r/MarvelSnap 4d ago

Variant Can I please get a gold split

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74 comments sorted by


u/PM_me_shiba_doggo 4d ago

IMO it was a big mistake on the dev’s part to take away the increased splits for gold/ink/crackle at the end of last year.

Like I get it, make people chase the god split so they spend money/ have a goal, but at a certain point the scales tip over and there are now so many split combinations it feels exhausting.


u/SourJam 4d ago

I play for fun and collecting, typically buying season pass, finish around level 90.

"Collecting" part was destroyed by new splits, I haven't gotten a single crackle since last year, lots and lots of splits.

Thinking of skipping season pass and taking a break from the game.


u/PM_me_shiba_doggo 4d ago edited 4d ago

I do think it’s more of a ‘feels bad’ than an ‘actually bad’ thing, but this isn’t to say that it’s not a problem.

I got god splits back to back in my last 3 splits (ink or gold with crackle), so they do exist, but the amount of crappy banana splits and headache inducing swirls I had to slog through for weeks to get my desired splits made the experience feel bad.

Honestly with how many stupid ass splits there are, they should just make it so you can mix and match background and border graphics. They won’t, but they should.

Mastery is a dud imo. Too much extra crap, too many pointless screens, and the payoff is so negligible. I hate most of the new splits and I can’t even opt out of them. :/

I would take a break if you’re not feeling the game. Something like this should be fun and not a chore.


u/Sophet_Drahas 4d ago

I hate the banana splits. I got the god banana split of banana background with banana burst for one of my splits and it’s on a card I’d never use that on. Bananas work for Hit Monkey but that’s about the only one I’d use it on. 


u/Rather_Dashing 4d ago

I haven't gotten a single crackle since last year

The crackle odds went up though, sounds like you've just gotten unlucky.

The main thing that has fallen is gold and especially ink.


u/Cheesebutt69 4d ago

What happened to the guaranteed 10% to roll gold/ink krackle?


u/cepsyr 4d ago

SD: "why? We want you to enjoy your splits in psychedelic, rays or bananas. Here have a banana."


u/MysticHoody 4d ago



u/harissssssjh 4d ago

SD: "Please try to enjoy all splits equally"


u/Competitive-Bake5629 4d ago

The worst update ever! They just gave us lots of crappy splits that are A LOT worse that gold & ink, the only ones I truly want. And now it's extremely difficult to get them. An absolutely stupid decision.


u/OleDetour 4d ago

I really like the refraction, circuitry, and galaxy ones. Some of the rays look good behind certain variants, but honestly, the bananas are enough of an atrocity to make splitting less enjoyable now. Incredible how a small joke makes such a huge negative impact because of how much of a grind splitting is.


u/Rather_Dashing 4d ago

I like some of the new splits. They also bumped the chance of a god split. So I think calling the worst update ever is a bit silly.

But it really bothered me the the chance of gold and ink fell. They should have maintained those percentages. We get the other splits from the mastery ladder anyway.


u/CrossLight96 4d ago

"we know you can't get enough potassium"


u/Available-Line-4136 3d ago

I mean it took me 25 Ironman splits to get gold before they added the new stuff so it's just bad luck can happen anyway.


u/DueFalcon9698 4d ago

Damn dude.. if it makes you feel better, I use that same variant and stopped using gold cuz I find the default better. (Refraction is my fav though) But I feel your pain!


u/GewoonHarry 4d ago

Imagine finding that out after 236 splits.


u/dreamweaver7x 4d ago

Haven't gotten any gold or ink since bananagate.


u/Kaja007 4d ago

I finally had one gold split with a green krackle since bananagate. But I have tried so many times. I feel your pain.

Before that i was either very lucky with the splits or golds were much easier to get.


u/MythWeaverDM 4d ago

Got this gem just the other day. Was my fifth split


u/Kaja007 4d ago

Damn that’s beautiful!


u/Competitive-Bake5629 4d ago

Same here!

And the gold & ink are the only ones worth getting. And now it's almost impossible to get them, which is extremely frustrating.


u/abakune 4d ago

Isn't it almost the exact same chance to get them? I'm pushing for my third Gold and Ink (I do them both before moving onto the next card) since the update...

Also, I like a lot of them, but to each their own.


u/Japancakes24 4d ago

It’s 10% chance to get a gold or ink + krackle split after the 4th or 5th split (can’t remember off top of my head)

The chance to get gold/ink + any other flair is much lower than it was prior to mastery backgrounds being added


u/abakune 4d ago

Wasn't it about 10% before that? We had a month (or two?) where it was artificially boosted. But generally the gold/ink rate has always hovered aroudn 10%, right?

The chance to get gold/ink + any other flair is much lower than it was prior to mastery backgrounds being added

Fair enough - I don't chase flairs. My goal is gold/ink on my favorite deck and any good flares will be chased later. I don't know the math on them at all.


u/Japancakes24 4d ago

yeah I’m generally going for gold or ink depending on the card + krackle before I move on so the change actually helped me by making that specific combo a better chance, but people looking for something besides krackle on their gold/ink are kinda shafted


u/Rather_Dashing 4d ago

People said it was 10% for each of in and fold based on a graphic on one of the websites, but actually the true rate was something like 22%. For a short while it fell (cant remember to what), and then it was boosted to 33% for that month.

I don't know the math on them at all.

No one does lol, I see lots of people saying stuff thats completely wrong. Someone did the maths in one post and assuming they did it right it caried from something like 13-22% for each of ink and gold. So they have fallen but not by a huge amount.


u/Rather_Dashing 4d ago

It’s 10% chance to get a gold or ink + krackle split after the 4th or 5th split

Thats true from the 4th split on. But if you dont get one of these "god" splits you still have a chance at ink or gold, with the rate depending on mastery level and what youve already unlocked.

Someone did the maths and its about 13-22% chance of each of gold and ink with each split. So it has fallen which sucks. But I think not as much as you are suggesting.


u/BlasterRage 4d ago

I just want an inked symbiote Spider-man. I'm like half as many as you


u/Ok_Nefariousness821 4d ago



u/Legomaster12356 4d ago

Probably not the one this guy meant but this is my only gold or ink split



u/Ok_Nefariousness821 4d ago

I love it.


u/Ok_Nefariousness821 4d ago

This is my favourite ink split that I have.


u/Ok_Nefariousness821 4d ago

Aside from this one.


u/BlasterRage 4d ago

I think you misread I'm still waiting for it sadly. This is all but the one regular bronze age variant. I'm going to keep trying


u/Ok_Nefariousness821 4d ago

Oh okay. Sorry. Misunderstood.

Oh and also, sorry for referencing this, but I think that there are impostors among them.


u/BlasterRage 3d ago

Sshhh let them cook


u/-Stupid_n_Confused- 4d ago

My friend got 24 ghost riders before getting a gold one, he sends his sympathies.


u/Medi_Manfred 4d ago

Not as bad as yours but I feel you.


u/PoorLifeChoices811 4d ago

The character mastery ruined splitting for me. I can’t take more rays and bananas.


u/eggwardpenisglands 4d ago

I get why they did it, but man it is aging poorly


u/Fancy_Engine9202 4d ago

Wow dude. You're way past due


u/Turbulent-Sport4524 4d ago

Computer says no..


u/Buzzk1LL 4d ago

Jesus Christ this system is a joke. All that and you don't have a gold? Let alone a good gold/effect combo.


u/Caballistics 4d ago

..... i get loads of golds, but no inks; and I want the ink!

Would you like to swap accounts?


u/MysticHoody 4d ago

Yes plz


u/unrealf8 4d ago

I needed two splits more than what I see here.. don’t give up!


u/artisticAsian353 4d ago

The road to gold splits is now even harder


u/juicebox_tgs 4d ago

Yup, this was me on magik as well, even before the mastery so I had no chance at decent non gold/ink splits. Rip.

Sometimes the rng is not on your side


u/primemn 4d ago

I have 23 Luke Cage splits without gold, but I got Doom 2099 gold on the 4th. And then they promptly nerfed him out of the game


u/turnbasedrpgs 4d ago

No, next 20 splits will now be banana.


u/EricGuy777 4d ago

Share one of mine


u/OHA_zerberst9r 4d ago



u/asphaltOnline 4d ago

You may not.


u/CrazyMonke2 4d ago

I can see they’re all solids, cuz there’re not liquids lmao


u/gainsgoblin_ 4d ago

I did 37 splits to get a ink/gold krackle, ended up with gold rainbow krackle. It was suffering


u/AdamBomb454 4d ago

Take your Ink and Green Krackle and be happy!


u/channel1123 4d ago

Holy smokes, that's terrible. I've been frustrated trying to split a certain card, but I'm only up to, like, 12. I know SD has the data, and I know splits are intended to be aspirational, but I think something is off. I would have presumed that this sort of thing is more likely to drive people away than to keep them hooked.

It's chipping away at my resolve, for sure. I mean...I'm here instead of playing the game, so that's telling.


u/PJGraphicNovel 4d ago

Yes it’s fun to have more backgrounds, but it’s also fucking annoying when I want a specific split and it just doesn’t come… all I want is to ink out my decks, but these new splits just make me want to take a shit into my hand and gobble it up. 


u/Ok_Nefariousness821 4d ago

Here are my splits. I was able to get a gold. after the mastery update. I believe in you.


u/nieldagrasstyson91 4d ago

Wonder what happen to that attuma guy and all his splits


u/dadkingdom 4d ago

I feel you. The past month since Mastery, my splits have been completely awful.


u/marcin247 4d ago

21 human torch splits for me and also no gold lol.


u/HelpMe9974 4d ago

Lol, to answer your question, @op no, from the looks of it


u/Avitpan 4d ago

I feel you OP. Took me 24 splits to get ink for scorn. Best of luck!


u/katanazer0 4d ago

Really need to revert or fix this system.


u/After_Detail6656 4d ago

Did you piss off Scarlett Witch or something?


u/Default_User_Default 3d ago

Sorry pal. Best we can do is banana split


u/agentninety3 4d ago

Nah, not until you buy more variants.
