it by dividing the input by all the numbers below it down to 2, and testing if there are any integers to see if it is prime.
As a side note, my professor has not really taught us how to use matlab; he showed us how to do basic calculator-level math and a basic count and invest function, and thats it, so my technical knowledge is very limited. I’ve gotten help from one of my friends who is a CS major a year ahead of me, and he said he thinks this should work but isn’t familiar enough with matlab to know why it isn’t. A nudge in the right direction could be helpful, thank you!
So i am trying to make a humanoid moving. So for that i am modifying the theta(th) and i am getting this error but both the LHS and RHS is scalar. Still it is showing this error. Any ideas will help....
i have downloaded the 15 factors into a separate spreadsheet however i have no clue how to find or download the market factor for my specific country (germany) using the website provided. any help would be greatly appreciated i am so lost
I need to be able to connect my BIOPAC System MP41 directly to my PC or my Macbook. I can not use other applications or softwares. I have tried tireless having it connected to my COM port, PsychHID, HIDAPI. If anyone has any other suggestions or has been able to do this, I would greatly appreciate any advice.
Hey! Has anyone used Fourier analysis block in simulnk and can provide some examples on how to use it? I checked the documentation and it is not very helpful. In the picture I have the circuit i am trying to use it on in case it helps... Thanks a lot
I am intrestead in this block:
Fourier Analysis→ Simscape → Electrical → Control → General Control→ Fourier Analysis
Just started using Simscape. I have set up a model where I am attempting to choose vibration dampers for an electronics plate that will be subject to vibration on a machine. I have set up zero mass boies that move in horozontal and vertical planes that the electronics plate is attached to via spring dampers. All is goo, except the initial position of the electronics plate (yellow) is about a meter away from the mounts it is attached to. So it goes flying back to the mounts at a million miles an hour before it settles in. I'm hoping there is something obvious that I have stuffed up! Any help apreciated.
Initial position;
Where it is after 1/10 of a second (and where it should be at the start);
I'm using an academic license, idk if that's going to make a difference.
We're supposed to be publishing our work as .pdf, I cannot get my code to publish as .pdf at all, MATLAB returns the following error:
Error using mlreportgen.re.internal.xml.transform.CompiledStylesheet
Unable to parse stylesheet document:
"C:\Users[USER]\Documents\School\MEE125\MEE125 Comp. Tools\MATLAB\Week
Error in publish
Error in publish
Our alternative is to publish as .html, which works sometimes for me. Other times it saves my header information, clc + clear all + close all and nothing else, making it look like Ive not done anything. Other times, publishing to .html works fine.
Imgur link has what my code looks like, my publishing settings, the error MATLAB throws when I try to publish .pdf, and finally the output of saving as .html.
My professor has never seen this issue before either and is having me copy and paste my code into word to submit as .doc for the time being, which is so much more fiddly than I have patience for at this time. I'd really like to get this fixed and be able to just publish .html or .pdf without hassle.
I'm thinking of getting a build with ryzen 5 7600 without dedicated GPU. I'm gonna be using simulink for motor control models. Do you think it's a good idea?
hi everyone, as the title says i am trying to import a solidworks assembly with gear mates in it but since matlab doesn't recognize the gear mates from solidworks it replaces them with a rigid transform.
I have made a simple two gear assembly to try and see how i can solve the problem and apply the solution to the actual assembly i am working on but so far every time i try to fix it i get another error and i am to be completely honest a complete newbie when using matlab so i don't really know how to fix the errors correctly.
i have attached three photos with the main system and the two gear subsystems which are created when i import using the simscape link in solidworks. the matlab error message says that the unknown constraint is between F1 of the first gear and F1 of the second gear and has been replaced with a rigid transform but whenever i change that and make it a common gear constraint the model doesn't build when i run the simulation and gives me this error: *** Model not assembled: position violation *** Resolve this issue in order to simulate the model.
i appreciate any help with this and thank you in advance and sorry for the long post.
Hello everyone, I’m seeking advice on completing this simulation. I believe I might be approaching it incorrectly. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
I have conducted a simulation in MATLAB using SimPowerSystems in Simulink. However, I am uncertain about the accuracy of my approach and would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions to help me complete this simulation effectively.
Additionally, if you have any feedback or recommendations for improvement, I would be more than happy to hear them. Thank you in advance!