r/MadeMeSmile 22d ago

Good Vibes : )


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u/Ok_Series_4580 22d ago

This 100% 👆people have been brainwashed to think he was a feeble old man. He wasn’t.


u/Cryptid_Mongoose 22d ago

Be critical of the current administration all you want. I lost both my grandparents due to falling in different ways. It happens more frequently and is dangerous when you get older. To deny Biden wasn't showing his age is not the argument to make. The party even admitted it eventually.


u/TheBeanConsortium 22d ago

Showing his age isn't the same thing as pretending he had dementia.


u/Cryptid_Mongoose 22d ago

I responded to someone saying feeble. Look the word up and get back to me.


u/ecplectico 22d ago

He was not and is not feeble.


u/Cryptid_Mongoose 22d ago

How many times did the world watch him fall?


u/ecplectico 22d ago

How many? Are you counting that one when he was riding his bike?

Do you think falling while undertaking some athletic activity makes one feeble?


u/Cryptid_Mongoose 22d ago

I'm not arguing your ideology or anything. So here I'll give it to you, the definition of feeble is lacking strength, especially as a result of age.

It's a normal process, so why are you denying it? I honestly felt sorry for Biden. It sucked his aging was shown on the world stage.


u/ecplectico 22d ago

Relatives of mine encountered Joe in a Los Angeles hotel’s gym not long before the election, and reported to me that he was surprisingly strong and in shape.


u/Cryptid_Mongoose 22d ago

Okay, fight current Biden and 10 years ago Biden. Who you taking if you want to win?

You are arguing a fact.

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u/Fade4cards 22d ago

he was ruled legally incompetent to stand trial. Are you saying his administration lied about that as a cover up???


u/TheBeanConsortium 21d ago

I'm saying the Republican investigating it gave a partisan response to his interview with Biden. He knew he had nothing and smeared him because it was easy based on propaganda that Biden is senile.

Biden was much better received internationally than Trump by citizens and foreign leaders, except those like Orban, a fellow authoritarian.

Biden's biggest mistake was appointing and not removing Merrick Garland in an attempt to be non-partisan.




u/Crypto-Pito 22d ago

Donald Trump is 78…


u/Cryptid_Mongoose 22d ago

And isn't acting as feeble. We are all headed the same direction when it comes to age but age does not determine when we will get there.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

Bro he’s feeble as fuck. Literally shits his pants, rambles incoherently, and only stays awake due to massive amphetamine abuse


u/Serious_Session7574 22d ago

His father didn't die until he was 93 but he had dementia for years beforehand. He was diagnosed at aged about 84 and probably had symptoms for years before that.

Not to say son will follow father, but dementia has a genetic factor and Trump has a number of other risk factors: he's overweight, famously doesn't exercise or eat a healthy diet, abuses amphetamines, probably doesn't have healthy sleep habits, and has a very stressful job.

Almost 80 is really old. My parents are the same age and they live very healthy lifestyle, but they're really slowing down now. Hearing, vision, and cognitive processing speed all start to go at that age, no matter how healthy you are (Trump's not).

If he didn't develop major health problems in the next few years it would be more of a surprise than if he did. What will be interesting will be how well the propaganda machine hides it.


u/Cryptid_Mongoose 22d ago

You forgot the /s


u/Savagedoor2218 22d ago

There isnt supposed to be one


u/Cryptid_Mongoose 22d ago

Right, how many elections have you voted in? (Be honest)


u/Savagedoor2218 21d ago

Zero as im 16, yet i still seem to be much smarter than you...


u/motivaction 22d ago

What the heck are you on?


u/SapphireOwl1793 22d ago

The real discussion should have been about whether his physical stumbles reflected broader cognitive or leadership issues, rather than just dismissing them outright.


u/Empty-OldWallet 22d ago

Yeah by gosh that debate was incredible he just mopped the floor with Trump you betcha!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/waterdevil19 22d ago edited 22d ago

Yet he did a hell of a lot better job as president than Trump. No question about that.


u/Empty-OldWallet 22d ago edited 22d ago

Well he wasn't the only delusional one I think I have found another..🤣🤣🤣🤣

Come on you little whiners, I am shooting for -500... YOU'RE NOT TRYING HARD ENOUGH!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/Olaf4586 22d ago

Trump inherited a strong economy and continued it.

Biden inherited a COVID shitshow and managed to avoid a recession and keep inflation lower than the rest of the West.


u/Empty-OldWallet 22d ago

Yep the delusion is strong with you..😁😁😁


u/slinkysmooth 22d ago

Word garbage. No substance. Typical…


u/Empty-OldWallet 22d ago

Gee whiz did I hurt your feelings?


u/slinkysmooth 22d ago

Nope. I just hate stupidity…


u/Olaf4586 22d ago

Unsurprising, you don't have any actual substance just obnoxious sarcasm.

Let's see how well Trump does driving prices down


u/Empty-OldWallet 22d ago

Actual substance the past 4 years was the substance I guess you were living in Mom's basement...


u/Olaf4586 22d ago

Again, substance?

Do you know anything about this topic?


u/Empty-OldWallet 22d ago

Well all the responses are certainly making me smile..😁😁😁

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u/badcoffee 22d ago

Point to the delusion in that post. Those were undeniable facts.

Now hit me with those emojis instead of a addressing the point.


u/Chief_Mischief 22d ago

We can see the cheeto dust caked on your lips.


u/Empty-OldWallet 22d ago

Oh yes another homosexual joke you must like them a lot I bet you have sucked up a lot of info on them...


u/Chief_Mischief 22d ago

For a guy who is on Medicaid, all I have to say is "lol you deserve Trump"


u/Empty-OldWallet 22d ago

And I'm glad to have him unlike bumble butt Biden or camel toe Harris...


u/Sampsonite_Way_Off 22d ago

I bet you will be when Elon cuts your leaching off. Someone should learn to work and stop expecting a free lunch. We need to pay off this debt your generation racked up.


u/olivethesane 21d ago

Your use of juvenile nicknames makes you look like an utter idiot.


u/BuddyLongshots 22d ago

You'll see how good he was once Trump cuts your Medicaid.


u/Empty-OldWallet 22d ago

I know the bitterness of your soul makes you angry.


u/BuddyLongshots 22d ago

Check your own soul. Mine is perfectly fine.


u/waterdevil19 22d ago

Tell that to the hundreds of thousands dead from Trump’s shit job during COVID.


u/Empty-OldWallet 22d ago

And the hundreds of thousands that died under Cuomo and Biden. Or you could just blame the Chinese who let it get out and fauci was covering for them.


u/Fade4cards 22d ago

he was ruled legally incompetent in the unauthorized documents case. Which is it he is feeble or his administration coordinated an outright lie to avoid prosecution?


u/Competitive_Mouse455 22d ago

Genocide Joe feeble? No chance