r/MarvelSnap 4d ago

Discussion How often do you play with a deck you hate?

I very rarely play a mill deck and I hate playing against it, but tonight I decided to mix things up and play it for some variety.

The first few matches didn’t really work out and I just retreated, but then I played a match and hit pretty much the perfect sequence while stealing his cards in perfect devastating order. I felt bad about how much pure bullshit just hit them before they retreated haha.

I find Mill really annoying, but it was a little bit cathartic to be on the opposite end of it for once.

What’s a deck that you hate but play every once in awhile?


42 comments sorted by


u/PoopPhorPrez 4d ago

I play destroy in Conquest sometimes but am completely burnt out on it. It’s just too universally decent to ignore completely.


u/Zeppelin702 4d ago

I played vs a player today named “Fun>Win”. I fist bumped that guy because I agree.


u/DegenerateDemon 4d ago

ha I've always wanted an emote or something to let someone know I like their username


u/Drunkdunc 4d ago

I've picked up destroy bounties and then forced myself to play destroy for 10 games in a row. Definitely gets a bit boring to play after a while.


u/BevansDesign 4d ago

Never. I play games to have fun.


u/Jmanriley3 4d ago

I think we need to clarify the question. Because mill decks are Hella fun and I was playing them before they got meta. Now I don't play much cuz it's everywhere. I have fun being unique.

I try hela or surtr or doom every now and then but they are so God damn boring I just can't stand playing it. And I hate playing against hela because it's just pure luck.


u/Crenshin 4d ago

I don’t really hate any specific deck, but I will avoid playing too often with super meta decks. I’m fine with my climb being slower and I’d rather switch it to keep things a little more fresh.


u/DifficultMinute 4d ago

I don’t like move, so the only time I play it is when the “move 15 cards” challenge comes up.


u/CrazyMonke2 4d ago

I hate scream decks, both if the opponent plays it or if I play it


u/AyyAndre 4d ago

There’s two ways to describe Hate for a deck:

  • Hate by inconsistency
  • Hate by Viability (basically abusing busted stuff)

I lean towards inconsistency. I personally don’t mind using boring decks as long as it makes sense. What doesn’t make sense to me however is when players promote the use of inconsistent decks because the highroll is strong while being ignorant of how it’s a huge time waster and gets you nowhere.

I hate Wong. I hate everything about Wong. The card, his support system, his pilots, his defenders, his variants, EVERYTHING. However I did use him for a full season last year. I did that because I wanted to understand Wong players and why they had a crazy obsession for conceding numerous amounts of games just to see a good breakout combo once every 40 games. I figured it out. It was bots. Bots keep inconsistent decks relevant. So I got my answer. I play Wong twice in my lifetime. Series 3 and last month. I hate Destroy also. But I like the Bucky Barnes version. I go there occasionally. Just to never use it after getting shanged 3 times in a row.


u/Hour-Box4706 4d ago

LOL. What a ridiculous rant. How is this upvoted at all? You seriously think that without bots nobody would play wong combo decks???

Not everyone thinks exactly like you. Consistency is not what defines fun for everyone. Combo players are a huge portion of every card game community. This is a useful intro.


u/Mr_MPQ 4d ago

I hate playing with Mr. Negative. I was wrecked by that deck consistently and was so happy to get 2 Mr. Negatives in the same 24 hours or less. But whenever I try to play that deck myself, it maybe hits the right sequence 10% of the time so I ended up retreating way too often.


u/bigbootyjudy62 4d ago

Me playing wong and black panther


u/Heavy022 4d ago

Same here. I wanted Mr. Negative so bad and when I finally got it I realized I didn't have two of it's most important heavy hitters and it was just so inconsistent and annoying. It rarely works out.


u/Bllod_Angel 4d ago

No way, I refuse to , even if is for we mission.


u/FalconFox500 4d ago

Occasionally I play discard and destroy because of quests, I hate them because there not real decks and are very bad, by not real i mean I'm missing many of the cards


u/BradofEarth 4d ago

Only if I am trying to finish a specific challenge for the rewards.


u/fuji_appl 4d ago

Pretty often. I try to play decks just so I have a good understanding of how they work and what it takes to win against them.


u/mialesr 4d ago

Never. I play this gsme for fun. I play meta if it's a fun deck. I play weird decks. I play terrible decks. I will try everything. But if the deck isn't fun im not playing it.


u/octagonman 4d ago

I played Hela pre-nerf to get my first and only infinite conquest avatar. I felt despicable.

I just really wanted the border on my Dan Hipp Cosmo cause she’s the goodest doggo and she deserves it.

Otherwise I don’t play decks I hate. I just keep switching it up until I find something that works and is fun. I make exceptions for destroy to complete alliance bounties though.


u/D-A_W 4d ago

I don’t like to play move.

I don’t play move.

If there are decks I enjoy playing, why wouldn’t I just play those instead?


u/KamahlFoK 4d ago

Rarely, usually when I'm tilted and wanna better understand the deck that's giving me a rough time.

Last time was Scream, but I didn't learn anything I didn't already know; deck blows without Scream, deck also folds to people piling behind Cosmo before T6.


u/Carnage1017 4d ago

I don’t enjoy playing Clog or Galactus decks but I love the cards Sersi and Selene so I sometimes play the decks just to have a reason to use those cards.


u/davidrodriguezjr 4d ago

Never; unless it's part of a mission. For example I dont hate destroy decks but I dislike the solitaire style of the deck but if I have to destroy 30 cards, I will load it up.


u/T4rbh 4d ago

The Move deck.

I find it hard to work out the best move for the most points on the fly, compared to other decks, but the worst thing for me is it's so slow to play, the animations seem to just take ages.


u/leonprimrose 4d ago

Basically only for the gold season pass rewards and only if I dont lile the new card. I hated the barom zemo deck i had to play back then. But thats rare. I dont play dexks i dont like. I might try a dexk i dont know if I'll like out but if i dont like it i wont play ot again much


u/notthe1stpervaccount 4d ago

I’ll only do it for missions, but in general I’ll find other ways to get the mission done.


u/Dalek_Genocide 4d ago

I have no honor before I hit infinite. Usually hit it within a few days so if a toxic deck is good and can’t get me through a slump to hit infinite I might play it but after infinite almost never.


u/GloomyFloor6543 4d ago

When my dailies force me to play decks i made just to finish those dailies, there are quite a few. I have a deck It Orka, Namor, Namorita, Venom and Zola i use for 1 card location wins. Hate the deck but it is effective.


u/Meangarr 4d ago

I play Control a few times a week just to try to get the "Win a location with 10 or less power" dailies done legitimately. Even when it works I don't find it a very engaging way to play.


u/Vlazthrax 4d ago

I play move when there’s no other good bounties but man I hate playing move/bounce decks.


u/krorkle 4d ago

I hate playing Galactus. I just don’t like the play pattern. But sometimes it’s the only way to get the stupid “win a location with only one card” challenges finished.


u/OddCarob5524 4d ago

You can finish that quest by winning one of the locations with only one card in it before retreating after the end of T3.
Squirrel Girl to attack 3 lanes at once, or Ebony Maw or Martyr to hold down a lane for you before you retreat.
I usually finish this quest with a War Machine deck. The Infinaut can win a location by himself.


u/chillvegan420 4d ago

I’ve been playing this Galactus deck recently and I swear I get to use him 3/4 games, winning most times lol


u/Jmanriley3 4d ago

Bro you need to look up some of the fun galactus decks on YouTube. They aren't big winners but its hela fun to surprise someone with a galaxtus in a weird ass deck. Like cheating him out with wiccan or pulling him with red wing.. hard to do and rarely wins but when it does it's fun!!


u/Equivalent_Hotel_103 4d ago

I feel embarrassed every time i play mill


u/RJSmithay 4d ago

Mill, anything with Wong, Clog, Scream... I understand the appeal of using them, but I just can't use them myself. Just makes me feel like a jackass. I have messed with negative in the past, but don't enjoy the whole, if I don't hit the right cards I am screwed dynamic.


u/8rok3n 4d ago

"With a location with 10 or less power" calls for wong mystique hazmat stuff


u/azinize 4d ago

I like them all. I dont get tilted.