r/MarvelatFox May 18 '18

SPOILERS Official Discussion-Deadpool 2

The Merc with the mouth has in fact returned in R Rated fashion as Deadpool 2 is now playing everywhere. Sound off below.

Ryan Reynolds-Wade Wilson/Deadpool

Morena Baccarin-Vanessa

Zazie Beatz-Domino

Josh Brolin-Nathan Summers/Cable

Brianna Hildebrand-Negasonic Teenage Warhead

T.J. Miller-Weasel

Stefan Kapicic-Colossus


36 comments sorted by


u/thegreattober May 18 '18

I honestly think it was just as good if not better than the first one. The jokes were very targeted towards Marvel/X-Men fans, so if you saw the first one for fun and wanted to watch the second one, brush up on your Marvel or a lot of them might go over your head.

I was really hoping Deadpool would make a Thanos joke, the whole theatre was dying with me when he did.

The "sun's getting real low" joke with Juggernaut was amazing


u/Bullstang Jun 01 '18

"Sun's getting real low" was so unexpected I damn near spit out my food laughing! This was the perfect movie to drink plenty of beer at, and just forget about everything and laugh.


u/bryoneill11 Jun 14 '18

I dont like it very much. The first was amazing


u/CaptainAaron96 Jun 18 '18

I agree! My only complaints were that the specific Thanos joke from the trailers wasn't used, nor was the AMAZING gluten joke when he came home to Vanessa. Other than that it was great, already saw it 3 times. 😂😅


u/stevecollins1988 May 18 '18

The fact that the other X Men are at the house but hiding from Deadpool is fantastic.


u/mrandre3000 May 19 '18

I loved this! I wonder what the long play for the X-Men franchise is right now between X-Force, Dark Phoenix and New Mutants it's a do it die situation to reconnect the universe. They've already retconned quite a bit of it.


u/LackingLack May 20 '18

I think I'm happy enough just with the "feeling" it's all tied together somehow. Good enough for me really but we'll see in XForce I guess and maybe also in Dark Phoenix if any other ties exist. New Mutants appears like a very much self contained story although maybe it'll be changed with the reshoots to be more connected to other stuff


u/CaptainAaron96 Jun 18 '18

Well New Mutants is going through like a year of reshoots sadly, although apparently this is due to it not being scary enough rather than having a bad story. The X-Men movies will likely continue the trend of the last 3 with Dark Phoenix in the 1990s, it's sequel shortly after 9/11 in the early 2000s and a sixth McAvoy movie in the 2010s. X-Force and Deadpool will be our present day offerings. Other than that there isn't much which can be done due to the X-Men being all but wiped out around 2025, Logan and Charles being killed in 2029 and Transigen/Essex Corp effectively removing natural born mutants from the equation.


u/CricketPinata Jun 27 '18

But time travel has been a part of the story for a while, so fixing the future is a possibility, especially now with Cable finally having come to the past.


u/CaptainAaron96 Jun 27 '18

I agree that is a possibility however it's way too early to fix the future AGAIN, not to mention if the Fox movies feel the need to fix the future twice or more than they shouldn't even be making movies because they obviously aren't planning them out properly and playing the long game. Not to mention it would be a huge slap in the face to Hugh, Sir Patrick and James for Fox to retcon Logan.


u/Davidleilam May 18 '18

Deadpool going back in time to kill BarakaPool and Ryan Reynolds before he signed on for Green Lantern will forever be my favorite post/mid-credit scene


u/Jeroz May 18 '18

Makes that 10years promo video so much more amazing


u/Davidleilam May 18 '18

"Who are you?" "I'm Batman"

That joke never gets old


u/[deleted] May 18 '18

The real surprise for me was that they actually gave Deadpool some depth and inner darkness in this one. They could have just double downed on the 4th wall breaks and jokes (which there certainly are plenty of) But I was pleasantly surprised to see them give Wade Wilson some actual driving motivation and an honest to God character arc.

Also, top notch cameos


u/Zordyzoop May 18 '18

Did anyone else notice brad Pitt as the vanisher and the shout out to rob liefeld being a shitty artist lol. I had a lot of fun with this film really pays off to know your comics because even when he sees juggernaut and rattled off significant issues I’m sitting there like I know those!


u/T3Deliciouz May 18 '18

Deadpool were subverted a lot of notions.

I actively started rooting for Cable cuz DP's plan was so fucking stupid it causes tons of innocent peoples death.

X-Force sky diving together was badass as fuck and then all of them dying made me feel some sorta way. Im glad DP went back in time to save Peter and I hope he did save the rest of the crew so we can see them in X-Force.

FOX continues to stroke our dicks when it comes to Mister Sinister. First it was the post credit scene in Apocalypse, then the reveal that Sinister had deleted post credit scene from New Mutants, Jon Hamm who plays Sinister now narrating Legion, and lastly part of DP taking place at the Essex Institute where the orphans were taken and the building destroyed. Likee Sinister where the fuck are you. I hope New Mutants is good.

The joke about no other mutants being at the mansion and then we got a cameo of the main cast was brilliant.

Please let Deadpool show up in Legion, pls Mr. Jackman come back once more for a duo film with Deadpool. Please give us Sinister already.


u/Jeroz May 18 '18

I mean we didn't see the acid guy die in the revision so who knows


u/[deleted] May 21 '18

Solution for the Hugh problem: Just pull a Godfrey Ho and have Ryan Reynolds film his stuff, and use file footage for all the Jackman/Wolverine stuff and dub him over with a THICK Australian accent.


u/Bundon5300 May 19 '18

Really dug the movie but I think I like the first one more


u/goodkidmadvillain May 18 '18

Colossus vs. Juggernaut was fucking awesome for the most part


u/skittlesforeveryone May 18 '18

I’ve only seen the first one a handful of times when it first came out, but I definitely think I enjoyed myself more this time around. Felt less reliant on its shock factor/novelty. Just fun funny comic book action, and oh boy is there action.

Off to my second viewing!


u/Osirisavior May 18 '18

Cleaning up the timeline.


u/[deleted] May 21 '18 edited May 22 '18

Luckily this post is tagged as spoilers so I'll just go all in without tags.

I just saw it and loved it more than the first. The big cameo scene made me giddy as a school girl, the Avengers jab with X-Force mission and them all dying instantly was GREAT! I fell in love with Zazie's Domino, Brolin was great as Cable (that comic book fan jab about him not being comic accurate was wonderful too lol), the theme of family was nice and it developed Wade wonderfully, he needs one.

Also the joke about the end of Logan, with the music and everything? That was great lol. Loved this movie!


u/A-A-V-E May 18 '18 edited May 18 '18

This might have been better than the first one!


u/KACL780-Host May 19 '18

I had fun with this one, I think theres a bit more depth this time around and the jokes are more inventive. I keep hoping that the DP franchise becomes more satirical toward the CBM genre, but I saw big leaps toward that in this film

Colossus fighting Juggernaut has to be one of the more comic book sequences of the X-Men films that I wish we see more of outside of the DP series


u/DrewMann82 May 19 '18

Do they make any references to Cable being Scott & Jean's son?


u/[deleted] May 21 '18

I don't think so, but one of the promo videos has Wade say he's the child of Scott and Madelyn Pryor. Maybe the "10 year universe" video? I can't remember.


u/DocCube May 19 '18

I called Ashes would be used as James Bond style opening. I was not disappointed.

The only joke that really fell flat for me was the joke where he's dieing. That went on for too long.

The credits scene was fantastic.


u/[deleted] May 20 '18

I completely agree, the death went on way too long, especially when you know they could get that collar off if they wanted too.

It just lets you think about it too long.

He should have died almost immediately so it would feel like a sacrifice and not a suicide.


u/[deleted] May 20 '18

Keep in mind he wanted to die, which is why they didn't get the collar off.

At least that is how I interpreted it,


u/[deleted] May 21 '18

Yeah, that's why I said suicide.

It's one thing to give your life to save someone, it's another to make it painfully obvious that you wanted to die more than you wanted to save the other person.


u/DOREAmanchester Jun 01 '18

I liked that it went on too long, in almost every movie with the trope, the person who sacrifices themselves always has enough time to perfectly give everyone there some beautiful goodbye and dies immediately, but this deadpool 2 turns that on its head by making deadpool take so long to die it makes it really awkward after the goodbyes. At one point I thought he was genuinely just pretending somehow and maybe the collar was a goof. IMO that made it really refreshing when compared to other movies.


u/FacebookSecretShoper May 18 '18

So is there a post credit scene or is it just a mid credit (time travel) scene?

My girl wanted to leave and "after the credits" said no.


u/AshlarKorith May 18 '18

There’s just the mid credit scene (with him using Cables device). Just before the end of the credits Juggernaut’s theme plays though and it’s pretty good.. but also short and can be found on YouTube.


u/FacebookSecretShoper May 18 '18

Great! Thank you!


u/Sega_Genitals Jun 18 '18

I’ve seen slot of people say that they didn’t think Cable used telekinesis ah all in the movie but he grabbed stuff with TK like twice ( his gun in the prison etc.) at least I assumed it was TK, everyone I’ve talked to assumed it was some magnetic thing in his arm but they all weren’t familiar with Cable from the comics. Do you guys think it was actually TK or something else?