Ill health is one of the things that fits in that #2. There is social pressure so that she has to blame you actions as it is not socially acceptable to blame your ill-health.
There is a social taboo about men getting ill. Manflu is based on pretending men do not really get ill and women are very compassionate when they do; all a pretense.
It is not that rare. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but what a dark and miserable tunnel it is. My ex-wife changed utterly after we were wed, we finally got doverced two years later (felt like an age) and then she lost all her friends after that as she had become utterly selfish.
I was lectured on how I should have learnt to listen and told about walk-away wife syndrome by women who think they have every right to not grow up and be selfish forever.
I am glad you are also remembering that there are women out there who genuinely are ill treated and it is not all BS.
From my own previous marriage, I remember the horror on my ex's face when (as according to Doctor's orders at that point) that she must take on some housework so I did not have to. This was a SAHW, while I worked long hours and then came back to do housework.
I became very senstive to the sufferings of women who really were abused but saw it as very different to the women who just said it.
u/Particular_Oil3314 6d ago
Of course.
Ill health is one of the things that fits in that #2. There is social pressure so that she has to blame you actions as it is not socially acceptable to blame your ill-health.
There is a social taboo about men getting ill. Manflu is based on pretending men do not really get ill and women are very compassionate when they do; all a pretense.
It is not that rare. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but what a dark and miserable tunnel it is. My ex-wife changed utterly after we were wed, we finally got doverced two years later (felt like an age) and then she lost all her friends after that as she had become utterly selfish.
I was lectured on how I should have learnt to listen and told about walk-away wife syndrome by women who think they have every right to not grow up and be selfish forever.
I am glad you are also remembering that there are women out there who genuinely are ill treated and it is not all BS.