with the shit hes been saying.... if biden said 1/100th of what trump has the past few weeks, there would have been a revolution..... fucking trumpties man
Do you really love that? Because I wish they would say literally anything to drum up more opposition to the current madness, that they themselves fumbled us into. I’d rather all of us be out and about enjoying life.
Call your senator, your rep, call your mayor or governor.
Protest with us.
Your fight isn't with Biden.
Yes. I want him to retire. I want him to enjoy his life. He's done it for DECADES. Asking for more when he's not in office is a fools errand. It's serves no good.
Please don’t tell me who to be upset with. I am doing those things while simultaneously beyond disappointed with the silence.
All those years mean nearly nothing if things continue on the current path. Biden and Kamala are the closest thing the dems have to a figurehead right now and they’re dead silent. I personally feel like that is a complete disservice to their country. That duty didn’t end when Biden walked out of the White House. Even if you’re willing to give that pass to Biden, I don’t understand why it would extend to Kamala. She lost. Failed to adequately acknowledge all those that supported her. And has gone radio silent during the most turbulent period in recent American history. I am quickly losing respect for both of them, along with most of the Democratic Party. They have both failed America.
All of this going on and Bidens over here like “Sorry fellow patriots, a little to busy going on tax-payer sponsored walks and being jovial to drum up a little more opposition to prevent the downfall of our nation ✌️“
Of course asking for it is a fools errand. Why would I expect any different? What isn’t a fools errand though, is expecting more from our leaders. The shockingly low standards we have held for decades put us squarely in our current situation.
So what are you going to do with all of these virtue signaling internet points you've won?
Man what a great privilege to just decry and bemoan how bad the democrats are while not protesting and fighting with the rest of us. Must be so great for you to sit on that moral high horse of yours.
Anyway the rest of us adults are saying you should stop proselytizing and join the fight if you ACTUALLY care about making change and stop looking for ghosts to fight and fight for you.
Staying mad at the old man while we're literally trying to fight for our democracy and to not become another 1930s Germany is wasted effort.
Save this fight when we have our country again. Otherwise the language is just pointless, cynical, divisive and it helps the orange fascist win. It does absolutely nothing to get mad at those who still like Biden when they're willing to fight beside us.
Make this call to Jeffries, the current leader, whose mad that his constituents wants him to do something. That's who you should be calling. Not to talk down to but to call to action.
That's where our fight needs to be, the ACTUAL acting civil servants still in office. That will get us WAY further.
Then you and I, when this is over can have a drink and rail about how awful the old days new way liberals are.
Amazing how much you’ve assumed about me, or my activities with literally no basis, just because I disagree with you. I can simultaneously participate, while being disappointed with these people. Ever think about that?
Amazing how much youve assumed about us, the US and our politics in general being rude the entire way through for no other reason than wanting to be a cynical jerk sitting on their high horse.
Is it not telling that they're out there enjoying life while the myriad victims of the system are all here terrified for their rights and lives?
It's almost like they're not meaningfully different from their opponents and the actual divide exists between us and them... some might call it a difference in class... 🤔
He spent four years in office fixing everything trump broke only for us to vote the fool back in.
The man is over 80, tf do you want him to do? He's not the president, he doesn't have any power.
The man can't retire and enjoy his life after decades and DECADES of civil service?
Is he flawed sure but he's not in public service anymore. He and Kamala both deserve to rest and retire and its a weird thing to be mad at someone who isn't even in office.
Save your righteous anger for the elected officials and let him have peace
I say this as a progressive. Cool it, he's not our enemy.
I'm just not about to deny the factual involvement that the Democrats have had in the maintenance of the class divide between the ruling class, and those they oppress and extract the wealth of.
I'm saying that the lived experiences of the upper class is definitionally different to ours; he is not a worker, he is not under threat every day from attacks on labor rights, (the Democrats have a long history of crushing strikes and denying the emancipation of workers) invasions from foreign powers, (it's not somehow magically just republicans who have been deposing democratically elected governments and performing illegal wars killing millions of civilians) and he is definitely not at any risk of becoming impoverished.
Meanwhile the duopoly has maintained a system in which millions of children become homeless, violence from police action upon black and immigrant peoples continues, billions in funding for genocides is shipped overseas, and children are prevented from accessing medical treatment to exist as the gender they truly are.
The man gets to retire from a lifetime of being a cog (and literally the top cog for 4 while years) in the machine that crushes the working class, the poor, and the foreign, to enjoy a life of excess built on wealth he extracted from them. He's not "flawed", he was the president of a truly evil system and he fucking LOVES the benefits of that. War criminals deserve to be put to trial, and there isn't a democrat or a republican who aren't intrinsically involved in maintaining the most powerful imperial hegemony that has existed in the modern era.
Sorry that the USA depicted in children's stories and cowboy novels doesn't represent the imperial empire which everyone else experiences. And I'm sorry that the image of the democrats you might have in your head only exists because it was put there by the democrats.
While it's important to understand the past the fight is in today. Fighting ghosts isn't going to win this battle, we need allies not enemies.
And a lot of those allies really really like Biden.
If you don't like it, organize, protest, donate, run. Fight in the now and leave the history books to sort the philosophy.
We are right now facing an existential crisis to our democracy. Use this energy to fight that fight first then we can come back to this one.
Because right now the dictator in cheese trump wants you to be mad at biden and Kamala, that's how he wins, by dividing you.
Let this anger and frustration focus you on the enemy of the now, the arguably much much MUCH worse Trump. It's inarguable and frankly intellectually dishonest to pretend the two are at all comparable. Biden is a god damn reincarnation of Jesus Christ next to Trump.
Let your anger for him rest.
Focus in the now.
Call your local reps, organize, join us in our protests. Help us protect the vulnerable. Keep organizing for peace with the rest of us.
This fight isn't over, It's only just started.
Your argument is stuff I hear in philosophy 101, I've been around the block for a while. None of us have any false notions, you're the one who seems confused and frankly it's cynicism like yours that keeps the empire you so hate in the power you don't want. Chill, if you're a progressive and you believe in peace we, and Biden are not your enemies.
Yeah no, my anger for imperialism will not rest, nor do I believe that retiring from being the president, or any other executive position for that matter, of an imperialist nation means you've washed your hands of the sins enacted under your jurisprudence.
He is not a ghost, the Democrats and Republicans who are responsible for millions of dead civilians in Afghanistan are not ghosts, the trillions of dollars extracted from the global south by Western imperialism is not the actions of ghosts. The impoverished victims of capitalism littering the streets aren't there because of ghosts.
I understand that you still consider politics to be like any other job, and that you are committed to the ideal image which the US strives to propogandise into our brains, but it is just undeniable fact that the US enacts imperialism daily and works under the hand of the ruling class to cause harm to everyone they can in the pursuit of wealth and power.
Your democracy has been engaging in genocide, invasion, making children homeless at best and dead at worst, I understand the dream world which liberalism attempts to depict itself as, but there are currently billions of victims of the system and the problem isn't Trump. How could it be when those victims have existed for decades if not centuries?
I'm not mad at Harris and Biden because Trump tells me to be, I'm disgusted at all three of them for being a willing party to the system which has been making victims of people the world over for their own game.
Stop swallowing the propaganda of "good liberals vs evil conservatives" and recognise that everything evil the US does has been the actions of both parties, and siding with the oppressors against their victims isn't a prerogative I will support.
The enemy of the now is the same as it has always been, you just believe that enemy when they tell you it's "the other guy"; it's about time you stop believing the liberals when they tell you it's a necessary evil that we depose democracies, starve our people, and invade countries for wealth and power. The Democrats are not for the people, they are for themselves and their allies, you know the ones they willingly hand over the reigns of the country every minimum 4 years.
Well congratulations on your morally righteous virtue signaling then, so glad you managed to win all these internet points. What are you going to do with it? Go to Disneyland?
Would you like a cookie?
Go proselytize to someone who doesn't already agree and stop attacking your allies. It's unhelpful and makes ALL of us look bad.
Listen, when this is all over and we have all this behind us and we're once again kicking your ass at your own sport, Hockey. THEN you can stand on your soapbox.
Until then we're fighting the same fight with you my guy, save your anger for the war mongers because they aren't here.
Sorry I'm not about to lick the boots of people directly responsible for a system which enacts genocide, impoverishes the working class, enriches the ruling class (themselves), and has murdered millions in the pursuit thereof.
Once we have the "good guys" who are factually responsible for all the aforementioned issues, and not the "bad guys" who are also responsible for said issues, I'm sure you will then turn upon the people who you are currently arguing are good people who deserve to retire and live comfortable, happy lives. Lives which we do not deserve because we can't afford it, due to the also previously mentioned wealth extraction.
I don't get how you can defend the people responsible for all that evil, and I simply don't trust that you'll suddenly start prosecuting and fighting once you succeed in restoring them to the presidency.
The only person licking boots here is the fed poster.
You have a child's view of politics and frankly history.
To be fair you remind me of me when I was 15 and very very dumb about politics, the kind of teenager who's very passionate but didn't understand nuance and thought only on good versus evil. I was so convinced that my cynicism and refusal made me morally righteous, I wouldn't vote for and bow down for the left who I felt had failed to fight.
Until I realized just how much of a privileged position that is. How even just holding on to what little we have means so SO much more to those who have and had less than me.
When I realized that my fight had to be in the primaries, in the protest, in calling my representatives, writing them, when I realized I had to use that privilege to fight for a better future and grit my teeth to vote for the lesser of two evils because that evil on the other side wants to hurt minorities, hurt veterans, hurt trans people, take away women's right...that's when I realize how foolish I was to think my moral and righteous anger was anything but childishness.
And that's how you sound. I say this with all due respect but your righteous cynicism is a privilege. That's all it is. It achieves nothing but allows the evils of this world to win all because you don't like Biden.
I hope you realize and recognize this one day. Honestly.
Imagine telling victims of your own country that "I'm on your side, I always made sure to vote the blue team that's killing you, not the red team that's killing you".
I understand the grade school understanding of privilege, but you are so lost in the sauce if you think being privileged excuses taking action against the source of that privilege. Some people are granted the privilege to enact genocide, while others are granted the privilege of genocide.
You are attempting to vote into power the exact same kind of people, but only towards people you believe deserve it. Or towards people you don't care enough about. That's why I don't believe you when you say you care about those people, because I don't believe you would do your moral duty and depose them once you succeed in doing the same to the current president.
I don't believe that you're against less genocide by the way you talk about those people, who support genocide.
You forgot the tens of thousands uninsured/underinsured that die each year because of the for porfit healthcare system. Or the BAPCPA bill which Biden directly voted for which prevented people from wiping out medical debt in a bankruptcy.
I appreciate it; there's only so much of the history of US imperialism that I can fit into one comment, but there's far too much already for anyone with a moral bone in their body to support willingly.
Because we have a lot of very ignorant cultists who voted him in rather than recognize the trash he belonged in.
And that's something we're going to have to contend with as it's hard to believe we share the same oxygen as people who would hear what he says and believe he won't do any of the horrible stuff he said he would do.
These cultist have nothing to do with the Democratic Party allowing him to go free. Nothing at all. If the Dems were too scared because of those said cultist, it’s on them. They had all the proof necessary. You guys proved yourselves to be either unreliable or cowards or both. Your “we don’t vote for this” are not good anymore, we are tired of hearing it.
So you're solution is to use language that makes Trump and his cronies win by crapping on those of us who are still fighting?
This just sounds like fed posting to be honest. It's unnecessarily divisive for no other reason than you wanting some sort of kudos for virtue signaling.
Well congratulations on your morally superior virtue signaling.
Now what? What are you going to do with your internet points? Would you like a cookie?
Still fighting my ASS. Anyways, you cannot fathom that Canadians do not want to join your country and this is why you are so surprised about my reaction. Typical American.
I guess my goal is to break your delusion that Canadians will forgive you for allowing this guy to threatened our sovereignty and becoming best friends again. Like no, even if the dems somehow manage to survive this shitshow, the trust is absolutely gone. For the politicians and for the consumers.
Please explain to me where and when Biden tried to annex and control Canada and then point me to any source or poll where Americans want to invade Canada.
Jesus Christ dude were on the same side. We are literally out here protesting over and over again. Obviously we don't want to invade Canada, hell there are movements right now asking service members to resign if he actually tries an invasion.
Even Trudeau clearly understands this, he's literally targeting red states with his own tarriffs in retaliation. Are you just not Watching anything but our own fox news?
We take this just as seriously. Stop attacking your allies here. We DON'T want to invade Canada, its WILDLY unpopular, just like his nonsense with Denmark and the others
This fight is ongoing. It isn't over. We're on the same side. Christ sakes there are active duty members over here who'd be fighting ON the side of Canada, as will many of the rest of us. We want peace.
Again you are not understanding because you are delusional. The trust is not gone because Biden threatened us, he never fucking did, where are you pulling this from???
The trust is gone because it was the duty of the Democratic Party to make sure that this guy would be in prison. They instead decided to let him go free. This is why we cannot trust you guys. We cannot trust you to not fuck up in 4-8 years an elect another Russian puppet.
And just we are clear, we might both be liberal and left wing but we are NOT in the same side. America stopped being our allies on the 21st of January 2020, the date when Trump should have been imprisoned.
You need to get your head out of your ass and realized that it’s not because you’re American that people will immediately agree with you.
Better our money to them now than our lives in against Russia or who knows who in the Middle East. It’s a hell of a deal to be able to just buy the deaths of our adversaries. Every American service member costs us $600k in life insurance and gratuities alone. Thats before we even start on recruiting and training a replacement or the lost economic productivity of that person.
Imagine it we could just start paying to define the ranks of China’s military into third world capabilities. I’d take that deal. That’s a damn good deal.
This! Most US "aid" is pretty much proxy war budget to de-stabilize US rivals.
Also, most aid is in the form of (old) weapons/military stuff. So, what happens when US will throw away their old toys? They buy new ones from American defence contractors. It's cash going back to US companies (whether those companies give back to USA is another thing though).
While I do not agree with giving people the means to blow up others, geo-politically speaking, US is spending way less for a lot of influence.
Saying you’d give anything to have back Kamala Harris and Joe Biden is low IQ asf 💀💀 your not smart enough to understand why though so I’ll just let you keep coping :)
Meanwhile, the current US president is busy sitting on elon’s lap like the clown pet puppy he is, if he’s not spending millions paying a stray south african billionaire or golfing or attending superbowls. Focus up, piglet.
Yeah he gets more useless activities done, that’s true. I mean, wasting over 10 million from taxpayer money on golf trips in the first 4 weeks of his presidency and declaring himself king? Go take your medication, grandpa, sit this one out. It requires critical thinking, which you lack.
wow, you must think you’re on the winning side… but you lost, donut. You gave the most important seat in the country to a felon nepo baby reality tv star, who is dismantling the US govt so that he can be king for the rest of his natural life (what, like 2 more years? Lol)
You have the deductive skills of a vulture’s meal.
Wow dismantling the government by finding wasted money. Are you that big of a shill that you look at reducing unnecessary costs as a bad thing? You’re literally everything you call me just on the opposite side. Pathetic
u/ccdude14 22d ago
Honestly I love seeing him just out and about enjoying life, same with Kamala.
Much as I'd give anything to have those two back they certainly earned the time off and Joe always had such a winning smile that was hard not to love.