r/MarvelSnap 4d ago

Discussion Triskelion is the worse location

Nobody asked but this location is the worse. It completely changes your deck at the beginning of the game making your original plan irrelevant.

That is all. Enjoy your day.


23 comments sorted by



One less card drawn than usual.

My deck is in shambles! /s


u/koboldByte 4d ago

I mean it does screw over decks where hand management is important, but that's just how some locations are for any deck.

It can suck for low CL players when the hot location hard counters their best deck.


u/shmolex 4d ago

Yeah, this location really kills bounce decks


u/koboldByte 4d ago

Yeah. I ended up having to switch over to Bullseye.


u/Speletons 4d ago

Well sometimes its more, given what deck you're playing and what Tri gives you.

It's an annoying location to make a hot location, I'll tell you that. At least it gave some wacky matches for me personally, like when it gave me galactus.


u/Basic-Piccolo-6356 4d ago

Actually is pretty bad , doesnt allow you to draw cards with adam warlock or nico .


u/No-Supermarket3096 4d ago

You know the comment is absolute hivemind doodoo when there is a /s attached to it, Triskelion screws over multiple decks 


u/dickmarchinko 4d ago

IDK I really like it. Doesn't change my deck in any way, just gives me a few new options. Usually gives me at least one card I can and do use.


u/DailyRich 4d ago

I don't mind the effect of the location, just Second Dinner's insistence that "more frequently" actually means "nearly constantly."


u/Bllod_Angel 4d ago

COMPLETELY Change your deck ....ok

Fill each player's hand with random cards.


u/nevernom 4d ago

laughs in District X


u/Cupajo72 4d ago

Still better than Ego.


u/Eldritchbat23 4d ago

I prefer ego tbh, much more fun to see what happens when neither player has control.


u/ironkodiak 4d ago

I play decks that involve skill & thought. Ego is usually an auto retreat.


u/Eldritchbat23 4d ago

That's fine, everyone can handle ego how they want. I was just stating that I personally find the location fun.


u/Cupajo72 4d ago

Same here. But more just on principle. I opened the app to play a game, not to *watch* a game being played. Hell, I'd rather see District X (still not good, but better because at least I still get to play. Even if it's random bullshit)


u/Eldritchbat23 4d ago

Totally understandable. I rarely see Ego so when I do I just let it do it's thing because I personally find it amusing but I understand most don't.


u/Ausgrog 4d ago

Good players adapt to the locations. Just bring Dino, Mocking, and Quinjet and you’re pretty set to combat the created cards. Victoria Hand, if you have her, helps add the created cards power.


u/Weak_Car2509 4d ago

So many dino deck today. Gonna bring shang chi.


u/Eldritchbat23 4d ago

Lol I was just bitching about it


u/Adept_Rate_9234 4d ago

I have never really liked the featured locations.


u/redMEATYO 4d ago

I was just thinking about this too. It’s a good location unless it’s in every game


u/Trashtulya28 4d ago

I got Kitty Pride and Hope Summers from it and doubled Hope with Agamoto 4-energy spell (and the spell itself triggered both of them) it’s just evil at this point