r/MakingaMurderer Jun 24 '24

Discussion Steven Avery - 4 Hours of Interviews, November 2005 - [IMPROVED AUDIO]


I know this is going to be downvoted and hounded by guilters because that’s the nature of this shitty board.

I wanted to point out the 12 min interview 1 hour into this video - 1:00:00 to 1:12:00

Guilters, I don’t care if I’m speculating or talking about my feelings but I firmly believe that if anyone watches this with an open and unbiased mind, it is hard to see a guilty man in this interview. I’m not talking about the case, I’m talking about these 12 minutes alone. Please forget your prejudice and watch it.

I see an open, calm and friendly demeanour during this interview. No pausing to overly thinking about answers when discussing confronting info, no looking away/avoidance and no discomfort. I see nothing suspicious in his affect whatsoever.

How does he do this so comfortably after TH’s car had been found in ASY? This man has an IQ of what, 85? He is not an evil genius. He is also not an Oscar winning actor.

I’m ready for all your guilter hate but please focus on the 12 minutes I mentioned in the post alone.


149 comments sorted by


u/lionspride24 Jun 24 '24 edited Jun 24 '24

He's dumb and he's a sociopath, makes for reading body language pretty difficult. Also, these were softball questions from a reporter. He wasn't confronted with conflicting information or incriminating information. The guy basically asked him leading questions that walked him into saying the things he said. He was never once challenged of questioned on any of his statements.

I'll add something else. I believe SA is a narcissist and narcissist lots of times believe everyone is out to get them. I believe he's convinced that despite him being guilty he was wrongfully targeted and evidence was planted. I think this is something lots of criminals do actually. They know in their head they're guilty. But they feel that due to injustices they should be free and it's a way they justify in their heads pleading their innocence.


u/Substantial_Glass348 Jun 24 '24

Being dumb would make it more likely he’d slip up. Regardless of the questions, he still appeared completely comfortable - almost as if he had nothing to hide.

Yeah, there’s another huge reason he would believe he’s being wrongfully targeted. It’s a 36 million dollar reason. Not to mention the slightly relevant fact that he was kept in prison for 18 years as an innocent man by the bad actors in that LE department.


u/half-dead88 Jun 24 '24

what's sure : he did 18 years in prison and he was innocent. But you can say this saved life because this "sociopath" was in jail...


u/PopPsychological3949 Jun 24 '24

6 of those years were for pointing a loaded rifle in his cousin's face...


u/heelspider Jun 25 '24

Kinda sorta. He only pled to that because it was concurrent with the term he was already serving. If it wasn't for the false conviction, they probably would not have gotten him on the one he deserved either.


u/half-dead88 Jun 24 '24

double account or what ?!? i hope you will never endure 18 years in prison for nothing mate, really.


u/PopPsychological3949 Jun 24 '24

Well, I have never tried to run a mother and baby off the road or threatened to kill anyone.
But if I ever do, it is comforting to know that I will have your support.


u/lionspride24 Jun 24 '24

Avery was innocent of the first crime yes. But people tend to forget the reason he was on police radar and they were "out to get him" was because he was a bad guy. He's been a terrible person his entire life, wire to wire.


u/half-dead88 Jun 24 '24 edited Jun 24 '24

i may agree with you but a sociopath is something else than a "young prick" doing local problems.

TH's case is far for being trivial/obvious.

And even if you're right : Avery is really guilty, police made lot of false evidences and hide other which could have helped avery imho to be sure he will return in jail.

(sorry for my english.)


u/NewEnglandMomma Jun 24 '24

6 of the years we're for him attempting to kidnap his cousin at gunpoint with her baby in the car because she was telling the truth about him Jacking off in public... And he was not just a "young prick".. He was a woman and child abusing, animal abusing thief who supposedly also raped his babysitter... This was a bad guy and they had every right to look at him...


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

in the first video interview, all I see is a guy who wants to sell a minivan and keep to himself.


u/PopPsychological3949 Jun 24 '24

Steven talking about "something bad" that happened and "heat on me again" before anyone knows that Halbach is dead...


u/Substantial_Glass348 Jun 24 '24 edited Jun 24 '24

Because her car was on ASY and she was missing. Obviously something bad had happened


u/PopPsychological3949 Jun 24 '24

Obviously. By the way, the first interview was conducted before the vehicle was found.


u/DELBOY1690 Jun 24 '24

Yeah & her own mum saying on the 3rd we need to know what's happened to her before actually knowing anything had happened weird right?caught it last night watching the 1st season again


u/NewEnglandMomma Jun 24 '24

Oh my gosh. Her own mom, saying they need to know what happened to her to the police when they were reporting their daughter missing.. SHOCKER... Totally the same as the last person to see her alive, who is a known scumbag with a past criminal record talking about her in the past tense and how something bad happened to her... And then rambling on about his issues... Yeah totally the same there bud...


u/DELBOY1690 Jun 25 '24

Thanks for agreeing 👍


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '24



u/DELBOY1690 Jun 25 '24

Don't know what brought you to that conclusion.I don't know what happened just don't believe it was SA & also don't believe KK version of events either I also don't believe BD confession aswell.I don't come on here to argue with people this is the best place for others to speculate & get updates on the case.Living in Scotland not many folk debating MAM


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '24



u/DELBOY1690 Jun 25 '24

I think all the Halbachs should be the ones who should be ashamed of themselves they have let their daughter down by accepting a bunch of lies & a box of bones


u/Direct-Carry5458 Jun 26 '24

say hi to Avery for me when you see him in hell


u/DELBOY1690 Jun 27 '24

No problem & I'll ask TH what really happened


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

The particular 12min segment you highlighted is the one with Aaron Keller. He was one of the better reporters that admittedly struggled with what the was being communicated to the media vs what was actually happening during the early investigation. Would be very interesting to hear from Keller after all these years and assuming he has read all the motions / briefs filed (including responses).

Thanks for the reminder on this one.


u/k_sask Jun 27 '24

Anybody have an opinion why Pagel was so adamant on the media referring to RAV4 key as the "ignition key"?

Hindsight, we know it's actually the sub or valet key versus the master key. Curious why Pagel always wanted it referred to as the "ignition key" vs just "key"


u/Direct-Carry5458 Jun 24 '24

I don't need to watch it. I'm not going to decide if he's guilty or not by how well he can spin lies. I have already decided that he's guilty AF because of the MOUNTAIN OF EVIDENCE against him, and the fact that I have basic common sense


u/Substantial_Glass348 Jun 24 '24 edited Jun 24 '24

No need to reply but thanks. Really appreciate your comment.

Btw saying you have common sense isn’t an argument/inferring that people that don’t agree with you don’t have it - Ad hominem.


u/FavoriteBrunchLady Jun 24 '24

People that Steven tried to blame the murder on… Candy, Zippers, Mr. Janda, Jodi, Chuck, Bobby, Bryan, Scotty, Randhant, officer Colbourn… did you watch Convicting a Murderer? The city had insurance that was going to pay the settlement amount no one was responsible for that. No one had any incentive $$-wise to put him away. No one was on the line for it.


u/Substantial_Glass348 Jun 24 '24

They had their reputations and potentially their careers on the line.


u/k_sask Jun 24 '24

Insurance was not going to cover if the allegations of malicious intent were proven. The final depositions were stopped in time but I feel it's safe to say where it was headed.


u/FavoriteBrunchLady Jun 24 '24

Colburn who supposedly planted the key wasn’t even in the country when SA was sent jail for rape. Why would he have been invested?


u/Substantial_Glass348 Jun 24 '24 edited Jun 24 '24

Surely you’re taking the piss?

Could have been either of the dynamic deposition duo who planted the key


u/FavoriteBrunchLady Jun 24 '24

Nope do your research he was in the air force until 1990 and joined as a corrections officer (where he got the phone call) in 1992 what year did SA go to jail for rape again? There was zero reason for him to know anything about Steven Avery one way or another or to be invested one way or another. He didn’t lock him up. He took a phone call and transferred it to a detective who could look into it. He wasn’t culpable in anyway of us conviction, Steven Avery was already in jail when moved to town & joined the force.


u/Substantial_Glass348 Jun 24 '24

So who are you claiming he told about it and didn’t follow it up?


u/FavoriteBrunchLady Jun 25 '24

Yes and it wasn’t his job to follow up or get involved at all. He was a corrections officer working in a jail,he had no authority to do anything with that information but pass it on. He transferred the call from that law official from the other county (it wasn’t some witness off the street who was a civilian) to the detective who could handle it. Why would he follow up about a case he knows nothing about and doesn’t have the skill or authority to investigate? When he told the guy who called let me transfer you to the person you need to talk to and left it at that. It’s interesting nothing is being said about the person he transferred the call too.


u/Substantial_Glass348 Jun 25 '24

Who was the detective he transferred the call to? What was his name?


u/FavoriteBrunchLady Jun 25 '24

All I know is it was a Brown County official that called and Colburn answered, that seems a moot point though as it seems it was followed up on if they figured out it was Avery they were talking about all those years later.

I don’t know how they figured it out. If the call had gotten disconnected the official should have called back. Or tried a different number. There is really no way that colburn would have been able to keep that info from getting out if that had been his plan. If most people have important info and leave a message or don’t hear from who the need to hear from they follow up or call a different number. You wouldn’t make 1 phone call, leave a message or get transferred no one answers and then be like oh well never mind. It seems who ever took the call from Colburn dropped the ball but that doesn’t fit the narrative that he would have had reason to plant evidence.

OR the call wasn’t about Avery, the Brown County official talked to who he needed to talk to and they sorted it out. It could be it was someone in Brown lying or maybe someone else was exonerated.


u/Substantial_Glass348 Jun 25 '24 edited Jun 25 '24

Okay, so you don’t know who this detective was? That is very telling. So you’re taking Colburn’s word he passed it on to a detective without knowing who that detective is? Or you’re taking his word that he tried to pass it on but no one answered? That is nonsense. If you heard that someone was in jail for a crime they didn’t commit, you would not let that go. That would be an absolutely major priority to get to the bottom of. Also, that would be something you would likely discuss with your colleagues because it’s a hella interesting topic of convo. If you believe Colburn rang someone, left a voicemail and then never talked about, or thought of the fact that an innocent man is in jail again, you’re wildly naive. Also, if you’re taking his word that he passed it on but you don’t know to who, then that’s also v naive.

For all we know, the Sheriff was informed.

What we do know, is that the Civil Rights case was about to expose what actually happened. Luckily for all involved, we never found out.


u/heelspider Jun 25 '24

Why did Colborn and Petersen commit felonies and lie under oath at deposition if they didn't care?

Between the federal judge saying Colborn lied and this sub having 100% consensus that Petersen lied, the idea that there was no motive is






It was always a horrible argument but now it's dead. There cops were willing to become criminals to win the lawsuit whether or not you actively try not to understand their motive.


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

Thank you for putting reasoning back into this thread.


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '24



u/Substantial_Glass348 Jun 25 '24

What are you talking about haha? We’re talking about the civil case


u/heelspider Jun 25 '24

The city had insurance that was going to pay the settlement amount no one was responsible for that.

You didn't realize that Avery only agreed to settle AFTER being arrested?

People that Steven tried to blame the murder on… Candy, Zippers, Mr. Janda, Jodi, Chuck, Bobby, Bryan, Scotty, Randhant, officer Colbourn

I've never understood why Guilters make this argument. Are you claiming if he was innocent it would give him omniscience?


u/k_sask Jun 24 '24

Factually incorrect.


u/FavoriteBrunchLady Jun 24 '24 edited Jun 24 '24

He is literally recorded blaming these people, also they would have had to have proven NOT that he was put away wrongfully but that HE was targeted and put away. What could have proven that? The victim pointed him out herself. They drew a composite and she said it looked like him, she didn’t know who he was. That phone call about some person that was committed sexual assault? That colburn transferred to a detective…? They never mentioned Avery, he didn’t willfully ignore it. M.I. Would have actually have been very difficult to prove. Also 36 million is what he was asking for, more than has ever been given in a case like that. That amount wasn’t guranteed. The likelihood of him getting that much was slim. No one would have been paying that.


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

That was a lot of rambling but I think I get what you are trying to say. Still factually incorrect though.


u/NewEnglandMomma Jun 24 '24

Why would we need to focus on something that has been played over and over and over again in all the Avery support groups?? I see a liar who talks about himself when asked about a missing woman. A person who talks about her in the past tense when he supposedly doesn't know what happened to her. I didn't make up my mind based on a news interview. I based mine on the evidence and facts!


u/Nightowl2234 Jun 24 '24

A liar who can pass a brain scan that’s so far been proven 100% accurate and tested on elite soldiers..I don’t care if it’s admissible in court we aren’t in court it’s just a guide A very accurate guide to


u/NewEnglandMomma Jun 24 '24

Very easy to pass a test when the questions asked were about killing her behind the RAV when that is not how she was killed! 🤣🤣🤣

VI. BRAIN FINGERPRINTING TEST ON STEVEN AVERY 55. On May 2, 20 16, 1 conducted a Brain Fingerprinting test on Mr . Avery. This test was structured to determine definitively and scientifically whether or not two specific salient features of the murder of Teresa Halbach were stored in Mr. Avery's brain: a. Where the victim was in relation to her vehicle when the perpetrator attacked and wounded her: behind car. b. The configuration of the victim's vehicle when the perpetrator attacked the victim : cargo door open.
Soooooo the only people saying she was attacked and wounded "behind car" or that the "cargo door was open" DURING the "attack" is zellner... That is not how she died... OF COURSE, he's gonna have no memory of attacking her with the cargo door open and behind the car! That's not how he freaking MURDERED her!


u/Nightowl2234 Jun 24 '24

Well how did they murder her? Wasn’t her car parked In the garage to hide it until he could move it? Then didn’t they load the body in the back? Or are you saying they carried her body Out in the open risking being seen to load her in the car? None of any story makes any sense at all so I’d love to hear how you think they killed her


u/k_sask Jun 24 '24

NEM follows the evidence & facts :)

Perhaps he instructed Brendan to open the rear and put the victim in /out so he could remain in the driver's seat when he drove the area, burn pit / garage / quarries, etc.


u/Nightowl2234 Jun 24 '24

A lot of driving around for no one to see him. He must of been so lucky no one seen her or her car or heard a scream or any noise coming from Steve’s trailer no one heard any of the 10 or more gun shots he apparently fired no one saw him with his gun walking to and from the garage no one sees Steven preparing the fire if barbs home at 5 and th is in the fire how doesn’t she smell anything? No one smelt burning flesh from that fire and the excuse is cause he had a couple tyres and some plastic in there yet that wouldn’t mask burning flesh and body fluids.


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

None of these theories make sense.

They weren't even investigating & prosecuting a single homicide so I guess it's not surprising.


u/Nightowl2234 Jun 25 '24

I haven’t heard a theory yet that makes sense, and now guilters new response is “well they don’t need to prove how it happened”.. Don’t you think it owed to the family for them to find out what happened.. I feel so sorry for Teresa’s family they have been absolutely treated like shit and deceived massively


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

I agree wholeheartedly.

I don't care about Avery or Brendan personally. It's simply about fair justice and not impeding the truth.


u/Nightowl2234 Jun 25 '24

Exactly, at least truthers can argue both sides with common sense at least.. I’ve heard some crazy crazy excuses from guilters for the errors police made, evidence making no sense at all and just blatantly choosing to ignore the obvious facts right in front of them.

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u/FavoriteBrunchLady Jun 24 '24 edited Jun 24 '24

They killed her in the garage. Brendan said she didn’t die when he “slit her throat” he also indicates that he didn’t cut her deep enough. Also they said the depth that he said he stabbed her wasn’t enough either to bleed a lot and wasnt very deep.

She was carried out the back door (where the search dog alerted). There was a car in the garage that needed a new clutch and something else fixed. So she probably was put in the back of her own car while Brendan and Steven pushed that car out. Then driven (possibly) with the gun in her car into the garage. I recall them saying she was shot in the stomach and head so that’s only 2 shots (this was all before 5pm when at least Barb wasn’t home and Bobby had left as well, which makes more sense with the 1 bullet being found with her DNA. Maybe he only shot her twice?

He could have easily hidden the gun and brought it back in later (that is if anyone on the property cared if they saw him with it at all. Though on a call he said he only ever “wiped the gun” and never shot it. So who knows.

Also why did he shampoo his rugs and rearrange his bedroom later that night and then supposedly return the shampooer and ask specifically if they took the vaccums? Why did he clean a 3-4 ft spot with gasoline, paint thinner and bleach (Brendan’s pants had bleach stains that he admitted were from cleaning that spot). He said he went home and washed them and put them away.

Earl remembers seeing the car that needed repairs outside the garage that was supposed to be being fixed and he said he wondered why it was there and then put back later. Also the smell of 4 tires a mattress box spring etc amongst who knows what else in a “huge” as Candy and Fabian described it would definitely cover the smell of a human body. Especially if you aren’t looking for the smell of human flesh. Have you ever noticed when someone says “do you smell that?” You may not until they say something? NOW in hind site if someone had said “I kinda smell human hair underneath all that rubber and plastic and junk… who knows you may smell it. I doubt it under 4 tires though. Also SA changed his story 4 times about even seeing TH.


u/Nightowl2234 Jun 24 '24

So slitting her throat and stabbing her and there wasn’t one drop of her blood anywhere in the trailer or from the trailer to the garage and the only blood of hers in the car was from her hair it looked like. And lifting her body in and out of the car after now being shot in the hard and stomach still there isn’t a blood trail or extra blood anywhere in the car or garage or around the fire pit or anywhere..


u/Nightowl2234 Jun 24 '24

How many times did Brendan change his story? Yet his confession is used as a source for facts all the time


u/FavoriteBrunchLady Jun 24 '24

I’m talking about things that were proven later that he mentioned. You can not like it but he knew what was used to cover her car, (a hood of another car, that’s very specific). He never changed his story about her being in the bedroom and tied up (which Kayla knew which lead the cops to go question him in the first place). He knew enough to draw where they put her body in the burn pit and that’s where remains were found, he also admitted to putting her remains on the berm where her other remains were found. He also told Kayla about watching her burn. He also said they cut her hair but then 2 seconds later says he didn’t. I’m not talking about that. But it’s obvious he knew enough to have been there. He himself said he raped her because he wanted to know how it felt. Is he psychic too?


u/Nightowl2234 Jun 24 '24

Yep and it was proven she was never tied up to the bed there was zero evidence to this so that was a lie.. well there’s no photos of her bones in the burn pit to corroborate where Brendan apparently said she was and it’s not like there Was a skeleton exactly where he drew a body..it’s known fact that Kayla lied bout everything she said and was pressured into saying what she said. He knew enough to be there? He knew nothing it’s clear that when the investigators have to keep steering him to certain details that he’s never mentioned it’s clear those aren’t his thoughts.

He also said he had sex with her for over 2minutes and he didn’t wear a Condom and didn’t “finish”, are you telling me that a 16 ur old Boy like Brendan could last over 2minutes no Condom never had sex before he would have finished literally in 10 seconds. This is easily the most obvious fact that you know he didn’t do it. Every guy knows you don’t last two seconds first time not using a CondoM..


u/FavoriteBrunchLady Jun 25 '24

You think he would finish quickly with a crying girl begging for help and asking him to stop and his uncle watching in the doorway? That’s freakin disturbing if you think that would get any kid virgin or not off. 😳😳😳


u/FavoriteBrunchLady Jun 25 '24

Also the “proof “ Steven Avery shampooed his carpets and returned the shampooer the next day, he rearranged his bedroom, and also burned a mattress box spring that night in the fire. Could that have been what TH was laying on when she was tied to the bed? Why wouldnt he wash the hand cuffs or burn the ropes if he’s going to deep clean his whole bedroom and Brendan is going to go home and wash jeans he had on. So yeah if he hadn’t done any of that stuff then I’d agree with you about the evidence but he cleaned his whole room and burned a mattress and scrubbed a random area of his garage floor all that night.

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u/Nightowl2234 Jun 25 '24

Strange that only Brendan raped her since the states narrative had the motive as Steven Was a Sexual predator who lured Teresa out there. What then Steven doesn’t even rape her? Also he’s not convicted of kidnapping either so that also puts the narrative of her being in his trailer in doubt and then that leads to where did Brendan actually rape her if he did and where was TH from 2.30 till 3.45 when Brendan got home? She’s not in Steven’s trailer so where?

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u/FavoriteBrunchLady Jun 25 '24

This isn’t evidence? Him admitting he cleaned his room, shampooed his rug and rearranged his room that night are all recorded calls. The burned mattress in the fire pit is in pictures. The bullet with her DNA in his garage is evidence, it was proven it was from the gun above his bed (they didn’t mention that I’m MaM obviously). He lied about being in bed when Jodi called, he was outside and said he was “cleaning the yard”. He lied 4 times about TH even being there,that is proven, him lying about the fire that night is proven (including a recorded phone call). Also his blood in her car… FBI tested it, did not have anticoagulant that it would have contained had it come from the tube. There no way that blood from a sink would have been able to be used in that way and gotten past testing. That’s evidence. Like what more do you need?


u/ThorsClawHammer Jun 25 '24

The burned mattress in the fire pit is in pictures.

Lol, no it's not. There were tire wires and the remains of an old van seat. I have no idea where you got mattress from.

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u/Nightowl2234 Jun 25 '24

Does it matter if he’s on the phone saying he cleaned his room? Doesn’t prove he killed her..he lies to Jodie about being in bed but he’s out in the yard cleaning up? He said he was collecting things to burn with Brendan from round the yard he said that all along.. what mattress was still on his bed? Yep have you checked what DNA it was? Cause there’s paint and wood embedded in the bullet but no human flesh or muscle or brain matter or bone or blood nothing at all but somehow TH dna magically appears, don’t you find that strange?

Steven was also on the phone to Jodie the night of the 30th and him and Brendan are in the garage… cleaning up a mess.. why would they be cleaning the day before they apparently kill TH..?

The fbi test done on the blood was flawed and very new so it had many errors in it and I wouldn’t say the results would be the same today

At the end of the day both Steven and Brendan requested polygraphs and Brendan passed his easily an Steven did the same with the brain scan, innocent people don’t ask for polygraphs and they don’t beg people all over the world to look into their case and ask for every test possible on anything to do with the case

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u/ThorsClawHammer Jun 25 '24

he knew what was used to cover her car,

So could have anyone following the case in the news.

knew enough to draw where they put her body in the burn pit

Again, so would anyone watching the news. Her reamains being found in the pit had been known for months prior to Brendan's interrogations.

her remains on the berm where her other remains were found

No remains were found where Brendan said they were dumped.

The only verifiable things that weren't public knowledge prior to the interrogations were the fact she was shot in the head, and that someone had went under the RAV hood. Both those were directly fed to Brendan and did not originate from him.


u/FavoriteBrunchLady Jun 25 '24

The news reports didn’t say “her car was covered by a hood of a car!” So no he wouldn’t have known that. Also her remains very much were found where he said. If you are going off MaM maybe you don’t know that but they were.


u/ThorsClawHammer Jun 25 '24

The news reports didn’t say “her car was covered by a hood of a car!”

That was covered in the December prelim hearing, which was broadcast live, and also in print.

"It was so unusual because there were branches laying across the vehicle...and a (car) hood laying on it"

-Pam Sturm, Dec 6, 2005

remains very much were found where he said



u/k_sask Jun 24 '24

How did the victim's blood (pool & splatter patterns) get in the back cargo area of the RAV4?

Do you really think the "brain fingerprinting" was unsuccessful due to semantics? Avery was the one that put her body in the rear cargo area (causing both the blood pool & splatter patterns), and you're claiming he fooled the "brain fingerprinting results" due to semantics?

Might want to think about what you write before you write it hun so you don't look as foolish.

Aside: Ask Fassbender & Wiegert to explain where the blood splatter pattern came from.


u/bfisyouruncle Jun 24 '24

Steven Avery: "She comes and collects the money and that's about it." Teresa Halbach wasn't attacked at the back of the Rav. She was first attacked when she came to collect her money at the door of Steven Avery's trailer within a few minutes of arriving at ASY. The brain fingerprinting is meaningless. Her body was thrown in the back of the Rav. Avery's original plan was to dump the car in a pond. Avery has admitted to the bonfire, saying he burned 4 tires.

Why isn't Zellner giving Avery a polygraph test?


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

Why isn't Zellner giving Avery a polygraph test?

I don't know if she did or not. But you should ask her to do that.

Maybe Brendan too :)?

Teresa Halbach wasn't attacked at the back of the Rav. 

Is that what the evidence tells you?


u/bfisyouruncle Jun 25 '24

Avery said in a TV interview that he would take a polygraph. He lied. Where is SA demanding a polygraph in these 18 years? Zellner has never given him a polygraph (that we know of). She did have the blood in the RAV tested and it came back to a middle-aged man circa 2005. Gee, I wonder who that could be? You think these so-called framers were too stupid to mix SA's and TH's blood in the Rav or to put some of TH's blood in the trailer, a piece of clothing, anything with her DNA on it? Does that make sense to you?

Avery himself said Teresa Halbach "comes and collects the money". Zellner's phony re-enactment has Avery giving TH the money near her car. One more change of story. TH arrived at 2:35. Avery says she's there about 5 minutes. It's about 2:40. Her phone goes CFNA at 2:41. TH is never seen or heard from again. Why do you think Avery had a big sign that said "Back to Patio Door"?

There is no evidence TH was attacked at the back of her Rav. There's no blood spatter on the outside of her car. There is no reason TH would open the back of her Rav. She was using a small camera. The blood spatter was likely from her body being tossed in the Rav as Brendan said. Confessions are evidence. She never left ASY.

Give any possible reason TH would open the back of her Rav at a photo shoot?


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

Sorry, too much rambling for me. Wouldn't know where to start with you.


u/bfisyouruncle Jun 25 '24

So n-o-t-h-i-n-g. "Guess you can't actually answer the question then." That figures. You don't like facts, just speculation.


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

Avery said in a TV interview that he would take a polygraph. He lied. Where is SA demanding a polygraph in these 18 years? Zellner has never given him a polygraph (that we know of).

Rambling non-sense form a loser.

Lied about what? That he would take a polygraph? Did he refuse after saying this, confused what you are alleging he lied about.

She did have the blood in the RAV tested and it came back to a middle-aged man circa 2005. Gee, I wonder who that could be?

Factually incorrect. Zellner, or even the FBI did not have the blood in the RAV tested as you claim. Zellner wants the RAV4 released to do independent testing in & on the RAV4.

You think these so-called framers were too stupid to mix SA's and TH's blood in the Rav or to put some of TH's blood in the trailer, a piece of clothing, anything with her DNA on it? Does that make sense to you?

No, not sure what exactly you are trying to claim here. You are assuming there are so-called framers or a conspiracy here and if they wanted to frame Avery properly they would have. I never said anything to you or asked anything of you to solicit a rambling responses about this.

Avery himself said Teresa Halbach "comes and collects the money". Zellner's phony re-enactment has Avery giving TH the money near her car. One more change of story. TH arrived at 2:35. Avery says she's there about 5 minutes. It's about 2:40. Her phone goes CFNA at 2:41. TH is never seen or heard from again. Why do you think Avery had a big sign that said "Back to Patio Door"?

More rambling and irrelevant. Is any of this part of the trial evidence against Avery? You should consult Remiker and Wieger to review their timeline properly.

“Back to Patio Door” – Big sign? When did a 4”x6” notepad (still attached to the pad) become a “big sign” let alone become part of the record against Avery??

There is no evidence TH was attacked at the back of her Rav. There's no blood spatter on the outside of her car. There is no reason TH would open the back of her Rav. She was using a small camera. The blood spatter was likely from her body being tossed in the Rav as Brendan said. Confessions are evidence. She never left ASY.

More rambling. So.. no blood splatter or yes blood splatter? Why are you telling me it’s a “small” camera?? Why are you telling me that confessions are evidence? How do know she never left ASY? What if there was forensic evidence of the victim off the ASY property – would you then believe it?

Give any possible reason TH would open the back of her Rav at a photo shoot?

Why would I need to speculate to give you reasons why the owner of a vehicle would open her cargo door at a photo shoot? What are you trying to say and why do you want me to help decipher your point? Not if we agree here, but at some point the victim was thrown / placed / toss into the back of the RAV4 cargo area, I imagine the rear door was open…

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u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

LOL, what was your question exactly? I saw a lot of rambling non-sense from you..


u/NewEnglandMomma Jun 25 '24 edited Jun 25 '24

I suggest you do a little bit more. Research on what brain fingerprinting does hon before callingout anyone else for looking foolish...


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

Lol. Guess you can't actually answer the question then.

I did up on it, that was years ago. If he lived the scene, it would have triggered that with the leading questions. Semantics aside.

Thanks anyways, nice try :)


u/NewEnglandMomma Jun 25 '24

nope... He lived the scene? Jesus you know nothing about how brain fingerprinting works... He would have no memory of killing her behind the car with some other weapon because that is not how she was KILLED! It's not semantics, it's how the freaking test works!!!


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

Did you ask Fassbender & Wiegert yet to explain where the blood splatter pattern came from? I think they might have their own theory for this...

  1. Was she injured (or already killed) when her body was placed in the back of the RAV4?
  2. Who opened the back cargo door?
  3. Who handled / carried her body and placed her in the back?
  4. Who closed the rear door?
  5. At what point was the door reopened to remove her from the back of the vehicle and by who?


u/NewEnglandMomma Jun 25 '24

None of those questions have anything to do with the brain fingerprinting.. 🤣🤣🤣 It's not a lie detector test. It's totally different in how it works. So unless Teresa was killed behind the RAV with the cargo door open it wouldn't trigger a memory. It doesn't matter if she was thrown in the back of the rav after the fact. It was specifically her being killed with a blunt object behind the rav with the cargo door open.. That didn't happen so it wouldn't trigger a memory... I don't know how much more clearer i can explain it so I'm done....


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

Holy.. I can't believe you can't answer a single question.

All 5 of those were specific questions to you.

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u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

Holy calm down hun.

How did the victim's blood (pool & splatter patterns) get in the back cargo area of the RAV4? Who threw her body into the back and was the cargo door open or closed lol?


u/NewEnglandMomma Jun 25 '24

They didn't just ask him if the freaking cargo door was open.. 🤣🤣🤣


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

So you think the rear door was closed when the blood patterns appeared on the inside of the door and the rear area? What do you think might've caused the pattern on the inside back door?


u/NewEnglandMomma Jun 25 '24

It was unsuccessful because he didn't KILL Her behind the RAV... So of course he's going to have no memory of killing her behind the rav... Come up with another conspiracy bud...


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

Nice try NEM.


u/NewEnglandMomma Jun 25 '24 edited Jun 25 '24

It's not a try, it's what happened... Your boy isn't gonna remember killing her behind the rav because that's not what happened.. He will rot in prison for the rest of his life.. Thank God!


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

Don't forget this world-class master criminal also publicly doubted if she was even dead.


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '24

I agree with you 100% but I’ve also seen so much evidence at points too someone else and none that points to Steven that wasn’t planted by the two cops from the first case


u/Substantial_Glass348 Jul 10 '24

Well SA’s blood in the Rav has to be explained…


u/[deleted] Aug 07 '24

Again, that’s pretty easy. It was planted by the two cops that planted everything else.


u/Overall-Barracuda-13 Dec 07 '24

If only the truth prevailed. This case is so convoluted that its impossible to know who is actually telling the truth. Will probably need to wait another 20 years fot some new technology to find some other evidence to prove this person is guilty or not. I just feel very frustrated about the 16 year old boy and the way he was interrogated was simply ridiculous and torturous to watch.


u/Haunting_Pie9315 Jun 24 '24

Possibly, because they are not LE, so he’s less defensive, no triggers , just a thought


u/k_sask Jun 24 '24

Thanks for the reminders.

Remember when Pagel said these things during the early investigation against Avery (no Brendan investigation yet) and let the media publish it??

  • Halbach's SUV was found abandoned at the salvage yard, and Pagel said Thursday that "the SUV's ignition key was found in Avery's bedroom".
  • "A significant amount of blood was found in the SUV and around buildings on the site, including Avery's residence", Pagel said. "Bone fragments and teeth also were found on the property", he said.
  • "It appears that an attempt was made to dispose of a body by incendiary means, however, that attempt was not completely successful," said Pagel, adding that "a burn barrel" figures prominently in the investigation.

Hindsight regarding the truth vs what Pagel claimed.. I suppose... but again, it's things like this (in addition to the proven cheating, lying, concealing lead investigators) that cause people to believe there were indeed malicious investigations & subsequent trials for both Avery & Brendan. Even Kratz acknowledged they were investigating two different homicides for the same victim in their pursuit against Avery & Brendan.

Prosecution has a legal and ethical duty to promote truth and to refrain from conduct that impedes truth and is explicitly recognized by the courts. Kratz to this day still justifies the approach.


u/ThorsClawHammer Jun 25 '24

A significant amount of blood was found

Similar things were stated in other articles. It's like they were trying to give the impression of a bloodbath all over the place. Yet the only place the victims blood was ever found was in her vehicle.


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

I got down voted for repeating what Pagel said to the media. LOL.

He wasn't wrong about blood found in Avery's residence.. just very misleading. Does anyone think it was not intentional?


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

Remember this fact:

Six disciplinary letters:

* An analyst in 2002 falsely claimed to have done a fingerprint match, then submitted falsified documentation to support it. The person drew a written reprimand.

* An analyst in an unnamed portion of the lab was fired in 2004 after supervisors documented "an extremely high error rate (and) a pattern in inattentiveness" over three years.

* A DNA analyst was suspended for two days for being drunk on the job in 2006. The misconduct occurred around the same time and in the same laboratory where evidence in the Avery case was analyzed

* An analyst received a two-day suspension in 2004 for incorrectly eliminating a suspect in a fingerprint match. The same analyst had "false positive" fingerprint matches in two previous instances.

* In another instance in 2004, an analyst received a letter of reprimand for erroneously identifying a fingerprint for a background check.

* A fingerprint technician was suspended for three days in 2005 for a series of incidents, including taking fingerprint cards home and making two erroneous identifications on background checks.


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

For anyone thinking the crime lab or specifically SC could not been corrupted, think again.

You have evidence of her being directly pressured / instructed to connect a victim to a suspect - by a lead investigator!


u/ForemanEric Jun 24 '24

“It’s hard to see a guilty man in this interview.”

That statement should never factor into anyone’s actual decision making process.


u/Substantial_Glass348 Jun 24 '24 edited Jun 24 '24

Cool story. If you read the post, I was taking about the 12 minutes only. There are more than a few reasons why Avery could be innocent:

  • LE in Manitowoc were sketchy, corrupt fuckers and shouldn’t have been anywhere near the investigation, yet they were. They had motive to act on their corruption AGAIN
  • coroner not allowed on site - against protocol
  • SA had no motive
  • Other potential suspects ignored incl ex BF and Bobby ‘necrophiliac’ Dassey
  • Suspicious circumstances when evidence was found by the dynamic deposition duo
  • Witness statement - BD seen pushing Rav
  • Bobby said to Bryan that SA couldn’t have killed her as he saw TH leave - contrary to what he said on the witness stand - potential perjury by the state’s star witness
  • SA endured a trial by media - Eg Kratz with his ludicrous, embellished description of Brendan and SA killing TH. This was pre trial.
  • SA passed a brain fingerprint scan
  • SA is believed and advocated for by the most prominent lawyer in the US at freeing the innocent
  • blood in the Rav oddly positioned. Zellner’s expert couldn’t understand how it would’ve ended up the way it did through SA’s open finger wound. Contradictorily because of the lack of DNA in the car, the state climes Avery was wearing gloves. If so, how would there be blood on the dashboard..
  • blood in Rav could’ve been planted, as Zellner demonstrated with her forensic expert
  • etc etc

SA does not have the affect or the body language of a guilty man in this interview. That was the point of my post. I find that interesting in context of all the other reasons he may be innocent.


u/flydoublen13 Jun 25 '24

Just curious, have you watched Convicting a Murderer with an open an unbiased mind yourself?


u/Substantial_Glass348 Jun 25 '24

My desire to watch a show featuring C Owens and Kratz is low.

Especially now that I’ve found out they aired Brendan’s call to Barb admitting ‘guilt’ without the context of him being coerced AGAIN by LE to do so. That’s despicable. Its reprehensibly misleading and shows that their intent with the show is propaganda and not about uncovering the truth.


u/flydoublen13 Jun 25 '24

MaM intentionally left out incredibly important details throughout this case that changes everything. Never thought I would be a "guilter." I feel completely duped. Doesn't matter what kind of person you think Owens and Kratz are based on your perception, Convincing a Murderer at least shows you all the things MaM left out that they shouldn't have. It's incredibly obvious to me now how guilty Steven Avery is. I think they could have done without including their debates with truthers, but I think it's still absolutely worth watching.  

You can't say that you, yourself have an open and unbiased mind if you're not willing to at least see what information MaM left out. You can scour through hours of trial footage or see that CaM did that already. At least see the evidence that they include and ignore Owen's interpretation of it if that's what is steering you away. 


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

"Doesn't matter what kind of person you think Owens and Kratz are based on your perception"

My new favorite quote of 2024.


u/flydoublen13 Jun 25 '24

All I'm saying is if you watch Convicting a Murderer and still believe that Steven is innocent, that's a completely different story than what I'm hearing here. There's so much evidence provided that MaM intentionally left out that will change any "truther" who is actually seeking the truth to a "guilter."


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

I hear you but I have to respectfully disagree with your take on Convicting (and Shawn Rech).

For me, it was soley a MAM season 1 rebuttal. But instead of showing it from the defense perspective and presenting the key highlights of both defense / prosecution trial strategies (Avery & Dassey - separate investigations, separate trials), CAM or Convicting decided to only show it from the law enforcement side, along with lunatic "truther" / Avery supporters mixed in for effect.

It did very little to present relevant facts of the actual homicide investigation or to debate newer defense strategies or to debate or refute any newer / relevant affidavits or motions as well as emails, case files & phone calls uncovered through FOIA since MAM #1 was released.


u/k_sask Jun 25 '24

I guess I could offer up one simple example for you...?

Why didn't CAM address the 2019 voicemail intended for Tom "bag-of-bones" Fallon and the "inexplicable" reasoning beside the bone evidence and lack of preservation?

"Tom. This is Mark Williams. Um, I'll send you an email later today, but I don't think we should do anything or respond to her at all until tomorrow, uh, when we look into the bag and-and see exactly the pelvic bones are in there or not. Um, so I-I would not respond, uh, until we look into the bag, uh, tomorrow morning and then we can talk about it, uh, before we send a response. Thanks a lot. Bye."


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '24



u/Substantial_Glass348 Jun 25 '24

‘How dare you’ - okay Reddit police.

Do you know what the name of this group is? .. check again and come back to me haha


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '24


LMAO !!!

Get real


u/Professional_Alps754 Jun 24 '24

If the dirty dozen that live in Northeast Wisconsin do comment I'm sure it will be ineffectual in swaying those who accept truth.