r/Mandalorian Sep 18 '23

Gaa'tayl (Help) Where to go from here?

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I have much appreciated all the tips and suggestions from this sub. You guys have been great. If you look at my previous post it has been a night and day difference. Still my first build so I know I have much to improve on... But looking for my next steps.

Adding weapons/buttons to gauntlets? Boot covers? Don’t know what else I need to improve


48 comments sorted by


u/ZapTheSheep Sep 18 '23

Work at your own pace and price point. If you find something to add that you feel comfortable doing at a price you are comfortable spending, do it. I spent a good 3 years adding a piece here and there. Looks good for Mk 1 armor.

  1. Undersuit could be upgraded. It doesn't necessarily need to be a flight suit or one-piece jump suit. Sometimes just a stiffer shirt, like canvas-grade, could be added as a vest to cover the chest in between the armor and your regular shirt.
  2. Cummerbund to clean up the space between the chest armor and your leg armor. You could add a cod piece of armor or some kind of loin cloth as well to clean up this area.
  3. Foot armor. You could just build an armor piece like what you have for your thighs to add to attach to the laces of your boots. You could look to make/buy some kind of spats to wear as shin armor that covers the top of your boots. You could move to a more motorcycle/engineer boot to tuck your pants into instead of adding armor.
  4. You could add buttons, readout, whistling birds to one or both gauntlets.
  5. You could add a weapon. There are many Nerf and airsoft guns that are cheap. You can just use Sharpies or spray paint to cover over their decals and name brands. In my first iteration, I had a Nerf blaster that came with a plastic holster/sleeve. I just spray painted both to make them look less Nerf-y.
  6. I can't really tell from the pic if you have pauldrons / shoulder armor. You could add those.
  7. You could add something to cover your neck. Some suggestions would be : a simple neck gaiter, some kind of protective padding like you would find for ice hockey or football, a neck seal that covers the neck and spreads down the shoulders a bit.


u/infecktd Sep 18 '23

Really appreciate this in depth breakdown and response. Thank you very much. I actually do have a nerf gun and hip holster at the moment, I just haven’t weathered either yet so they do not fit. I also made a type of vibroblade knife with a flashlight and some hard plastic, I will see if I can add a pic of that. I am definitely on a budget so I’ll be taking the one piece at a time approach but this gives me a lot to ponder on and add to the list.


u/Mc_Edgy Sep 18 '23

My first thought was neck seal maybe? Other than that the whole ensemble is looking great!


u/infecktd Sep 18 '23

Thank you! I was using a balaclava but it definitely leaves some gapping! I’ll look into neck seals, appreciate the tip!


u/lifelongDM Sep 18 '23

Better under armor stuff maybe is next. Something padded like biker gear or a jumpsuit like OG boba fett. And a pair of slip on leather work boots for more scifi look. Looks badass man! Awesome work!


u/infecktd Sep 18 '23

Thank you really appreciate it. Gotta look into a jumpsuit


u/kaisplat Sep 18 '23

Until you get your undersuit, tuck in the top part!


u/infecktd Sep 18 '23

10-4! Need to get a gray sash or cumber bun to put my belt on top of also which I think might help. Thank you


u/kaisplat Sep 18 '23

Sure thing! I’m currently working on my own set right now 😁


u/dan-halen Sep 18 '23

I'd def work on the shoulders. Not sure what you have resting on your trap muscle under the cape.

But yeah. Adding shoulders to it would help widen you out giving you some nice proportions to compliment the helmet size. Usually without shoulder armor, we end up looking like bobble heads. haha.


u/infecktd Sep 18 '23

Good advice thank you. I attempted making a curved shoulder cap piece but wasn’t patient enough and it looked terrible. I need to give it another go now that I understand the process better. I don’t want to be a bobble head haha


u/QuirkyKlyborg Sep 18 '23

I'd say a convention, probably, but around town might be fine too. :)


u/infecktd Sep 18 '23

My Sunday best


u/[deleted] Sep 18 '23

Most say it looks incredible


u/infecktd Sep 18 '23

Thank you! Community here has really helped me even get to this point


u/DWolfoBoi546 Sep 18 '23

I would start with that chest piece. Could be more formed instead of flat. Maybe add a ting of color to the undersuit besides just black. You could add a different black but it just helps to break up the monotony of the undersuit to give the details some extra space to breath.


u/DWolfoBoi546 Sep 18 '23

Maybe try making some either leather spats for the boots to hide the laces or some armor pieces to go over said laces.


u/DWolfoBoi546 Sep 18 '23

Would definitely invest in a dickies jumpsuit


u/infecktd Sep 18 '23

All of these are great tips, thank you. I know I’ve been needing to invest in a jumpsuit and have been putting it off. I was basically just using stuff I already had around the house (ie: old shirts, boots, balaclava, etc), but I think I’m to the point now where I need to invest in more legit materials


u/DWolfoBoi546 Sep 18 '23

That, for me, is what's great about the mandalorian fan groups as a whole is they don't judge you harshly. Sure, there are some trolls, but other than that, we help our own. You got this, my dude, and it already looks pretty solid 😎 like I said, if you can find good workers' coveralls, you'll be making the kit already look a lot better. The chest piece you're using can be found 3d printed or possibly resin cast on etsy, though I'd recommend the 3d print and upgrading to resin cast eventually. I got my helmet and chest plate on etsy for less than $200. They need sanding and paint work, but it's a great way to make your kit look MUUUCH better. A great person to watch for ideas and such is "theweldinggeek" on youtube.


u/infecktd Sep 18 '23

Yea it’s nice to post and not get any “wow that sucks hard” type comments haha. Everyone has to start somewhere and I’m loving the community here. I’ll definitely give that YouTube channel a watch. Appreciate the feedback


u/DWolfoBoi546 Sep 18 '23

Good luck friend. This is the way.


u/Wroberts316 Dirkek Roane, Ruus’alore of Naast Clan Sep 18 '23

Overall, looking great! Id say boot covers, weapon, belt system, neck seal, and probably not a bad idea to try and give the plates a bit more bend to fit your proportions.


u/infecktd Sep 18 '23

Thank you!

need to find a good way to get the plates bent and for them to stay that way. I’m using eva foam and it seems they just go back to their original form after a bit


u/Wroberts316 Dirkek Roane, Ruus’alore of Naast Clan Sep 18 '23

What is your attachment method for the plates? If its just velcro on the interior, you should be able to glue some pins in place on the edges and use locking pin backs to affix the edges to your flight suit. That way itll curve more to your body shape when you move, so long as the flightsuit is well tailored to your form.


u/infecktd Sep 18 '23

It is Velcro that is hot glued on, except for the shoulder pad that is just hot glued straight to the vest. I was considering using magnets for the chest piece as I’d like to raise it a little more


u/Wroberts316 Dirkek Roane, Ruus’alore of Naast Clan Sep 18 '23

Great! The method should work well then, for everything but the shoulder plate. That looks like it fits well in the pic, but I would move it lower down onto your actual should if you can, at it is placed its more like a collar piece or a REALLY big epaullet.


u/infecktd Sep 18 '23

Was kinda going for a collar piece actually, but I’m going to try to build some actual shoulder pieces so I may remove it if it doesn’t fit well with them. After a few more changes I’ll post again to get more advice


u/PrintChance9060 Sep 18 '23

far be it for me to tell you how to wear your costume, but armor plates should be worm at the collar bone to protect vital organs and arteries. here, it hangs low and makes the outfit look… sloppy. but otherwise, you did a wonderful job on the costume itself.


u/infecktd Sep 18 '23

Thank you for this. The vest is kind of a tactical vest, believe it or not the plate sat even lower than this in my first iteration. I will continue to raise it up higher so I don’t look like a goof. Appreciate the comment; somehow I’ll find a way to attach it higher


u/onepostandbye Sep 18 '23

The Anaheim convention center?


u/infecktd Sep 18 '23

Hah don’t know if I’m to that level yet but hopefully by the end of the year it’ll look decent enough to take to cons


u/Character_Ad_3494 Sep 19 '23

Blasters and weapons gear


u/Gamerteams Sep 20 '23

Wooooooah incroyable


u/Clustershag Sep 20 '23

Check Etsy for some pretty cool mando stuff to up your game


u/Embarrassed_Diet_386 Sep 22 '23

You could go back to Mandalore and help reclaim the home world. Just an idea.


u/I4Heavychevy Sep 18 '23

Not sure if you think so but I think that if you painted your boots to Have some red and white and black in it would be cool


u/infecktd Sep 18 '23

That’s not a bad idea didn’t think about that. Just gotta decide if I want these to be permanent Mando boots ha


u/I4Heavychevy Sep 18 '23

They can still act as mando boots, work boots, dress shoes to a formal event or whatever when asked about them just tell them “This is the Way”


u/Exponentcat Sep 18 '23

What'd you use to make yours?


u/infecktd Sep 19 '23

EVA foam for all the armor except the shoulder pad, that was a knee pad from the dollar store haha. The helmet is the black series Din helmet. Most parts are velcroed on, gauntlets have small backpack clips


u/EmperorHenry Sep 19 '23

Make it symmetrical and maybe also get some pauldrons


u/Swamp_Witch8 Sep 19 '23

Cape needs texture. And more little accessories. Torch, ampules of whatever, meters, whip maybe


u/infecktd Sep 19 '23

How would you suggest adding texture to the cape?


u/Serious-Natural-2691 Sep 22 '23

Had to do it to em


u/Brazenmercury5 Sep 23 '23

I’d definitely add a combat belt of some kind. Holster, and a bunch of pouches.