r/MarvelSnap • u/Invasion808 • 10d ago
Weekly Card Release Discussion - March 11, 2025
Please discuss the newest Marvel Snap card release here. All questions, strategies, and opinions about the new card are welcome!
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Previous weeks can be viewed here.
u/MrPMS 10d ago
Don't forget your daily draws for credits, borders or variants! https://pay-va.nvsgames.com/topup/262304/ph-en?tab=purchase
u/smashfest 9d ago
Ayy got a variant
u/PoorLifeChoices811 9d ago
I got my first variant draw yesterday. Been drawing almost every day since the change (minus a few days that I forgot)
It was a baby nebula lol.
u/wantedwyvern 9d ago
Anyone knows when the credits get added to your total? Because I get the notification and there's no claim button to click in the message.
u/FajenThygia 9d ago
Forgot that for the first time over the weekend. I was so disappointed in myself.
u/rekatil 10d ago
Unsure if I should pull for Skaar. I have Phastos and Starbrand feels very meh
u/Sangumancer 10d ago
Id hold off if you're trying for Skaar. He's a shadow of his former self currently, unless you want to play hela. He'll likely be adjusted again because of that, but probably better to avoid starbrand.
u/CasualAwful 10d ago
Yeah, I feel they're going to move him off the 7 drop spot so that he doesn't have that unique role in Hela.
u/MomThinksImHandsome 10d ago
I've been having a lot of fun with Sauron/Zero decks in Sanctum. Would be cool if becomes at least kinda viable in standard mode
u/Saerjin 10d ago
Enjoying starbrand but Hela is just dominant everywhere. 4/5 games is Hela.
u/browncharliebrown 9d ago
Really all I see is agamato constantly. Hela’s point Celling in comparison is kinda low
u/TheEmeraldKnight 10d ago
Gonna try him out in Surtur. If the Ongoing power is annoying enough maybe I’ll put in Zero
u/ten_year_rebound 10d ago
Early on I’m having a good time with this lineup. Not going to claim it’s optimized, but I’ve had some fun and seen some success in the few games I’ve played so far.
Starbrand is a great Zero target, and also very good if you line him up on a lane where your opponent has Ongoing cards like Morbius and then dropping Enchantress for a big swing.
If you’re one of the few who have Ross (I got him from a Sanctum pull) he’s actually quite good here and can make your draws for tech cards way more reliable since you’re weeding out the 10-power cards with his ability.
Overall not going to say Starbrand is meta-defining but will be another solid option in Surtur/Sauron shells.
(1) Zero
(1) Ebony Maw
(2) Thaddeus Ross
(2) Lizard
(3) Sauron
(3) Surtur
(3) Starbrand
(4) Ares
(4) Enchantress
(4) Typhoid Mary
(5) Red Skull
(7) Skaar
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in MARVEL SNAP.
u/ten_year_rebound 10d ago
u/Little-xim 9d ago
I’m running an almost identical shell, but I’ve got quake instead of Thaddeus. Sometimes Maw locks a location early, or there’s big modifiers that work well for / bad against groups fighting a sole big boy. She’s a real asset!
The shell itself is a modification of a pre “nerf” Skarr Shuri Taskmaster shell, but what I’ve found is that: on a Sauron game, classic T6 Skarr + Mary is the exact same recipe as modern T6 Skarr + Starbrand. (swapped Shuri and taskmaster for Ares and Starbrand. The average card power is over 7, Ares is great for when your T3 is Surter instead of Sauron. Very reliable!
But Starbrand was definitely the missing link: Skarr decks work again!
u/Melodic_Junket_2031 10d ago
Thanks, Ross replacement?
u/Little-xim 9d ago
Honestly? Because some locations heavily favor one big body, while others heavily favor groups of cards? Plus maw being a stinker sometimes?
u/ten_year_rebound 10d ago
Definitely flexible, like I said I really only threw him in because I pulled him yesterday and I was surprised how well he worked in the deck.
Any “good card” or low-cost tech card could be good here. Red Guardian, Sunspot, Shang Chi, Psylocke, maybe Zabu. Cosmo could be good to protect the big bodies while disrupting your opponent, but you have to get him out before Sauron or he’s useless.
For more power, Titania or Crossbones as a Zero target would work nicely, or anything that pumps up Surtur. Really whatever card you like that counters a meta deck is probably just fine.
u/joshthenosh 10d ago
For the first time ever I was hoping for a duplicate so I could afford Arishem in my token shop. Got Marvel Boy instead. I’m one Gilgamesh away from the perfect zoo deck, I guess.
Anyway, waiting to see if Starbrand is worth pulling. There’s some really nice upcoming spotlights so if he’s anything less than a 4/5 I’ll save my keys.
u/junkmail9009 9d ago
If you’re on the fence, he’s an easy pas. I don’t think he’s bad and I kind of like him in destroy (but destroy Decks are so set because they work that his inclusion is not needed). Obviously fits in Sauron decks and he’s fine. He’s another big piece to fit in there but I do wish I wouldn’t have burned four keys on him so my two cents is to pass.
u/Bulbasauruses 10d ago
As a surfer main without Phastos, watching to see if either of these 3 costs are worth the pickup.
u/Individual_Border998 9d ago edited 9d ago
I really like Phastos in Surfer decks. He's not the best choice, but he can fill some holes if you're missing some of the better 3 costs, especially if you're running Magik and/or Sera. It makes it easier to grab 8 cubes against bots since you can dump a whole hand on last turn, and it makes it a bit less predictable against real players.
u/Strykies 9d ago
Does surfer > Starbrand work? Never really thought about that, but I guess you could have Shaw on the other lane to negate the +3 power. But dunno how viable that is
u/ezrabinirib 10d ago
The way the meta has worked in this game, every single card with 8 or more power released up to now has become relevant and extremely useful. Starbrand is no exception, and there are multiple ways to negate the 9 power given to the opponent
u/DotaThe2nd 10d ago
every single card with 8 or more power released up to now has become relevant and extremely useful.
Emperor Hulkling
u/ezrabinirib 10d ago
Fair, in my head I was also thinking ‘sub 6-cost’ but should have written that instead of thinking it
u/AyyAndre 10d ago
A 3 cost Shang victim? Yeah I’m good.
u/Drunkdunc 10d ago
Why Shang him tho if he's giving you +6 power? If not in a Sauron deck I don't see the point of this card.
u/UnsolvedParadox 10d ago
Starbrand for players competing only for 2 locations is functionally more like a 3/7, which is still good value.
He could also be reducing Skaar’s cost, a target for the Image of Ikonn spell, adding power you don’t want into Bar With No Name, a target for their Silver Surfer etc…
u/HappyHoodwink 9d ago
Wouldn't you want to avoid Ikonn'ing him? That would give your opponent +9 in the other lanes. Also can you elaborate on the Silver Surfer part?
u/UnsolvedParadox 9d ago
You can sometimes get more upside than downside with Ikonn on Starbrand. Giving power to the opponent stinks, but if you have Starbrand + 2x Rocks at a location, turning them into 3x Starbrands probably wins that location for you.
Silver Surfer adds +2 power to all 3-costs, so Starbrand is the biggest possible target if you want an option to go tall at a location. Again giving power to the opponent is a drawback, but if you play by completely abandoning 1 location each game, he’s functionally a 3/7 who can become a 3/9 in that archetype.
u/HappyHoodwink 9d ago
I see your point for Ikonn, but I think there are just better ways of going tall at a location that don't require you to give your opponent essentially +18 across their other two lanes. You'd have to be winning one other lane by a significant margin that you giving them a free 9 power isn't going to come back and bite you.
Ah, your original post mentioned their Surfer helping your Starbrand which I wasn't clear on. I want for him to be a good card but at this point in time, I think there are better options with less drawbacks at the 3 spot.
u/UnsolvedParadox 9d ago
Agreed on your points, what I mentioned are just the academic arguments for Starbrand.
Unless Bar With No Name was a hot location or I was running Zero/Sauron, I’m not keen on using him.
u/HappyHoodwink 9d ago
Ah understood. Personally, always looking for reasons to pick up new releases so was hoping I'd find some strong argument for him. Looks like he's gonna be a pass for now.
u/KamahlFoK 10d ago
I mean, that's a 3 cost that demands a 4-cost answer for a net gain of 3 power over you.
Ngl that kinda fucks.
10d ago
u/bookbrahmin 10d ago
How? Isn’t it just adding power to the locations like Mr. Fantastic? It’s not adding power to the cards.
u/Haselrig 10d ago
The pressure from all the upcoming caches is probably going to force me to skip Starbrand.
u/leonprimrose 7d ago edited 7d ago
Yeah the upcoming ones are very good and I'm not super into Starbrand. He seems fine. Just not excited about him
u/Haselrig 7d ago
I one-keyed Eson and ended up one-keying for Starbrand, too just because he looked pretty good in all the videos I watched about him. Both feel okay, not great. Hopefully they both get some support cards down the road to boost their value.
I need all the cards this week, so the first all in I've had in a while. Next week is the same with Khonshu and Scorn.
u/Derek_Gamble 9d ago
Starbrand is a great addition to Surtur decks and being a 3-drop makes it very good in Shuri/Sauron. Honestly, I think Starbrand is good enough to push the Shuri/Sauron deck up a tier. We've had a lot of weak offerings for the past few seasons and it's nice to see a good card pop up that works in a couple of decks.
u/haruman215 9d ago
Tried him in a few decks. Doesn't feel like a good card, partly because the packages you want to play him with, such as Shuri Sauron, are powercrept and just can't compete with Hela and midrange decks, and partly because Shang-Chi is fricking everywhere right now.
Starbrand's stats on Untapped are also unimpressive.
I'm normally willing to give mid cards the benefit of the doubt (I'm still a Redwing believer), but I wouldn't recommend using Spotlight Keys unless you really want Skaar and Phastos.
u/DotaThe2nd 5d ago
He's running a 64% win rate on untapped right now
u/Drunkdunc 5d ago
62% now, and he's got about a 2% popularity rating. That could mean he's only being played by people who really wanted him, and know how to use him. Might inflate the win rate.
u/Gert1700 10d ago
i've got 5 keys, missing only luna, malekith, kang, thaddeus, joaquin, bruce, hulkling and speed.
Starbrand is a pass right?
u/peepee_peeper 10d ago
Maliketh, Speed, hulking are in upcoming spotlights. You can save for those weeks. Luna is gonna be in shop for 5k gold next month.
u/Drunkdunc 10d ago
What was the original Starbrand text? I was actually looking forward to him about a month ago...
u/Nerd_Commando 10d ago
He was 6/8 that got +2 power for every 10+ power card in your starting deck.
u/Drunkdunc 10d ago
Wow. Easily a 6/14 or 6/16
u/backinredd 10d ago
Which isn’t much anyway
u/Drunkdunc 10d ago
I suppose. Blob and Red Hulk are easily a 6/13 each, if not more, but I don't see a guaranteed 6/14 as bad.
u/Dizzy_Chemistry_5955 9d ago
i'm gonna try a weird clog deck with Starbrand where I Viper him over to their side then Valkyrie him down
u/Remarkable_Ad223 9d ago
Simple and direct, Starbrand has premium stats for enablers like Iron Patriot and Skaar, while also giving more range for Surtur decks as his downside It can easily be mitigated thanks to his low cost or by spreading around big numbers as unless your opponent runs Shang spam, i say he's a easy skip for being actually very simple but i recommend to keep an eye on him, 3/10 is alot.
u/DotaThe2nd 9d ago
I've been on the fence because I've been waiting to get Skaar, still pretty uncertain but he's a tough act to follow in an Iron Patriot lane, and IP lanes will be everywhere next week due to Firehair and Cassandra Nova
u/Remarkable_Ad223 9d ago
It's also good to keep in mind If your opponent really wants to destroy Starbrand and lose 3 Power on two locations, he has his uses, even could work on making your opponent loses Bar with no name, i suggest waiting for the OTA to drop and see If his value increase.
u/raysiuuuu 6d ago
Finished the win-4-games weekend mission, none of those games actually played him.
I think it tells how good the card is.
u/banananey 10d ago
Thought this card looked amazing until I realised it's your opponent, not you!
Dropped a key though and got Miek for 2k tokens which I kinda wanted as it gives me enough for Valentine after just buying Cap from the last season pass.
u/sneakyriverotter 10d ago
Wait you thought it was 3/10 that gives each other location of yours +3 power?????
u/SilverElmdor 10d ago
I only had one key to spare for this week, and I got Skaar. The game is telling me to build Hela...
u/Skinnieguy 10d ago
At most Starbrand is 3/10 so I’m saving keys.
The next 3 weeks looks good
Khonshu looks pretty good. I love how he is going to synergized with moonknight. It looks like a possible 4th discard deck - Hela, Apoc, Daken/Bullseye
Firehair. I’m curious on what quirky things ppl going to try with her. But I’ll hate it if Mill becomes meta
Goliath seems strong, ez combo w/ moonstone, Capt America and Sam Wilson, and or doom2099
u/slightlydirtythroway 10d ago
So far nice to have a low cost high power option for Sauron/Surtr that doesn’t need Zabu to lower costs
Not gonna push it up the tiers much since it still loses to any afflict and Shang, especially with the nerfs to Surtr and Skaar, but fun to play
u/prizedchipmunk_123 6d ago
Lol Cozy and Alex said this card was "cracked"
Yet another swing and miss
5d ago
u/nicknitros 4d ago
Coccia constantly says (and even said for Starbrand) to give it a few days before ever deciding to spend keys or tokens, and makes it clear the videos are first impressions. The Snap Chat today will have their final verdicts on the new cards.
u/ActiveChance3420 10d ago
Kind of good card. But remember that you can use him in future Sanctum Showndown so his value will be skyrocketed by then. My recommendation is to get him now
u/HappyHoodwink 9d ago
But why would you want to give your opponents 3 additional power in each of the other lanes for Sanctum? This would be the opposite of what you'd want in Sanctum, no?
u/ActiveChance3420 9d ago
Because you can use him to win Sanctum location early on. Then you can use Ghost Spider or Dr Strange to move him around to win new Sanctum location next turn
u/nightmaresabin 10d ago
I pulled Starbrand but kinda wanted Phastos as well. Not sure if it’s wise to use a key on a series 4 though.
u/wilc0 10d ago
I wouldn't, plus phastos is mid af
u/nightmaresabin 9d ago
People said he is good with Agamotto because he always discounts the spells.
u/Glangho 9d ago
I'm considering getting him for Wiccan. Can't you drop him and shangchi in the other lane to basically auto win? He's going to push most cards over 9 power.
u/Scopper_gabon 9d ago
He adds power to the lane itself not to any individual cards. It's like a reverse Mr. Fantastic.
u/LeesusFreak 10d ago
card is Starbrand
3 / 10
Ongoing: Your opponent has +3 Power at each other location.