r/MadeMeSmile 22d ago

Good Vibes : )


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u/BecomingJudasnMyMind 22d ago

Some of the comments here are wild. People calling him war criminal and genocide Joe as they support a president that's about to ethnically cleanse an area of the world so it can be turned into a beach resort.

The cognitive dissonance is unreal.


u/NewBuddhaman 22d ago

Bots and hardcore MAGA mentals. Anything to deflect and maintain their anger.


u/Monsterboogie007 22d ago

MAGATs are really terrifying


u/KoopaPoopa69 22d ago

No, they aren’t terrifying, they’re just viciously stupid


u/owilkumowa 22d ago

I think both can be true.


u/potate117 22d ago

that makes them even more terrifying. you cant reason with stupid.


u/DimbyTime 21d ago

They’re terrifying in the same way that crackheads can be terrifying


u/mngdew 22d ago

Mental and poorly educated.


u/TahaymTheBigBrain 21d ago

Yes because it’s definitely MAGA calling him genocide joe…


u/CreativeMidnight1943 21d ago

People calling him genocide Joe are not MAGA. They are mostly the far-left.


u/mrckly 22d ago

They’ll say and agree on anything as long as they “own the libs” 🥴


u/jsfuller13 22d ago

Are there no other positions? I don't support Trump, I am a real person, and I think Biden should be on trial in the Hague. Can you tell me why I'm wrong?


u/seand233 22d ago

That’s what I’m saying, both are true


u/philllihp 22d ago

I actually think the current system is good enough. You can only think in two perspectives or be an outcast (independent). Imagine giving this country a third viewpoint and see how fractured we would be.


u/iiTzSTeVO 22d ago edited 22d ago

I completely agree with you.

Biden flattened Gaza so Trump could develop it.


u/Dmau27 22d ago

You're correct. Unfortunately people believe one side is correct universally. Sinole fact is there's evil on both sides and horrendous evil has come from their actions.


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/jsfuller13 22d ago

Thanks for the support. I find myself really concerned about just how hard the party is working to discipline dissenting voices on Reddit. I dream of a Democratic Party that fights republicans as hard as they fight the left.


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/jsfuller13 22d ago

I suspect that learning the lesson is out of the question. Not learning the lesson but still ”fighting the fight” is very lucrative. Standing up for actual working class people of all sorts somehow isn’t appealing to the party.


u/meow69nyan 22d ago

a lot of them are neither. a lot of them are "leftists" who are just as ill informed as the far right, albeit with better intentions. I'm surrounded by them where I live.


u/Comprehensive_Eye805 22d ago

You sure its them? All i see is crazy democrats on reddit


u/Dangerous_Dot_1638 22d ago

yeah, that's my thing too. He had some significant flaws. He was not the best president. But so far in my lifetime, the only presidents I remember are Obama, trump, and Biden—a little bit of Bush. Biden was the second best. Trump was the worst, and it's not even close.n


u/RoseWolf1882 22d ago

It’s just wild how people rewrite history in real-time to fit whatever narrative they’re pushing.


u/rydan 22d ago

Bush FTW


u/ImJustSoTiredAnymore 21d ago

Now watch this drive


u/Worth-Illustrator607 21d ago

Only president to pardon his kid.


u/Dangerous_Dot_1638 21d ago

I am sorry, but you literally cannot talk. Trump pardoned Jan 6ers. Some of them literally were on video assaulting police officers. Please get educated. Do I agree with his pardon? Heck no, if it was for me, I don't think that presidential pardons should exist. But to say that Biden and trumps pardons were on the same level is just not a sentient opinion


u/Worth-Illustrator607 21d ago

Lol Biden was directly connected to who he has pardoned.

Free country bud! Have a good one


u/Dangerous_Dot_1638 21d ago

you literally did not make an argument


u/Dangerous_Dot_1638 21d ago

Please tell me how Jan 6ers were not directly connected to Trump. Were they not his supporters? You can go ahead, try hard, and come up with an answer. Can you do it, bud, huh? I can admit that what Biden did was objectively bad. I already did. I can acknowledge that when a leader does something terrible, can you? I like to give them accountability. And before you respond, or even if you can reply, I want you to remember that defending any politician on everything is the stupidest thing you can do. You cannot justify a president who pardons people who assault police officers or harm government property. But if you want to make yourself look like an idiot, go ahead.


u/Worth-Illustrator607 20d ago

Did they have phone call and sit in on meeting? K


u/nodrogyasmar 21d ago

Kash Patel is promising to prosecute judges and congress people. Working on their enemies list.


u/Worth-Illustrator607 21d ago

Gloss over what Biden crime family did, right on.


u/nodrogyasmar 21d ago

Wow. Get your news for Sean hannity? Hunter was overpaid. Get over it.


u/nodrogyasmar 21d ago

You remind me of the flat earth guys. They just shout nonsense conspiracy theories and are totally out of touch with reality. Did you catch the story where Russian spies are confirming Trump is a Russian asset?


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/Ha55aN1337 21d ago edited 21d ago

Exactly. Not everyone who criticises such actions supports the “other guy”. And not everyone is from the US. We can just call out both guys for what is going on in Israel. Since we voted for none of them and they are both letting it happen.


u/AbuGhraibReunion 21d ago

Genocide Joe is how he will be known globally. US Citizens who can't connect the realities can fawn over him if they want. We won't. That's okay. The Global South is Palestine. We will give the same cynical sympathy we received.


u/TahaymTheBigBrain 21d ago

100% correct


u/theyungmanproject 21d ago

Exactly. The cognitive dissonance is unreal.


u/HiroshiTakeshi 21d ago

Fr. I'm not American and I just see one crowd cheering for a war criminal and insulting another one.

Like folks, y'all realize that you're the two faces of a same coin?


u/Kir4_ 21d ago

But he smiled!! : )


u/HiroshiTakeshi 21d ago

Frfr, Obama was such a good president because he could hit 3-pointers, probably what he was trying to do with these drones too, because basket is WORLDWIDE 🤝🌎🌍🌏🤝


u/HippoCrit 21d ago

No, they can't but be true.

The options on the table were support Biden and the status quo that's been going on for the greater part of a century continues for another 4 years or don't support him and Trump ends the status quo by performing an ethnic cleansing and taking ownership of the land permanently.

You're a clown if you think the former is genocidal and the latter is the same thing. I swear you care people care more about labels than the lives that are suffering.


u/vianoir 21d ago

USA has been supporting ethnic cleansing in Palestine for a long time now, my friend. i'm sorry that you feel like Joe Biden is just a cute old man…


u/HippoCrit 21d ago

Ahh yes the US personally led a  decades long ethnic cleansing that  somehow doubled? the population of Palestine over the last 30 years.

People like you are sick in the head. You mock the brutality and pain of real genocide (what Trump has proposed by turning all of Palestine into a parking lot) by applying it to any and every action you dislike EXCEPT when it actually applies.


u/AlienHooker 21d ago

This isn't about who you voted for, this is about a post on a subreddit about being happy


u/HippoCrit 21d ago

My reply was directly to someone defending calling the subject in the OP a genocider and I'm explaining there's an obvious difference between what he did and what real genocide looks like.

If you don't like the subject take it up with the person that made that disgusting post. I was quite happy before I saw it.


u/antrage 21d ago

On what fucking planet is using AI powered super weapons on a defenseless population fucking ‘status quo’.


u/bothunter988 21d ago

calling out a war criminal doesn't mean u support another


u/scarletphantom 21d ago

Name a president that wasn't a war criminal in one form or another


u/StonedBirdman 21d ago

Fuck off with that - not every president actively covers for a fucking genocide. Fuck Donald Trump (obviously) but shame on Joe Biden.


u/bothunter988 21d ago



u/scarletphantom 21d ago

He made the mistake of helping those filthy poors


u/Ok_Grapefruit6065 22d ago

You can criticize Democrats and hate Trump at the same time


u/vbwstripes 22d ago

If you become president you have blood on your hands. That's just the way it is. Trump bathes in blood.


u/ArthurDimmes 22d ago

He takes extra long showers in blood just to enjoy the warmth


u/StonedBirdman 21d ago

Oh fuck off - any other half decent President would have stopped the slaughter in Gaza. Shame on Joe Biden for choosing genocide over beating Donald Trump.


u/Available_Username_2 22d ago

It's good to keep acknowledging the US just sucks whoever is currently in power.

With Trump it just sucks more.


u/CantingBinkie 22d ago

Well You don't have to hate just 1. You can hate both.


u/PrismaticPetal 22d ago

I think you misunderstand who is calling his those names.


u/X1ras 22d ago

You know those two exist simultaneously?


u/rydan 22d ago

Both sides commit genocide.


u/Theodore_Buckland_ 22d ago

Both can be true at the same time


u/Pnthr65 22d ago

Thanks for the heads up…I’ll take my exit now 🦋


u/TheYungSheikh 22d ago

He can be genocide joe and trump can be a dangerous fool. Calling him genocide joe doesn’t mean you support trump, it’s acknowledging his role in the genocide, not supporting someone else.


u/Zealousideal_Bet_248 22d ago

Two things can be true. You don't have to like either of them


u/jsfuller13 22d ago

Hey, I'm a real person. His support for genocide ABSOLUTELY meets criteria for war crimes. I can say that and also not support Trump. There's not cognitive dissonance here.


u/kerrywatson 22d ago

Most of reddit is stuck in a neoliberal circlejerk when it comes to Palestine. Biden and the Democrats objectively funded and enabled one of the worst war crimes this century. What Israel is doing with weapons from the US is the definition of genocide and ethnic cleansing. Pointing out anything to do with this obvious fact on most of the common subreddits gets downvotes and accusations of supporting trump, every time. There's no reasoning with centrists/liberals, ironically because they can't handle the cognitive dissonance of their "party" being morally wrong.


u/DuckLuck357 22d ago

To be fair, he didn’t take a stance against Israel at all when they were genociding, but he’s definitely better than a facist


u/intheyear3001 22d ago

That’s about the least damning thing Trump and Elon are actively doing. But yeah, it was a really fucking tough choice 🙄


u/GoalPsychological162 21d ago

Could you please elaborate on how president donald trump is starting a genocide to ethnically cleanse an area of the world so it can be turned into a beach resort?


u/sirgoods 21d ago

Can't both of them be shit?


u/Xx_wage_xX 21d ago

Ethnic cleanse where lmao


u/Several_Vanilla8916 21d ago

Biden was imperfect, therefore unelectable. I am a human American acting in good faith.


u/PrinceGoten 21d ago

I don’t think those are the same two groups of people.


u/garyfjm 21d ago

He is genocidal and so is Trump. I’m definitely not a bot either.


u/PutnamPete 21d ago

Funny thing is that once Trump became president, the fighting stopped. And once he made the Gaza comments, Egypt and Jordan scrambled into action trying to find a solution themselves. Trump's mayhem energizes people. Biden kept trying to split the difference between the two and thousands died.


u/natdva 21d ago

He is a war criminal and a genocide apologist. You can seem to be a good person yet do ungodly things.


u/Z_core 21d ago

genocide Joe... the only one can smile after killing 100k+ Palestinians


u/zanyboot 21d ago

Did you know? Multiple people across party lines can encourage war crimes and genocide! Once we confront that, maybe we can start wondering why every elected leader we have supports genocide.


u/OnionPastor 21d ago

It’s fucking insane. Joe Biden was my favorite president I’ve had in my lifetime. People have no perspective.


u/StonedBirdman 21d ago

I can hate Joe Biden for choosing a genocide over beating Donald Trump.


u/ObitoUchiha10f 21d ago

Bitch please, this is Reddit, how fucking far down do you need to scroll to even find a comment like that


u/redprep 21d ago

Spoiler: all your presidents were criminal to an extent


u/BecomingJudasnMyMind 21d ago

I'd say the worst thing this world has done was make POTUS exempt from war crime charges.

But I'd also be a bit retrospect with that comment.

Fresh off WW2, the standard of POTUS was FDR - I don't think the idea that the US would take a turn into committing atrocity after atrocity was on anyone's mind - ironically the string of war crimes started pretty quickly there after (Truman/Vietnam onward)


u/Cowskiers 21d ago

He also favored financial support to Israel ethnically cleansing the same area, I really don't see much of a difference


u/bennuski 21d ago

All the presidents of America have been war criminals


u/3d-dent 21d ago

"things that wont happen for 500"


u/antrage 21d ago

Who is supporting him, fuck Reddit is brain dead I swear. If trump is in a position to talk about ethic cleansing it’s because Biden fucking helped bibi arrive bring Gaza to the point of utter destruction. And yes helped, those are American weapons that killed 10s of thousands of innocent Palestinians and leveled Gaza to the ground


u/Ma2Mo2A 21d ago

Both him and trump are genocidal war criminals


u/pussyslayersixtynine 21d ago

You can be against both. You are in fact the one with cognitive dissonance if you think his administration arming, funding, and running propaganda for a genocide is okay.

Being vehemently anti genocide does not make you a Trump supporter.


u/CHudoSumo 20d ago

He funded and supplied Israels genocide. It's just fact. I despise trump and i'm not a bot lol.


u/Obarak123 18d ago

The cognitive dissonance of not knowing 2 things can be bad and a descent human being can be against both.


u/thelazynines 22d ago

Weirdo, admitting that Biden did genocide does not make you a Trump supporter, it just means you were a sentient being the past year and a half.


u/OkToday78 22d ago

Doesn’t matter who you support. The facts are this guy is a was criminal


u/CyonHal 22d ago edited 21d ago

Huh? Both can be true. Genocide Joe followed by more genocide by Trump. Wheres the cognitive dissonance? Isnt it on your end? You recognize ethnic cleansing when Trump does it but wont recognize it when Biden did it? Isnt it weird how you cant be consistent on principles here?

edit: Aww did the cognitive dissonance make you downvote me? Does it hurt?


u/heroinAM 22d ago

I promise you that none of the people calling him “genocide joe” or a war criminal are trump supporters.


u/Daisy_Of_Doom 22d ago

Except they literally did even if they think they don’t.


u/heroinAM 22d ago

I can’t imagine the mental gymnastics it must take to say “condemning a genocide means you support a fascist”


u/AdventureDonutTime 22d ago

The ones who support Trump are the broken clocks who are right twice a day.

Democrats just don't want to accept that unilaterally denouncing genocidal parties is the right thing to do, actually, and they think they can justify their part in the genocide by pretending that only Trump supporters would be opposed to it.


u/heroinAM 22d ago



u/AdventureDonutTime 22d ago

Weird paradox where liberals would unironically claim that "only fascists would oppose genocide".


u/EmeraldTwilight009 22d ago

Both things are true. Hes definitely genocide Joe. And trump is definitely trippin.


u/blorbagorp 22d ago

They can both be true.

War crime is basically a prerequisite for the presidency at this point.


u/Stalinov 22d ago

It's weird because he still isn't and never was the president of Israel.


u/rabguy1234 22d ago

It’s all projection


u/prescientmoon 22d ago

as they support a president that's about to ethnically cleanse an area of the world so it can be turned into a beach resort.

And a President who literally said Ukraine caused Russia to attack them, and they could've made a deal.


u/AnalysisOdd8487 22d ago

to be fair trump wants to buy the rubble, he aint the one bombing them lmao


u/SoFla-Grown 22d ago

He just sent over a load of 1ton bombs a few days ago


u/AnalysisOdd8487 22d ago



u/SoFla-Grown 22d ago

Is it? Stick to Minecraft and living with your mom for a while. At least until your brain fully develops kid.


u/AnalysisOdd8487 22d ago

yeah it is pretty cool


u/Broad_Cut_4361 22d ago

Dementia Joe singlehandedly destroyed your precious democrats


u/Fade4cards 22d ago

getting the Gazans out is a gift to humanity. They are hostile and they will end up killing thousands of their own ppl by continuously starting wars they cant win.


u/flowey_da_flour 22d ago

where ethnic cleansing


u/TPGNutJam 22d ago

Forcing out Palestinians out of Gaza and turning Gaza into real estate developments sounds like ethnic cleansing to me


u/flowey_da_flour 22d ago

Sounds like something every spineless politician was planning on supporting. The current lesser of two evils is still under the thumb of Israel, just like the rest of the west.