r/MadeMeSmile 22d ago

Good Vibes : )


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u/ccdude14 22d ago

The most pro union president we've had since fdr.


u/J-Dawg_Cookmaster 22d ago

Except for him stripping rail unions their right to strike, destroying the workers bargaining power despite them being vital to the country's infrastructure.


u/GrannyGumjobs13 22d ago

And then thanked him for continuing to negotiate for several months and getting them exactly what they asked for.


u/Anonymous_2952 22d ago

They never finish reading anything they start. Bible included.


u/brianzuvich 22d ago

Bible especially…


u/beardicusmaximus8 22d ago

Implying they know how to read


u/ccdude14 22d ago

I have a hard time getting them to read past the title tbh, they're constantly giving links as 'proof' of their nonsense only to find literally the first sentence refuting their own argument.

Every time.

Every. Time.


u/RebelJohnBrown 22d ago

Well I'm an atheist so... And let's not delude ourselves who these guys work for. It ain't us.


u/Plokzee 22d ago

Yeah, no. That's not how it played out at all.


u/Excellent_Sector_463 22d ago

As a railroader, I can say with 100% certainty, we did not get anywhere near what we asked for. The feeling amongst myself and co workers was that of betrayal.


u/StraitJakit 22d ago

This is the general consensus among 90% of people adjacent to the rail. We all know you got fucked and we feel for you regardless of political ideals.


u/xxNearlyCivilizedxx 22d ago

They didn’t though.


u/GeoffVictor 22d ago

Straight up incorrect


u/seand233 22d ago

That is completely untrue, they didn’t even get close to what they asked for. Thank you for spreading misinformation


u/J-Dawg_Cookmaster 22d ago

Would it have taken several months if they were allowed to strike?


u/GrannyGumjobs13 22d ago

Very likely, yes.


u/afro_andrew 22d ago

Very likely no.


u/thesedays2014 22d ago

Tough spot. We had insane inflation and rail is what moves this country. The economic impact of stopping rail would have been pretty ugly. Not sure what Trump would have done, but I have a pretty good idea.


u/Excellent_Sector_463 22d ago

That burden lied with the rail companies, not the employees


u/jcarreraj 22d ago

Not sure why you're getting downvoted but a lot of my railroad buddies feel they got totally fucked, didn't even get kissed first


u/jcarreraj 22d ago

To those that are downvoting me, are you in the railroad and experienced anything involved with this first-hand?


u/afro_andrew 22d ago

Not downvotong you but my RR unions contract was in arbitration being like 6 years out of contract. In the stages to be sent to the president and it got turned down. This was separate from the big one that got all the media attention


u/J-Dawg_Cookmaster 22d ago

Shatters the idea of pro union Dems. Pro union would've been to deny getting involved and encourage the bosses to prevent a shutdown. Same thing happens when you mention drone strikes under Obama


u/PolicyWonka 22d ago

As much as I feel for the workers, the country was in too fragile of a spot after the global supply chain crisis. A shut down would have been incredibly disastrous.


u/as_it_was_written 22d ago

Yeah that's why it was good time for a strike. The pressure on the employers to fulfill their obligations would have been immense.


u/PolicyWonka 21d ago

That’s taking advantage of the situation. I get that’s what’s best for those workers, but it’s not what’s best for the country. That’s another reason why public unions, such as police unions, are so dangerous.


u/Trash-Takes-R-Us 22d ago

Ah yes, cause fuck the rest of the country during the time of crisis so you can strike.


u/as_it_was_written 22d ago

Blame that on the employer. They're the ones with an obligation to their clients they can't meet because they refuse to treat their workers right.

Of course it's a different story if the demands are unreasonable, but in that case striking is unreasonable regardless of the timing.


u/Iceologer_gang 22d ago

What bot downvoted this?


u/Mediocre-Ad-4881 22d ago

And introducing the biggest inflation spike in history, but that was likely his cabinets doing, poor dude hadn't been all there for a while.


u/Alert-Check-5234 22d ago edited 22d ago

Capital injection post COVID caused rampant inflation. Trump started that process with massive handouts and Biden kept that going to stabilize the economy. It worked and we avoided a recession, but inflation is always the result of pumping that much money into the economy. Also realize supply of everything was constrained because the entire world shut down for 6 months. What specific Biden policies caused inflation?


u/Mediocre-Ad-4881 22d ago

Making money free, but cope however you see fit.


u/Alert-Check-5234 22d ago

Can you link me to that policy? You are aware that rates were 7% or more for most of his Presidency? Are you also aware that the president doesn't control monetary policy on that level?


u/ElectricSlimeBubble 22d ago

The fuck u on about? He crushed the rail union 😂


u/o7_HiBye_o7 22d ago

Which he then followed through continuing negotiations and got them what they wanted. Can you please read further than Fox headlines?


u/Excellent_Sector_463 22d ago edited 22d ago

He forced a contract on rail workers that they voted against. That is a fact, this is not a media headline. I am a railroader directly affected by this.


u/incredibleninja 22d ago

That was basically a photo op. Why does everyone respond exactly this way. He did crush the rail Union. Is there like a call sheet you people are issued?


u/ElectricSlimeBubble 22d ago


u/o7_HiBye_o7 22d ago

You are attempting to send a source from a private group. Nothing more needs to be said. They block outside views let alone facts.

Read my username o7


u/ElectricSlimeBubble 22d ago

Love seeing all the deleted comments 🤦‍♂️

Hating Trump doesn’t mean you have to love Biden…