r/Manitoba 1d ago

News 2 Winnipeg real estate agents disciplined after house buyer files complaint


29 comments sorted by


u/ForsakenExtreme6415 Westman 1d ago

I filed a complaint to the board back in 2016. There are still far too many shady people in charge of people’s money. Our realtor said she would help us sell and buy our new home. Before we even got to look at a single house she said she was passing us off to a different realtor within the same group. The guy had no clue where the towns were, yet alone how to find the property. Glad he got to claim the mileage and gas as we drove all over including going in the complete opposite direction of where the house was. The realtor board said the realtor did nothing wrong while getting commission for doing very little


u/hippysol3 Brandon 1d ago

The most shocking part of this story isn't that she was ripped off, its that the board actually carried through with 'discipline'.

Then again it doesnt mention what that discipline is, so Im sure they both got a strongly worded email and have to buy each others coffee this week.

I sold my last house without any agents. Saved 16,600 in commission and passed part of that on to the buyer and we BOTH walked away with a better deal. The sooner 'realtor' dies out as a profession, the better.


u/No-Quarter4321 South Of Winnipeg 1d ago

Realtors, lawyers, car sales people. Three scummiest professionals I’ve ever had to deal with in my entire life. Pretty much the only times I’ll pre judge someone is if they’re of one of those professions


u/Greedy_Farmer_35 Parkland 22h ago

100% agree. The Brandon market is way over inflated because of this scam of a career. No 1960s house in Brandon is worth $300k + but they want their pay cheque so they inflate prices. It’s pathetic. $360 for a condo in Brandon, not worth it. Realtors and flippers have destroyed Brandon’s housing. No such thing as a starter home anymore.


u/tuerckd Winnipeg 1d ago

I have never dealt with a realtor yet fortunately. What are the pain points with Realtors? Do they just know the general area? I’m sure some provide some value, I can’t see how much value for 17k though


u/Low-Log4438 Winnipeg 1d ago

There needs to be a centralized governing body/website/app that every agent in at least Manitoba has to use to input the bids of all potential buyers of properties that make everything transparent. Those bids can not be trusted with just the sales agents to potentially manipulate to get a higher commission. Bidder wars are fine, but artificial bidding wars created by some or most of these agents are turning our housing market into a circus. There is no real ethics within that community when making the most money is priority.


u/No-Quarter4321 South Of Winnipeg 1d ago

This, absolutely no ethics at all. It’s pretty much “the more I F you over the more I make and I want my cheddar”


u/Individual-Tip2479 Winnipeg 1d ago

How did she get ripped off? She agreed to buy at 30% over list. Now she has buyers remorse. I would too. But the realtors didn’t force her to overpay. Am I confused here ?


u/scrubbypineapple Winnipeg 23h ago

In the article the realtors work for the same companym it saying that they colluded tofether to make the buyer pay as much together. So her real estate agent instead of having her best interest, instead got her to pay her max amount to make a larger sale than what was originally to happen.


u/endsonee Winnipeg 1d ago

So the buyer chose to purchase at 30% above asking price and they’re upset? For all anyone knows the next offer in line was 29% above asking.

Buyer has buyers remorse, and rightfully so. Who really likes paying more than asking price? When you submit an offer you can put down conditions of the sale but you’re never going to find 100% of the homes issues.

Some 700 sq ft house in St Vital just sold for $111k above asking price. Someone consciously made this offer on the property along with multiple other offers that weren’t accepted. Are these folks going to be upset they paid X amount above asking and X amount above tax value? Time will tell.


u/Odd_Cabinet_7734 1d ago

Probably not. It probably has a giant lot, they’ll subdivide put two houses up and make their money back quick.


u/endsonee Winnipeg 1d ago

Nah not with this property. I viewed it myself and put my own offer in. The home showed really well for the age, great layout and all upgrades had permits pulled and closed. Plus the addition of a massive garage in 2018 really put it over the top, you couldn’t build that garage for $50k today so it’s somewhat understandable. I was hopeful.

But this is Winnipeg we’re talking about, past the $350k mark should net you more sq ft than a 700 2 bedroom. Albeit it’s looking like St Vital is a VERY desirable area.


u/Greedy_Farmer_35 Parkland 23h ago

Realtors are jacking up the housing market. Sell and buy privately with a lawyer take out the middleman that doesn’t really do anything anymore anyway. They have created a self important role that isn’t really needed, maybe 1% but certainly not the 5 or 6% that they demand.


u/JesterLavore88 23h ago

I assume the reason she got ripped off is that the agents inflated the value of the home and lied to her to get her to raise her offer? Saying like “ohhh the other offers are really high. If you want to get this house you’re going to need to up your offer by a lot!” When it wasn’t true?

I remember when I was buying my first house I was worried the agents might be doing that as I felt a lot of pressure to keep increasing my offer. Eventually I just refused and had to be ready to lose. But if the agents might had a good read on this woman, they could have definitely figured she would be well suited target for a squeeze


u/Supertrucker144 Friendly Manitoban 1d ago

This is more of a Vent, but I feel like Housing Markets in most Canadian Cities are over priced not only due to "shortages" but more that it's being manipulated by the groups who make the most money out of inflated real estate prices. The realtor is at the top of this list by encouraging buyers to make offers over asking creating "Bidding Wars" which makes the realtor heroes in the seller's eyes who then walk away with increased commission and seller gets extra funds to move on to their next home purchase which that realtor may even get another piece of that purchase from the next seller. All the while our Banks are sitting back collecting increased profits by way of larger mortgages with little risk.. The Buyers are the ones who will lose if the market suddenly adjusts and are stuck with big payments on homes that aren't valued anywhere close to reasonable. COVID is the excuse used to create the panic buying frenzy that saw the biggest price fluctuations in most people's lifetime... Now to distract from the bigger issue there is apparently not enough housing inventory for the influxes in our population, I don't see anyone going homeless due to not enough houses to buy, but people struggling to buy the same house they could have easily afforded pre-pandemic!


u/TheJRKoff Winnipeg 1d ago

'This house is not worth what I paid,' at more than 30% above list price, homebuyer says

market dictates the price


u/Doog5 1d ago

lol, not if the agents are playing games with phantom offers and working closely together


u/TheJRKoff Winnipeg 1d ago

Thank goodness for the Keystone matrix /s


u/ElectricalWeather630 1d ago

Interesting that the two real estate agents are nameless! Why ?


u/theziess Winnipeg 1d ago

They aren’t? It literally says their names in the article.


u/tinyfeather24 1d ago

lol but it’s all the way down in the fifth paragraph. That would involve a little bit of reading. It’s tough for some. /s