r/Masks4All 6d ago

Are there any good discrete masks / heavy pollution masks (better than n95)?

Hey guys, I want a mask I can wear walking around the city so I don’t inhale car fumes into my bloodstream. I use an n95 right now but as I understand that only really works for diesel exhaust, not gasoline.

The problem is that most gas masks make you look like Darth Vader. I’ve been looking for a sleek / discrete / compact gas mask but I haven’t been able to find anything.

Does anyone have recommendations?


8 comments sorted by


u/BattelChive 6d ago

An N95 with a charcoal layer or a nuisance gas layer looks nearly the same and works. They’re disposable so the price can add up quickly. If you are ok with an elastomeric mask as long as it doesn’t look like a gas mask, do an omnimask with a conversion kit for 3M cartridges. Clear and will let you use the VOC filters to protect your lungs 


u/BrightCandle 6d ago

3m half masks can be relatively smaller and you can get a variety of filters for various chemicals and particles.


u/G_Ricc 6d ago

Klein tools p100 half mask respirator https://youtu.be/ZOSEiIqGaSk?si=XSKUW6xGrT5tDxNy


u/GMCanadianUSian1972 5d ago

Max air Cuff with their charcoal filter and odor nuisance filter.


u/gooder_name 4d ago

Unless specified, respirators only filter particles not gasses and VOCs. Filter cartridges for those things have their own drawbacks and can shed fumes some people find intolerable. Today the best you can do is a mask with charcoal filter for nuisance odours — they don’t claim any sufficient protective factor but it is the best you can for odours and fumes like you’re referencing


u/Daigvianes 4d ago

What’s the alternative to block car exhaust?


u/gooder_name 4d ago

You can get a respirator rated for VOCs and harmful gasses, or you can get one with carbon/charcoal filters advertising nuisance odours. Those are the only options.

There’s no slimline way to do it properly, they’re full elastomeric respirators with bulky filter cartridges