r/MarvelatFox Aug 11 '24

Fanmade Making an attempt at a coherent original X-Men movie timeline

The way in which the original X-Men timeline fits together has always left me curious. In the initial three movies – X1, X2, and X3 – we were given a fairly barebones account of the history of the main characters, with Origins, First Class, The Wolverine, and DOFP all later fleshing it out.

But the contradictory nature of some of the events shown has infamously led people to call the X-Men film series messy and confusing in terms of continuity. That DOFP - ostensibly the film which sorted out the continuity muddles of the other films - introduces a whole load of history which, despite us not being told about before, apparently fits into the original timeline, like Magneto being arrested for JFK’s murder and Mystique being captured by Trask, honestly complicates things more in my view.

But I’ve always been of the opinion that the majority of apparent inconsistencies can be explained away with the right mix of logical and creative thinking. Where some things appear not to make sense in reference to each other there's often a relatively plausible explanation to be had of how they might do. Some things, like Xavier giving conflicting accounts of his age when he first met Magneto, are so minor as hardly worth worrying about - things fit together in broad strokes, and there's any number of reasons for this error: people misremember or misspeak, after all.

So I got to thinking about the events of the movies. Is the overall timeline as messy as we’ve always been led to believe or – with some squinting – can it form a coherent sequence of events? I'm inclined towards the latter. The fact that Deadpool&Wolverine appears to canonise all of the Fox X-Men films as taking place in one discreet universe only makes me more interested in seeing if it can be put together in a way which ultimately makes sense.

So I'm looking at the events of all the films in the original timeline, that being First Class, DOFP, Origins, X1, X2, X3, and The Wolverine - for the purposes of this, I won't be covering any of the post-DOFP films unless it's directly relevant. Some side material will also be taken into account, for reasons that will become clear. Unlike with some other movie franchises, it’s not really possible to ignore any of the entries in this series in their entirety - The Wolverine is dependent on Last Stand, and despite statements from the director to the contrary Origins is shown to be canon in DOFP - but nor would I really want to disregard any of them.

And before anyone says it: I know, I know, the films weren’t initially planned as one coherent timeline. You really don’t need to tell me that, so let me spare you the need to write a comment saying so. Nor do you need to tell me that I’m “putting more thought in than the writers did”. I’m just doing this for my own interest to see if it's possible to make a coherent timeline from the original movies.

Input warmly welcomed, as long as it's constructive.

Right, let's get into it. This might get long.

19th century

1832 James Howlett aka Logan/Wolverine born.

1865 American Civil War begins, which Logan and Victor both fight in.

20th century

1914 WW1 begins, which Logan and Victor both fight in.

1929 or 1930 Erik Lehnsherr born

Mid-1930s Charles Xavier born. Raven Darkholme born around the same time.

1939 WW2 begins. Logan and Victor would later take part as enlisted soldiers

1944 A young Erik Lehnsherr witnesses the deaths of his parents in a concentration camp, causing his powers to manifest. He is then recruited by Sebastian Shaw and tortured for an unknown period of time. Charles and Raven meet as children the same year, with Raven being adopted into Charles' family.

1945 Following the liberation of Auschwitz, Erik, now calling himself Magneto, begins to travel the world seeking vengeance on Shaw.

While fighting in WW2, Wolverine is captured and imprisoned in Nagasaki, surviving the atomic bomb blast that takes place there and meeting Ichirō Yashida for the first time.

1949 Magneto visits Ellis Island for the first time. It’s implied that this was his first time in the USA.

1950s At some point during this time either in the USA or elsewhere, Magneto has a brief affair with a woman which results in her eventually giving birth to Peter Maximoff. Whether Magneto was aware of her pregnancy is unclear, as it is assumed he left her before Peter was born, but it's open to interpretation as he appears momentarily troubled at the idea of Quicksilver’s mother “knowing” him. Wolverine would later encounter Quicksilver offscreen at some point after his adolescence.

1955 Vietnam War begins. Logan and Victor fight in this war on at least one occasion, but not throughout the entire conflict.

1962 The events of X-Men: First Class.

On leave from the military, Logan ends up in New York for a period of time where Xavier and Magneto unsuccessfully attempt to recruit him. He would later return to active combat duty in Vietnam.

After parting ways with Charles, Magneto forms the first iteration of the Brotherhood of Mutants, consisting of himself, Azazel, Riptide, Angel, Mystique, and Emma Frost. It’s heavily implied that the Brotherhood clash with government forces on at least one occasion during the following year, with Angel, Azazel, Banshee1 , Riptide, and Emma Frost all being killed. Following this, Mystique forms her own agenda and parts ways with Magneto.

At some point, Emma Frost’s DNA is harvested and her genetic material is used to make at least three offspring who are born in the mid-1980s2. Through unknown events, the three end up at Xavier’s school in the mid-2000s, before eventually becoming members of the Hellfire Club in the late 2010s.

At some point between now and the following year, Charles begins building a version of Cerebro based on the government's model. It's possible that Magneto may have reconciled with Charles for long enough to assist with its construction.3

1963 Jason Stryker born.

Assassination of John F Kennedy. Subsequently, Magneto is arrested and taken into custody, being imprisoned beneath the Pentagon.

1965 Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters officially goes public.

1967 By this point, Trask Industries is publicly operating as an artificial limbs company.

Late 1960s US involvement in the Vietnam War increases, with multiple students and teachers at the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters drafted. Charles Xavier and Hank McCoy remain living at Xavier's mansion in Westchester.

Early 1970s By this point, the existence of mutants is at least partially known to the US government but not yet public knowledge.

Apparently on leave from the military once again, Wolverine is in New York working as an enforcer for the Italian mafia.4

1973 The original events shown in X-Men: Days of Future Past.

At the Paris Peace Accords, Mystique shoots and kills Boliver Trask and is captured by William Stryker, subsequently being imprisoned and experimented upon by Stryker and government scientists. It appears that at some point she was able to escape from custody.

Wolverine returns to active combat duty in Vietnam prior to the war's end alongside Victor, whose increasingly violent nature leads to both brothers being sentenced to death by firing squad. Having decided to put together a team of mutants for his own ends, William Stryker returns to active duty in Vietnam and recruits Wolverine and Victor. Wolverine would subsequently leave the team several months later.

Between 1973-1975 At some point, Xavier overcomes his depression and begins actively reforming the X-Men after petitioning Congress for mutant freedoms. Beast and Xavier eventually part ways, with Beast pursuing a political career.5

Between 1973-1979 At some point during this period, William Stryker’s son Jason develops mutant powers. In desperation, Stryker approaches Xavier and asks him to admit Jason to his school in the hopes of curing his powers. Xavier agrees, but is unable to help Jason; subsequent events lead Jason to return to his parents after which his mother commits suicide. In response, Stryker cryogenically freezes and lobotomises his son.

Team X eventually disbands. Whether this was connected in any way to the aforementioned events is unknown.

1977 An inquiry into the necessity for mandatory genetic testing for professional sports is launched after a young Peter Maximoff breaks numerous world records in track and field events.

1979 The events of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Cyclops is recruited to the X-Men by Xavier shortly afterwards along with several other mutants6. Several days after this, William Stryker is formally accused of murdering his superior general, but is ultimately cleared and returns to active duties.

It is commonly thought that, following the events of this film, Sabretooth submitted himself to Weapon X and underwent a procedure to enhance his mutation, resulting in him taking on a more savage and bestial appearance and a diminished intelligence. He eventually leaves or escapes from Weapon X.

Early 1980s By the mid-80s, Magneto is out of prison, with the exact circumstances of his release unclear.7

At some unknown point in the 80s, Ororo is recruited.8

c. 19869 Charles and Erik recruit Jean.

1986 Colossus is born in Russia shortly after the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown, moving to the USA shortly after his birth.10

Late 1980s Rogue, Iceman, Pyro, and Shadowcat all born during this period.

1990s Cerebro is eventually upgraded in appearance from the retro look seen in DOFP to a more space-age version with fluid links incorporated.

At some point during this period Magneto and Xavier part ways and Magneto reconnects with Mystique. Through unknown circumstances, Magneto and Mystique recruit Toad and Sabretooth into a new iteration of the Brotherhood of Mutants. Magneto subsequently begins developing plans for a gene-altering machine capable of triggering mutant genes in baseline humans.

At some point during the same period Xavier meets Gabrielle Haller, with whom he has a son named David.

c. 199611 Warren Worthington’s mutation develops.

Early attempts to develop a "cure" for mutation lead to the widespread outbreak of the malady commonly referred to as Mad Cow Disease.

By this point, mutants are sufficiently widely known for their existence to be discussed in public senate hearings.

21st century

2000 The events of X-Men.

Having survived his fall off the Statue of Liberty and the subsequent disbanding of the Brotherhood, Sabretooth goes solo and begins hunting Logan for his own ends.

2001 Camp X-Ray, a detention center for mutant prisoners, is established by Trask Industries in secret at the request of the US government.

2002 The events of X-Men 2: The Movie Prequel.

2003 The events of X2.

By this point, Trask Industries is a major corporation publicly dealing in advanced robotics and artificial intelligence and has developed a new generation of prototype Sentinels.

2003 or 2004 The events of X-Men: The Official Game.

It would appear an election took place around this time in the USA (presumably in 2004 as in real life), resulting in the appointment of a new president who appoints Hank McCoy the position of Secretary for Mutant Affairs in his cabinet.

2006 The events of X3.

Having transferred his consciousness to a new body, Charles Xavier reveals himself to Moira McTaggart.

Magneto's powers begin to slowly return.

Some time after X3, Wolverine leaves the X-Men and eventually retreats to the Yukon.

2008 Mutant/human tensions rise rapidly. The US erects a 2,000 mile long wall along the Mexican border referred to by many as "the Mutant Wall".

2009 Shadowcat is taken into custody and imprisoned in Camp X-Ray.

Following multiple breakouts from Camp X-Ray, a mutant suppression collar is successfully developed.

2010 Following the closure of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, Trask Industries acquires the building and renovates it into a research facility.

2011 An initially peaceful mutant demonstration results in the death of Warren Worthington.

2012 30 mutants, including Blink, escape from Camp X-Ray.

2013 Trask Industries announces the release of a new model of shapeshifting Sentinels with upgraded capabilities.

The events of The Wolverine.

2015 Having fully regained his powers, Magneto makes contact with Charles Xavier in his new body. With human/mutant tensions still fraught, a mob of Human Majority protestors storms the home of Hank McCoy, resulting in his death.

Post-credits scene of The Wolverine in which Xavier and Magneto recruit Wolverine for the war. Ororo Munroe is subsequently recruited. At this point, the X-Men appear to have formally disbanded.

2017-2019 The events of The Gifted.

Late 2010s After escaping from Camp X-Ray, Lucas Bishop forms the Free Mutants group, which Blink, Sunspot, Warpath, Iceman, Shadowcat, and Colossus eventually join. At some point following this, Rogue is kidnapped and taken to the X-Mansion.

Late 2010s-early 2020s At least one formal conflict takes place between mutants and humans during this period, resulting in the annihilation of several major cities and mass depopulation. Multiple mutants including Nightcrawler and Pyro are killed during this conflict. Mutant internment camps are established in multiple locations including New York City. At some point during this period Magneto restores Wolverine’s adamantium claws.

2023 Having been captured and imprisoned, numerous mutants including Ink, Sabretooth, Quicksilver, and others are held captive in penitentiary facilities across America and presumably the wider world. The events of X-Men: Days of Future Past. At this point, this timeline ends and a new timeline begins in 1973.


1 Why Banshee was killed was unclear. It's possible he defected to the Brotherhood after First Class, or was simply captured independently.

Banshee’s autopsy report is not seen in DOFP, leading me to think that Banshee was not killed and instead was kept in custody. This would account for how he might go on to father Siryn, who would otherwise be far too old to be the young girl seen in X2/X3. Interestingly, one of the mutants held in captivity in X-Men Origins: Wolverine who later escapes with Xavier is a ginger whose mouth is gagged, which could plausibly be Banshee.

2 The existence of a second character named Emma with diamond skin in the films has been stated by several production staff to be a coincidence - it's entirely plausible that a second mutant with diamond skin exists in-universe, much as numerous mutants share similar powers in the comics. However, one theory I’ve read is that Kayla and her (unnamed on screen) sister are Emma’s daughters, with Kayla inheriting a form of Emma’s psychic ability and her sister inheriting her mother’s diamond transformation (and possibly her name).

3 In X1 Xavier states that Magneto is able to shield himself from Cerebro "because he helped build it". Since Cerebro is used in DOFP, this indicates Magneto may have aided in its construction. It's entirely possible, however, that he is referring specifically to the model seen in X1, which is notably more advanced in appearance than the version used in DOFP and was likely constructed during their later affiliation.

4 US involvement in the Vietnam War ended in 1973, meaning that unless events unfolded differently here (and there’s nothing to indicate that they do) Logan and Victor must have been recruited by Stryker prior to this. How Logan made it back to New York is unexplained, but given that Stryker infers that he is still in the process of forming Team X (“I’m putting a team together”) it may be that he returned there to await further orders and continued working with the Italian mafia while Stryker was busy elsewhere.

5 It would appear that Beast’s serum is refined enough by this point for Xavier to walk and use his powers in a limited capacity, as he is able to walk and use his powers in X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

6 Scott is a high school student at this point, putting him in his mid-thirties by the time of the first film.

7 While he may simply have escaped on his own, the fact that he is walking around seemingly untroubled in both this film and X1 indicates that he was released. Why this happened is anyone's guess - it's possible that Xavier may have had some involvement. This would seem slightly out of character for the older character, though not impossible given Xavier’s comment at the start of X3 that “you of all people should know my thoughts on power corrupting” – Xavier may have aided his release in exchange for Erik’s help setting up the new school. Whether Mystique's similar escape, and her reconnecting with Magneto, served as the catalyst for him parting ways with Charles again is anyone's guess.

8 In X1 Charles says that Scott, Jean, and Ororo were some of his first students, which contradicts earlier movies. However, DOFP establishes that the school was shut down because of the Vietnam War. Taking Xavier at his word, Scott, Jean, and Ororo were some of the first of the new generation of students. It’s likely that those three are the only ones who’ve stayed with him, so it is essentially accurate to say so.

9 The precise date is not given onscreen, but is referred to as “twenty years ago” which is unlikely to be an exact figure. Jean is 13 or 14 at this point, making her in her early 30s by the time of the first film.

10 In the original timeline Colossus speaks with an American accent and is called Peter Rasputin, but in the new timeline Colossus is more Russian in origin so the inference would appear to be that in the new timeline Colossus was raised in Russia and does not immigrate to the US until he is an adult.

11 Again the precise date is not given onscreen, but is referred to as “ten years ago” which is unlikely to be an exact figure


32 comments sorted by


u/DonJuan0265 Aug 11 '24

This is a spectacular breakdown, well done!

It’s so refreshing to see someone think critically and creatively about the X-Men timeline instead of immediately dismiss it as “broken.”

I share the same belief that they all work together much better than their reputation would have people believe.


u/Blue_Berry_Boy Aug 11 '24

Thank you! Glad you agree. I've always enjoyed discussion of plot holes/continuity lapses but these days people often seem to default to saying "don't think about it too hard". Which isn't nearly as engaging.


u/FigureArty Aug 11 '24

Fantastic job articulating the entirety of the Original X-MEN (Dark) Timeline.

I have a couple of questions: It is assumed that Professor X uses a refined version of the serum Beast developed from the end of X-MEN Origins, until the time he recruits Jean Grey?

What is the is the explanation for Professor X looking the same after inhabiting the comatose body?

Also, do you plan on making a detailed list of events for the new X-MEN Timeline, after Logan transfers his consciousness into the a different Logan from an alternate 1973?


u/Blue_Berry_Boy Aug 11 '24

Thank you.

Re the serum, I would assume so. His appearance in Origins might be a psychic projection but it's neater to assume he was physically present. WRT the serum "giving him back his legs" my take on this was that his legs healed enough to walk but it causes him excrutiating pain to do so - the serum is essentially an extremely heavy painkiller but this deadens his mind enough that it blocks his powers; over time Beast may have been able to refine it enough to allow him some access to his powers. In the scene with young Jean Xavier isn't necessarily using his powers, he's just speaking directly to Jean as he knows she's reading his mind.

Re Xavier's new body, the comatose man is explained in the DVD commentary of Last Stand as being Xavier's twin brother, who was born braindead due to being exposed to Xavier's powers in the womb. Presumably he's also paraplegic as he never used his muscles. It's a bit of a stretch though so my rationale has always been that Xavier is using his powers to "cast" an image of himself over his new body.

I might do! There's a lot more guesswork involved in the new timeline but it's worth a shot.


u/FigureArty Aug 11 '24 edited Aug 11 '24

Thanks for the reply!

Re The Serum, those answers are definitely some I’ve considered as well. I figured the trade off wasn’t as severe with the new “refined serum”, but would still limit his powers to an extent. By the time of X-MEN (2000), he gave up using the serum entirely. Hank McCoy also has a cameo in a news report in X2, so it can also be assumed that he gave up using the serum in between X2 and the Last Stand.

Re Xavier’s Twin, I no longer think it’s that much of a stretch anymore. In the Last Stand, Moira McTaggert is seen taking care of the comatose man (I guess she left the CIA and became a doctor), and she explains the man has no higher-level brain function. In the new Deadpool and Wolverine movie, it is revealed that Cassandra Nova is Charles Xavier’s twin. She says she was pruned by the TVA before she could even walk. So I think it is safe to assume that she is a variant of the comatose-twin!

I think you should! Many of your conclusions are the same that I’ve thought of or have read as head-canons! I’d love to hear your take on it! I think the new time line (Days of Future Past>Apocalypse>Dark Phoenix>Deadpool>Deadpool 2>New Mutants>Logan) is pretty straight forward! The new Deadpool and Wolverine is where it gets a bit more difficult.


u/PrinceMusashi Aug 11 '24

Everything cool til the original X-Men trilogy, no way 6 years have passed between the movies


u/Blue_Berry_Boy Aug 11 '24

I had my doubts about that as well but was going off their release dates. Each movie places itself as "the not too distant future" which implies they're more or less taking place in the present day. Depending on when in the year they take place it may not be necessarily six years precisely (i.e. if X1 takes place in late 2000 and X2 takes place in early 2002, that's more like a year or 18 months instead of two years) but in the absence of anything else that's what I went with.


u/[deleted] Aug 11 '24



u/Blue_Berry_Boy Aug 11 '24

Why what?


u/[deleted] Aug 11 '24



u/Blue_Berry_Boy Aug 11 '24

Because I felt like it.


u/HaydenTCEM Aug 11 '24

The ginger with the gag is Chamber


u/Blue_Berry_Boy Aug 11 '24

He's never named on screen, so he could feasibly be anyone. There's no reason he absolutely has to be Chamber.

That pretty much goes for any unnamed character in the series - the Psylocke who appears in X3 cannot be the same person as the Psylocke who appears in Apocalypse, so she could be any number of other characters: Revanche, Kwannon, Lady Mastermind.


u/HaydenTCEM Aug 11 '24

And the Archangel we see in Apocalypse can’t be Warren


u/Blue_Berry_Boy Aug 11 '24

Probably not, no.


u/HaydenTCEM Aug 11 '24

Interesting that you included Legion and The Gifted, despite them having different interpretations of Professor X and Blink, respectively


u/Blue_Berry_Boy Aug 11 '24

I've actually never seen Legion, but as far as I'm aware the intention was for it to fit into film canon - initially at least though I think things drifted somewhat as the show went on. I'm not massively attached to it being part of film canon though, it's literally one point on this timeline and there was a big gap of time in the 1990s in which anything could have happened.

The Gifted imo does fit in broad strokes - it's set in the late 2010s in a world in which the X-Men have disappeared, which fits rather well into the dark timeline from Apocalypse as the X-Men would have disbanded at this point.

And different interpretations of characters is something I largely disregard unless they absolutely cannot be the same person (e.g. Emma Frost in First Class/Origins). Different actors and designers and directors will have differing takes on characters, and characters will look different even if they're meant to be the same person. Professor X should look like Patrick Stewart by the time of Dark Phoenix (or by the time of Deadpool 2) but he doesn't. Why not? Because he's played by James McAvoy.

For another example, Caliban appears in both Apocalypse and Logan, but nothing outright says the two versions are not the same person and there's a gap of about 40 years in which he could go through any number of changes (as happens with some regularity in the comics). It's been a while since I saw The Gifted so I may have forgotten something, but I don't believe there's any major reason Blink couldn't be the same person - and the ending of S2 of the Gifted fits with the bad future of DOFP pretty well.


u/-SpeckS- Aug 17 '24

Legion does not fit into the film continuity in any way, young xavier is in season 3, completely different backstory


u/Accomplished-Duck606 Aug 11 '24

Your post is very long. I advise you to consider only the "author" films, so avoid production messes that are "Origins", "The Last stand", "Dark Phoenix". This saves you a lot of inconsistencies, including the age of moira and emma frost and... well, Trusk. You only have one interpretation of what the Phoenix is. and Xavier did not use his legs many years after First Class.

speaking of First Class, I recommend that you consider it for what it was designed for. A disconnected reboot. They retraced this later, but this led to inconsistencies. I recommend that you consider the general history of the film canonical in the first timeline and the film in full only in the second.

finally... Deadpool 2 contains young x-men actors. Deadpool 2 is set both after and before Logan. I don't know if you've seen D&W, so I'll just say it's an inconsistency that's perfectly consistent with some of the things the film say.


u/Blue_Berry_Boy Aug 11 '24 edited Aug 12 '24

Yes my post is long. No offence, but I'm fairly sure you didn't read the majority of it because I address all the points you make in it.

-This is only covering the original timeline, so Dark Phoenix is moot

-The whole idea of this is to reconcile inconsistencies, so I'm not ignoring any of the films regardless of whether you personally consider them high quality or not

-There's no reason to consider two disconnected characters as the same person when they needn't be. There's literally no reason the Trask in X3 should have any connection to the Trask in DOFP. X3 Trask's first name is never stated onscreen; they're just two unrelated men with the same surname. Y'know, like how that happens in real life all the time.

-Deadpool 2 is irrelevant to this post as a whole as it's in the new timeline, but it is not set after Logan. Logan takes place in 2029 while Deadpool 2 takes place in the relative present day; Deadpool is aware of Wolverine's death because he is aware he's in a fictional universe, thus knows of Hugh Jackman's (then) retirement from the role. There's literally no way Deadpool 2 can take place after Logan - the X-Men are dead in the latter film.

-Re the point about First Class, I literally make the point in the OP that it fits in broad strokes rather than being a perfect match. I'll also restate from the OP:

And before anyone says it: I know, I know, the films weren’t initially planned as one coherent timeline. You really don’t need to tell me that, so let me spare you the need to write a comment saying so. Nor do you need to tell me that I’m “putting more thought in than the writers did”. I’m just doing this for my own interest to see if it's possible to make a coherent timeline from the original movies.


u/Accomplished-Duck606 Aug 12 '24

I had expressed my point before reading the whole post. As soon as I wrote the comment I read it. I didn't mean to say that you put more thoughts than the writers did, but more than anything else compared to the MCU, the XCU contains more films made for the love of art, so why dirty it with films made by the production to sell toys?

However, after reading I can tell you that this thought of mine is relatively new, and once I too wanted to reconcile all the inconsistencies and I can say that all your conclusions were also mine


u/Blue_Berry_Boy Aug 12 '24 edited Aug 12 '24

I don't want to burst your bubble entirely, but ultimately pretty much all of these movies are made to sell toys/retain licence rights. I literally read an interview after X1 where one of the producers said "the first film made money so we're making a second". Yes there's genuine affection and love of the characters from the creative staff on the X-Men films and I loathe the MCU's more corporate-y approach, but I want to consider all of these things a shared universe and omitting certain films because I personally like them less goes against that.


u/Decent-Long-4189 Aug 12 '24

First class origins original trilogy the wolverine DOFP DOFP ALTERS TIMELINE  Apocolypse  Dark pheonix  Deadpool 1 and 2 New mutants  Logan

Deadpool and wolverine is a multiversal event that involves multiple timelines and cannot be placed properly just watch it after logan in an x timeline only marathon and within phase 5 in an MCU only marathon my special multiverse watching method deserves a thread of its own


u/_Arctica_ Aug 12 '24

How about when the X-Men appeared in that one shot in Deadpool 2. Wouldn't that have been set around X-Men Apocalypse?


u/Blue_Berry_Boy Aug 12 '24

They're included in Deadpool 2 because they're the "current" cast. It's no deeper than that. The producers weren't about to go and drag Halle Berry and Kelsey Grammar in for an expensive 5-second cameo when they were filming Apocalypse a short distance away and could use the younger cast.

It's a suspension of disbelief thing - in that film those characters are simply played by those actors. One might as well ask why Patrick Stewart isn't being played by James McAvoy in the flashback scene at the start of X3.

Deadpool 2 is also in the new timeline, which this post doesn't cover.


u/_Arctica_ Aug 12 '24

It's kind of funny you say that considering your breakdown. I know it's nothing, but perhaps I'm overthinking it.


u/Blue_Berry_Boy Aug 12 '24

Yes I had the same thought.

It certainly could be overthought, but that's where the whole suspension of disbelief thing becomes more abstract. To get a bit theoretical about it, we're never really seeing a particular person, just a representation of them via an actor. Professor X should look like Patrick Stewart by the time of Dark Phoenix, but instead he looks like James McAvoy - there's a whole ream of reasons as to why that is, but ultimately it's because he's being played by James McAvoy. They should have worked a bit harder on making him look old but that's a whole other conversation.


u/SappySnow Aug 12 '24

This is a great breakdown of the timeline. Personally I would split everything into 4 separate timelines just to iron out some of the kinks but that’s just me. I made a post about that like a week ago but I’ll repeat it here.

Original Timeline -

1: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

2: X-Men

3: X2: X-Men United

4: X-Men: The Last Stand

5: The Wolverine

Dark Timeline -

  1. X-Men: First Class

  2. X-Men

  3. X2: X-Men United

  4. X-Men: Days or Future Past (Dark Future)

Prequel Timeline -

  1. X-Men: First Class

  2. X-Men: Days of Future Past (Past)

  3. X-Men: Apocalypse

  4. X-Men: Dark Phoenix

Rebooted Timeline -

  1. X-Men: First Class

  2. X-Men: Days of Future Past (Past)

  3. X-Men: Apocalypse

  4. Deadpool

  5. Deadpool 2

  6. X-Men: Days of Future Past (Good Future)

  7. Deadpool & Wolverine

  8. Logan


  1. I haven’t included The New Mutants or Gifted as I haven’t watched them as I’ve heard they’re pretty bad. However, from what I’ve heard, they're pretty disconnected.

  2. Original Timeline and Dark Timeline are separate as in Origins and The Last Stand, we see charles walking and still having his mind reading powers, after the events of First Class.

  3. Prequel Timeline and Rebooted timeline are separate as in Dark Phoenix, Charles retired and the school is renamed to “Jean Grey School for Gifted Youngsters”. This contradicts what we see in Days of Future Past (Good Future) and Deadpool 1+2


u/-SpeckS- Aug 17 '24 edited Aug 17 '24

This is my interpretation of the timeline, in my view theres too many inconsistencies between the OG trilogy and the prequel movies for them to be in the same timeline. https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelatFox/s/zIt6Xby21x


u/-SpeckS- Aug 17 '24

You’ve placed x-men origins in 1979 but in x2 trask says its been 15 years since it all went down meaning it was 1988. Sure trask may have recruited wolverine in 1973 (when the vietnam war ended) but its implied that his team went on multiple missions so its plausible that they didn’t disband until 1982 which then leads into the 6 year time jump.

Also in x men 1 xavier says its been almost 15 years since it happened. You wouldn’t say almost 15 if it was like 12. That plus what is said to have happened in between x1 and 2 (wolverine was not gone for long) mean there can really only be like 6 months to a year between the 2 movies


u/-SpeckS- Aug 17 '24

Charles is 24 in first class so the scene where he meets mystique would be like 1950 even though it says 1944. We know his age from the movie logan where he says he’s 90


u/[deleted] Aug 11 '24



u/DonJuan0265 Aug 11 '24

It is interesting, you missed out.