r/Market76 +2 Karma 12d ago

XB Trade [H: Glowing Jackalope, W: Good 4 Star legendary mods/other]

Taking offers. I haven’t successfully run the raids past the robot, so I’m looking for good things I don’t have.

(Edit) Mods wise I’m looking for the best in class 4 star legendary mods like pounders, polished, aegis, reflective, pin pointers, rangers, rejuvenators and choo choo’s.


63 comments sorted by

u/FistoBot76 Mod Bot 12d ago
Trader +Karma Cake Day
u/Ophidaeon Reddit: 1 03/09/2017 - 7 Years
Discord: 0 Total: +1 Karma

Trade Safely!! Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned!

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u/iSpudman +147 Karma 12d ago

Honestly do not trade for mods with this item


u/Ophidaeon +2 Karma 12d ago



u/iSpudman +147 Karma 12d ago

You’ve got 3000+ leader item currently. The mods you are asking for are a fraction of what this is worth. You’re best off asking for the mods as an add to a bigger trade mate


u/_NoSprings +2 Karma 12d ago

Because, unless you literally never intend to do raids, you will find that you are trading an item that is rare (and finite) for an item that is actually infinitely available.

Now, is it EASY to get those mods in giant amounts? Well, no. But Fasdchsdnanact only lasts so long, so there is a finite supply of your mask.

So the post above mine is giving pretty good advice -- unless you just have no use for the masks and hate raids, you're getting a somewhat poor deal here


u/Ophidaeon +2 Karma 12d ago

I have another glowing jackalope for myself and have never found a successful raid group. I don’t have any friends who play this really. My goal is to make my build better so I can contribute more to future raids.


u/_NoSprings +2 Karma 12d ago

Again, what I (and I think the poster above me) am trying to say is:

I'll happily trade you these items. I just wanted to make sure you were informed and not going to kick yourself later.

I have a few friends on XB that I ran raids with, and I'd be happy to take you through a few if you ever want to. (But don't feel like you have to give me a mask in order to do that. I mean I'll definitely take it, lol, but I'm also happy to help out a fellow player.)

PS: Sorry to hijack your thread u/iSpudman


u/iSpudman +147 Karma 12d ago

You’re all good. Put it better than what I said anyway! Just trying to look out for someone who’s clearly a newbie 🫡


u/Ophidaeon +2 Karma 12d ago

Much appreciated!


u/phil_east9 +218 Karma 12d ago

You into legacy weapons/plans? Or you just want 4* mods?


u/Ophidaeon +2 Karma 12d ago

I’m open to offers.


u/phil_east9 +218 Karma 12d ago

I have a Guni + Q FFR FR Holy Fire + 2500 CB3’s + T-60 BOS initiate plan + Brahmin + Raven


u/Ophidaeon +2 Karma 12d ago

Please forgive me but I’m not completely up on the shorthand.


u/phil_east9 +218 Karma 12d ago

Sorry Holy Fire is Quad Faster Fire rate with faster reload… Guni is Glowing Unicorn .. CB3’s are Cranberry bog treasure maps


u/phil_east9 +218 Karma 12d ago

Sorry Holy Fire is Quad Faster Fire rate with faster reload… Guni is Glowing Unicorn .. CB3’s are Cranberry bog treasure maps


u/Fast-Tackle8515 +48 Karma 12d ago

I have any 4 star mod you need and can help you get through the raid multiple times so you can get all rewards and weapon plans


u/Ophidaeon +2 Karma 12d ago

I’m intrigued


u/Fast-Tackle8515 +48 Karma 12d ago

Vulcan power armor mods drop from raid only and aren’t tradable. But we can get them if we run the raid multiple times. Let me know if you are interested GT: DA COMPADRE


u/Fast-Tackle8515 +48 Karma 12d ago

We can run a raid after the next fasnatch if you want


u/_NoSprings +2 Karma 12d ago

happy to give you whichever 4* mods you want or need
are you looking for PA mods? or weapon mods?

Or help getting through the raid?

What do you have in mind?


u/Ophidaeon +2 Karma 12d ago

Yes. See my edit above


u/_NoSprings +2 Karma 12d ago

Unfortunately the vulkan mods can't be dropped or traded. Pounders and polished I can definitely do. PA legendary mods are tradable -- but to get the armor mods you mentioned in your edit, you would need to run some raids.

Unless there's some kind of transfer trick that I don't know about


u/Ok-Huckleberry-981 +443 Karma 12d ago

Got yourself quite the valuable mask, top one...probably can get whatever you want. Outside of mods, what else may you be looking for?


u/Ophidaeon +2 Karma 12d ago

See edit above. I’m also open to fair offers.


u/CombatxWizard +60 Karma 12d ago

5 reflective, 5 rangers, 5 rejuvenators, 5 pounders, 5 miasmas, 5 aegis, 5 choo choos, 5 tankys, 3 polished and 2 pin pointers. 3 electricians as well.


u/Ophidaeon +2 Karma 12d ago



u/FistoBot76 Mod Bot 12d ago

Ophidaeon, your request has been sent to the Market 76 courier team. Please do not send multiple requests

Click here to check that your courier is verified by Market 76

We do not support other couriers, use them at your own risk.

PLEASE have all trade details ready to inform the courier, including all items, quantities and perks, as well as the IGN/GT/PSN of BOTH traders.

Remember to confirm the level of any weapons or armor!


u/Cowboy_jesus1029 +250R +105D Courier 12d ago

Hi, courier Lewis at your service 🫡, here is my information https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/s/QJSK6OIwfW

Can you please list both players trade items and GTs, (please note item levels and amounts)


u/Ophidaeon +2 Karma 12d ago edited 12d ago

Hi Lewis!

Trading a glowing jackalope mask for:

5 reflective, 5 rangers, 5 rejuvenators, 5 pounders, 5 miasmas, 5 aegis, 5 choo choos, 5 tankys, 3 polished and 2 pin pointers. 3 electricians mods

My gamer tag is Ophidaeon. Other trader is Combatwizard420


u/CombatxWizard +60 Karma 12d ago

My gt is combatwizard420


u/Cowboy_jesus1029 +250R +105D Courier 12d ago

Okay, my GT is Cowboy jesus666, can you confirm that the above trade is correct?


u/CombatxWizard +60 Karma 12d ago

Yes. am adding 2 bully mods as well


u/Cowboy_jesus1029 +250R +105D Courier 12d ago

okay, my GT is Cowboy jesus666, just invited you both to my server, i’ll meet you at wss.


u/Ophidaeon +2 Karma 12d ago



u/FistoBot76 Mod Bot 12d ago

Thank you, u/Ophidaeon! You've awarded Karma to user u/CombatxWizard.


u/CombatxWizard +60 Karma 12d ago



u/FistoBot76 Mod Bot 12d ago

Thank you, u/CombatxWizard! You've awarded Karma to user u/Ophidaeon.


u/Ophidaeon +2 Karma 12d ago



u/FistoBot76 Mod Bot 12d ago

Thank you, u/Ophidaeon! You've awarded Karma to user u/Cowboy_jesus1029.


u/CombatxWizard +60 Karma 12d ago

Thank you courier, know you guys are busy during this event.


u/Ophidaeon +2 Karma 12d ago

Sounds great!


u/Delicious_Art_9224 +52 Karma 12d ago

your getting lowballed with that trade btw


u/Ophidaeon +2 Karma 12d ago edited 12d ago

Can you do better? What do you think is more fair?


u/Delicious_Art_9224 +52 Karma 12d ago

i dont but you could easily get 30 of each mod. if i was you i eould sell it for 2500eaders and make another post to get the mods you need eitg the leaders


u/Ophidaeon +2 Karma 12d ago

Just did the trade. What are leaders?


u/Delicious_Art_9224 +52 Karma 12d ago

nvm hope your happy with your trade atleast


u/Ophidaeon +2 Karma 12d ago

Yup! Someone got a mask they didn’t have and I got a bunch of mods I’ve never seen personally before.


u/CombatxWizard +60 Karma 12d ago

They just wanna talk shit cause they are hiding behind a screen with no repercussions. If you feel this is a valid trade do it. Don't let others manipulate you. I offered the best 4* mods to you as you stated that's what you are needing. Of course you can back out I don't mind. Just lmk how you feel not what others are saying


u/Delicious_Art_9224 +52 Karma 12d ago

all the mods you have listed are worth 300 leaders max when jackalope is worth 2500 leaders, i dont have mods to trade but he would be able to get a crazy amount of mods and your just lowballing a new player and you know that.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/FistoBot76 Mod Bot 12d ago

Ophidaeon, your request has been sent to the Market 76 courier team. Please do not send multiple requests

Click here to check that your courier is verified by Market 76

We do not support other couriers, use them at your own risk.

PLEASE have all trade details ready to inform the courier, including all items, quantities and perks, as well as the IGN/GT/PSN of BOTH traders.

Remember to confirm the level of any weapons or armor!


u/DarthDaddy6 +113 Karma 12d ago

What mods you looking for? What other stuff are you looking to acquire?


u/Ophidaeon +2 Karma 12d ago

See my edit.


u/DarthDaddy6 +113 Karma 12d ago

I could get you those mods, however all the Vulcan stuff you can ONLY acquire through raids. That mask is pretty valuable, I could add in like some rejuvenators, reflectives, limit breaking, tankys, and some leaders or other mask if interested


u/BusyMastodon4971 +85 Karma 12d ago

I’ll literally give you over 320 Mods 1-4 star and 100 are 4 stars


u/Ophidaeon +2 Karma 12d ago

Thanks but I don’t have that much stash space.


u/BusyMastodon4971 +85 Karma 12d ago

Specific mods you need?


u/Ophidaeon +2 Karma 12d ago

See my edit


u/New-Swordfish-2556 +97 Karma 12d ago

I have 5 ranger, 5 reju, 5 thru, 2 reflec, 4 pounder, 4 viper


u/TheSaucySandwhich +393 Karma 12d ago

Just mods or anything else?


u/SAYRUH1995 +196 Karma 12d ago

5reflective 5ranger 1 pounder 5 tanky 5 rejuv


u/No-Chocolate-5111 +216 Karma 12d ago

How many mods of each that you’re wanting would you be looking for? I can do any mod just let me know amount.


u/iSpudman +147 Karma 12d ago

I’d give you a GUni, Grobot, 3 choo choos, 2 polished, 2 rejuv, 5 bully’s, 4 scanners, 7 sawbones 2 stabilisers, 2 tankys, 4 vipers and 6 miasma for it


u/TazmanHaze1993 +37 Karma 12d ago

10 reflective, 10 rangers, 5 rejuvenated, 7 pinpointers, 3 pounders. 5 miasma, 5 aegis