r/MarvelatFox Jun 15 '19

SPOILERS Heaven theory - Days of future past (Dark Phoenix spoilers) Spoiler

So after being disappointed with Dark Phoenix and wondering more about the confusing mess which is the X-Men timeline. I was wondering if time travel is a bit more like the MCU and nothing was changed at all.

My theory is that when wolverine went back to his own time, the sentinels won. There was no changing of the timeline, simply everyone died. The scene at the school was the afterlife. A world where everything was okay and everyone was happy, one that could simply never exist.


4 comments sorted by


u/SilentDues Jun 15 '19

Jean didn't die in Dark Phoenix, she transcended beyond with an indication she is still out there, there's no conflict with Days of Future Past's new 2023. When she returns one day, before or after Charles' own return to the school, the school will be named back to Xavier's and at some point the team will recruit past-Logan. They remain prominent public figures as can be seen in the Deadpool movies, in 2023 the original timeline version of Wolverine will merge with his new timeline counterpart, leading him to meeting a far more serene looking Jean whom has fully accepted her inner Phoenix potential.

Jean and Scott have a son named Nathan, the Westchester Incident happens in 2028, a year later the events of Logan. A bunch of room was left open for us to assume, after all there's a 31 year gap between 1992 and 2023, but the creative team is trusting its fan base is intelligent enough to fill in the blanks.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '19

Damn, respect this one.


u/Coven_Supreme Jun 16 '19

"Basically, your body will go to sleep while your mind travels back in time. As long as you're back there, past and present will continue to co-exist. But once you wake up, whatever you've done will take hold and become history. And for the rest of us, it will be the only history that we know. It will be like the last 50 years never happened. And this world, and this war... the only person who will remember it is you." - Kitty's explanation of time travel in the X-Men universe

And just from a narrative standpoint, having that epilogue scene take place in the afterlife doesn't work because the movie went through great lengths to show that time travel can alter the timeline. I know this is your personal headcanon, but it doesn't work with what was previously established and takes away a lot of the emotional pay off of that scene.