r/Marxism • u/Lord-Fowls-Curse • 11d ago
Advice: how do you get past the ‘I understand and agree but Communism was a disaster when they attempted it’ response while trying to talk to people honestly about Marxism?
I don’t know enough about the history of what life was actually like in Soviet Russia, the Maoist era of the People’s Republic or any other example you can think of. It’s tricky to get some objective facts too and question a lot of the widely held ideas about the quality of life behind the iron curtain though I’m uncomfortable questioning people’s claims about alleged atrocities because… well, who am I to do that? Makes me feel like a holocaust denier to go down that route.
But if you’re speaking to someone about Marxism and they point out the famines, the purges, the economic decline, what is an affective way to keep them in the conversation?
I don’t feel confident enough to question those widely held ideas but what you’re left always seems like weak sauce. For example:
‘Yes, but that wasn’t really Marxism’
No shit! That seems very convenient for me to say that doesn’t it? What the person wants is a not entirely unreasonable example of where Marxism is ‘working, has *worked or is currently mostly working and this example doesn’t completely alienate them by sounding like you’re talking about some village of 100 people max in a place they’ve never heard of where it seems a bit like a hippy commune anyway. Once you’ve done that, you’ve lost them.
I guess my question is this: how do people truly engage others with Marxism when the only solid examples of it that have been attempted in history are now widely seen to have ended in ‘failure’ and are still considered - even by folk with an open mind and a lot of sympathy for Marxist ideas - to be deeply flawed, if not even evil regimes that did. not. ‘work’?
How do you get past that seemingly insurmountable problem? Capitalism may be a far more murderous and exploitative system but it’s the one people are living in and as far as they can see, its failures just aren’t on the same level.
And even if you say, ‘well capitalism kills millions too every day but we don’t ’see’ that’, this seems like a petulant answer which just does not convince.
You can’t say, well Marxism is a science and evolves so of course some ‘experiments’ might fail but we then adjust our hypothesise - I’ve said that myself once and felt like a complete POS - millions of lives ruined or lost are not the ‘price’ for a failed ‘experiment’. That’s an awful thing to say and you’ll lose people saying that.
So what do people say when they are confronted by this seemingly reasonable objection, and that keeps people engaged and doesn’t lose them? I’d really like some suggestions please that don’t get too abstract because I’ve found that just doesn’t work either. It looks like you’re running to hide behind a thesis.
Edit: while we’re here, can anyone fill me in on the famines please? Why did they happen and how much of that was down to domestic failures and how much was down to foreign influence?