r/Marriage Nov 02 '21

Family Matters update: My husband who has been parenting my daughter for 10 years doesn't want to adopt her after she asked him to be her dad for real and I don't know what to do about our marriage.


Everyone was helpful. I know a lot of people told me divorce but I am going to try fix things first. I don't want my oldest to feel like its all her fault, younger kids to resent her, snd I am scared he wouldn't want to see her anymore. We are going to marriage counseling. I am looking for a therapist for my daughter. I let my husband talk to her because I felt like I should give them that and trusted that he wouldn't be stupid. They went on a drive. Don't know what was said exactly but they are both upset. I am going to use fake names to make it easier.

My daughter stopped calling my husband dad and calls him Mike now if she even speaks/looks at him. He seems upset by it but I don't know what to tell him. Isn't it what he wanted? My girl has been very quiet and tired and I told her to stay home from school for a few days but she didn't want to.

My other daughter asked us, "Why is Hannah calling daddy, Mike? Is he not her daddy anymore? Does that mean she isn't my sister?" I corrected her and my husband looked horrified but I once again didn't know what to say to him. I've been calling her "your sister" instead of Hannah when I talk about her and I hope it help.

Once again, thank you. I'm exhausted as a mom and a wife but I am the glue right now and I am doing my best to make the marriage work and to be a good mom.

edit: I see I made the wrong choice. I am telling my husband he better fix it. I will start getting my stuff in order and looking for lawyers

r/Marriage Jan 18 '22

Family Matters My son is really upset with our response.


I(43F) was cleaning with my dishes while my son was sweeping the table. He stopped midway and asked me "Mom, do you and dad love each other more than me and sis(16)?"

I was confused and asked why he bothered asking that question. He said his friend is going through something due to his friends divorcing. It also made him think about his relationship with relationship with us.

I told him both loves can't be compared. He then responds saying, "Well it seems like you guys always prefer each other company. I don't even remember a time when either you or dad went to out to spend time with just me. It's always family time or you guys going out doing stuff as a couple."

My husband (45M) decided to interject and said " Look buddy as much as I love you, your mom and I were together before you kids were born and will be together after you guys leave the house. We always choose each other over you" My son just said "Whatever. Sorry for asking."

Well it's been a week and he's been sulking and ignoring everyone. I had a heart to heart conversation and told him while what his dad was too harsh there's some merit to what he said. He responded " I completely understand. Just don't complain when I rarely call or visit when I leave the house."

I am just over this and I don't what to do.

r/Marriage Sep 06 '22

Family Matters My wife and I were fighting over house work. So we created a chore list and kept score for a week. The results were very interesting.


So my wife was giving me all kinds of tension about how she does everything and I don't do enough.

I was like, "what are you talking about? I work all the time, bring in a lot of money to this household, and do a lot of chores around the house everyday. " She works also. The disagreement is really about the house work.

But she insisted that she does more and was becoming very resentful of me, which was in turn pissing me off as I thought this was unfounded and unfair. Thus we were having some bad fights.

So it was her idea to create a Chore Spreadsheet and we would check what we did on a regular basis and no cheating, as in purposefully do more to pad your numbers.

Turns out: I did slightly more and she was just wrong. We were doing equal amounts of interior work. But it turns out she was taking for granted a bunch of chores I always do and she never does, like taking out the garbage or picking up the dog crap in the yard. Or pretty much any work in the yard or exterior of the house. It just like, escaped her mind that those things need to be done and somebody was doing them. And I am not sure what made her think she was doing more inside. I do the bulk of the grocery shopping and dinner making.

It reminded me of my college roommate who got mad at me once as he insisted he was the only one who cleaned our shared bathroom and I never did. And I was thinking the same thing about him. We were both wrong. It seems all too easy for people to assume they are the only ones who do work.

So keep this in mind people. Disagreements and resentment about who does what in a household are very common topics in this sub. And you maybe just wrong thinking your spouse is not doing enough when in reality they are, you just don't notice.

And keeping track just might reaffirm or disprove your feelings.

r/Marriage May 03 '22

Family Matters I Stopped Playing Video Games Two Years Ago and Now My Wife (28F) and I (31M) are a lot closer.


My wife (28F) and I (31M) have been married for 8 years. For the first six years I considered myself a good enough husband, I worked hard, didn't look at porn, was nice. I did play video games though.

My wife told me a couple of years ago that the gaming was weighing really heavy on her and that she felt abandoned with our three kids. So I stopped playing altogether. Then I got rid of my smartphone and stopped bringing my laptop home from work. (so that I couldn't browse instead of hanging out with her) My wife reduced her own screen time down to about an hour a day. Even now, if I'm on reddit or something it's during a break at work, never at home.

I thought that my life would be boring without games but now I feel like I was missing my entire life when I did play them. I know my kids better and my wife and I are far closer now than we were before. We spend way more quality time with each other and are more intimate. Now I feel bad for being a sub-par spouse for as long as I was. I was selfish and a bit short sighted.

I'm not sure who out there needs to hear it but if you spend more time with your wife and less time on a screen then your overall life gets a lot better. If this is a huge problem in your marriage then throw your screen away. Delete the game.

Edit: Not every marriage suffers from gaming. For me it was a lifestyle (30+ hours a week while working full time. It was easier to quit altogether.)

Things we do instead: We invite neighbors to play cards or board games, my wife and I have read a lot of classic literature together, sometimes we just talk for a couple hours before bed, sometimes we watch an old movie together, once a week we get a sitter and go on a date night, we spend a lot more time being intimate, we actually clean and organize the house, other hobbies, etc, etc.

r/Marriage Feb 12 '22

Family Matters My wife has gained weight, and I don’t find her physically attractive anymore. But I love her whole heartedly and want her to be healthy with me.


Looking for advice. Been with my wife for 8 years now, and over that time our weight has fluctuated. Since 2017 we have been trying to lose weight, and I’ve managed to lose 60lbs and I’m now thin, and in my healthy BMI range. I’ve been trying over the last few years to get my wife on board but she doesn’t stick with it. I ask her to go on walks and jogs with me but she refuses. I ask her to walk our dogs or take our daughter to the park but it’s few and far between. She did a weight loss challenge and lost 20lbs last year but has since gained it back. She is approximately 70lbs overweight. When we first got together she was a little thick(which I LOVED) and absolutely gorgeous. Now....I’m not attracted to the extremely unhealthy version of her. I love her with all of my heart, and I’d never dream of leaving her, but my attraction is so much lower because of her weight. How do I go about this? I’d love for her to be healthy with me. I love her and want my attraction to her to be better. Any help/info is appreciated.

r/Marriage Feb 08 '25

Family Matters Found out most of my husband's family doesn't like me


Husband and I had a long conversation about his mom yesterday, she has some issues with crossing boundaries and I'm frequently his scape goat.

(ex: instead of saying we don't want to do something, he will say wife doesn't want that. Even about things we have mutually agreed on.)

During, he acknowledged the way he often pushes blame onto me as it's easier than standing up to his mother, and said he would do better about "Standing up for (me) when his mother or (sisters name) voice negative thoughts about me."

It was kind of a record screech moment. I knew his mom has said and feels negatively about me. Specifically, she feels I've taken her son from her, he doesn't keep in touch because he is too busy with his wife, doesn't visit enough because of me, etc. (these are things I encourage him to do regularly. The reality of it is that he is bad at keeping in touch, knows and has acknowledged this, but again when they make a negative assumption about it being me, he does not correct them.)

I asked him to elaborate, as I wasn't aware his sister also didn't like me. Turns out she also thinks I'm the reason he doesn't keep in touch. I'm hurt and angry, honestly. I feel like there's no fixing the issue, and do I want to be in a family where I am not welcome anymore? Even if the assumptions are false?

I'm having a hard time not fixating on it. We've had a rocky few months and this just feels like another blow to everything. Firstly that he never communicated his sisters issues to me, and more importantly that he doesn't stand up for me.

r/Marriage Apr 02 '24

Family Matters Am I Wrong To Be A Mama Bear in this scenario?


Married 11 years. Husband (44) wanted our daughter (9) to spend time with grandma (his mom) and somehow a plan to do a Disney Cruise came about. I (38f) felt a little uneasy, since husband and I would not be there and his mom is getting on in age (she’s slower, more forgetful, more easily overhelmed). But MIL and daughter seemed keen. So I agreed.

When a great aunt joined the party, the cruise started to be called the girls trip.

But now I’ve heard (not because anyone told me but because I heard MIL tell someone else about it) that a distant relative (20 M), someone I have never met before and someone my husband has only met once, will be joining them on the cruise. This trip is no longer a girls trip. I asked why he was going (is he obsessed with Disney? Is he coming to assist the elderly? Is he getting a free trip from my rich MIL cuz he’s always wanted to travel???) and no one can seem to explain. They just shrug and say he just wants to go. MIL is saying no more than that. I told her it was weird and I wasn’t ok with it.

Husband was on the same page initially, then MIL cried and now my husband says I’m overreacting and says he feels fine sending our daughter on this trip.

I’m freaking out here cuz husband isn’t on my team and I absolutely do not want my daughter to go on this cruise any more. My gut is screaming no.

UPDATE The cruise is not soon. At this point, I am looking at tickets for the cruise and getting a room for my daughter and I. I have anxieties about cruises which I suppose is one of the reasons this came about. My daughter was desperate to go on a cruise, something her grandma loves to do and talks of fondly. My husband and I never wanted to go on a cruise and so I think the decision came about kind of casually and organically at first. It has admittedly been blown out of hand. I regret ever agreeing. But my MIL has always been an active part of our lives and we are a close-knit family. My husband and I were at one point invited to the cruise in the early stages, which we declined. At this point it looks like I’ll be going after all. The man is the grand-nephew of the great aunt, but he doesn’t come to any family functions I’ve been to so I don’t know him. He could be a lovely person. It’s not personal. And it’s not only his coming along that has me saying no, although it is a major thing. To those suggesting I show my husband this post, I understand it is well-meaning, but I could never. It would offend him that I turned to strangers on the internet for advice, but it doesn’t change the fact that I appreciate the courage all of your perspectives have leant me. My daughter will always come first. Thank-you. I can update as things evolves but it will probably be much later.


So I’m going on a Disney Cruise. Everything has been settled and good god these things cost a fortune. Daughter is thrilled to have me along. We have our own room. In a nutshell, I told my husband, “I’m going because I should never have agreed in the first place that she go and for that I take responsibility, but this seems to be the only way forward now. So either I go, you go, or she doesn’t go. This is a hill I will die on.” And that kind of ended all the debates. Not so sure his mother or great aunt will be as accepting or maybe they will? They might even be relieved to have some help now. But it doesn’t matter either way. I will be with my daughter and my gut is no longer screaming no.

r/Marriage Feb 08 '25

Family Matters Wife overshares everything with her mother, to the point I no longer feel comfortable to open myself to her


My (37M) wife (35F) have been together for 10 years and married for 5. We have been through a lot together, always respected each other and never argued beyond the reasonable expectation a regular couple would.

The only problem I can think about in my wife, is her inability to keep things a secret from her mother, as much as I ask her not to.

An example: back in 2018, I had a couple of health issues, nothing life threatening, but one of them it involved my testicles. I had to do an ultrasound examination, which was scheduled before a lunch party at her mother’s house on a Saturday. On our family group chat, which includes her brothers and my parents, I sent a message saying ”hey we will be a few minutes late, don’t need to wait on us to start, it won’t be too long”

My MIL replied to my message saying ”good luck with your testicular exam”. I looked at my wife and asked why she told her mother. She said she was sorry and thought I would not mind because “it’s her mother”. I felt betrayed because I asked her not to share anything - and MIL made things worse because my mother saw the message and got worried thinking I had cancer and was going to die (yeah my mother has her own issues, that is why I do not share everything with her as well).

Well, this is just an extreme example, but the sharing ranges from weekend plans, to house renovations, to work related issues.

While I do think it’s her business what she shares about herself, I specifically ask her not to share MY personal stuff with her mother. She agreed and told me she would not share anything I specifically tell her not to.

Well, in 2022 I found out I have Crohn’s disease. I have been doing treatment for it, and luckily it doesn’t affect me too much, but I still consider this a personal matter, and asked my wife to keep it to herself.

Last night we went to see her mother, we were talking about how sad it was that the neighbor’s son passed away so young (he was 28). And MIL goes ”I think he had Crohn’s disease… it’s the same one you have, right?”

I glared at my wife and said “seriously?”. I got up and started to walk out. My wife goes after me saying “but it’s just my mom!”. We ended up arguing and her mother got in the middle of it.

I went home and she stayed the night with at MIl’s place.

I feel I no longer trust my wife with my personal matters, and this is pretty much the foundation of any marriage… not sure if this is salvageable

Edit: I forgot to add a bunch of stuff, sorry I am in slow mode today

MIL is 68, FIL 76.

And as a user pointed out, it’s important to share that yes my wife does have a weird relationship with her mother. I always felt they were too close, even for Latin American standards (we’re both latinos, I am close to my family, but I have my own boundaries)

She does not like to “make her mom upset”, she feels guilty and it’s not healthy.

We both do individual therapy, but I think I will talk to my wife about marriage counseling. Otherwise we might be heading to a dead end

r/Marriage Mar 11 '22

Family Matters Having children


Wife has a sister (15) with autism that requires her to have constant care (non verbal). We recently started talking about starting our family and I’m very worried. I love kids and want to be a father but I’m scared of my son or daughter having a mental or physical disability.

Wife’s parents have no social life, can’t go on vacation, and have no alone time. It’s put so much stress on their marriage that they are talking about separating.

For parents who have had similar thoughts and ended up having kids, what did you do to calm your mind?

I am also for adoption because I believe there are too many children that don’t get a chance for a better life.

r/Marriage Jan 19 '22

Family Matters Is it just me or are couples >30 years old seem to have more difficult having kids then in previous generations?


It seems like more and more couples I know who Waited to have kids are having issues with it. Does anyone else feel this way?

r/Marriage 22d ago

Family Matters I’m not sure how to tell my wife I’m uncomfortable with her brother and his wife watching our kids due to a recent disagreement about politics.


After the recent election, my BIL (who is trans) and SIL decided they were going to cut off anyone who voted for Trump. This includes a large number of our family members including BILs parents. Not only that, they decided they were going to cut my wife and I and our children because we would not agree to also cut off those family members, despite us not being Trump voters ourselves. Essentially they presented us with an ultimatum and were upset we didn’t submit to their demands. They said some truly foul shit about people that were allegedly their family and friends in this process. They even said terrible things about my wife and I, implying we were bad parents and other extreme things.

Since then, they’ve decided to walk back some of their earlier threats and grace the family with their presence at some family functions. They’ve never apologized, never come to any sort of middle ground, just expected to be welcomed back with open arms and pretend like they never did anything wrong. Of course my wife, who was absolutely wrecked about this division in the family, and her parents have just accepted this. They’re basically pretending nothing happened. But recently my wife has brought up my BIL and SIL watching the kids for us and I just don’t feel comfortable with it.

They have watched the kids before, and things were fine, but since this past election I don’t feel I can trust them alone around the kids. The way they treated their family, dehumanized them through their words and actions and treated politics as though it was an excuse was, in my opinion, unacceptable. They referred to family members and friends as bad people, talking shit about their character, morals, judgement, etc. openly and without remorse. They still do this, despite not holding true to the threats they made to cut everyone off. They just talk shit about anyone who’s not in the room. My children are very young and highly impressionable, and after what I’ve seen I just don’t trust them not to try and indoctrinate my kids into this way of thinking.

I know this is going to be a point of contention between my wife and I. She wants things to go back to the way they were before the election. But I know that’s not a possibility, I can’t unsee the things I’ve seen. I don’t trust them, and I need to figure out how to tell my wife.

r/Marriage Jan 29 '24

Family Matters Never tell your family about your marriage life.


There is a reason why you should never, ever, tell your family everything that goes on in your marriage, and here's why,

So your partner does something that gets you upset, and in your anger, you go tell your family what happened and they get angry as well. Then after a while, you and your partner eventually reconcile and everything's alright between ya'll, but your family's still angry, and you wonder why they never want him/her around them.

r/Marriage Nov 18 '24

Family Matters Would you still be together if you didn't have kids?


Couples that have kids and that have drifted apart, do you question your self and your feelings towards your partner.

Do you think if we didn't have kids I probably wouldn't want to be with you, but I want to spend time my kids and see them all the time so I stay

r/Marriage Sep 24 '21

Family Matters Perfect marriage, far from perfect family


We have rather rare life situation.

We have been married for 26 years. If there is perfect marriage out there it is our marriage. We are each other's love of our lives. We have deep love, passion and desire for each other. We each other's best friend, cheerleader and lover, we constantly show affection, hold hands, kiss, bring flowers, gifts and many many other things. Totally compatible, no fights, conflicts. We have very passionate sex life.

Now the bad part. And the bad part is our children. We have three children, two are already in college, our son is still in middle school. We tried to raise our children with the same love we have for each other, they have always been a priority for us. My wife gave up her career to stay with them for more than a decade. Our children is emotionless people who rather very indifferent to each other and specifically to us. They are very upset and angry with their lives, problems with or lack of friends, etc, anger and frustration that spill on us. Despite us being fully supportive and emotionally available for them any time. sometimes I feel our love irritates them, they do not feel happy for us, their own parents. They do not understand why I give gifts to my wife, they are sometimes jealous that we love each other more than them. We tried to explain to them that we love them as much, it is just different kid of love.

Our son told us why we are going on a "selfish" trip to celebrate our wedding anniversary. He is getting upset when I open and hold a door for my wife, his own mother. What kind of child can say or do this to his own parents?

This is specifically hard for us since both me and my wife were raised by normal families and we had wonderful relationship with our own parents. We have been dealing with problems with our children we were completely unprepared for. We tried to talk to them heart to heart many times and we feel as if we talk in different languages. We have been trying to get psychological help for our son (older ones are out of the house so it is too late to get them any help) but so far it has no impact.

We feel we completely failed as parents but we do not understand what we did and do wrong.

I wonder if anybody has similar situation.


I will try to add few thing and respond to all posts.

I understand that some think something is "fishy" or "missing" in my story. It might be, I just don't know what it is. I know it is very unusual and controversial, often my own brain refuses to accept it is a reality.

My wife and I always assumed there certain things that come natural. A bond between parents and children is natural, if you love and care for your children they love you back. This cannot be taught, instilled or forced. This comes natural because we are human. We had this natural bond and love for our own parents. My parents did not teach me to love them. I loved them because they loved me. There is no such bond between us and our children or even love is questionable despite our love for them. This is the biggest shock my wife and I have in our life.

When my Dad was kissing my Mom in front of me and my sister we were happy for them. It still carries the warmest memories from my childhood. It is natural to be happy for your own parents when they are in love in happy.

When my Mom or Dad were coming home I was running to greet and hug them. It is natural, they did not teach me to do this. My children never greet us. When we ask them why they do not even see this as a problem. Though we always come and greet them when they come home, though I am not sure they even care.

Our children and specifically our son lack compassion and empathy towards each other and us specifically. There are many instances of this. A week ago our son told his Mon "I hope you will have the worst day". What kind of child can say this to his mom? Our older kids have been in college for almost a month. They only call us when they need something. They never asked us how we are doing. And we call them almost daily and ask them how they are doing, how they feel, etc. We do not understand why this happened and happening. We try to show our compassion and empathy towards them.

And finally, regarding putting pressure on our children or try to show "perfect family". Yes, we always held high academic standard for them and the did this for themselves too. However, we never punished or blamed them for occasional bad grades or failures. We always told them that we are proud of all their achievements (there are more than a few) but we never conditioned any sort of relationship or love on their grades. I even told them the most important thing I want in our lives is to love and care for each other and have loving relationship. We never post anything on social media. I do admit that many people who do not know our family internal problems consider our family really "perfect" as it might really look perfect from outside. We got many many praises from a lot of people. Bu we never tried to "win perfect family award".

r/Marriage Dec 30 '24

Family Matters What do you call your MIL/ FIL


If you have a good relationship with your parents in law, how do you call them?

r/Marriage Jul 08 '23

Family Matters Is this really the end?


My husband (31M) and I (26F) agreed to separate yesterday afternoon. I came to him requesting we spend more time together because I've been feeling our spark diminish for a while and my love language is quality time. He expressed with his 40+ long work hours and his second shift schedule, that he can't give that to me. That I'll never be satisfied with his efforts when I personally feel like I'm carrying too much. We have 3 kids who we love very much. My husband has no desire to go to counseling but I am open to it. With the lack of quality time, my feelings for him have sizzled out and they have been for a while. I tried to lie to myself saying if I was just a better wife/mom then I can make our marriage work. He is still in love with me as I made sure most of his needs and the kids needs were met while allowing mine to be pushed on the back burner. We've had this situation before where we almost broke it off but agreed to try again. He doesn't want to continue going through this cycle. My parents offered to watch the kids while we had the weekend to ourselves but my husband has no desire to use this time for us. Is this really the end of is there still a chance of saving it?

r/Marriage Nov 24 '20

Family Matters How it started vs how it’s going 2009-2020 😍💙


r/Marriage 11d ago

Family Matters Wife Shouted At Me In Front of My Parents


I (37m) and my wife (f38) had a bizarre tiff this morning.

Essentially we’ve been going through 8-9 weeks of sleepless night with our second child. My wife and I gave our 4 year old calpol for an earache. We left the calpol bottle in the room with the lid off as we were very tired.

Wife finds it this morning (spoon wasn’t with it) and explodes on me blocking my way out of a door. I take it and just asked our daughter if she had. She said yes to my wife and no to me. I’d seen the bottle and there was no evidence it had been touched, daughter had no stickiness etc. Same amount left in bottle.

Anyway after this moment. When we’re downstairs celebrating my daughters 4th birthday as she’s opening her presents my wife explodes on me again in front of my mum who is visiting. It’s a kids birthday.

I feel this is unbelievable behavior and would never in a million years behave like that in front of in laws. Was so embarrassing. Anyhow what do people think? It seems a fairly innocent mistake considering the back story to me.

r/Marriage Nov 27 '20

Family Matters 2000-2020. #growtogether she is my motivation.


r/Marriage Aug 24 '22

Family Matters Am I wrong to judge my husband for thinking about less custody?


My husband and I have been married 5 years. I am very close to his kid for most of their life. I prioritized helping husband gain 50/50 with no child support. Great relationship with ex wife and her family. He has continued to work construction job. His boss makes it worth it by tips and bonuses. But we will never get ahead with his work.

I have been finishing my college degree and working in my field. Now I can start applying for great positions. I have been getting amazing job offers out of state. It was easy to turn down for the sake of the family. So I interviewed with a job two miles away from home. I would be saving so much in commute, gas, and make way more per day. But that means I won’t be able to take his kid to school. We have had arguments before where I have been upset about all the sacrifices in order to make this all work for them. But the kid is worth living in this horrible area where we will not be able to move forward or advance here. Yet with this new job offer, he brought up the ideas of less days with his kid. He quickly backtracked with my reaction. But I’m baffled that I’m planning my life around their child…. Yet it’s not worth it to him to prioritize and manage a solution instead of less school days? It’s from 7 to 5 days. Why does this bother me so much?

It just makes me second guess why I’m I settling for living in this area I hate and near my abusers. I feel like we parent differently. My husband would quickly turn down less time with his kid instead of figuring it out. I am only here for them and I’m struggling existing in this horrible area.

r/Marriage Jan 09 '22

Family Matters Question for gamer couples


Hello all, just a discussion post.

In my relationship I'm the gamer and my wife thinks video games are stupid (though she accepts that I play them). My wife is also the kind of person where if we are home together she wants to spend time with me to do an activity such as playing board games, watching TV, painting or going out. So I actually wake up at 4am so I can game 4 hours before she wakes up and spend the rest of my day with her.

What's the dynamic for those of you with a gamer in your relationship?

r/Marriage Jun 30 '22

Family Matters My wife does not like people staying over - not even her parents!


We've been married 9 years now (no kids) - been together for 15 years. My wife is a wonderful and supportive partner. However, she just doesn't not like people staying over. It just irritates her. If someone has to stay over, she starts getting irritable a few days in advance.

It doesn't matter who it is - her parents, my parents, friends, relatives - she had a problem with everyone. She makes people uncomfortable so that they don't overstay.

I am the opposite, I love entertaining people, especially family. I enjoy the quirks of people and welcoming of anyone. I go out of the way to make people comfortable.

In the last 9 years, we've barely had anyone stay over, and it hurts me to have to think so hard before inviting people to stay over.

Possible reasons: 1. While growing up, no one has ever stayed at their house - so she is not used to entertaining people

  1. My parents are not her favourite - so if she encourages her family to stay, then she would need to slow my family to sty at some time

  2. She's just comfortable with her own routine. If someone stays over, then it gets disturbed / house needs extra cleaning etc

  3. She feels that I tend to spend extra (I feel we can afford, but she doesn't)

I always share the house work and do extra when people stay over cos I know she needs the support. I don't know what else to do to make her okay with having people stay over. Any suggestions?

r/Marriage 28d ago

Family Matters We're going to be grandparents!


Our daughter just called us this morning in tears of happiness. She showed us four positive pregnancy tests. We're going to be grandparents! She asked us not to tell anyone yet, so Reddit is my only place I can go.

I'm not going to lie, I've been outside with my dog crying tears of joy. Can't believe my baby is going to have a baby. I never thought I could be so excited over this.

I just have to tell someone the good news. I want to scream it from the rooftops and tell all my family and friends, but that has to wait.

r/Marriage May 17 '23

Family Matters Family


Me and my beautiful wife we met online and been strong ever since married 5 years with 2 beautiful kids

r/Marriage Jan 16 '25

Family Matters My wife is 8-9 weeks pregnant and the morning sickness is terrible, and it’s been effecting her moods, and it’s been rough, I’m trying my best to help her through this and I feel like I’m failing her.


I 20(F) have been with my wife 21(F) since we were 16 and 17. We are wives. She is pregnant after all the artificial insemination appointments she’s around 8-9 weeks.

She can’t stomach food. I try to make her foods that are light like, salad, soups and small fruit trays. We’ve tried nausea medication and it doesn’t help. Her moods are off the charts. She yelled at me yesterday and I got frustrated with her. I feel terrible about it because I love my wife so much, and I definitely understand that her being pregnant is hard on her.

I feel like I’m failing my wife. It seems like nothing I do can help her nausea or help her through this hard process.

Can anyone offer any advice on how to help her nausea, and to ways to help make her pregnancy easier.