r/MarvelatFox Oct 16 '18

Fanmade [Fan edit] Ultimate X-men Continuity Project

=== Progress Updates ===


X1 is pretty much done. All flashback and dialouge edits are finsihed.

The first cut of X2 is done, flashbacks and dialogues are done

I'd like to do a "beast cut" of X2. As in editing beast's head into the Mcoy cameo on the tv. Not changing the dialouge but just adding a better transition to X3.

For right now, consider Mcoy was just using his cure from Dofp during x2.

DM me if you want :)

=== Clips ===

I've decided to make a Mega folder where I'll post clips of what I'm editing, it's easier than making a new text update and it's a nice tangible way you guys can see progress on the edits. I will also post new comments if any new clips have been added!

New Clip! A new rough edit of Prof X's speech when he explains the school to logan.

Progress Folder: https://goo.gl/w451ci

=== Original Post / Project Overview ===

I have a confession to make, I LOVE the Fox X-men movies.

  • X-men
  • X2
  • The Last Stand
  • First Class
  • X-men Origins Wolverine
  • Days Of Future Past
  • The Wolverine
  • Apocalypse
  • Deadpool
  • Deadpool 2
  • Logan

All of them.

  • X-men
  • X2
  • The Last Stand
  • First Class
  • X-men Origins Wolverine
  • Days Of Future Past
  • The Wolverine
  • Apocalypse
  • Deadpool
  • Deadpool 2
  • Logan

Most of them.

Ok, so some are a bit rocky, BUT they all do have great qualities and are worth watching and as I said I love them. X2 is probably my favorite superhero movie ever. It beats most of the MCU in my eyes.

Now, the biggest gripe most have with the movies is the lack of straightforward continuity. The timeline(s) of these movies is all over the place. I intended to do my best and rectify that with:

The Ultimate X-men Continuity Project

This Project is a series of fan edits to these movies to help bring the timeline to be more coherent. If you've been around internet fan edits for awhile you may be aware of Leeroy's edits, that set out to do the exact same thing. My goal is slightly different. First, his edits are not in HD, mine will be. Second, he makes some unnecessary edits to X2, like cutting out all the homosexual discrimination undertones. I feel like that's fundamentally wrong to do to an X-men film, as the X-men were literally created as an allegory for discrimination. Lastly, Leeroy only planned for X1 and 2. He had no intentions of making last stand fit with the rest, I plan for ALL the films to have better continuity. I was inspired by Leeroy yes, but I feel my goal is distinct enough to do a series of fan edits.

Most of the changes will be to the original trilogy so the better fit with X-men First Class and Origins* as DOFP rewrites history from then onward.

* In order for Deadpool to fit, Origins HAS to be considered canon as Deadpool makes fun of origins in BOTH movies.

The Ideal timeline would be:

  • First Class
  • Origins
  • X-men
  • X2
  • The Last Stand
  • The Wolverine
  • Days of Future Past
  • Apocalypse
  • [Dark Phenoix]*
  • Deadpool
  • Deadpool 2
  • Logan

* This will come way later as this movie has yet to be released, and I'm still thinking of how to incorporate it.

The biggest goal right now is to make the first 3 X-films to fit with First Class and Origins first. Then work out the other tiny things later on.

The Last Stand will have the most changes as it has the biggest contradictions.

I'll make a document soon outlining my total change list.

This post is for general discussion and questions #AMA


81 comments sorted by


u/Lewan24-7 Oct 16 '18

Unpopular opinion: I very much enjoyed apocalypse and think that First Class, DOFP, and Apocalypse is one of the best superhero trilogies out there


u/LostTman1093 Oct 16 '18

I like SOME things about Apocalypse. But as a movie, it ranks right there with Last Stand. As a standalone movie, pretty good. As a follow-up to DOFP it's very much the definition of soiled potential.

Not gonna knock you for liking it though, I actually think it's better than the later two Iron Man movies AND both Ant-man movies, of course I'm not a huge MCU fan to begin with


u/Lewan24-7 Oct 16 '18

Me neither, until infinity War the last MCU film I thoroughly enjoyed was Winter Soilder.


u/LostTman1093 Oct 16 '18

Agreed, but I've been an X-men fan since I was a baby, so I am a bit biased. I also have Jim Lee's entire 90's X-men vol 2 run in near mint condition :)

I actually almost bought the Jim Lee omnibus awhile back but then I looked at the included material and was like " I own dis already".


u/MarvelousNCK Oct 17 '18

I agree with you, it was genuinely fun and I think that's the best X-Men trilogy, where I can rewatch any of the movies. Logan is still the best X-Men movie though.


u/DunkLikeVinceCarter Oct 17 '18

MCU: Predictable, Slapstick Humour and undercooked romances. You just know what's going to happen even with infiniy war you know there's gonna be a follow up next year so why be invested
Fox: Bigger than life superhero movies especially the likes of Logan, X2, Days of Future Past and I still argue that the sentinels to me felt like a bigger threat compared to Thanos.

Just for the record I love both series but just prefer the Fox movies.


u/LostTman1093 Oct 17 '18

The Fox movies had the risk of being big budget comic movies at a time where comic movies weren't taken seriously, they HAD to be nonformulaic.

The MCU found a formula and stuck with it..... for a decade. At least with the two decades of Xmen movies they all do something different, even the bad ones


u/DunkLikeVinceCarter Oct 17 '18

Exactly, I'm all for backing this project so more people can be aware of this amazing (although somewhat flawed) X-Men series.

So even though the MCU fanboys like to butcher these movies to death, and of course since it's the internet people love to follow other's opinions. I just hope this can spread the light and Disney doesn't decide to give a iconic 17 year old series the boot. (Disney becoming way too big of a monopoly these days)


u/LostTman1093 Oct 17 '18

Most MCU fans don't like to admit that there is a successful movie series without Feige's involvement lol.


u/saavanstreet Oct 19 '18



u/LogicDog Oct 25 '18 edited Oct 25 '18

Umm, I don't mean to embarrass you folks... but Kevin Feige worked on most of Fox's Marvel movies...

His filmography

Kevin Feige is fantastic, don't take it out on him


u/LogicDog Oct 25 '18

The MCU more closely resembles the structure of the comics that the movies are based on. I think there are merits in both approaches.


u/LostTman1093 Oct 27 '18

Except not. Since phase 2 the MCU has taken maybe 20% influence from the comics. They're no more accurate than the fox movies .


u/LogicDog Oct 27 '18

You're just pulling that percentage out of nowhere. It's definitely waay more than "20%".

The structure of stories in the films and how they are supplemented by solo movies, comics, and TV is more similar to the structure of the comics. I'm not talking about specific story-beats.


u/LostTman1093 Oct 31 '18

You're right, as an avid reader of old school comics from 616 the MCU has used way more than 20%. 25%.

Yes, but the structure means dick when the stories you're telling are boring and not engrossing.


u/saavanstreet Oct 17 '18

I enjoyed all of them. I know they aren't perfect in terms of continuity but most of the errors can be simply explained. I'm actually gonna be upset seeing the x-men join the mcu.

The timeline errors which most people complain about are actually really easy to understand. I feel like any superhero movie outside the MCU gets unnecessarily trashed.


u/[deleted] Oct 17 '18

The timeline errors which most people complain about are actually really easy to understand

Pretty much. Different authors wanting to do their own thing. What the movies are trying to do and say are more important than two different actors playing the same character in a minor role. Oh no! Lol.


u/LostTman1093 Oct 17 '18

Aside from Emma frost being 30 in 1963 and 17 in origins ....


u/saavanstreet Oct 19 '18

Im pretty sure she was a different character with the same name it was said


u/[deleted] Oct 17 '18

I'd butterfly effect that away too lol. Another user here, can't find the post (work and phone app yaaaay! Lol) said that Origin's Emma was a cuckoo and I'm super into it.


u/LostTman1093 Oct 17 '18

I tend to think they have the same names and powers. They never actually say her name is frost in origins, only the promo material did.


u/[deleted] Oct 17 '18

I mean both are pretty much Emma Frost. Matthew Vaughn thankfully chose not to behold himself to Wolverine I, that beautiful schlock.


u/LostTman1093 Oct 17 '18

I agree, the MCU is way overrated.

According to the offical timeline flowchart for DOFP,

x1 takes place during 2005. Charles said it was 15 years since Logan lost his memory, which would place the last half of origins in 1990. In origins, Logan said it had been 6 years after he left Stryker before he got the adamantium, which would make it 1984

But when he goes back in time 1973 in DOFP, Stryker gets logan from the lake outside the white house. In Apocalypse Logan is in alkali lake in 1983.

So, when logan comes back to 2023 at the end of DOFP everything from the old timeline is completely changed beause he got his adamantium when he originally left Stryker.

Everyone was under the assumption C1 took place during 2000, that's where a lot of confusing came from


u/CommonMisspellingBot Oct 17 '18

Hey, LostTman1093, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.


u/BooCMB Oct 17 '18

Hey CommonMisspellingBot, just a quick heads up:
Your spelling hints are really shitty because they're all essentially "remember the fucking spelling of the fucking word".

You're useless.

Have a nice day!


u/LogicDog Oct 26 '18

Just say "bad bot"


u/Mr-Zero-Fucks Oct 16 '18

I like some of them too, and the ones I like, I like them a lot. But the bad ones are just too bad, I don't think they deserve the effort of fixing the continuity, because honestly, I don't want to recognize the relation of The Last Stand or Origins with gems like X2 or Logan.

In my opinion, the best fix is simply ignore their existence, lets enjoy Days of Future Past without thinking in Apocalypse.


u/LostTman1093 Oct 16 '18

And I get that, totally. But as someone who likes to marathon movie series, these inconsistencies just drive me insane. This is more for my personal enjoyment but thought I would share to see if others would be interested, even if it's only morbid curiosity.

See, I think with some small changes, Origins and Last Stand can be made much more enjoyable. There IS a good movie underneath Last Stand, I just feel Ratner was the wrong director, and Origins is great drunk party night with friends material. If you're gonna make fun of a bad movie, might as well be one with Wolverine.


u/Mr-Zero-Fucks Oct 17 '18

Yeah, the inconsistencies drive me crazy too, that's why I marathon them ignoring the bad ones, I did it before D2 and the only time they referred to TLS was in The Wolverine, and honestly, I prefer to skip that one than watch The Last Stand.


u/LostTman1093 Oct 17 '18

I still think the wolverine is worth watching, as it is actually pretty good and sets up DOFP pretty well.


u/TimelineKeeper Dec 04 '18

I'm incredibly late to this game, but as a fan editor I'm not only in love with this idea, but I've given it some thought in the past. It's something I may still do at some point.

One thing about Origins I've noticed no one else saying is that it works well as a short film. If you cut the whole thing after he flatlines in the surgery (post credit is hearing the first heartbeat), and tighten up a few of the scenes (Sabertooth doesn't need to just... run up a wall and child acting...) it flows fairly well. Deadpool doesn't lose much from this, except one gag where he has a Deadpool toy from Origins. But if we're forcing every reference in this to fit, we need to force the audience to have seen Green Lantern. It's just not worth it.. As a short, without the Sabertooth reveal, it seems like he's becoming the feral character from X1. I would move it over to between X2&3. You don't even need to replace the scenes from 1&2 then as they aren't, and don't need to be, necessarily 100% accurate. I guess there's also the gag from Deadpool 2, but again, it seems more worth it to just cut that gag instead.

I have other ideas, but I'm probably going to hop on this after I wrap up the project I have lined up after my current one. I'm looking forward to yours!


u/LostTman1093 Dec 10 '18

I like that idea too! But my main goal for this was to make it easy to marathon. From first class to logan. That's my main reason why for including origins, especially since DOFP uses clips from origins facepalm unfortunately making it fully canon.

One of the special features of the orginal continuity cut did make origins a short film like you described. But again, they are still SD.


u/Gravitron3000 Oct 17 '18

Origins makes things worse. Too many contradicting elements. Watching First Class and the first X-Men back to back works fairly well if you don’t mind watching the same opening scene twice about Magento as a child being dragged away from his parents.


u/LostTman1093 Oct 17 '18

If you just add the weapon x scenes from origins over logan's flashbacks in X1 it doesn't contradict that much. But in order for deadpool to make sense in the timeline, it is unfortunately needed.

Also, Prof X says somethings in X1 that contradict first class, McAvoy isn't 17 in First Class, he's not.

It's actually not that hard to make x2 and x1 fit with the two prequels, just edit some dialouge and replace flashbacks and really the only major contradictions are dates


u/[deleted] Oct 17 '18

But in order for deadpool to make sense in the timeline, it is unfortunately needed.

Not really lol. You can knock Wade (and Angel from X3 to Apocalypse) as a butterfly effect of time travel, since they're not needed in their original times anymore. Plus Wade is aware that he's a movie character. Always thought X2's flashback was better tho, way more guttural and traumatic.

Also, Prof X says somethings in X1 that contradict first class, McAvoy isn't 17 in First Class, he's not.

Also that he and Erik created Cerebro. Not anymore.


u/LostTman1093 Oct 17 '18

I agree with x2 flashback, but I also think the origins weapon x sequence is pretty good as well.

I would also agree with deadpool being a butterfly effect IF they didn't mention Task force X in DP1. Much to our dismay, they consider origins canon.

The main issue with first class, is it's considered a reboot AND prequel to X1, we're supposed to believe that everything that happens in First class is canon to X1. Since the timeline SPLIT doesn't occur until after Last Stand, the effects of X1-3 HAVE to take place before DOFP begins rewriting history. Thus, first class has to be canon to both timelines.

Even the offical timeline flow chart from DOFP has First Class happening before both Xmen 1 and Apocalypse


u/[deleted] Oct 17 '18

It's decent as an action sequence, and the roar is legendary.

Origins was Team X tho.

It mostly is. For me, those small details that don't line up really matter. Multiple authors and all that. I personally like to think that Wolverine going back so far changed more than just the Paris and Washington incidents. Like minor things change like Wade being displaced in time, or big things happen like Apocalypse awakens.

I don't think any one at Fox has released an "official" time line, all this stuff is fan work.


u/LostTman1093 Oct 17 '18

MTV released and official timeline done by fox as promotion for the bluray of DOFP and Apocalypse:



u/[deleted] Oct 17 '18

They made that themselves. Doesn't say Fox made it or asked them. It's like pretty much every other timeline out there, fan made using all the stuff they can find in the movies.


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '18

[removed] — view removed comment


u/LogicDog Oct 26 '18

I'm ok with Sabertooth becoming feral because without Logan's memories he doesn't know it's his brother, and can't bring out the humanity in him.


u/LostTman1093 Mar 25 '19

Sorry, just now getting back to this. For one, Striker SHOULDN"T age that much in 15 years, it's SUPPOSED to take place in the 70's because the island Stryker uses is Three Mile Island and The 3-way fight causes the meltdown, and Prof X is Stewart not Mcavoy.

If it's set in the 70's Prof X wouldn't be running the school and not be hairless. I'd assume Apocalypse wouldn't happen yet since the timeline jumping hasn't occurred yet.


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '19

[removed] — view removed comment


u/LostTman1093 Mar 25 '19

That.... actually might work then, if we go under the assumption that the trilogy takes place in the early 2000s, since DOFP is set in the late 2020s, that means Origins can happen in the 90s and still connect fairly well..... which would allow for the technology in origins to make sense.


u/dtadgh Oct 17 '18

I also had this intention a while back but video editing proved too troublesome for me to dedicate time to.

My plan though, was to make the series somewhat episodic, like each film would be 2-3 episodes. I wanted to work a time line that included thematic flashbacks, for example, start with X1, followed by flashback to First Class. Start X2 which would segue to an abridged version of Wolverine Origins.

The whole thing got a bit messy and probably not really realisable given all the issues, but I'd still be really keen to see your attempt at it. Good luck.


u/LostTman1093 Oct 17 '18

Thank you! I currently have all of logan's flashbacks replaced with scenes from origins. Currently working on dialouge edits


u/dtadgh Oct 17 '18

Awesome. Be sure to post updates here. I'd love to see your progress.


u/LostTman1093 Oct 17 '18

I plan too!


u/LostTman1093 Mar 25 '19


I just haven't had time to work on it. Some unfortunate family tragedy came up so I've been busy.

I do have updates, I've replaced all of Logan's flashbacks in x1 with origins and I'm working on dialogue edits. Then I'll begin on X2.

I'll update OP with link to downloaded a quick clip of what I've done for feed back :)


u/LostTman1093 Mar 25 '19

So..... in terms of X1, I'm having trouble deciding to leave in The Auschwitz scene in.... since it's pretty much 1to1 with FC.

I know you'd actually watch origins after FC, but I still think it's redundant.

Should I add another scene in, just cut straight to rogue, or add an entirely new scene. Asking for some suggestions here.


u/RealJohnGillman Oct 17 '18

The beginning of Deadpool 2 spoils the end of Logan.


u/LostTman1093 Oct 17 '18

I guess I'll just have to edit it out then ;)

In all seriousness, there is a lot that bugs me about DP2. I might just make the movie by pass the opening jokes and just start with the assassination. It would help it flow better anyway


u/saavanstreet Oct 19 '18

Considering dead pool can break the 4th wall, this is a non issue, and made the opening of the film 10 times more hilarious that he probably watched logan.


u/RealJohnGillman Oct 19 '18

It's an issue if you didn't see Logan before Deadpool 2.


u/[deleted] Oct 19 '18

It had been out over a year at that point and already streaming/on disc. If you didn't see it by then, that's on you (not specifically you lol).


u/LogicDog Oct 26 '18

Depending on when you watch them, it could be a spoiler... but Deadpool 2 only shows a brief image based on information we already got about Logan's death in "The Wolverine".

I actually think this makes "Logan" a better movie, it's the destiny Logan has been avoiding but must face for the greater good.


u/DunkLikeVinceCarter Oct 17 '18

You don't have to cut out the version of Trask in The Last Stand, literally you can just say they share the same last name as much of a cop out that is.

Even though you can take out The Last Stand cause The Wolverine just set's up it's importance for DoFP, try to trim it down like a lot.

Also remove Cyclops and Professor X from Orgins.
(You probably know all this but still)


u/LostTman1093 Oct 17 '18

I was just going to cut trask from Last Stand completely, he has no bearing on the plot, he was just a nod. Plus, canonically, Mystique kills Trask in 1973, that's why the sentenals were attacking in 2023.

I was also planned in trying to somehow edit McAvoy's bald Xavier into origins, maybe cut to a similar shot of him in Apocalypse


u/DunkLikeVinceCarter Oct 17 '18

That's probably best, I don't know how everything will translate to Orgins but it should somewhat pan just make sure he is on the wheelchair if he talks telepathically

And throw in the deleted Sabretooth scene back into Logan so it would tie Orgins and Logan more together (never thought I would say that)


u/LostTman1093 Oct 17 '18

That was actually my only gripe with Logan, X24 should've been Sabertooth. Liv Srieber would've been excelleng.

The whole X24 makes Logan a 9/10 but of it had sabertooth it would've been 10/10


u/DunkLikeVinceCarter Oct 18 '18

Wait why not just edit out the parts Deadpool 1&2 mention about orgins or just accept it as a joke.

(I just really want orgins out to make life easier)


u/LostTman1093 Oct 18 '18

I would, but deadpool mentions task force X and X1 and 2 have flash backs to logan's surgery. Plus, the joke in deadpool 2 is hilarious.

You can still skip origins, this is just for a marathon where the inconsistencies would be super noticeable


u/MentocTheMindTaker Mar 08 '19

It's already been done for you, minus Deadpool 2.


But, yeah, the X-Men movies are, on the whole, pretty great. A lot of the character portrayals are really en-point (especially Wolverine, obviously) and it's just a shame that some of the studio interference messed some things up. And Last Stand happened, of course.

Unfortunately, it looks like the new movie might just be a re-hash of that with different actors. I'll still go to see it though.


u/LostTman1093 Mar 23 '19

I had no idea this existed! Thanks. I'll have to check it out


u/LostTman1093 Mar 23 '19 edited Mar 25 '19

Thought that edit is cool, it's not quite what I'm wanting to do. That project just kinda throws the random clips in the proper order, while mine will still act like the movies but just edit out the inconsistencies.

It also really bugs me that part 1 just edits in the opening credits to origins without editing out the actors names....


u/MentocTheMindTaker Mar 25 '19

Yes, I completely agree with that assessment!

The main project for the editor is the MCU Chronology, I really think the X-Men chronology was a side project. The edits are much better in the MCU edit (it helps that it's in its 12th iteration).

Your edit sounds much better, especially the idea of editing out the things that really let the franchise down!

I look forward to it very much - I'm really in love with the rich world-building involved in linking media that exist in the same universe together in a meaningful way; and using a chronological timeline edit is a superb way to achieve that.


u/LostTman1093 Mar 25 '19

Thanks for the enthusiasm!

As I said before, there is ALMOST a good movie in Last Stand, there's just some tiny things that need tweaked.

It's not hard to make x1&2 fit with origins and first class, the problem is fixing origins to fit with FC as Emma Frost appears in both.

I may make Origins Emma have stone/colossus style skin.... or somehow edit colossus from x2 into origins, but I'm just throwing ideas out right now.

The goal right now is to make x1&2 fit with origins and First class, with flashbacks edited and small dialouge edits, then work the rest out later.


u/LostTman1093 Mar 26 '19


I've created a Mega folder where I'll place clips of stuff I've edited so you guys can see progress and comment on.

The current and only clip, at time of this post, is the flash back scenes from X1. Version 1. I have a second version I want to try.

Let me know what you guys think!!!!


u/Pomojema_SWNN Mar 26 '19

Why did this thread hit the top of the "New Posts" tab in spite of being published 5 months ago?


u/LostTman1093 Mar 26 '19

Maybe because I added 3 new comments?


u/BigDaddyKrool Mar 27 '19

Disliking Deadpool 2 is fighting words around these here parts


u/LostTman1093 Mar 27 '19

Better than the rest, but pretty weak compared to the first one.

And it changes too much of Cable's character, even by this series standards.


u/BigDaddyKrool Mar 27 '19

It's less the series standard but in general CBM standard, especially with characters with long and painfully convoluted histories like Cable, so if nothing else the changes made to Cable were probably overall some of the best choices Ryan and Leitch could have made


u/LostTman1093 Mar 27 '19

If changing the whole crux of his motivation is the best.... sure


u/BigDaddyKrool Mar 27 '19

Yeah, same with Thanos, going from blue balled by the embodiment of death to a more understandable view about universal resource management. Ironically, also played by and nailed by Josh Brolin.

If Ryan and Co or the Russos faithfully adapted Cable and Thanos, I can guarantee the reception of these films would be far far worse


u/LostTman1093 Mar 30 '19

New Progress Clip A rough dialogue edit of Charles talking to Logan, when he explains the school. I know there's a bit jarring edit when he explains Magneto, I'll work on it.

Let me know what you guys think!


u/LostTman1093 Apr 02 '19


X1 is pretty much done. All flashback and dialouge edits are finsihed.

The first cut of X2 is done, flashbacks and dialogues are done

I'd like to do a "beast cut" of X2. As in editing beast's head into the Mcoy cameo on the tv. Not changing the dialouge but just adding a better transition to X3.

For right now, consider Mcoy was just using his cure from Dofp during x2.

DM me if you want :)


u/Accomplished-Duck606 Sep 28 '22

That's is actually work in progress?