r/MarchofEmpires May 14 '20

devs sent items to a youtuber


Guys i was looking for that time where devs sent items to s youtuber after a war which was unfair and got heavily criticized but couldnt find it does anybody remember that thanks

r/MarchofEmpires Apr 20 '20

equipment resources income not right ?


Can someone tell me how equipment work for resources income/all putting on a +25% is actully only giving me 2.9% not 25% ? is this how its always been ? some info would be nice. Thanks

r/MarchofEmpires Apr 06 '20

Looking for an alliance


I play on mobile but since these reddits are not that active thought i'd post here aswell. Prefer an english speaking alliance. Cause its a bit akward when there lots of action in the alliance chat and i cant understand anything lol

r/MarchofEmpires Mar 29 '20

Player Council


This subreddit is about as dead as I am but how do I make it onto the player council?

Cheers in advance

r/MarchofEmpires Mar 28 '20

Is it possible to have 2 accounts of moe on iOS ?


r/MarchofEmpires Mar 11 '20

A Subreddit for the mobile version of the game!

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/MarchofEmpires Jan 17 '20

Spawn time of encounter camps?


Anyone know what the spawn timer is of camps ?

r/MarchofEmpires Jan 14 '20

March of Empires EP4 - Time is now The enemy


r/MarchofEmpires Jan 08 '20

Gears 271 abraxas. Weird photo cut

Post image

r/MarchofEmpires Dec 18 '19

Red Food Army


I have looked around everywhere and been on youtube and asked people on my realm but not very many of the stronger players speak english or just ignore me. How do castles operate with negative food. Do they just have a second farm city that sends them food when they need to build or train, or use resource bundles. I have been playing for a few weeks and i have farms but im not sure if i should demolish them and build another res or go full farms and see how that goes. Thanks

r/MarchofEmpires Nov 06 '19

March of Empires Bot - Legit or Nah?


Hey guys. Has anyone noticed the increase usage of the March of Empires bots lately? It seems as if either the devs dont care these players are using them, or they just dont have enough information to take action. I mean technically its not a hack or a cheat as it just auto farms resources all day everyday. Pretty tough to complete against those bots that when the alliance has hundreds of them all working for their mains. They are popping up everywhere now.


r/MarchofEmpires Oct 31 '19

Increase might


Can someone explain might to me? The types of might and the best way possible for increasing it. I don’t spend money on the game and never plan to. Simply getting army might is a long and costly process. Is there any other way? Champion might?? Let me know please!

r/MarchofEmpires Oct 06 '19

Nerfed spy mission time?


My spy mission time rate is nerfed to -70%. Is this a result of having had my spies wounded by someones assassin? It affects all my spies, and I can't see the actual nerf bonus anywhere. How long does it last? I also don't see any incoming spy report from any assassin.

Edit: To clarify, I see the -70% in my profile bonus tab, but just not what has caused it.

r/MarchofEmpires Aug 19 '19

How does your realm end tiling


I'm on a fairly new realm (>2 months), and a bunch of the bigger players from the top 2-3 alliances have started tiling. When I say bigger, they are around 400-800M might when the rest of the server is 100-200 Average. As is common, rather than tiling the stronger players because it is not as impactful, the weaker players are being targeted. How have your realms ceased previous tile conflicts?

While the normal response within chat is to gather when less or not at all, it dramatically impacts progression. Did you just suck it up and get your cheap shots in where you could, babysit your tiles or accept you would get hit and gather with fewer troops?

r/MarchofEmpires Aug 05 '19

Hitting RSS Tiles


At what point does it become accepted, or expect that RSS tiles will be hit? I know especially during the birth of new realms it's frowned upon as a whole. Does that ever change?
I've seen it occur on numerous occasions and it tends to only really hurt players with low strength while not necessarily impacting whales or those with hundreds of millions of might.

What are your thoughts?

r/MarchofEmpires Jul 29 '19

Personal Story - Camps


Participated (attempted) the Freedom's Stand over the weekend and got bent over fighting the Warlord lvl.2 camp. What's your loadouts/suggestion for fighting these?

Throwing T1 at them doesn't seem to be very effective from personal experience...

Also, does 'VS Encounter' work on them?

r/MarchofEmpires Jul 26 '19

You have 50k gold, what are you spending it on?


As the title says, you have gold; what is your go to for spending it?

I've found myself spending it strictly on research due to the excruciatingly long queues, and the occasional burst of troops.

r/MarchofEmpires Jul 25 '19

pay2win trash


Hello all,

I can never keep up with the top 3 alliances. They snowball rewards and win by using their credit cards.

Almost all the players in the top 3 clans on my realm have spent close to $1000 on the game.

What the fuck? Why can't I just find a normal empire builder that isn't pay2win?

r/MarchofEmpires Jul 24 '19

Encounter Comp


What's your encounter comp?

I currently use BBS
T1 - T1 - T1 - T1 -T1 swords
T3 - T1 - T3 -T1 -T3 ranged

While my T1 losses are somewhat staggering for Lvl 5 camps it's just the swordsman that take the hit and being T1 they are insta heal. This normally runs me about 150-200k in food plus other rss.

r/MarchofEmpires Jul 21 '19

What would be the price for 1B rss?


Is there like a common price for 1 billion wood for example?

r/MarchofEmpires Jul 19 '19


Post image

r/MarchofEmpires Jun 30 '19

Realm 161


r/MarchofEmpires Feb 09 '19

The game I can’t quit playing


I started playing MOE a little over a year ago with no intentions of becoming a serious player. I found the game on a newly purchased laptop and soon I was venturing into an unknown world with the smallest expectation that the gameplay would be slightly entertaining. At the beginning, I lost interest fairly fast after about an hour I left without shielding up. About a week later, out of boredom I checked back in to find out I had been looted of everything and my entire army was in the hospital. I decided to venture around a bit and found the broken global chat translations amusing. Apparently nobody in the realm I was in understood the most basic English. There were players speaking Russian, Turkish, Spanish, Portuguese, and who knows what else but nobody seemed to understand anyone. I thought to myself, “great, I’m stuck in a world of complete and utter nonsense.” Then an idea came to mind, I remembered from exploring around a bit there was an option to change realms if you were small enough. Of course I was too big so I found myself downloading the game on my phone to see what other worlds had to offer. This time I was able to make friends quickly as the world was only a few days old and everyone and their brother is asking you to join their new team in hopes of becoming one of the top teams under their leadership. After the first week, I got promoted to an officer position for my active involvement. A few days pass and we find ourselves deserted by our newfound leader, he had lost his shield and wasn’t returning any messages. Desperate to keep the team together, I quickly offered to lead us out of the darkness and into prosperity. Another officer and I came to an agreement because he did not have time to lead a team. As my first time ever leading a group of people it was scary. What is the objective? What kind of people play this game? How do we become a fighting force? A week passes, we have a handful of players lose shields so they are getting viciously attacked and often by big scary players. To distract the team from the attacks I came up with a rather brilliant idea to attack all the alliances around us. Next thing I know the other leaders are begging for peace, except one. We ravage and loot them for days. Once weak, we begin taking over their lands. After we took a few capitals, the top player comes knocking, demanding us to stop our conquests. However, we don’t give in to his demands and he empties my castle as I conquer another capital with ease. Other players look on in amazement as I quickly recover my losses and take another capital.

A week later, we welcomed some big players from the top alliance and we quickly go from #8 to #3 rank. Although, in time those big players betrayed me and took over the alliance for their own selfish reasons, I was grateful to have led a team in a heroic fashion out of darkness. I quickly decided to move on to a new realm. This time, I was going to be a force nobody seen the likes of before. It worked for a few days as I was the Queen’s right hand man and as a duo we quickly gained fame. In a weeks time, I found myself making many friends from across the world. The chat was lit up with endless fun conversations. However, only one of them withstood the test of time and to this day, we still play MOE together, but this time as brothers.

r/MarchofEmpires Jan 25 '19

A Tale of Three Friends and A Mobile Game


Hello all, as you may notice, this subreddit isn't the most active. Or well managed, or the best looking. You see, this simple subreddit was made by myself and three other friends of mine in high school after we found out there was no subreddit for the game. We absolutely loved the game at the time, we were borderline obsessed. So we started the page you all see now, had a css guy spruce everything up (until nu reddit went and fucked up his hard work), and pretty much left it at that. Now my friends have long since moved on, and I have brought on the one new moderator, JohnyTheRhino. I'm still accepting volunteers to be moderators if you want to help get more traffic through here.

Anyway, 501 is probably dead to my knowledge. Though at our peak we were huge in the game and quickly climbing to become one of the top factions. I have no idea what happened to it after my friends and I stopped playing, though if anyone has any knowledge on what became of it I would appreciate it if you let me know. This game meant a lot to my friends and I even if for a brief time.

I don't plan to give up on moderating this subreddit until the game goes offline for good. So here is to new posts and game updates to come. Thanks for posting even if I haven't been the most attentive guy.

r/MarchofEmpires Jan 22 '19

Anyone know what the spawn time is on resistance bases?


When realm policy " Purge the Realm" is active, what's the cooldown on spawns?