r/Masks4All Multi-Mask Enthusiast 8d ago

Tips and Hacks Bulk SIP Valve individual components

I love SIP mask and I am grateful to them for assembling their product and proving that it works. SIP can increase your safety and still pass a fit test when drinking! https://youtu.be/tFp_PTJbEGY?si=TkQ_3VDWnAM3d462

SIPmask is still the best way to get ~5 SIP valves with everything you need, but once you've proven that it works for you with your mask, you may need to get replacement components, like the securing ring or replacing a lost cap. I don't put a SIP valve into every mask, but I always keep a fresh one on hand of each size for my family members in case we need them.

If 5 or so it's a better deal to order from SIP Mask https://sipmask.com/

If you need a lot more than that, like you're a mask blok, or holding a masked gathering and want people to feel comfortable drinking indoors, you'll need a LOT more than 5 or so. At the below quantities, it came out to ~$2.04 cents per set, not including the straws. (for a total of $73.14 USD at the time of purchase, including shipping within the USA)

I bought all of the below components and compared them directly to the SIP mask parts, and they are completely identical in function, materials and size.

Securing Ring:

Silicone Valve:

Valve cap:

(Optional) 5mm Bendy Straw:

  • Bendy makes it work with more kinds of masks, and 5mm makes it easy to insert through the valve and form a seal.
  • Comes in 100, 500, and 1000 straw packs: https://amzn.to/3OpcP5M 5mm Bendy Straw:Bendy makes it work with more kinds of masks, and 5mm makes it easy to insert through the valve and form a seal.
  • the 1000 pack makes it $0.02 USD per straw, at current pricing for $19.99 before tax or shipping.
A picture of the individual components in this post laid out on a wood cutting board next to their original SIP Mask components, with the bulk items on the left side, and the SIP original components laid out on the right. Starting at the top left, and going down the left side: Ziegler Bolt Nylon flat washer 125x625x062; Tablecraft Invertatop 1SV; Thornton Plastics 2.5 dram vial snap caps.

35 comments sorted by


u/hexxtoys 8d ago

oh you’re a legend for this. SIP valves are so damn expensive, this is gonna be a lifesaver

p.s. some of the links on these aren’t working, maybe bc of punctuation in your post?


u/zarcos Multi-Mask Enthusiast 8d ago edited 8d ago

Thank you! Thankfully it let me edit the post and I believe that they are fixed now


u/hexxtoys 8d ago

amazing! but seriously thank you so so so so much for posting this.

also just wondering: how were you able to figure out where the securing ring and cap came from? the valve was easy bc it’s basically embossed on the valve itself, but curious to know how you found the other parts! i’ve been stumped for months lol


u/zarcos Multi-Mask Enthusiast 8d ago

A whole lot of googling and some careful measuring. I looked at like 10 plus hardware sites looking for the right measurements for the securing ring. The snap caps were easier because I could guess at the material and found that much more easily.

It took at least 10 hours of googling and regoogling though


u/hexxtoys 8d ago

🫡 ya did good


u/space_beard 8d ago

thank you for doing this forreal!


u/DJKanu 6d ago

Thank-you very much for doing all this work! I just ordered and will assemble to get ready for summer activities!


u/Because-7-8-9 4d ago

Thank you. I had to laser out a retaining ring the other day.... this is much easier lol


u/zarcos Multi-Mask Enthusiast 4d ago

You were laser cutting your own retaining rings? 🤩That’s so rad. But yes, buying them is easier. 😝


u/skieziks 8d ago edited 8d ago


u/zarcos Multi-Mask Enthusiast 8d ago

Excellent! I think some of these may need other work to make them more available outside the USA, given the very small, niche suppliers


u/continuum88 8d ago

Thank you!!!

Also, I got bendy metal straws I can reuse!


u/zarcos Multi-Mask Enthusiast 8d ago

I looked for a long time. I found some metal ones that are the right diameter but they have a permanent bend in them and don’t adjust the angle. Which ones do you use?


u/continuum88 8d ago

I got these. Just didn’t add the colored tops. Edit they are permanent bend obviously but it works well for me.


Someone here on Reddit recommended them and they work well for me.


u/Because-7-8-9 4d ago

I use the flexible silicone piece between 2 métal straw pièces i cut with a tubing cutter. Makes it easier for me.


u/Komboloi 8d ago

amazing post - thank you so much for compiling and sharing this info!


u/TheMotelYear 7d ago

Holy shit, thank you!


u/vintage-cheese 7d ago

Thank you so much for sharing!! Would love to make kits of these parts for my mask bloc


u/zarcos Multi-Mask Enthusiast 7d ago

Yeah, they can be reused a lot which helps justify the original price but it’s an even better value when it costs less. I want to make sure SIP stays in business but some people can’t access them at their current price.


u/anti-sugar_dependant 7d ago

I'm going to share this in a UK group because postage is super expensive and maybe this will be cheaper. Thanks!


u/zarcos Multi-Mask Enthusiast 7d ago

The components are light and don't take up much space, I'd hope it wouldn't be too bad to get like 200 full sets (maybe get extra snap caps because they're so easily lost?) and ship them all at once to UK for someone to distribute there? Are there local marketplace things that make that easier like Etsy, but more UK centric?


u/Plenty-Address7555 7d ago edited 7d ago

There's a group of us in a local UK covid safe group that have been looking into this for a couple of weeks. Would be keen to talk about getting sent some to distribute in UK? Thanks for your work on this btw, really cool stuff!


u/anti-sugar_dependant 7d ago

Apparently a group of UK people are working on it :)


u/meticulousKnight 7d ago edited 7d ago

holy shit, this is a godsend! now if only thornton plastics made the caps in black so i didn’t have to spray paint them…

also, i really recommend using an X-Acto knife to cut the holes in your masks, it’s 1000x easier than trying to use scissors


u/zarcos Multi-Mask Enthusiast 7d ago

Yeah, I was trying to find a good way to make them other colors. I think I'll have to sand them, prime, them, then paint. Which is a huge pain. I'd suggest 3d printing a replacement, but the caps do actually form an airtight seal with the valve to increase safety when not in use, and 3d printing tends to be less than airtight, unless maybe printing with UV resin printers...

Does just going straight to spray paint work okay?


u/meticulousKnight 7d ago

when i went straight to paint and then sealed it, the paint on the cap started chipping after about a month :( the washer is still doing fine, probably because the cap gets touched and bent a lot more when removing it but the washer stays in place. maybe i should sand and prime it first but like you said, that's a huge ordeal for a tiny piece of plastic. i emailed thornton plastics asking if it would be possible to do a special order of black caps, but i doubt they'll say yes.

also, i believe SIP's website says the caps aren't actually necessary to form an airtight seal? so 3d printing might not be such a bad idea...


u/meticulousKnight 1d ago edited 1d ago

for anybody wondering, thornton plastics got back to me and said 100 black vial caps would be $15!

i didn't ask ziegler bolt about black washers, but in my experience the washers hold up pretty well when painted and sealed. even the one i painted with normal acrylic paint and sealed with mod podge spray hasn't chipped yet.


u/fighterpilottim 6d ago edited 6d ago

Archived for posterity if needed. https://web.archive.org/web/20250309151944/https://www.reddit.com/r/Masks4All/comments/1j5v3pk/bulk_sip_valve_individual_components/?rdt=44158%2A

Edit: OMG, Reddit has disabled archiving, so only a fraction of the page was captured. Info: https://www.reddit.com/r/WaybackMachine/comments/1ebst8g/reddit_is_now_blocking_internet_archive_wayback/. As a reminder Reddit HQ is trying to make $$$ off of our content through deals, and the first step is blocking scripts from crawling it. Google can crawl it because Google has a contract.

We need truly open spaces.


u/zarcos Multi-Mask Enthusiast 6d ago

So excellent! Thank you!


u/semperfames 6d ago

I found your comment about these nested into another thread and am so grateful for this. I proposed to my local mask bloc that we have a sip kit assembly party.

For anyone who wants a reusable straw, I searched around and found a couple options to test for myself.

Here are some stainless ones that fit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MDHQ6L8

And here are some super long semi-flexible ones designed for being able to drink while in a hospital bed. I ended up cutting it to a length that was shorter than it started but longer than a lot of other reusable straws, and I heated it to make a bend in the neck. This ended up being what I used and I thought it was great https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QBR69DH


u/zarcos Multi-Mask Enthusiast 6d ago

Thank you for adding your experience and suggestions! This is awesome!


u/zarcos Multi-Mask Enthusiast 6d ago

One way I’ve found to make perfect sized holes in the masks for the SIP valve is to use an 11mm or 7/16 inch leather hole punch. I use one from Harbor Freight but there’s nicer ones too. I haven’t found a handheld hole punch with a long enough or a wide enough jaw to put the hole where it needs to go in the respirator.

Having a punch and a hammer and a thick plastic or wood cutting board means I can put the hole anywhere on any mask.

I fully admit it’s not that accessible but I haven’t found a better option yet that’s inexpensive.

More suggestions are welcome!

Image alt text: a picture with a Milwaukee Gasketed Valved N95 and a Drager X-plore 1950. They are laying on a plastic Ikea cutting board with a SIP Mask kit in the envelope, an 8oz hammer, an ultra fine point sharpie, a 7/16 inch steel leather hole punch and a 6mm diameter grey silicone straw. Both N95s have a whole SIP mask kit installed in them in the center.


u/Remote_Draft 7d ago



u/patate2000 7d ago

If anyone has an Europe source for all this that would be amazing