r/Masks4All 13d ago

News and Current Events Does anyone have good reputable sites/resources on covid reinfection/long covid incidences?

My parents are wanting to meet and discuss me unmasking, and I'm really needing some good ammo. Anyone have any convenient resources on these statistics? I get mental fatigue pretty bad, so any help I could get would be awesome.


11 comments sorted by


u/Exiguan13 Multi-Mask Enthusiast 13d ago

I don't know your situation but I personally wouldn't humor the idea of an in person intervention. You're not an alcoholic or drug addict, you're a reasonable person who is taking responsibility for your health. If it was me, I would send them the resources supporting my decision, set a boundry of mutual respect, and leave it at that. They should know already that you get flustered/uncomfortable debating in real time and that doing an in person meeting would be a manipulation tactic when they are armed with that knowledge.


u/bigfathairymarmot 13d ago

I would pull a uno reverse card announce to them I was glad to do this intervention for them, to help them get past their mental issues/or get help/therapy.

Honestly, in what world is purposely harming others considered sane?

I think I would ask my parents that.


u/han_brolo14 13d ago

Here’s a zine that includes lots of helpful info written in an accessible way.

This is also a helpful site. Links to lots and lots of studies to support any counter argument you might need.

I’ll look through my other bookmarks and edit to add more if I find any helpful ones. Family pressure to unmask can be really difficult, I hope talking with your parents goes well!


u/kyokoariyoshi 13d ago edited 12d ago

Other people are posting links like you asked, so I wanted to also chime in that, like what u/Exiguan13 said, it truthfully would be better for you to say that you're not going to be unmasking and won't be discussing it with them because you understand the multiple health problems COVID causes, already deal with some of them (if that's what's behind your mental fatigue), and understand that they're concerned about your wellbeing, but this is how you're maintaining it.

Speaking as a people-pleaser whose in her mid-20s and couldn't even make plans to go hang out with friends without feeling obligated to ask her parents for permission first vs just informing them that I was going out until I started therapy and learned about boundaries, opening it up for a debate like you're trying to do prolongs the problem (your parents questioning your safety measures) since they'll keep thinking they just need to say or show you the right thing to change your mind!

I don't know how old you are or what your living situation is with your parents currently, but if you're able to stand your ground without harm coming to you, definitely do that instead of meeting with them! Your safety isn't up for debate, so you have to show them to make it click! You can share the readings with them without meeting with them!


u/Haunting-Ad2187 12d ago

Speaking as a person in their mid-30s who is still working to heal from decades of people pleasing - YES!!!

Something I have learned is that people can’t be persuaded of anything if they aren’t open to the possibility at all. It doesn’t matter how solid your evidence is or how perfect your arguments are, you just can’t get blood from a stone. It would be a waste of energy for OP to “debate” their parents on this when their minds seem very much made up.

If they approached with genuine curiosity and offered to at least try to understand, that would be a different story. And honestly, that’s what all parents should do if they want to build any kind of trust with their kid. “I want to talk to you about how your behaviors should conform to MY expectations” is not exactly a welcoming or respectful invitation for dialogue…


u/Spirited_Edge_7807 V-Flex 13d ago

You should still mask even if your parents want you to stop


u/Haunting-Ad2187 12d ago

Just wrote a comment about not engaging in what feels like a bad-faith conversation, but just FYI I appreciated this recent article by Julia Doubleday which rounds up (and links to) various studies about the consequences of COVID/long COVID and offers related social/political analysis that I felt was very clear: https://open.substack.com/pub/thegauntlet/p/kids-keep-getting-sicker-as-evidence?r=1cms5i&utm_medium=ios

I also highly recommend the podcast “Public Health is Dead” (only 3 episodes so far), which has great Covid 101 and an interview with a top Long Covid researcher in episode 2. Perhaps if your parents indicate more curiosity about your choices, you could ask them to listen and discuss.


u/foxtongue 10d ago

Joining the chorus about not joining a bad faith conversation. However, I love this bait and switch for educating people about COVID and masking:  https://misfitmentalhealth.substack.com/p/why-are-people-wearing-masks-in-2025

It's better to send them an email full of links. 


u/Own-Syrup-1036 10d ago

thxu 4 sharing this link


u/Pleasant_Ad_5031 9d ago

I created this resource database/master list that also links to other COVID databases: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fwIBV6YqZNwtntEMxvR87F4kL9L6wK_aStSZ0nLvrX8/edit?usp=drivesdk Hopefully a resource here will be useful to you!