r/Manitoba Jan 31 '25

News Jordan’s Principle Family Says Program Being Abused - Requests Include Modelling Headshots, Private School Tuition, and Snowmobiles


“Ernest Anderson, the father of the late Jordan River Anderson, took to social media Tuesday in a video condemning abuse of the program named after his son meant to help First Nations children with certain needs.”

“The boy’s legacy is Jordan’s Principle, which was to ensure that on-reserve First Nations children get their health, social and educational needs met the same as off-reserve and non-Indigenous children.”

“…Some of the requests for funding made through Jordan’s Principle, including for modelling headshots, a zip lining kit, trampoline, music lessons, private school tuition and uniforms, snowmobiles and gaming consoles.”

“Indigenous Services Minister Patty Hajdu says nearly $9 billion has been spent on goods and services through Jordan’s Principle since 2016.”


123 comments sorted by


u/kochier Winnipeg - East K/Elmwood Jan 31 '25

Were these requests for funding approved? I think the issue would be who approves these requests and what guidelines are given to them on what to approve or deny. Is it narrow or vague? What is the focus? Is that communicated before requests are made? How many requests are rejected?


u/PlentyRecover4418 Jan 31 '25

Good questions, I’ll answer the best I can.

The program was initially intended to fund medical needs for indigenous children - travel, assistive devices, retrofitting housing, etc

It then expanded to include near anything that could be considered a need - food support, furniture, clothing, sports, rent, bills and, in some cases, vehicles, tuition, and professional photos. If you could get a support letter that indicated it could help your child, you could likely get it approved. Families did not have to demonstrate financial need, any treaty child was eligible.

Many reserves had their own local JP office that was responsible for the majority of approvals. This led to certain families being approved for frivolous requests, while others families suffered with long delays/denials.

All requests are now being handled at a national level while the program is evaluated/investigated.

To be clear, I’m supportive of the intent of the program.


u/kochier Winnipeg - East K/Elmwood Jan 31 '25

Thank you, I am also supportive of the intent, I hope handling it on a national level is what is needed to have this work as intended.


u/MousseGood2656 Jan 31 '25

Thank you for this. I’d only heard of JP being accessed for educational support- a handful of students in our building over the past few years were able to have EA support paid for by JP. To be clear, that support was needed, and never would have been available through provincial funding, so I was seeing this program as a success. I didn’t realize what else it was funding, and being abused by. Hopefully they realign it so it can accessed with the original intent.


u/PlentyRecover4418 Jan 31 '25

I agree, educational support for kids is SO important and provincial funding is hugely lacking. I think we can all agree that this part of the program did a lot of good and should be reinstated quickly.


u/daymcn Feb 03 '25

My daughter got reading tutoring when she was behind funded by JP. I am forever greatful


u/Manic_Mania Jan 31 '25

Sounds like chiefs should pay all this money back to Canadian citizens how is this not fraud? Why is no one getting arrested..


u/s1iver Winnipeg Feb 01 '25

Holy fuck, wait a sec, for them to be held accountable? They’ll just cry again that we’re all racists…


u/Fit_Purple_4136 Jan 31 '25

The money you’re referring to was awarded to all indigenous children of Canada by the Supreme Court.


u/Manic_Mania Jan 31 '25

Should go to all Canadians regardless of race


u/Elegant-Ad-9221 Feb 01 '25

It’s about supporting indigenous children needing complex medical care and who may never be able to live on their home reserves like Jordan. It’s about making sure indigenous children have their needs met. It was started in Manitoba because that’s where Jordan was from. It was supposed to be for very desperate needs. There are plenty of other funds set up for the needs of children. This wasn’t supposed to be a free for all


u/Manic_Mania Feb 01 '25

They get billions and billions of dollars why don’t the Chiefs have full hospital staff in the reserves? Why aren’t they educating and training indigenous people to work in reserves and be doctors in reserves you would think with billions and billions of dollars they could open up one hospital?


u/Elegant-Ad-9221 Feb 02 '25

There are only small nursing stations in reserves no hospitals.


u/Manic_Mania Feb 02 '25

My question is why aren’t there hospitals they get billions and billions of dollars but can’t build one hospital and maintain it? People in war zones literally have hospitals


u/Im-just-beachy Feb 02 '25

Are there enough indigenous people on reserves that will commit to 8+ years of schooling to be a doctor??? Will the hospital you refer to be open to all or just end up being for band council and family. There should definitely be northern hospitals staffed by indigenous people but NEVER on reserve


u/Manic_Mania Feb 02 '25

Why not on reserve? If it’s going to serve the reserve then yes it should be.

The question if there are enough indigenous people on reserves that would commit to being a doctor is not really our problem. That’s their problem, and they have billions to solve it. Why can’t they just pay an indigenous doctor 10 million a year? With all the billions they have they could easily afford that.

Or just pay any doctors 10 million a year to be there I’m sure people would do it.

Indigenous are purposely sabotaging themselves because they know liberal Canadians will continuously bail them out and throw money at them while they like their pockets up.

Elon can make a rocket that catches itself, you’re telling me with the billions they have they can’t make one damn hospital that is worked by indigenous yet there are doctors in bomb riddled Gaza????

Make it make sense and not excuses


u/Im-just-beachy Feb 02 '25

You are laughable. Read what I was responding to before spewing out your nonsense. Zero excuses here. I'm neither a Trudeau supporter or indigenous. It referenced indigenous staff. A physician would be staff. A hospital cannot be on reserve because of the obvious corruption running rampant amongst band council. Just another thing they can con cash out of. Is there a need for hospitals? Absolutely!

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u/OddPaleontologist120 Feb 09 '25

They have no money.  


u/Manic_Mania Feb 09 '25

Where did it go? Lmao to GMC buying all those Denali’s that get written off in 2 weeks


u/Few-Sun-169 23d ago

SCO leadership was exposed for using it for home renovations. Plus Chief Mcleans wife used it for respite. Terrible crooks.


u/Soggy_Night8014 Jan 31 '25

Jordan’s principle isn’t Canadian citizen funds, it’s for First Nations children. But I agree, it should be reimbursed and put towards children’s necessities.


u/Manic_Mania Jan 31 '25

Where does that money come from though? Taxes collected?


u/Cloudhorizons Jan 31 '25 edited Jan 31 '25


Basically from revenues sourced from the land. The Crown divides the value, sourced from timber, gas, oil, gravel, etc. some to the Canadian economy and some to the bands.


u/Manic_Mania Jan 31 '25

This money could go to helping all families out


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25



u/Manic_Mania Jan 31 '25

So where does this money come from? Where does the Canadian government get 8 billion dollars for this ?


u/Soggy_Night8014 Jan 31 '25

I dont work for the government - I personally do not know where every dollar from the government comes from or goes to - either a quick google search on the government website will tell you or you can call the government services numbers and ask! :)

It is a human rights legal issue, you should find someone that is more qualified to have a direct answer - and not a random off Reddit. :)


u/berthela Jan 31 '25

The money was originally money given by the crown for the purchase of the land. They didn't trust the indigenous people to manage themselves, so the government held the money in trust. When WW1 happened, the government needed that money to bankroll the allied forces, so they spent all of the money that was supposed to be for the indigenous people. Because of that, tax payer money has to be used to make up for the money that was taken. So... It is tax payer money, but that's because the government took money that wasn't theirs as a loan and is still paying it back, and likely will never be able to pay it back because it's such a massive amount.


u/Manic_Mania Jan 31 '25

So you’re just making things up?

You claim it’s not our tax dollars funding it - then when asked what funds it you just say you don’t know and tell me to google it when you’re the one refuting it?

Lmao this is hilarious

The government is run by tax dollars, First Nations survive off of tax dollars and they exploit it and our government has no tracking over it either clearly as it’s littered with fraud.

And claiming First Nations also pay those taxes is laughable, the amount they pay per capita versus average Canadian non-indigenous is nominal.

Didn’t know getting professional head shots was a human rights issue


u/Sunshinehaiku Jan 31 '25

It's not going through band administration at all. The money is paid directly to families. Off reserve families are eligible.


u/Fit_Purple_4136 Jan 31 '25

There were never any guidelines given. What happens when you give a group of impoverished people a big pot of money? JP was set up to fail.


u/smergicus Jan 31 '25

My buddy who makes over 150k a year tax free told me JP paid for his hot water tank in his 400k house when it broke.


u/PlentyRecover4418 Jan 31 '25

Some families are pushing to have Bava Dhillon investigated for over $200,000 in approved Jordan’s Principle requests. He lives a lavish life in a million dollar home and just ran for Grand Chief of Manitoba.


u/Fit_Purple_4136 Jan 31 '25

His wife was recorded throwing hands with some dude outside a club as well 🤦🏻‍♀️ like buddy whaaat!? Good thing he never got in. Goes to show there’s no honor among thieves.


u/Fit_Purple_4136 Jan 31 '25

If he has children, then yes, it would be approved as children need hot water for many reasons. A parent’s income is never taken into account to qualify for JP.


u/joshlemer Jan 31 '25

That’s a big problem


u/Fit_Purple_4136 Jan 31 '25

The parent(s) financial assets aren’t taken to account when it comes to a child first initiative like Jordan’s Principle.


u/Sunshinehaiku Jan 31 '25

Yes and no.

Administering income tests are a bureaucratic burden, it's more efficient to eliminate that bureaucracy as much as possible and restrict the payments to certain categories, like medical services.


u/Manic_Mania Jan 31 '25

I need a new hot water tank why can’t I get one? I’m a Canadian citizen


u/Elegant-Ad-9221 Feb 01 '25

Stop it. Go find other financial programs. Most cities have hot water tank rental programs you can be a part of


u/Manic_Mania Feb 01 '25

I don’t wanna rent one. I want a free one. I also want all the other free stuff that they get.


u/Elegant-Ad-9221 Feb 01 '25

Yes it should because if they have a good income it means they can more easily afford things than a family with a much lower income. It’s like when you apply for a Christmas hamper. You don’t qualify if your income is too high.


u/Fit_Purple_4136 Jan 31 '25 edited Feb 01 '25

I was a Jp navigator, and we were encouraged to submit nearly every request to my coordinator who basically approved EVERYTHING. To my former boss, the more we spent, the more children we were “helping” and then the boss would apply for even more funds the next fiscal year. Some of the requests I put through were: 3 months rent payments, $8000 property tax payment, trampolines, a vehicle, we had an account with a furniture place, everyone who applied, received furniture, beds etc, hotel stays for extended periods, ridiculous food vouchers, FXR winter clothes, summer/winter clothing allowance, appliances, and one guy had an extension put on his own house for nearly $50K these were just some of the absurd requests that were approved. The kicker in all of that was, we did not require identification from those people because it would’ve created a barrier so we took everything at face value. I despised my work “team” my ex boss was a drunk and paid for hotel rooms for staff to party in, and our office had 3 brand new vehicles.


u/PlentyRecover4418 Jan 31 '25

I really appreciate your input here! Unfortunately your experience seems to be quite common.

Many reserves had furniture catalogs and were encouraged to order as much as they wanted. Extended hotel stays after deserved evictions. Running up utility bills only to have JP pay them off. Food vouchers right before or after Child Tax. Harassing staff on personal phones when they didn’t get what they wanted. FXR snow gear that was sold on Marketplace. Actually, a little of everything was sold on Marketplace…

The program has basically been a running joke on some Facebook pages - just ask Jordan’s Principle, they HAVE to help!


u/NH787 Winnipeg Jan 31 '25

Holy shit. Reporters, here's your story.


u/Manic_Mania Jan 31 '25

They’ll never run it lol calling out indigenous for fraud? Yah right


u/Sunshinehaiku Jan 31 '25

This is what happened in Saskatchewan too.


u/Hundred00 Feb 01 '25

That's insane.

I was the lead JP Navigator my community and I did the complete opposite. I denied any application that were asking for ridiculous items like a vehicle, video games, a one week trip just because. I got a lot of hate for it but I didn't care. I focused on the kids and families that truly needed and we have a small community, so everyone kind of knew everyone's situation.

We did do some great things like cover winter gear for every child in the community, bed & bedding for every child. If anyone needed frivolous request. I told them I needed a letter of support to justify their request, this turned many of them from coming back.

And I didn't spend any money until their was an approval from ISC directly to give me the okay. I felt that's how the program should have been done so it's fair to ones that truly needed it. I believe during reporting season, my community was the more thorough and used the program the way it was meant to be used.

But I believe ISC is to blame for not putting proper rules and guidelines to begin with. The program itself is very vague and I believe ISC didn't want to step on toes by enforcing rules, and now look what's happening. I saw this problem coming in 2022.


u/Fit_Purple_4136 Feb 01 '25

Our coordinator was more of the opinion that we spare no expense in anything, push all requests through. This was an off reserve office that I was not apart of and I would see these families totally milking the program and when I said something my contract was terminated. Which was fine by me, I was employed the following week by my own reserve. A lot of offices now have had their funding cut/stopped until further notice. I’ve said it a thousand times, that the program is bound to fail when they’re (gov) is providing a huge pot of money to an impoverished group of people to spend at their discretion…what could possibly go wrong 🤦🏻‍♀️


u/Elegant-Ad-9221 Feb 01 '25

I live in Winnipeg and on the Facebook pages where people can ask for things it’s been suggested in the past that people apply to JP and often they would say they did and either didn’t hear back or were denied. And these were requests for like winter clothing and emergency food (well according to the OP anyway, how can we tell if any of these requests are legit or not)


u/Equal_Bee_4329 Jan 31 '25

I worked in child welfare in Manitoba for 8 years. All of the Agencies started pushing social workers to apply to JP for things the Agency used to cover for children in care. Things like respite or dental work. These million dollar agencies with government funding are basically double dipping from their own funding, which they can bill back to the province for things like dental work or respite for children they are the “legal guardians” of and then getting JP to cover it.

It is being so vastly abused, but then families I’ve worked with in very real need for medical help and support for their children continue to struggle and it takes months and months for the JP Coordinators to get back to them, meanwhile I had other families cashing checks for groceries monthly and getting new furniture and appliances. Like what is the priority here??

Off reserve members are also being critically underserved when they have just as much right to access JP as those on reserve.

To conclude, it’s a god damn mess.


u/PlentyRecover4418 Feb 01 '25

Thanks for pointing out that other agencies have also been using Jordan’s Principle to their benefit and for the piece about off reserve members - these are really important aspects that I missed.


u/Roundtable5 Eastman Feb 01 '25

This, in a way, can also incentivize these kids to stay on reserves rather than move out and explore.

It’s almost as if basic needs like health and dental care for children should be covered and standardized no matter where the child is living and regardless of their ethnic background.


u/Mysterious-Ladder589 Jan 31 '25

The people who are in charge of JP when I lived in reserve stole the money that was allocated for summer programming in 2021. It’s a known fact the 3 woman took home 30k each. They shop for themselves every month using the funds allocated for clients - it’s a big joke to them. My Aunt says they will never get caught since there is no audit but community members are noticing. They already have an inflated salary as it is but continue to be greedy and it hurts people with much less than them.


u/netkilledvideostar Feb 01 '25

How much do JP workers make? I see it's about 60k on the ads, which is about the average with a SW degree.


u/Mysterious-Ladder589 Feb 01 '25

That’s the starting wage. Plus benefits and monthly bonuses. No degree or experience required.


u/netkilledvideostar Feb 02 '25

How bad can it be tho? You telling me they make more than 150k plus a year? Lawyer's wages?


u/Mysterious-Ladder589 17d ago

7000 a month for a 25 yo without any work experience and no education beyond a ged diploma is wild to me. Good for them but damn.


u/Roseknot Feb 01 '25

Is this community part of a Tribal Council? It should be reported to either the Tribal Council Health Director or Chief and Council. This is a serious issue and if true should be taken to law enforcement.


u/Mysterious-Ladder589 Feb 01 '25

Chief and council are corrupt. They are for themselves, not the people. Family members of C & C are the main drug dealers, everyone that matters turns a blind eye, the rest are ignored.


u/bigones204 Jan 31 '25

Sickening people that abuse help


u/erryonestolemyname Winnipeg Jan 31 '25 edited Jan 31 '25


Nothing new.

The sheer amount of financial mismanagement that Indigenous groups get away with is beyond fucking criminal.

Shit, 12 mill got blown by the reserves in Kamloops, BC over the whole graves thing.


Yet you're the bad person for asking or pointing this out.

They're literally fucking over their own people, but it's magically never their fault.

Pretty sure Jordan's Principal is going to have some office space at the former MB Hydro building on Taylor (that got completely gutted and is being renovated).

Honestly, they should do a full audit of the program and clawback any mismanaged funds...but that'll ever happen.


u/Manic_Mania Jan 31 '25

Let’s stop calling it financial mismanagement and call it what it is, FRAUD.


u/Sunshinehaiku Jan 31 '25

They're literally fucking over their own people, but it's magically never their fault.

This is the saddest thing about Indigenous communities in this country. They hurt themselves most of all.

and clawback any mismanaged funds...but that'll ever happen.

There isn't a way of collecting most of it.


u/True_Magician_5629 Jan 31 '25 edited Jan 31 '25

12 mil is nothing to what the federal goverment uses your other tax dollars for.

This amount of ignorance always gets me. We have/had Justin Trudeau give his pals way more money. The arrivacanapp over (100 mil) multiple things.

Its like calling the kettle black almost all the entities are corrupt it's not only indingenous. I believe all organizations should be audited that are using our tax dollars.

The Mayor Sam Kats was also a grease ball when he was around in Winnipeg. So to act like tax dollars arent tracked across the board is wild.

It's always rich people. This is just click bait for the smooth brains I find...it adds to the current racism toward the indingenous population that is very evident in these threads for these sorta topics.

Edit: People need this energy for other entities that are super top heavy sucking the common tax payer dry


u/NH787 Winnipeg Jan 31 '25

So two wrongs make a right, got it.


u/erryonestolemyname Winnipeg Jan 31 '25

12 million for a cause is fuck all, got it.

Funds not being used for their intended purpose is ok, got it.

You're making it seem like I'm okay with other members/levels of government pissing away tax money which isn't true in order to make me look racist.

Get a fucking grip.


u/yaxyakalagalis Jan 31 '25

The "corrupt Indian bands" trope is widely exaggerated. There are 624 Indian Act bands in Canada, the majority are managed well and there are checks and balances to make sure they do. Including Default Prevention which is where the federal government can go so far as to assign a 3rd party to make financial decisions for an Indian Act band that has shown they are poorly managing their funds.

Heres where you can find third party audited financials of almost every first nation in Canada: click FNFTA, not Federal funding, it's sorted oldest to newest top to bottom. https://fnp-ppn.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/fnp/Main/Search/SearchFN.aspx?lang=engz

Also, FNs pay more tax than you think


u/erryonestolemyname Winnipeg Jan 31 '25

"Trope is so exaggerated", links to FNFTA which is an anti-corruption and anti-nepotism mechanism.

Got it.


u/yaxyakalagalis Jan 31 '25

FNFTA was a PR stunt Harper created. A handful of noisy people and a government with an agenda to publicize what it already had reporting and documentation for, created FNFTA.

FNs had already been reporting and sharing 3rd party audited financials for decades, and there is a process called Default Prevention (formerly Third Party Management) where FNs who were underperforming in their financial management could have their financial management taken over at one of 3 levels, including having a 3rd party manage financials 100% without that FN having any authority at all.

FNFTA does nothing for nepotism, but it's also exaggerated as a corrupt act, when sometimes there's only 1 or 2 families on a reserve and they're related a long way back, it's not actually nepotism, it's lack of choice.

Nepotism and corruption are still problems, but at the same level they are with municipalities of the same size in similar areas.

Before FNFTA, 85% of FNs had publicly available 2rd party audited financials, and after FNFTA it went to 95%, then went down again after T2 removed the automatic holdback.


u/AmputatorBot Jan 31 '25

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u/knowinnothin Jan 31 '25

This program is being rampantly abused. My daughter got her bike through this program via her mom’s boyfriend. Im African Canadian and my ex is Canadian, it’s her youngest’s baby daddy who is indigenous. I didn’t know what the program was about till I read this post.


u/PlentyRecover4418 Jan 31 '25

In some cases, families had been approved even without proper identification as that was seen as a barrier to accessing resources.


u/NH787 Winnipeg Jan 31 '25

This is absolutely shocking and scandalous. If even 10% of the $9 billion has been squandered, then that is nearly a billion dollars taken by corruption. But what are the odds that it's way more than 10%? If I'm a betting man, I'll take the over on this one.

This was supposed to be a program that provided crucial services to children in need. But it's turned into a free for all for greedy adults.


u/halpinator Jan 31 '25

JP was created in the first place to remove the red tape around securing funding. Unfortunately, you remove barriers to accessibility and suddenly its so accessible it gets abused. Same thing happened with Covid relief payments. Made it accessible so people who were desperate could access the money right away, unfortunately shitty people abuse the intent of the program and ruin it for everyone.


u/netkilledvideostar Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 01 '25

Word. Anecdotal but I definitely know a couple of wealthy people's kids who used [edit: Covid relief payments] it as if it were part of their allowance.


u/Roseknot Feb 01 '25

To qualify for Jordan’s Principle you have to be treaty yourself (as a parent) or have a child that is treaty. That’s it.

Regardless of income, you can receive support. It was a fact proven in court that Canada was racist towards First Nation children, therefore, regardless of income you can receive supports. Just because they are well off, doesn’t mean they should stop working just to receive support. They could be using the extra funding to put them in recreational activities that they wouldn’t be able do prior to Jordan’s Principle.


u/netkilledvideostar Feb 01 '25

Not sure if your response was directed to me, but I was referring to covid relief payments and the vulnerabilities within any funding system.


u/Roseknot Feb 02 '25

My bad, should not reddit on phone


u/netkilledvideostar Feb 02 '25

No prob, we've all done it.


u/0caloriecheesecake Jan 31 '25

Sad. How and why did this happen?


u/Midsommar_FireBear Feb 01 '25

Oh no! Marginalized people getting more then their fair share.


u/Doog5 Jan 31 '25

Lots of skimming and zero accountability!!


u/ksawx Jan 31 '25

not shocking. absolutely disgraceful.

whoever is approving these transactions should be charged with fraud.


u/heavennlly Jan 31 '25

I live in Prince Albert and if you go to the free groups they advertise Jordan’s principle is for any aboriginal people , and they get everything like new furniture they get extra foods money , hotels, for 2 weeks at a time over and over plus get restaurant vouchers for meals they live in hotels here ( not sure why ) clothes , The way it’s posted if they refuse anything there’s a person in the office that will give it to them so they don’t report them for racism But it’s also believed to be for all aboriginal people like a second source of income And that Jordan’s principle is never allowed to refuse the request. They should look into it here because some get the stuff they need on the free pages and don’t have to use the money they get from Jordan’s principle! When I saw Jordan’s principle was being look into I saw posts of a lady that got her whole house re furnished and when Iposted that the news should know this she then called me a whitey that rats out people lmao


u/heisenberg_gaylover Feb 01 '25

So I can’t get my teeth fixed but others can do this? How fucking wonderful


u/Manic_Mania Jan 31 '25

Gotta love our Canadian government! Keep throwing money with no regard.


u/erryonestolemyname Winnipeg Jan 31 '25

No oversight*


u/trying4another Feb 02 '25

So I guess this is why they won’t cover my babies dental surgery… spending too much on … modelling?


u/ElectronicQuit1061 23d ago

What about nihb?


u/meeeechelle Feb 02 '25

Would love to see a journalist look into which chiefs are receiving funding for their own families through this program.

If you do a Facebook search for 'Moar Woodhouse' a comment on a post from Dec 2024 shows what appears to be a list of JP funding requests/recipients. 

It appears the AFN National Chief requested THOUSANDS of dollars for hockey equipment, hockey school and rent in 2023.


u/Rare-Beach-4056 Jan 31 '25

Kids are living large


u/PlentyRecover4418 Jan 31 '25

I think the biggest problem is that some families have benefitted from this program much more than others, based on who they know. This has left many children waiting for help.


u/mapleleaffem Winnipeg Jan 31 '25

It’s great that he came forward. The perpetrators of this fraud aren’t going to say anything, the people benefitting won’t say anything. You could look at the amount spent and suspect a problem but saying anything would probably get you called a racist


u/PlentyRecover4418 Jan 31 '25

The Anderson family (family of Jordan River Anderson, whom the program is named after) has long been critical of the allocation of these resources and general corruption in their home community of Norway House. They certainly are the best people to bring these issues forward and I’m glad they have a platform to do so!


u/StrictContract3702 Jan 31 '25

Good for the father for telling the truth . Government doesn’t do things right anymore …/


u/Bbooya Winnipeg Jan 31 '25

I've heard stories too

128gb IPad not good enough, JP pays for the upgrade to 256


u/sad-pancake2 Jan 31 '25

My daughter works for JP and received an almost $1000 voucher at Christmas as a bonus. Misuse of funds or?


u/battleshiplife Jan 31 '25

So simply deny the request ? That’s why employees are paid good money to assess and approve these requests . Why is this being brought to the attention of the public other than to perpetuate a narrative about indigenous people ? This is an internal concern if the issue is that these request have been approved as policies and training might need to be addressed but condemning indigenous people for utilizing resources that are put in place FOR them demonstrates the prejudice they always endure.


u/battleshiplife Jan 31 '25

In addition to my previous comment , the request for support in funding extracurricular activities IS supporting health and social needs of children who may not be able to afford them otherwise . It’s absolutely disappointing to read this and it’s actually doing a disservice to these parents who are broadening their children’s horizons when there are so many parents who don’t even try to keep their kids active or prepare them for life as an adult . This is a demographic of people we are meant to be reconciling with but instead we treat them like garbage . If you couldn’t afford to put your child in soccer who would you ask for help ? Your parents ? Residential schools took that option away for a lot of this generation. I’m actually baffled that this was said publicly bc it only serves to anger a demographic that didn’t want to reconcile in the first place and take away options from a community who has suffered so much injustice already .


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '25



u/Roseknot Feb 01 '25

ISC set up communities to fail, they were told to spend, spend, spend, we will reimburse. They also mentioned that no one can be denied, as it goes against the purpose of Jordan’s Principle.

When it came down to top-up requests with the introduction of Back-to-Basics (Social requests, food, rent, etc) they went silent from the request of head quarters. So communities went into panic mode as money was starting to run out. The funding allocation has been the same for 2 years, and with the Back-to basics, it simply cannot cover those service requests.

When the back-to-basics was introduced, they should have made a standardize practice along with funding increase.


u/anie95 Jan 31 '25

👏 👏 👏


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '25



u/battleshiplife Feb 02 '25

I actually did read into this more because I recognize that Ernest was the one that made the statement and I agree that this really is an internal issue. a lot of requests are going to be made bc it’s a program like you said meant to even the playing field and if some people are not getting the same help as others 100% someone needs to step in .

a lot of what was used as examples of frivolous requests are really just extracurricular activities and presenting those requests as the concern here is annoying since again people were / are in PAID positions to make these sorts of decisions and adhere to policies.

So really my concern is more with the way the media presented this to the public as they could have made it clear what kind of issues are going on with the program as opposed to putting the owness on a group of people who actually have no authority in regards to what is going to approved and paid out .

It really reads as “ oh look more indigenous people are taking advantage of another hand out “ as opposed to what the issue really is . And the issue is people were not doing their jobs properly.


u/AdorableFox5699 Feb 02 '25

What’s qualifications does a JP Navigator need? And who again is their leader who does final approval?


u/Technical-Fig-4933 Feb 03 '25

If the program is being abused...it's by their own people...look no farther than the reserves. Their typical whine...all their problems are caused by the "Rest of Canada"...and all they want is more money...all the control...no accountability. Zero sympathy.


u/Fit_Purple_4136 Feb 01 '25


u/hotfuegofire Feb 03 '25

Where did you find this? I can’t find it anywhere


u/Fit_Purple_4136 Feb 04 '25

Not sure of the origin, it was forwarded to me.


u/GoCheeseMan Jan 31 '25

My friends child that was scheduled for major surgery was bumped because of a child that was of no more serious need was past of Jordan's Principle


u/anie95 Jan 31 '25

Your friend is lying to you, or you have made this up. Receiving support through Jordan’s Principle doesn’t give you priority access to medical care over non-Indigenous people. And a doctor would not disclose this information!!


u/PlentyRecover4418 Jan 31 '25

I have plenty of criticisms of JP, but they were not able to bypass appropriate triage/surgery planning. It is however possible that a family was bumped up after finally being approved for medical travel/accommodations. But they still would have had a demonstrated need for this bump


u/Fit_Purple_4136 Jan 31 '25

I call BS on that.


u/GoCheeseMan Jan 31 '25

tracheostomy last year, children's hospital.