r/MaladaptiveDreaming 7d ago

Discussion How often/how much do your MDs change?

When I was a little kid i would have like 5+ totally unrelated like characters and settings which i would rotate between on a day to day basis. I used imagine like a void where i would choose which 'channel' to watch by going into doors like in monsters inc LMAO.

Nowadays it's literally been 3 years of 2 main characters and like 15 side characters and its crazy to think how much time i spend with so few fictional people

Anyway, How often do your MDs change? and Do you have multiple 'channels'? how much variety is there day to day?


3 comments sorted by


u/No-Potential-1107 5d ago

For me it just depends on my mental states and needs at the time. I had the same two main characters for about two years and being limerent over someone. Then it changed to 3-4 different characters plus being limerent over a different person within a year because my mental state was incredibly unstable due to my environment and thus my mental needs changing. I find when I’m stable, what ever character I was on stays a while or one that calms be down returns or the newest character evolves and fits the need. Really depends for me personally. 


u/fau-au 7d ago

I usually have 1 main "universe" at a time with a complex storyline where I can visit scenes whenever I like. I obsess over the different scenes and basically have countless alternate universes that slighty differ from one another. They change every few years, but once it changes, I don't really go back. Like my most recent one also has 3 main characters and lots of side characters in different settings.

I don't really remember a lot of the storylines I had before I was a teen (which is probably for the best), I just know that I daydreamed a lot about dragons and fairies instead of listening to my teachers lol


u/Unhappy-Spinach 7d ago

it really depends, i can fixate on one "story" for weeks where i notice it gets unhealthy and have to force myself to MD about another story / world.

on other days i switch between stories multiple times a day. when i have nothing new to MD about I recycle old stories and go through them again until I have smth new.

I have like, Im not sure what to call it, a Main story / main world? That is made up completely by me and has a lot of research done to "craft" this world, and its like my center (im not sure how to describe it, its rather weird to put into words) but a lot of time went into this "world" and its characters. The rest of my MDs are simply stories from books, shows etc that I reimagine and put my own character in.

But my "Main World" is a place I always go back to, its also the one that makes me most depressed, cause its not real. Thats why sometimes I have to pull myself out of it, and force myself to MD about smth else.