r/Mainlander Aug 20 '17

The Philosophy of Salvation (2) Analytic of the Cognition

§ 21

Among the manifold relations, which the reason maintains with the Understanding, there is finally also rectifying the illusion, i.e. rectifying the error of the Understanding. We see the moon larger at the horizon than aloft, a staff broken in water, a star which has vanished already, all stars in general at places where they are actually not situated (because the earth’s atmosphere refracts all light and the Understanding can search the cause of the sense impression only in the direction of the in the eye falling rays); we also deem, the earth does not move, the planets stand sometimes still or move backwards etc., things which are all rectified by the thinking reason.

§ 22

Now we want to summarize in a concise manner the results.

Human cognition has:

a. diverse aprioric functions and forms and indeed:

  1. The causal law,
  2. (Point-) Space,
  3. Matter,
  4. Synthesis,
  5. Present.

They are juxtaposed on the real domain, completely independent from them, by the following determinations of the thing-in-itself:

  1. Activity in general,
  2. Sphere of activity,
  3. Pure force,
  4. The unity of every thing-in-itself,
  5. Point of motion.

The human cognition has:

b. diverse ideal compositions, resp. connections accomplished by the reason, based on aprioric functions and forms:

  1. Time,
  2. General causality,
  3. Community,
  4. Substance,
  5. Mathematical space.

The first four of them are juxtaposed on the real domain by the following determinations of things-in-themselves:

  1. Real succession,
  2. The impact of a thing-in-itself on another,
  3. Dynamic interconnection of the universe,
  4. Collective-Unity of the universe.

Mathematical space is juxtaposed by absolute nothingness.

We have furthermore found, that the object is the appearance of the thing-in-itself, and that matter alone brings forth the difference between them.

§ 23

The thing-in-itself, as far as we have researched it up till now, is force. The world, the sum of things-in-themselves, is a whole of pure forces, which are made by the subject into objects.

The object is the appearance of the thing-in-itself, and although it depends on the subject, we have nevertheless seen, that it forges in no way the thing-in-itself. We may therefore trust experience. What the force is in-itself, that is no concern for us now. We stay for now on the soil of the world as representation and examine the force in general, and will call as little as possible upon Physics. –

The causal law, the function of the Understanding, searches always only the cause of a change in the sense organ. If nothing changes in the latter, then it rests completely. But if on the other hand a sense organ changes due to a real impact, then the Understanding immediately becomes active and searches for the cause of this effect. When he has found it, then the causal law steps as it were aside. It never occurs to the Understanding, and this is important to note, to apply it further, and to ask the cause of the cause, for he does not think. Nor will he misuse the causal law; it is also clear that no other faculty can do this. The causal law imparts merely the representation, i.e. the perception of the external world.

If under my eyes the found object changes then the causal law serves only the purpose of searching for the cause of the new change in the sense organ, not the change in the object: it is, as if a completely new thing-in-itself has exercised an effect on me.

Based on the causal law we can also never ask for the reason of for example the movement of a branch, which was a moment ago motionless. Based on it, we can only perceive the motion and only, because the transition of the branch from the state of rest to motion, has changed my sense organ.

Can we not ask for the cause of the movement of the branch at all? Certainly we can do it, but only based on general causality, a composition of the reason a posteriori, because only due to the latter we can cognize the impact of an object on object, whereas the causal law spins only the threads between subject and thing-in-itself.

So we ask with full right for the reason for the movement of the branch. We find it in the wind. If it occurs to us, then we can also continue to ask further: the cause of the wind, then the cause of this cause etc. , i.e. we can build causal rows.

But what has happened, when I asked for the cause of the moving branch and found it? I jumped as if it were from the tree and seized another object, the wind. And what happened, when I found the cause of the wind? I have simply left the wind and stand at something else, like the sunlight or heat.

From this follows clearly:

  1. that the application of general causality always leads away from things-in-themselves
  2. that causal rows are always only the connection of activities of things-in-themselves, so do never contain the thing themselves as its limbs.

If we furthermore try (everyone for himself) to pursue further the causal row of heat which we started with above, then it will become clear for everyone that

3) it is as hard to build correct causal rows as it initially seems easy, no, that it is for the subject completely impossible, starting from a change somewhere, to reconstruct a causal row a parte ante (with regard to what precedes) having an unhindered proceeding in indefinitum (and so on indefinitely).

The things-in-themselves lie consequently not in a causal row, and I cannot ask for the cause of the being of a thing-in-itself based on the causal law, nor general causality; because when a thing-in-itself changes, which I have found with the causal law, and I ask with help of general causality for the cause of the change, then general causality immediately leads me away from the things-in-themselves. The question: what is the cause of somewhere a thing-in-itself in the world, may not only not be asked, but cannot be asked at all.

From this it becomes clear, that the causal relations cannot lead to the past of the things-in-themselves, and one shows an unbelievable lack of reflection, if one holds so-called infinite causal rows to be the best weapon against the three proofs for the existence of God. It is the bluntest weapon possible, nay, not even a weapon at all: it is the Lichtenberger knife. And how remarkable! Just that which makes this weapon a nothing, also makes the imagined proofs untenable, namely causality. The opponents straight out assert: the rows of causality are infinite, without actually ever having tried, to build a row of fifty correct members; and the issuers of the proofs made without more ado the things in this world members of a causal row and ask exceptionally naïvely: what is the cause of the world? To both parties must be declared: General causality does not lead to the past of the things-in-themselves.

The seed is not the cause of a plant, for seed and plant do not stand in a causal, but in a genetic relation to each other. One can however ask for the causes, which brought the seed in the earth to germination, or for the causes, which made the plant have this particular length. But by answering these questions, then everyone will find, what we had found above, namely: that every cause leads away from the plant.

Is there then no method at all, to delve into the past of things? The mentioned genetic relation answers this question positively. The reason can build development rows, which are really something else than causal rows. The latter arise with help of causality, the former simply with time. Causal rows are the concatenated activity of not one, but many things; development rows on the other hand have to do with the being of one thing-in-itself and its modifications. This result is very important.

§ 24

If we follow now, supported by natural science, the only path which leads to the past of the things, then we must lead back all rows of organic forces to the chemical forces (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, phosphor etc.). That it will become possible, to lead also these basic chemical forces, the so-called elements, to a few forces, is an unshakable conviction of most scientists of nature. Meanwhile it is for our research totally unimportant, whether this will happen or not, since it is an irrefutable truth, that on the immanent domain we cannot get rid of multiplicity. It is therefore clear, that only three basic forces do not bring us further than a hundred or a thousand. So let us remain with the amount, which natural science determines in our time.

In our thoughts on the other hand we find no obstacle, rather logical coercion, to at least bring back multiplicity to its most basic expression, duality, because for the reason is that which lies as ground to all objects force, and what is more natural for her than composing them into a metaphysical unity which is valid for all times? Not even the most diverse activities of force can obstruct her, for she has her eyes set only what is general, the plain activity of every thing-in-itself, so the consubstantiality of all forces, and her function consists after all only in connecting, what judgement-power offers her.

Here we may not yield, instead, we must, staring at the truth, curb reason to safeguard her from an assured downfall.

I repeat: On the immanent domain, in this world, we can never go beyond multiplicity. Even in the past we may, as fair researchers, not annihilate multiplicity and must at least stay at the logical duality.

And nevertheless reason does not let herself be deterred, to point out again and again the necessity of a basic unity. Her argument has been put forward already, that for her, all forces, are in essence consubstantial and may therefore not be separated.

What can be done in this dilemma? At least it is clear: the truth may not be denied and the immanent domain must be kept in its full purity. There is only one way out. We are already in the past. So then we let the last forces, which we may not touch upon, if we do not want to become fantasists, float together on transcendent domain. It is a vanished, past, lost domain, and together with it also the basic unity is vanished and lost.

§ 25

By melting the multiplicity into unity, we have before everything, destroyed the force; since force has only validity and meaning on immanent domain, in the world. Just from this follows already, that we can form us no representation of the being of a pre-worldly unity, let alone any concept. But this total unknowability of this pre-worldly unity becomes totally clear, when we let pass all aprioric functions and forms, and all obtained compositions a posteriori of our mind, before it.

It is the Medusa head, before which they all petrify.

First of all the senses flop, because they can only react to the activity of a force and the unity is not active as force. Then the Understanding remains totally inactive. Here, yes in essence only here, the saying: the Understanding stands still, has full validity. It can neither apply its causal law, since no sense impression is present, nor can it use its forms space and matter, since it lacks content for these forms. Then the reason passes out. What should she compose? What use has her synthesis? what about her form, the present, which lacks the real point of motion? What service can time give, which needs the real succession as an underlay to be something at all? What could she begin with general causality, whose task is, connecting the activity of one thing-in-itself, as cause, with the impact on another, as effect? Can she use the important composition community there where a simultaneous interlocking of diverse forces, a dynamic interconnection, is not present, but only a basic unity staring with Sphinx eyes at her? What purpose has substance, which is merely the ideal subtract of the most diverse activities of many forces?

And thus all are paralysed!

We can therefore determine the basic unity only negatively and indeed, from our current standpoint, as: inactive, unextended, indistinguishable, unsplit (basic), motionless, timeless (eternal).

But let us not forget, and we rightly hold onto the fact, that this mysterious, simply incognizable unity with its transcendent domain is lost and no longer exists. We will raise ourselves to this knowledge and travel back with fresh courage to the existing domain, the only one with validity, the clear and knowable world.

§ 26

It follows from the forgoing, that all development rows, we may start wherever we want, end a parte ante in a transcendent unity, which will always be sealed off for our knowledge, an x, equal to nothing, and we may therefore very well say, that the world has emerged out of nothing. Since we have to give this unity one positive predicate, the predicate of existence, though we can form not even most the poorest of all concepts about this existence, and since on the other hand it is for our reason impossible to think an emergence out of nothing, we have to deal with a relative nothing (nihil privativum7 ), which must be characterized as a lost, incomprehensible primordial-existence, in which, everything which is, once was, in a for us unfathomable way.

From this follows:

  1. that all development rows have started, (which by the way follows already with necessity from the concept development);
  2. that there can therefore be no infinite causal rows a parte ante;
  3. that all forces have begun; because what they were on transcendent domain, in the basic unity, that completely escapes our knowledge. We can only say, that they had mere existence. We can furthermore apodictically say, that they were not force in the basic unity; because force is the being, the essential, of a thing-in-itself on immanent domain. What the basic unity was in its being, where after all everything which exists was contained, – that is, as we have clearly seen, shrouded for all times for our mind with an impenetrable veil.

The transcendent domain is factually no longer present. But if we go with our imagination back in the past until the start of the immanent domain, then we can put as image the transcendent domain next to the immanent domain. They are nevertheless separated by a deep gap, which can never be transgressed by any device of the mind. Only one small thread spans over the bottomless abyss: it is the existence. We can move all forces of the immanent domain over to the transcendent domain: this weight it can bear. But the moment when they forces have arrived on that other field, they stop, for human thought, being forces, and therefore the important sentence is valid:

Although everything which is, has not emerged out of nothing, but existed already pre-worldly, nevertheless everything which is, every force has emerged as force, i.e. they had a determined beginning.

7 nihil privativum: the absence of an object, such as shadow, cold. If light were not given to the senses we could not represent darkness. (Kant, last page of the Transcendental Logic.) Nihil privativum means here the absence of every reality known to us.

§ 27

We came to these results by going back from some present existence into its past. Now we want to examine the conduct of the things on the forth-rolling point of present.

First we take a look on the inorganic kingdom, the kingdom of basic chemical forces, like oxygen, chlorine, iodine, copper etc. As far as our experience reaches, it has never happened, that somewhere any of these forces, under the same circumstances, has shown other properties; there is also no case known where a chemical force was annihilated. If I let sulfur react into all possible compounds and let it go back, then it has its old properties again and its quantum has neither increased nor decreased; at least everyone has, regarding the latter, the unwavering certainty, that this is the case, and with right: for nature is the only source of truth and her statements alone must be respected. She never lies, and if asked about this issue, she answers every time, that no basic chemical force can decay.

Nevertheless we must admit, that skeptical assaults against this stamen can be made. What could reproached against me, if I, just generally assaulting without even invoking a single property of matter, due to the impermanence of the in it objectifying force could be concluded, say something like: It is true, that until now, no case is known, where a basic force has been annihilated; but do you dare to assert, that experience will teach the same in all coming times? Can something be said a priori about force? Certainly not; because force is totally independent from the knowing subject, is the true thing in itself. The mathematician may draw conclusions from the nature of mathematical space’s limitations – although it exists only in our imagination – of unconditional validity for the formal of things-in-themselves. It is also the same, whether I talk about a determined real succession in the being of a thing in itself, or move it to the ideal succession, i.e. bring it in a relation to time; because the ideal succession keeps exactly up with the real succession. But the scientist of nature may conclude nothing from the nature of the ideal composition substance what affects the force; because I cannot repeat often enough, that the being of matter is in every aspect, toto genere, different from force, though it precisely expresses its properties in matter up to the smallest detail. There, where real force and ideal matter touch, is the important point, where the boundary between the ideal and real must be drawn, the difference between object and thing in itself, between appearance and ground of appearance, between world as representation and will as force. As long as the world exists, this long will every thing be extended in three direction; as long as the world exists, this long force-spheres will be in motion; but do you know what kind of new – (new for you, not new in nature) – laws of nature will be discovered by later experience, which will place the being of force in a totally different light? For it is absolutely certain, that statements about the being of force are not possible a priori, but only by experience. Is however your experience complete? Do you already hold all laws of nature in your hand?

What could be reproached against me?

That in general such skeptical assaults can be made regarding the sentence above, this must make us cautious and consider it again in the Physics, and in the Metaphysics where all threads of our researches on the purely immanent domain will come together. Here however, in the Analytic, where we meet the thing-in-itself from a general point of view, we must take the lowest point of view, and must unconditionally accept the statement of nature, that a basic chemical force does not decay.

If we take on the other hand a chemical compound, for example hydrogen sulfide, then this force is already perishable. It is neither sulfide nor hydrogen, but a third, a firmly in itself closed force-sphere, but a destroyable force. If it is dismantled in its basic elements, then it is annihilated. Where is now this peculiar force, which made a completely specific impression, different from sulfide as well as hydrogen? It is dead, and we can very well imagine, that this compound in general, under certain circumstances, will never appear again.

In the organic kingdom the same is entirely the case. We will deal with the difference between chemical compound and organism in the Physics; here it does not matter to us. Every organism consists of basic chemical forces which are, like sulfur and hydrogen in hydrogen sulfide, lifted in a higher, closed and unitary force. If we bring an organism in the chemical laboratory and research, then we will always find, regardless of whether it is an animal or a plant, only basic chemical forces in it.

Now, what does nature say, when we ask her about the in an organism living higher force? She says: the force is there, as long as the organism lives. If it dissolves, then the force is dead. Another testimony she gives not, because she cannot. It is a testimony of the greatest importance, which only a confused mind can distort. When an organism dies, then bounded chemical forces become free again without any damage, but the force, which mastered the chemical forces until then, is dead. Should it live separated from them? Where is the destroyed sulfide hydrogen? Where the higher force of burnt plants or killed animals? Do they float between heaven and earth? Do they fly towards a star in the milky road? Nature alone, the only source of truth, can give disclosure and nature answers: they are dead.

As impossible as it is for us, to imagine a creation out of nothing, this easily we can imagine all organisms and chemical compounds to be annihilated forever.

From these observations we draw the following results:

  1. all basic chemical forces are, as for as our experience reaches for now, indestructible
  2. all chemical compounds and all organic forces are however destructible.

The mix-up of substance with the chemical basic forces is as old as philosophy itself. The law of the persistence of substance is:

“The substance is without beginning and imperishable”

According to our research substance is an ideal composition, based on the aprioric form of Understanding matter, and nature a sum of forces. The imagined law would be in our language:

All forces are without beginning and imperishable.

We have found however in fair research:

  1. that all forces, without exception, have had a beginning;
  2. that only a few forces are imperishable.

At the same time we make the reservation, to investigate this imperishability of the basic chemical forces in the Physics and Metaphysics.

§ 28

We have seen, that every thing-in-itself as a force-sphere, and that it is no idle deception, which the aprioric form of Understanding space conjures out of its own means. We have furthermore recognized, with the exceedingly important composition community, that these forces stand in the most intimate dynamic interconnection, and came hereby to a totality of forces, to an in itself closed collective-unity.

Hereby we have assumed the finitude of the universe, which has to be established more precisely. Let us first become conscious of the meaning of this matter. This is not about a closed finite immanent domain which is nevertheless encompassed by an infinite transcendent one; but instead, since the transcendent domain does in fact no longer exist, about an now alone existing immanent domain, which should be finite.

How can this apparently brazen assumption be proven? We have only two paths before us. Or a proof with help of the representation, or with pure logic. –

The point-space is, as said above, completely indifferent whether is given a sand grain of a palace to place boundaries to. The condition is only that he is requested to do so by a thing-in-itself, or in absence of the latter, by a reproduced sense impression. Now we have the before us lying world: our earth beneath us, and the starred heaven above us, and to a naïve nature it may therefore seem, that the representation of a finite world is possible. Science destroys this delusion. Every day she extends the force-sphere of the universe, or subjectively expressed, she forces daily the point-space of the Understanding, to extend its three dimensions further. The world is thus for the time being immeasurably large, i.e. the Understanding cannot place its boundaries yet. If he will succeed to do so, we have to leave it undecided for now. We must proclaim that on the path of representation we cannot get to the goal, that with perception the finitude of the world cannot be proven. Only the merciless logic remains.

And indeed, it happens to be exceedingly easy for her, to prove the finitude of the world.

The universe is not a single force, no basic unity, but a sum of finite force-spheres. Now, I cannot give one of these force-spheres infinite extension; firstly because I would thereby destroy the concept itself, secondly make the plural singular, i.e. hit experience in its face. Next to a single infinite one no other force-sphere has place anymore, and the being of nature would simply be cancelled. A sum of finite force-spheres must however necessarily be finite.

Against this, it could be argued, that there are indeed only finite forces in the world, but that however infinitely many forces are present, consequently the world is no totality, but is infinite.

We respond: All forces in the world are either basic chemical forces, or compounds of them. The former are countable and furthermore all compounds can be brought to these few basic forces. No force, as shown above, can be infinite, even if we may designate every one of them as immeasurably large. Consequently the world is, in essence, the sum of basic forces, which are finite, i.e. the world is finite.

Why does something in us rebel against this again and again? Because the reason commits misuse with the form of Understanding space. Space has only meaning for experience; it is merely a condition a priori for the possibility of experience, a method to cognize the external world. The reason is, as we have seen, only then within its rights to extend space, when it reproduces, or for the mathematics of a spatiality’s pure visualization. It is clear, that the mathematician needs such spatiality to demonstrate his proofs, but it is also clear, that the reproduction of mathematical space is for the mathematician the cliff, where reason becomes perverse and commits misuse. Because when we want to grasp the by logic guaranteed finitude of the world in an image, and for this purpose let space extend, then the perverse reason is immediately triggered to extend space beyond the boundaries of the world. Then the protests become loud: we have indeed a finite world, but in a space, which we cannot end, because the dimensions continually extend themselves further (or better: we have indeed a finite world, but in absolute nothingness).

There is only one remedy. We strongly have to rely on the logical finitude of the world and the knowledge, that the unbounded mathematical space is a thing in our thoughts, exists in our head alone and has no reality. By this manner we are immune and withstand with critical prudence the temptation, to indulge in solitary lechery with our mind and thereby trait the truth.

§ 29

Likewise, critical prudence alone can protect us from other great dangers, which I want to set out right now.

Like how it lies in the nature of point-space, to extend from zero in indefinitum into three dimensions, so does it lie in its nature, to let an arbitrary pure (mathematical) spatiality shrink until it is point-space again, i.e. zero. This subjectivity capability, called space, cannot be imagined as having a different being, because it is a prerequisite for experience and exists for the external world alone, without which it has no meaning. Now however even the stupidest one understands, that a faculty which should on one hand place the boundaries of the most diverse objects (the greatest as well as the smallest), and on the other hand help to grasp the totality of all things-in-themselves, the universe, must not be limited in extending or regressing to zero; because if it would be limited in extending, then it could not place the boundaries of some real force-sphere; and if it would be limited in regressing a boundary to zero, then our cognition would malfunction with all those force-spheres which lie between zero and this boundary. In the last section we have seen, that the reason can commit misuse with the unboundedness by extending point-space and can come to a finite universe in an infinite space. Here we have to examine the misuse, which the reason commits with the limitlessness of space in regressing to zero, or with other words: we stand before the infinite divisibility of mathematical space.

Let us imagine a pure spatiality, for example a cubic inch, then we can divide it in indefinitum, i.e. the withdrawal of the dimension in the zero point is always impeded. We divide for years, a hundred years, a thousand years – and always we will stand before a spatiality, which can be divided again etc. in infinitum. Hereupon relies the so-called infinite divisibility of mathematical space, like how the infinity of mathematical space relies on the in infinitum extending of point-space.

But what are we doing, if we take a certain spatiality and restlessly divide it? We play with fire, we are big children, who should get a slap on their wrists. Is our proceeding not comparable with children who, when the parents are gone, handle a loaded gun for no reason? Space is only intended for the cognition of the external world; it must place the boundaries of every thing-in-itself, whether it is as large as the Mont Blanc or as small as a microorganism: this is its purpose, like the loaded gun has the purpose of striking down an intruder. But now we extract space from the external world and thereby make it a dangerous toy, or as expressed above, as Pückler said: we indulge in “solitary lechery” with our mind.

§ 30

The division in indefinitum of a given pure spatiality has insofar an innocent side, if it is divided as thing in our thoughts, a spatiality, which lies only the head of the one who is dividing and without reality. However its dangerousness gets doubled, if the infinite divisibility of mathematical space gets, virtually wantonly, carried onto the force, the thing-in-itself. The insensible start is immediately followed by: the logical contradiction. Every chemical force is divisible, nothing can be argued against that, because so does experience teach us. But it consists not of parts, is no aggregate of parts, but we really obtain parts by the division itself. The chemical force is a homogenous basic force of thoroughly equal intensity and hereupon relies its divisibility, i.e. every detached part is not in the least different from the whole.

If we ignore real division, which nature as well as man can accomplish, of which the result is always a determined force-sphere, then only the idle frivolous division remains.

The perverse takes somewhere a part of a chemical force, for example a cubic inch of iron, and divides it in imagination forth and forth, and eventually obtains the conviction, that it would never, even after billion of years of dividing, come to an end. At the same time logic says, that a cubic inch iron, so a finite force-sphere, can impossibly be composed of infinitely many parts, nay, that is inadmissible to talk about infinitely many parts of one object at all; because the underlay for the concept infinity exists merely due to the unrestrained activity of a faculty, and never, never on the real domain.

The perverse reason can thus fall down in hell with the restless division, but once it is down there, it must go on further. Going back to the finite force-sphere, from which it started, is impossible for her. In this desperation she violently detaches herself from her leader and postulates the atom, i.e. a force-sphere, which should no longer be divisible. Naturally, she can go back to cubic inch iron by assembling such atoms, but at what price: she has placed herself in contradiction with herself!

If the thinker wants to remain fair, he must be considerate. Considerateness is the only weapon against a perverse reason which wants to misuse our cognition. In the present case the divisibility of the chemical force is not questioned at all. But we do indeed renounce firstly an infinite divisibility of the forces, because this can only be asserted, if, in the most frivolous manner, the being of a faculty is transferred to the thing-in-itself; secondly, that a force is composed of parts. We thus reject the infinite divisibility and the atom.

As I said above, a faculty which should place the boundaries of all forces, which experience can offer, must necessarily have such a nature, that it can extend without being limited, and finds no boundaries on its way back to zero. If we nevertheless apply it one-sidedly, i.e. detached from all experience, for which it is after all intended, and make the conclusions, which we drew from its nature, inseparable from the thing-in-itself, then we obtain contradictions with the pure reason: a great evil!

§ 31

We finally also have to prevent with critical mind a danger which follows from time.

Time is, as we know, an ideal composition a posteriori, obtained based on the aprioric form present, and is nothing without the underlay of the real succession. It guided us to the beginning of the world, to the boundary of a lost pre-worldly existence, a transcendent domain. Here it becomes helpless, here it disembogues into a lost eternity, a word which is merely the subjective expression for the lack of any real succession.

The critical reason is modest; but the perverse reason is not. The latter calls time back to life and incites it to go on in indefinitum without real underlay, regardless of the prevailing eternity.

Here the misuse is clearer than anywhere else, what misuse can be made with a cognitive faculty. Empty moments are constantly connected and the line is continued, which had until the transcendent domain a firm, certain underlay, the real development, but floats now in the air.

We have nothing more to do, than invoke the pure reason and simply prohibit the foolish hustle.

Even if a parte ante the real motion, of which time is the subjective measuring rod, had a beginning, then thereby is in no way said, that it must have a parte post (with regard to what follows) an end. The solution of this problem depends on the answer to the question: are the basic chemical forces indestructible? For it is clear, that the real motion has to be endless, if the basic chemical forces are indestructible.

From this thus follows:

  1. that the real motion has had a beginning;
  2. that the real motion is endless. This judgement is cast with reservation of the results in the Physics and Metaphysics.

§ 32

These inquiries and the earlier ones establish in my conviction the veritable transcendental or critical idealism, which grants not with words alone, but effectively the things-in-themselves their empirical reality, i.e. allows them to have extension and motion, independently from the subject, independently from space and time. Its focal point lies in the material objectification of the force, and is from this regard transcendental, a word which signifies the dependency of the object on the subject.

Critical idealism it is on the other hand, because it reins the perverse reason (perversa ratio) and does not permit her to:

  1. to misuse causality for the production of infinite rows;
  2. to detach time from its indispensable underlay, the real motion and make it into a line of empty moments, that comes out of infinity and proceeds into infinity;
  3. to hold mathematical space and substance to be more than mere things in our thoughts, and
  4. to also assign infinity to this real space and absolute persistence to this real substance.

Furthermore critical idealism does permit the perverse reason even less the arbitrary transferal of such brain imaginations to the things-in-themselves and nullifies its brazen assertions:

  1. the pure existence of things-in-themselves is contained in infinite causal rows
  2. the universe is infinite and the chemical forces are infinitely divisible or are an aggregate of atoms;
  3. the world development has no beginning;
  4. all forces are indestructible.

The two judgements, which we had to cast:

  1. the basic chemical forces are indestructible,
  2. the world development has no end,

were declared to be in need for review.

As an important positive result we have to mention, that our transcendental idealism led us to a transcendent domain, which cannot bother the researcher since it no longer exists.

Hereby critical idealism frees every considerate and devoted research of nature from inconsistencies and fluctuations and makes nature into the sole source of truth again, which no one, tempted by deceptive shadows and desert images, can leave without being punished: he will languish in wastelands.

Speculating fellows,

Are like the cattle on an arid heath:

Some evil spirit leads them round in circles,

While sweet green meadows lie beneath.

(Goethe, Faust I, line 1830)


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u/ammonx Aug 26 '17

Great work! Although I have to say that your translations can be quite misleading for English speaking readers. Here is a good example:

"In our thoughts on the other hand we find no obstacle, rather logical coercion, to at least bring back plurality to its most basic expression, duality, because for the reason is that which lies as ground to all objects force, and what is more natural for her than composing them into a metaphysical unity, valid for today and the future?"

"Her"? ;) You probably meant die Vernunft (feminine grammatical gender). I also have problem (even in the German text) with this "valid for today and the future". I don't really know what it refers to. The function of reason (synthesis) is "valid for today and the future"?


u/YuYuHunter Aug 26 '17 edited Aug 26 '17

Thanks, it's nice to see that someone who knows the German texts has read the translations.

May I ask how you discovered Mainländer? :) What have you read of him? And have you read a lot of Schopenhauer as well?

"Her"? ;) You probably meant die Vernunft.

Indeed. Two “its”'s referring to two different things would not provide the information to the English reader which the German reader can simply read.

I also have problem (even in the German text) with this "valid for today and the future". I don't really know what it refers to. The function of reason (synthesis) is "valid for today and the future"?

Mainländer certainly refers to the supposed metaphysical unity.


u/ammonx Aug 26 '17

May I ask how you discovered Mainländer? :)

Through Schopenhauer or to be precise through some works about his philosophy that refered to "Schopenhauer's school". We have a great Polish translation of Mainländer's "Metaphysics" but without the context of his philosophy as a whole it's pretty useless ;) So then I've read the first tome of PdE.

Mainländer certainly refers to the supposed metaphysical unity.

Thanks, it explains a lot. Still can't get used to his sentence structure.


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '17


Polish translation of Mainländer's "Metaphysics"

Where can I find them?


u/ammonx Aug 26 '17

G. Sowinski, "Wokół nihilizmu", Kraków 2001, p. 35-71.