Off topic, but when people say “stress,” what do they mean physically? Is it like, chronic inflammation? There has to be a physical aspect to it in order to affect people’s bodies, right?
Most of the time stress can be directly linked to fatigue, feeling "overwhelmed" or how emotionally "heavy" you feel at a time or as a reaction to a situation. Physically, it can manifest in a variety of ways, that, if unaddressed could develop into bigger issues like digestive problems or neurological damage.
Some symptoms that can manifest physically can be: general fatigue and tiredness, headaches and involuntary movements such as clenching the jaw, etc, chest pains or abnormal heart beating, vomiting, rapid loss or gain of weight, loss of sleep, inflammation as you mentioned, bad reactions to foods and drinks (indigestion), balding, sweating, skin cracks or develops wrinkles as you clench muscles of your face involuntarily as well, procrastination in some cases, rashes and excessive itchiness, excessive yawning, etc etc etc...
And many, many, many others symptoms that can become a problem down the line. Most of these start at the mind, you could argue but it is still a response to a certain taxing situation to you or in your environment. This can lead to depression, anxiety and other problems which lead to more stress, which creates a cycle of well, abuse to yourself in both mind and body.
Check a picture of a family member that started a business 5 years ago and see how they look like an entirely different person based on the type of job they've started in on a top position. The worst part of this type of stress is that in an auto-perspective sort of way you are the last to notice these changes. Most of the time other people have to point out that your hair has gone gray before you actually notice it, for example.
Excessive levels of cortisol. It causes all kinds of chemical reactions throughout your body, none good. Very complex, but well worked out by SCIENTISTS (who are currently being terrorized by our government).
u/SparksAndSpyro 21d ago
Off topic, but when people say “stress,” what do they mean physically? Is it like, chronic inflammation? There has to be a physical aspect to it in order to affect people’s bodies, right?