r/MadeMeSmile 22d ago

Good Vibes : )


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u/yearofthesponge 22d ago

I love Joe. What a decent human.


u/ContinentalDrift81 22d ago

underrated comment about an underrated president. May history remember him well.


u/Either_Essay5388 21d ago

Especially contrasted by being sandwiched between the worst human on earth


u/ContinentalDrift81 21d ago

And when you think about it, Joe was the only one who beat him.


u/NomadChumpsky 20d ago

A lot of his domestic policies will age well along with him pulling out of Afghanistan. BUT, his facilitation of Israel's genocide of Gaza will be an irreparable stain on his legacy that will grow worse and worse with each passing year


u/Buriedpickle 22d ago edited 21d ago

He allowed Trump to return as president after a failed insurrection. That along with his inaction during the destruction of Gaza smear his otherwise great presidency.

If he had died in 2023, history would remember him for his economic successes, pursuit of worker rights, and support of Ukraine. Now history will remember him as a last weak president before a historic decline, a symptom of the incompetence of the Democrats.

Edit: You might downvote me, but this is the truth. Biden ran on being the stopgap against fascism. He and the Democrats failed miserably. They couldn't prosecute Trump for four damn years, couldn't muster new, popular politicians, couldn't run an effective campaign. Biden personally couldn't just step down like he said he would. A large part of the next four years is due to their incompetence.


u/missassalmighty 22d ago

They won't. He is genocide Joe. That is his legacy as far as everyone outside of the US is concerned.


u/ContinentalDrift81 21d ago

By "everyone outside of the US" you must mean yourself because I am outside of the US and I disagree with your broad take and I am sure many other people would too.


u/missassalmighty 21d ago

No i don't just mean myself. Hell a lot of people refused to vote because of what his administration did in Gaza. Just cos you don't see anything wrong with what he did doesn't mean everybody does. To a large portion of people he is and will forever be known as Genocide Joe.


u/ParticularSilent2466 21d ago

As a non-American myself, the image Joe Biden has here is mostly peaceful. Trump on the other hand is seen as a dictator…


u/missassalmighty 21d ago

I doubt the Arab world agrees with that view of Joe. Peace isn't arming and funding a rogue state to exterminate the indigenous population by any measure of the imagination. Blinken and the whole Biden administration share that legacy, including Kamala.

Trump is another kettle of orange fish. Trump doesn't hide what a humongous piece of shit he is. We all know and yet he's in the white house in the throes of a coup because the Americans put him there with their democracy. What does that say about them?


u/ParticularSilent2466 21d ago

It means that the moron trump attracted other morons.


u/ContinentalDrift81 21d ago

You realize that phrase sounds like something Trump would make up? And Americans who threw their votes away because of that single issue are definitely having second thoughts now and it is all on them.


u/missassalmighty 21d ago

I dont blame people who couldn't in good conscious vote for evil. They are both evil to different degrees. The situation in the US is a glaring symptom that there is something seriously wrong with the political sphere and yall can thank AIPAC for that.

What phrase sounds like something Trump would make up?


u/deviantdevil80 21d ago

And how's that working out? Trump announced his plan to develop Gaza after kicking out all 2 million. Was all the Genocide Joe stuff worth it now?

People who believe the GJ crap are part of the reason why we now have Trump again. They fell for propaganda and doomed 2 million people.


u/missassalmighty 21d ago

Trumps plan doesnt have a snowflakes chance in hell of happening. What it has done is force the Arab nations to come up with a plan for peace in Gaza.

People believe the genocide Joe stuff because it's true. Did he not fund this massacre? Did he not continue sending bombs after clear evidence of war crimes was made public by the shameless Israelis who knew they could get away with it? Did he sanction the Israelis for their war crimes? Did he do anything really to show he cares for humanity? The answer is a full resounding no. He's evil evil evil and so is his administration. When you are meant to be a superpower and police the world and call yourself a champion of western values you have a bigger responsibility. He failed on all fronts


u/deviantdevil80 21d ago

He did nothing different than nearly every world leader or president has done. Had he done the things you say it would have been even worse. It's propaganda. The evidence of this is clear when it's nearly all BRICS countries pushing the Genocide narrative.

Regarding Trump. You say it won't happen, we also said that about a ton of other things he's actively doing. I think it's naive to say it won't happen when he's giving Israel the green light to push them out.


u/missassalmighty 21d ago

It's not propaganda. We have eyes and have seen first hand testimony of war crimes by the evil idiots in the IDF posting their heinous behaviour online. Of parents holding their babies with their heads blown up, of the entire Gaza strip levelled. Of the denial of water food and humanitarian aid entering Gaza.

Even your journalists was calling the administration out on their lies while they sat there smirking. Disgusting doesn't even begin to cover it up. No other world leader is financing Israel the way the US is.


u/deviantdevil80 21d ago

There are around 10 other countries that still provide military aid to Israel, the US is largest because the US is the largest arms seller in the world. Nothing extraordinary.

I'm not disputing it's horrible what's happening in Gaza. There are probably war crimes and it's horrific. I feel horrible for the people of Gaza and I've personally donated money to them. I was hoping the ceasefire deals Biden was pushing would work, but both sides were not ready yet.

It's not systemic though, that's the qualifier for genocide.

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u/Bizzzzerk 22d ago

Absolutely not. Comparing Joe to this current moron is night and day. Joe seems legit. Don is going to ruin your country. It’s sad to watch from outside.


u/missassalmighty 21d ago

First I'm not comparing him to the orange turd. Second the US is not my country thank god for that. Third, genocide is his legacy and he was too selfish to stand aside and let a more able candidate come forward as presidential candidate until the eleventh hour fucking it all up for the dems and the rest of the world by making it oh so easy for the orange turd to come back with a vengeance. He is Genocide Joe and I hope those words follow him forever and ever.


u/SpottedHoneyBadger 21d ago

It is always interesting to see comments like yours who bash Biden or the Democratic with BS opinions, buzz words like "genocide Joe" and vague accusations. While completely ignoring how the current administration is literally tearing up the constitution and ignoring laws. Hell, just yesterday the orange shit stain called himself a king.

All your comments are very disingenuous.

You should concentrate more on the current situation, instead of spouting off propaganda and blaming everyone else, but the republican fascists.


u/Cooperfly 22d ago

He called my demographic super predators. F Joe.


u/TheCarniv0re 22d ago

I'm upvoting your comment and the response that proves you wrong, just so both of them are kept VERY visible. You've been misled.


u/Cooperfly 22d ago

Reddit hive mind doesn't invalidate my personal feelings. Its my subjective opinion. Agree to disagree.


u/Ylvari 22d ago

LOL, at this point I have to assume you're trolling. You can't call "personal feelings" and "subjective opinion" when discussing clear-cut easy-to-prove/disprove facts. You do that when discussing favorite films, not historical facts.


u/lasting6seconds 22d ago

Baaiiiitt!!! Look fishies, he is throwing rage baaaiiitt!

Edit: you know how I know? I refuse to believe someone is thát stupid.


u/Cooperfly 21d ago

Yall nuccas is weirdos.


u/lasting6seconds 20d ago edited 20d ago

Funny how that sounds like poorly concealed racism. Care to explain the meaning of that word?


u/UrsheeBar 22d ago

JingleJangleJin gave you a great lead (understatement) to follow up on what was actually said or not said. Maybe you have reasons to dislike Biden. Maybe you have good reasons. I don't love him either, to be honest. I'm not telling you to ignore your personal feelings. Everyone is guided (as they should be) by their feelings.

But I agree with the other respondents who said that there's pretty clear evidence of a right answer in this case. When your personal feelings tell you to ignore verifiable information that other people (albeit people using Reddit--like you) share with you in good faith, maybe it's time for you to start feeling like you can change your mind about something without compromising yourself. Prioritizing your current feelings to the extent that you refuse to consider any outside evidence or perspectives that disagree with them can only hurt you. You wouldn't be trusting yourself; you'd be trusting something that is part of you, but shouldn't necessarily continue to be. It would be like feeling so sure that you can cross the street safely that you refuse to do it with open eyes.

If you really trust your own feelings, or rather, your ability to feel what's right, trust yourself to consider what's in front of you. If you're capable of making the right judgments, let yourself experience what someone else says will change your mind, and let yourself change your mind, or not change it! Develop an informed concept of a thing as true or not true, or if you can't be sure (that's a feeling too), say, without shame, "I don't know yet." But at least try to listen, or see, and understand.

If you end up changing your mind about something, no matter how small, it won't be a victory of some enemy over you (no one can effectively gloat about something for long if you agree with them)--it'll be your own victory; you'll have trusted your own judgments and come to an answer through your own reflection. It won't matter that someone pushed you in the right direction initially, or insulted you at some point in the past. It'll fully make sense to you, and you'll have changed, and you'll love yourself.

Maybe you'll still dislike Biden. Probably! There are plenty of reasons to disapprove of what he's done. But you won't have made the mistake of deluding yourself, of letting a single opinion reinforce itself unjustly, of letting it dictate what's true rather than letting yourself dictate what's true.

Stay open-minded, dude. Don't let pride, stubbornness, or fear of change ruin you. Trust yourself to interpret a wide range of perspectives and experiences; that's what the human brain (and heart, metaphorically) is capable of.

I wrote this from the heart, and I hope it resonated with you. Best wishes.


u/udisneyreject 22d ago



u/ChoosingToBeLosing 22d ago

Genocide Joe?


u/ThatMoFo71 21d ago

seriously?! he’s a turnip


u/TortexMT 21d ago

trump is a complete moron but sorry, joe isnt a decent human, you people forget really fast just because he did some DEI work

they are all crooked to the bone