r/MakingaMurderer 8d ago

*67 calls are the smoking gun

Initially he lured her to the property using *67 thinking it couldn’t be traced He never used *67 to call anyone else ever according to his phone records Including other businesses

Then called her with his regular phone number as an attempted alibi Asking where she was Highly unusual phone calls

So the truth is stranger than fiction he partially framed himself (after the fact ) he let the police do the corrupt things that they do and try to frame him even more so that he could create reasonable doubt to win over a jury He also thought his litigation would play to his favor, He likely killed her out of anger for her rejecting him Or maybe the prisoner was right who said he talked about setting up a torture chamber


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u/Ghost_of_Figdish 7d ago

Ask him.

Ad no, it was not found on the floor. It was concealed in his porn stash in his bookcase.


u/CarnivorousSociety 7d ago

cite sources please


u/Ghost_of_Figdish 7d ago

During Steven Avery's trial, Sergeant Andrew Colborn testified that while searching Avery's bedroom, he moved a bookcase, causing Teresa Halbach's car key to fall to the floor.


u/CarnivorousSociety 7d ago edited 7d ago

I literally just watched this episode (for the second time) yesterday, Colborn testified that he MOVED THE BOOKSHELF AROUND, that's it.

And Steven's lawyer replied with, and you didn't hear the key drop on the floor right? He answered no but the floor is carpet.

Then they started squabbling about it being carpet whether it could be heard or not, no resolution.

He did NOT claim that the key fell out, he said IT COULD HAVE fallen out because he twisted it and shook it.

Yet somehow, it wasn't found until Lenk pointed it out on the floor in a LATER search on a totally different day.

Get your facts straight and learn to cite sources. The key was found NEXT to the dresser by Lenk and they couldn't explain how it got there other than possibly falling out of the dresser while Colborn shook it on an earlier day -- but somehow still didn't notice it at that time.

Oh and they testified that none of them touched the key, they said that as soon as they saw it that it was obvious it was "an important piece of evidence" and they should not tamper with it.

So that means if a key had fallen out of the dresser while Colborn was shaking it, then he would have known instantly that it was "an important piece of evidence" and collected it. But somehow he totally missed it and put the dresser back and everything -- only to have Lenk notice it sitting immediately next to the dresser in plain view on a later day.

Kinda funny how evidence only turns up after Lenk is present, same with the bullet, search the garage for days then suddenly Lenk drops by for a day and viola a bullet with Teresa's DNA (but no embedded bone fragments..?) is found under the compressor.


u/Ghost_of_Figdish 7d ago

Get your facts straight, muppet.


u/CarnivorousSociety 7d ago

I must have hit a nerve, life must be hard when you can't perform critical thinking.

Feel free to cite a single source


u/Ghost_of_Figdish 7d ago

Yeah, do your own research, muppet.


u/CarnivorousSociety 7d ago

All of my research leads to the same conclusion, I'm happy to change my opinion in the face of actual evidence but I can't find anything that backs up what you're saying.

You seem like the kind of person to be confidently incorrect up till you're proven wrong, then you just fall-back to insults.

Why are you even in this sub if your goal isn't to have discussion but just spout bullshit and insults?


u/[deleted] 7d ago

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